Alexandria Real Estate Equities (ARE) Q4 Earnings: Taking a Look at Key Metrics Versus Estimates
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-30 08:01
For the quarter ended December 2023, Alexandria Real Estate Equities (ARE) reported revenue of $757.22 million, up 13% over the same period last year. EPS came in at $2.28, compared to $0.31 in the year-ago quarter.The reported revenue compares to the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $739.31 million, representing a surprise of +2.42%. The company delivered an EPS surprise of -0.44%, with the consensus EPS estimate being $2.29.While investors scrutinize revenue and earnings changes year-over-year and how they com ...
Alexandria Real Estate(ARE) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-01-30 05:07
公司财务状况 - 公司可能会失去地产的所有权权利,对财务状况、经营业绩和现金流产生重大不利影响[48] - 公司可能无法成功和盈利地经营地产,可能会面临租金低于预期、无法获得融资、无法及时完成改善等风险[49] - 公司可能无法在房地产合资企业中获得预期的投资回报,合资伙伴之间的分歧可能导致错失机会和资源配置不当[51] - 公司的运营成本可能会增加,包括保险、物业税、公用事业、行政成本等,可能会影响盈利能力[52] - 公司的大部分成本都受通货膨胀影响,通货膨胀率超过租金上涨率时可能会对公司造成影响[53] 市场风险 - 美联储加息可能会增加公司的融资成本,对公司的借款成本和股价产生不利影响[55] - 通货膨胀可能会增加公司的发展和重新开发项目的建设成本,包括建筑材料、劳动力和第三方承包商和供应商的服务成本[55] - 在利率上升期间,房地产估值通常会下降,这可能会对公司的房地产资产组合估值和未来房地产处置的成本和收益产生不利影响[56] 租户和风险投资组合 - 公司的主要租户和风险投资集中在生命科学、农业科技和技术行业[105] - 公司的经营结果取决于租户的研发工作和他们获取资金的能力[106] - 租户和风险投资组合公司在技术、专利到期和知识产权保护方面面临风险[107] 环境和社会风险 - 公司可能会面临环境法律的重大成本和资产负债[182] - 公司可能无法实现可持续发展目标[186] 其他风险 - 公司可能需要以低于面值的价格赎回部分短期投资[199] - 公司可能无法有效对冲利率变动的风险[200]
$6 Trillion In Dry Powder Waits To Fuel The Rally In REITs
Seeking Alpha· 2024-01-27 23:30
DNY59 Co-produced by Austin Rogers There is a mountain of cash sitting on the sidelines. Yes, even after the stock market's recent rally back near all-time highs. Trillions of dollars is sitting in money market accounts, earning 5%+ yields. Earning over 5% on virtually risk-free cash is an irresistible proposition for many investors and savers. That's why nearly $6 trillion is currently housed in money market funds ("MMFs"). The Daily Spark Notice that this level of cash in MMFs is 50% higher than the ...
Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. Announces Tax Treatment of Year 2023 Distributions
Prnewswire· 2024-01-26 21:30
PASADENA, Calif., Jan. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. (NYSE: ARE) today announced the tax treatment of its year 2023 distributions as described in the chart below. Stockholders are encouraged to consult with their own tax advisors as to their specific tax treatment of Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. distributions. Common StockCUSIP # 015271109Ticker Symbol: ARE   Section897(4) OrdinaryDividends(Box 2e) Section897(4) CapitalGains onRealEstate(Box 2f) Ret ...
Seeking Clues to Alexandria Real Estate Equities (ARE) Q4 Earnings? A Peek Into Wall Street Projections for Key Metrics
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-24 23:21
The upcoming report from Alexandria Real Estate Equities (ARE) is expected to reveal quarterly earnings of $2.29 per share, indicating an increase of 7% compared to the year-ago period. Analysts forecast revenues of $738.89 million, representing an increase of 10.2% year over year.Over the last 30 days, there has been no revision in the consensus EPS estimate for the quarter. This signifies the covering analysts' collective reconsideration of their initial forecasts over the course of this timeframe.Before ...
Debt Trap or Dividend Dream? 3 REITs Navigating the Rising Rate Maze
InvestorPlace· 2024-01-17 04:30
投资机会 - 投资者应抓住房地产投资信托(REITs)的低估值机会,因为联邦储备委员会即将降息,Goldman Sachs等机构预测今年将有五次降息,首次降息将在三月开始[1] - 拥有REITs股票对投资者有很多优势,包括更大的资本增值潜力,以及更低的成本基础,可以提高有效收益。即使是年轻投资者也可以持有这些REITs长期,以改善风险调整后的回报,并为他们晚年的更保守投资组合奠定基础[1] REITs优势 - 本文列出的REITs具有高股息收益率和强劲的股息增长潜力,结合多年来可以带来强劲的复利回报[2] Alexandria Real Estate Equities (ARE) - Alexandria Real Estate Equities (ARE)是一家生命科学REIT,在波士顿和纽约等关键地点开发和管理物业,租户包括生物技术公司和制药企业。ARE具有强劲的入住率,前瞻性股息收益率为4.02%,其收入自2018年以来每个财政年度都有增长[4] - ARE的租户性质使其财务状况相对稳定,相比于其他类型的REITs,如住宅市场或工业市场,其科学行业租户可能为其财务状况提供更多稳定性[5] - 尽管ARE的收益率较其同行较低,但其五年股息增长率为5.87%,并且拥有13年的股息增长记录,这可能会使人们对其未来增长有信心[6] Mid-America Apartment Communities (MAA) - Mid-America Apartment Communities (MAA)专注于位于Sunbelt地区的多户社区,包括从加利福尼亚到北卡罗来纳的各州。MAA在高利率背景下保持了高入住率和现金流,其股息收益率为4.39%,在历史和未来预测的收入增长方面击败了许多同行[10] - 我看好MAA的原因之一是,尽管FFO和其营业额经历了稳健增长,但其股价在过去一年下跌了约16%,这表明其股价有机会回归到长期均价,并且目前被低估,因此值得关注[12] Realty Income Corporation (O) - Realty Income Corporation (O)是市场上最受关注的REIT之一,其股价被认为被低估,分析师预计公司股价有望在未来十二个月内上涨约5%[15] - 分析师预计O的营业额将在2024财年增长19.97%,EPS增长9.03%,其26年的股息增长记录和73.97%的健康派息比率巩固了看涨情绪[16]
Alexandria Real Estate Equities: Additional Upside Is Warranted
Seeking Alpha· 2024-01-16 01:56
公司业绩 - 公司在2023年取得了显著的增长,收入和盈利能力均有所提升[4] - 公司在2023财年前9个月已经完成了大约15.7亿美元的资产销售,同时积极投资于有机增长[6] - 分析师预计公司2024财年第四季度的营收将达到7.456亿美元,调整后的FFO每股预计为2.29美元[9] 估值和建议 - 公司的估值相对较高,但基本面仍然吸引人,因此建议保持“买入”评级[16]
Billionaire Bill Ackman Warns Of A 'Hard Landing': Our REIT Picks
Seeking Alpha· 2024-01-13 21:05
Bryan Bedder Co-produced by Austin Rogers. It was not that long ago that the market believed the Federal Reserve's narrative of "higher for longer" interest rates. Over and over again on financial media, pundits parroted the Fed's narrative, helping them do their job of setting the market's expectations. In contrast, we have been saying for months that "higher for longer" is totally unsustainable and that the Fed's hawkish rhetoric should be taken with a hefty grain of salt. That is because Fed officials ar ...
3 Commercial Real Estate Stocks Set for a 2024 Comeback
InvestorPlace· 2024-01-09 23:54
Fortune recently reported Capital Economics data that suggests property values for U.S. commercial real estate fell by $590 billion in 2023, will drop another $480 billion in 2024, and a further $120 billion in 2025, a three-year kick-to-the-head of commercial real estate stocks. “‘A lot of what’s going to drive next year is just continued maturities,’ or debt coming due at a time when refinancing isn’t so cheap, said Kevin Fagan, head of commercial real estate analysis at Moody’s Analytics. This year, Faga ...
Office REITs For 2024 - The Upside After The Fact
Seeking Alpha· 2024-01-08 11:51
投资建议 - 作者在过去几个月明确表示他对办公地产信托基金感兴趣,并推荐了Highwoods (HIW), Kilroy (KRC), 和Boston Properties (BXP)这三家公司[3][8] - 作者认为现在是投资这些办公地产信托基金的好时机,但需要适度调整增长预期[37] - 作者认为2024年应该选择高质量但被低估的股票进行投资[50] - 作者建议投资者关注那些在低估公司中具有更高超额表现潜力的股票[48] 公司估值 - 作者提到了Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc. (ARE)、Highwoods Properties Inc. (HIW) 和Boston Properties Inc. (BXP)的估值情况[45] 风险评估 - 作者认为这些公司的基本风险基本上没有改变,市场对它们的看法发生了变化[10] - 作者指出,办公地产公司的基本风险基本上没有改变,但市场对它们的看法发生了变化[10] 股票选择建议 - 作者强调了对于高质量股票的关注,特别是那些BBB级以上的公司[47]