Bausch Health(BHC)
Bausch Health(BHC) - 2024 Q3 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-10-31 09:17
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司在2024年第三季度实现了连续第六个季度的收入和调整后EBITDA同比增长,收入增长7%,调整后EBITDA增长9% [5][18] - 第三季度的收入为25.1亿美元,同比增长12%,调整后毛利率为73.1% [19] - 调整后现金流从运营中生成3.43亿美元,同比增长75% [18][21] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - Salix业务在第三季度的收入为6.42亿美元,同比增长5%,主要品牌XIFAXAN、Relistor和TRULANCE均增长至少7% [22] - 国际业务收入为2.91亿美元,同比增长6%,有机增长8% [23] - Solta Medical部门在第三季度的收入为1.12亿美元,同比增长35%,主要受益于中国和韩国的强劲表现 [24] - 多元化业务收入为2.69亿美元,同比增长4%,有机增长7% [25] 公司战略和发展方向和行业竞争 - 公司继续专注于患者中心的成果,推动创新和运营效率,以实现可持续增长 [5][12] - 公司计划在2028年XIFAXAN专利到期后,利用现有资产和管道继续创造价值 [39][57] - 公司强调将继续评估Bausch + Lomb的分拆策略,以确保交易结果能为两家公司提供适当的资本化 [16][29] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 管理层对未来前景持乐观态度,认为公司在多个业务领域都有增长潜力,特别是在Salix和Solta业务上 [41][44] - 管理层提到,尽管面临专利到期的挑战,但公司有能力通过创新和市场扩展来应对 [39][57] 其他重要信息 - 公司在第三季度减少了约1.1亿美元的净债务,并继续关注流动性管理和债务杠杆的降低 [26] - 公司在研发方面的支出为1.46亿美元,占收入的5.8% [20] 问答环节所有提问和回答 问题: 关于XIFAXAN的法律争议进展 - 管理层表示,Norwich不能在2029年之前推出仿制药,并将积极捍卫XIFAXAN的知识产权 [34] 问题: 关于未来的股息支付 - 管理层指出,资本配置的优先事项是满足债务到期和再投资于业务,股东回报将根据剩余资本进行讨论 [52] 问题: 关于XIFAXAN失去专利后的成本结构 - 管理层表示将继续寻找降低成本的机会,并在必要时进行投资,以确保业务的适应性和盈利能力 [56][57]
Bausch Health(BHC) - 2024 Q3 - Quarterly Report
2024-10-31 07:13
业务转型与价值释放 - 公司正在执行一项多年计划,旨在转型并释放公司价值,包括关注产品组合、基础设施、地理足迹、资本结构和风险管理等[283] - 公司正在采取措施有效管理资本结构,包括采取行动减少长期债务本金余额[284] - 公司正在将资本配置引导至推动核心业务增长,如通过战略性收购、研发投资、战略性许可协议和基础设施战略投资等[293] - 公司持续评估非核心资产的剥离,以集中资源发展核心业务[303,304] 新产品研发与上市 - 公司的内部研发组织专注于通过临床试验开发新产品,截至2024年9月30日,公司全球管线中约有90个项目[295] - 公司正在开发一种可溶性固体分散剂(SSD)配方的rifaximin,用于延迟肝硬化患者首次出现明显性肝性脑病的时间[296] - 公司正在开发一种S1P调节剂amiselimod,用于治疗中重度溃疡性结肠炎,该药物在2023年第四季度完成了双盲诱导期的临床试验,取得了积极的结果[297] - 公司正在与相关全球监管机构商讨amiselimod用于治疗中重度溃疡性结肠炎的III期临床试验方案,预计将在2024年第四季度达成协议[297] - 公司推出了新一代Clear + Brilliant和Fraxel激光设备,预计将于2024年在多个市场获批上市[298] - 公司推出了CABTREO - 首个获FDA批准的固定剂量三联合外用祛痘产品,已在美国和加拿大上市[298] - 公司旗下Bausch + Lomb推出了多款新型硅水凝胶日抛隐形眼镜产品,已在50多个国家上市[298] 收购整合与资产优化 - 公司通过收购Trukera Medical、XIIDRA和Blink OTC等资产扩大了在干眼症和OTC眼科产品领域的布局[302] - 公司收购AcuFocus公司的IC-8 Apthera™ IOL产品,丰富了其人工晶体植入物产品线[302] - 公司于2023年9月29日签订了一项5亿美元的新增B+L定期贷款融资,并发行了14亿美元的新增B+L担保票据,为收购诺华的XIIDRA及其他眼科资产提供资金[290] - 公司于2023年6月30日设立了一项最高6亿美元的应收账款融资设施,为公司提供了额外的流动性[291] - 公司于2024年1月和5月通过一系列交易,使用手头现金以约5.3亿美元的价格回购并注销了5.55亿美元面值的高级无担保票据[289] 财务业绩 - 2024年第三季度收入为25.10亿美元,同比增长12%[332] - 2024年第三季度营业利润为3.18亿美元,同比增加3.04亿美元[335] - 2024年第三季度税前亏损为2,100万美元,同比减少3.05亿美元[336] - 2024年第三季度归属于Bausch Health公司的净亏损为8,500万美元,同比减少2.93亿美元[337] - 2024年前九个月收入为70.66亿美元,同比增长11%[339] - 2024年前九个月税前亏损为4,200万美元,同比减少3.41亿美元[339] - 公司三季度营业收入为70.66亿美元,同比增长11.3%[343] - 三季度毛利率为71.4%,较上年同期提高0.2个百分点[349,352] - 三季度销售、一般及管理费用为24.76亿美元,同比增加15.1%,主要由于收购XIIDRA和推出MIEBO产品的营销费用增加[353,354] - 三季度研发费用为4.53亿美元,与上年同期基本持平[355] - 三季度营业利润为9.88亿美元,同比增加64.4%[340] - 三季度净亏损为1.39亿美元,较上年同期亏损5.53亿美元大幅收窄[342] 成本管控与资产减值 - R&D费用为1.46亿美元和1.53亿美元,同比下降5%[356] - 无形资产摊销费用为2.74亿美元和2.53亿美元,同比增加8%[358] - 2023年第三季度,公司对皮肤科和神经科报告单元计提了4.02亿美元的商誉减值[361][362][363] - 2024年第三季度和2023年第三季度的资产减值并不重大[366] - 2024年第三季度和2023年第三季度的重组、整合和分离成本分别为100万美元和1400万美元,同比下降13百万美元[367][368] - 2024年第三季度和2023年第三季度的其他费用净额分别为2.25亿美元和6000万美元,主要与诉讼和其他事项相关[371][372] - 2024年第三季度和2023年第三季度的利息费用分别为3.46亿美元和3.39亿美元,同比增加2%[374] - 2024年第三季度和2023年第三季度的所得税费用分别为7100万美元和5600万美元,同比增加1500万美元[378][379][380] 市场环境与风险应对 - 2026-2028年部分产品将面临专利到期和/或面临generic竞争[326] - 公司正积极应对专利到期和generic竞争带来的风险[328,329] - 公司所有全球运营和设施均符合相关监管要求[330,331] - 2022年8月通过的通胀减缓法案可能对公司业务产生影响[322,323,324] - 俄罗斯-乌克兰冲突和中东地区冲突对公司业务造成一定影响,但程度有限[312,313,314,315] 其他 - 公司正在采取措施提高患者获取和使用公司产品的可及性和可负担性[305,306,307] - 公司持续投资于核心业务的创新和增长,如加大营销投入提升Xifaxan市场份额,开发新一代rifaximin制剂等[310] - 公司通过收购和新产品推广等措施提升了收入和利润水平[340,345,354] - 公司积极管理各类销售折扣和返利政策,优化了毛利率水平[346-348] - 公司持续推进业务整合和战略转型,为未来发展奠定基础[353]
Bausch Health(BHC) - 2024 Q3 - Quarterly Results
2024-10-31 04:16
Exhibit 99.1 1 SCH Health | --- | --- | |----------------------------|-------| | | | | Investor Contact: | | | Garen Sarafian | | | | | | (877) 281-6642 (toll free) | | | --- | --- | |-------------------------------------------|-------| | | | | Media Contact: | | | Katie Savastano | | | | | | (908) 541-3785 | | BAUSCH HEALTH ANNOUNCES THIRD QUARTER 2024 RESULTS • Sixth consecutive quarter of year-over-year growth in both Revenue and Adjusted EBIT ...
Bausch Health: A Buyout Bid Could Be the Ticket to Unlock Value
MarketBeat· 2024-09-25 22:15
Bausch Health Companies Today BHC Bausch Health Companies $8.05 -0.03 (-0.37%) 52-Week Range $3.96 ▼ $11.46 Price Target $7.33 Add to Watchlist Bausch Health NYSE: BHC stock has been on a wild ride recently, with a dramatic surge in value over the last month. The catalyst for this surge is a wave of rumors suggesting that Bausch + Lomb NYSE: BLCO, Bausch Health's spinoff eye care business, is considering a buyout. This potential sale has sparked significant interest among investors, as it could lead to a mu ...
Here's Why Bausch Health Stock Gained 14.7% in a Week
ZACKS· 2024-09-24 02:45
Shares of Bausch Health, Inc. (BHC) gained 14.7% in a week on reports of refinancing its debt to enable the impending sale of its eye care company, Bausch + Lomb (BLCO) . The industry declined 0.6% during this timeframe. The sale, intended to separate both companies, is stuck for quite some time now. Hence, reports of BHC moving forward have encouraged investors. Image Source: Zacks Investment Research BHC's Plans to Separate BLCO In August 2020, BHC announced its plan to separate its eye health business, c ...
3 Stocks Billionaires Are Buying Now
Investor Place· 2024-09-23 00:00
Tom Yeung here with your Sunday Digest. During the early 1990s real estate crisis, the Marriott Corp. hotel chain found itself in trouble. The company had overexpanded during the boom times of the 1980s, and the ensuing crash had left it with over a hundred unsellable hotels in an overbuilt market. To save the firm, Chief Financial Officer Stephen Bollenbach created a breakup plan for the hotel chain. Under the agreement, Marriott would keep its lucrative management business (the "good" Marriott), while spi ...
Sale Rumors Lift Both Bausch + Lomb And Parent Bausch Health - A Breakthrough Is Likely
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-20 04:51
Gain access to all of the market research and financial analytics used in the preparation of this article plus exclusive content and pharma, healthcare and biotech investment recommendations and research / analytics by subscribing to my channel, Haggerston BioHealth. The group is for both novice and experienced biotech investors. It provides catalysts to look out for and buy and sell ratings. It also provides product sales and forecasts for all the Big Pharmas, forecasting, integrated financial statements, ...
Bausch (BHC) Surges 11.7%: Is This an Indication of Further Gains?
ZACKS· 2024-09-19 20:05
Bausch Health (BHC) shares rallied 11.7% in the last trading session to close at $8.02. This move can be attributable to notable volume with a higher number of shares being traded than in a typical session. This compares to the stock's 23.2% gain over the past four weeks. Bausch stock witnessed a rally after a Bloomberg report said that the company is working with Jefferies Financial Group to explore refinancing some of its debt. The debt refinancing is expected to help the company in the impending spinoff ...
With Buyout Interest, Bausch + Lomb May Still Be Worth Interest At Current Levels
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-19 19:30
In January, I wrote an article in which I recommended Bausch + Lomb (NYSE: BLCO ) on the grounds that it was trading near its 52-week lows and looked like a good rebound candidate. BLCO stock has I'm Jason Ditz and I have 20 years of experience in foreign policy research. My work has appeared in Forbes, Toronto Star, Minneapolis Star-Tribune, Providence Journal, Washington Times and the Detroit Free Press, as well as American Conservative Magazine and the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft. I have ...
Op-ed: Here's why a sale of Bausch + Lomb could lead to a windfall for Bausch Health investors
CNBC· 2024-09-18 00:22
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS - MAY 05: Bausch + Lomb eye vitamins are offered for sale at a drug store on May 05, 2022 in Chicago, Illinois. Bausch + Lomb parent company Bausch Health is spinning off the eye-care company with an upcoming IPO which will list on the New York Stock Exchange and TSX with the ticker symbol "BLCO". (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images) In May 2022 , Bausch + Lomb (BLCO) was spun off as a separate publicly traded entity, but it continues to be a core part of Bausch Health's business through it ...