Coeur Mining(CDE) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-02-21 00:00
环境合规支出 - 公司在2024年的环境合规支出预计范围为1040万至1140万美元[14] 社会责任 - 公司在2023年提供了超过40个学徒和实习生机会,并与芝加哥的By the Hand Club合作,向社区青年介绍矿业职业机会[26] - 公司的总裁兼首席执行官Mitchell Krebs是首位签署CEO ACTION for Diversity & Inclusion承诺的贵金属矿业首席执行官[22] - 公司员工平均薪资比当地市场平均水平高出40%以上[28] - 美国员工92%参与医疗福利计划,90%参与401(k)计划[28] - 2017年提供国内伴侣福利,参与人数增长250%[28] - 2022年为美国员工扩大带薪产假和主要照顾者假期[28] - 2023年实施全员健康计划,促进员工身心健康[28] 可持续发展 - 通过与能源供应商签订正式协议,进一步增加购买电力中的可再生能源比例[29] - 计划在2024年底前实现35%净强度降低目标,2022年执行层绩效股份奖励的20%与该目标相关[29] - 加强气候披露,继续将气候相关风险和机遇纳入企业风险管理和长期业务规划和战略中[29] - 制定并实施生物多样性管理标准[29] - 承诺采纳全球尾矿管理标准[29]
4 Non-Ferrous Metal Mining Stocks Countering Industry Headwinds
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-03 00:51
The prospects of the Zacks Mining - Non Ferrous industry look bleak as weak demand in China has been weighing on metal prices. Industry players are also grappling with inflated costs, labor shortages and supply-chain issues. However, the demand for non-ferrous metals is expected to be supported by the energy-transition trend, which will buoy the industry.Against this backdrop, we suggest keeping a close eye on companies like Southern Copper Corporation (SCCO) , Ero Copper (ERO) , Coeur Mining (CDE) and Cent ...
Coeur Reports Record 2023 Fourth Quarter Production at its Newly Expanded Rochester Operation and Provides Update on First Half 2024 Crusher Commissioning and Ramp-Up Progress
Businesswire· 2024-01-30 05:30
扩建活动 - Coeur Mining, Inc.在内华达州的Rochester银金矿进行了扩建活动,第四季度生产量创下了记录,银产量约为130万盎司,金产量约为19,847盎司[1] - Rochester矿正在进行新的三级破碎回路的调试工作,预计将在2024年上半年完成升级工作,一旦达到全产能运行,预计年处理量将达到3200万吨,是历史水平的2.5倍[2] 生产概况 - Rochester矿的第四季度生产量展示了其作为现金流引擎和Coeur近期增长概况的潜力,同时也成为美国最大的国内生产和精炼银的来源之一[4]
Coeur Drills Highest Grade Intercept Ever in the Southern Silver Zone at Silvertip
Businesswire· 2024-01-22 20:00
高品位Silvertip多金属勘探项目 - Coeur Mining, Inc.在北部不列颠哥伦比亚省的高品位Silvertip多金属勘探项目完成了约90,000英尺(28,000米)的钻探[1] - 62个钻孔位于南部银区域[1] 南部银区域发现 - 高品位截获亮点继续增长南部银区域 - 南部银区域的钻孔结果显示了该区域有史以来最高品位的截获[2] 探索活动和扩展钻探 - 探索活动和扩展钻探旨在扩大南部银区域和填充Saddle区域,以将其纳入年底资源计算中[4]
Coeur Mining (CDE) Could Find a Support Soon, Here's Why You Should Buy the Stock Now
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-19 23:56
A downtrend has been apparent in Coeur Mining (CDE) lately. While the stock has lost 10% over the past two weeks, it could witness a trend reversal as a hammer chart pattern was formed in its last trading session. This could mean that the bulls have been able to counteract the bears to help the stock find support.The formation of a hammer pattern is considered a technical indication of nearing a bottom with likely subsiding of selling pressure. But this is not the only factor that makes a bullish case for t ...
Coeur to Participate in Upcoming TD Securities Global Mining Conference
Businesswire· 2024-01-19 05:30
CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Coeur Mining, Inc.’s (“Coeur” or the “Company”) (NYSE: CDE) President and Chief Executive Officer, Mitchell J. Krebs, will participate in the TD Securities Global Mining Conference on Wednesday, January 24, 2024. The TD Securities Global Mining Conference is an invitation-only investment conference. Presentation materials will be made available on the Company’s website at About Coeur Coeur Mining, Inc. is a U.S.-based, well-diversified, growing precious metals pro ...
Coeur Mining(CDE) - 2023 Q3 - Earnings Call Transcript
2023-11-10 01:59
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 第三季度收入增加10%至1.95亿美元,总产量约为78,000盎司黄金和230万盎司白银 [6] - 黄金产量增加15%,每盎司黄金成本下降13%,推动经调整EBITDA大幅增加 [5] - 经营现金流转为负2百万美元,主要是由于在罗切斯特新浸出池建立大量库存以及支付半年度债券利息 [27][28] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 罗切斯特:新浸出池和加工厂在第三季度投产,10月单月产出537,000盎司白银和8,000盎司黄金,预计第四季度产量将大幅增加 [6][7][15][31][32] - 帕尔马雷霍:磨矿量增加,尤其是黄金产量增加16%至27,000盎司,完成了尾矿高压回填项目 [19] - 肯辛顿:产量大幅改善,但全年产量指引下调至81,000-85,000盎司 [20] - 瓦夫:产量符合预期,全年产量指引下限上调3,000盎司至88,000盎司 [21] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 无相关内容 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 罗切斯特扩建项目完成,预计将成为北美最大的露天堆浸作业,也将成为美国最大的国内生产和精炼白银来源 [9][10] - 罗切斯特的自由现金流将成为公司2024年优先降低负债水平的关键驱动力 [11] - 肯辛顿勘探取得进展,发现了新的高品位矿化带,有望增加矿山寿命 [23][24] - 公司未来几年的重点是通过勘探和扩建项目的投资来实现增长,现在将开始向投资者提供这些投资的回报 [38] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 罗切斯特扩建项目的成功集成和投产是公司的重中之重,预计第四季度产量将大幅增加 [15][37] - 公司文化和安全记录为罗切斯特扩建项目的出色安全绩效奠定了基础 [18] - 预计随着罗切斯特产量的大幅增加、负债水平的下降以及更多的美国白银产量贡献,公司的股价将获得提升 [53] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Mike Parkin 提问** 询问罗切斯特扩建项目的资本支出是否与已发生还是已支付的金额相符 [41][42] **Thomas Whelan 回答** 资本支出数字反映的是已发生的金额,而已支付的金额会在应付账款中体现 [42][43] 问题2 **Mike Parkin 提问** 询问罗切斯特在冬季是否会出现浸出动力不足导致产量下降的情况 [45] **Michael Routledge 回答** 在使用现有堆浸料的情况下,预计回收率会保持稳定,但随着新破碎机的投产,回收率有望进一步提高 [46][47][48][49] 问题3 **Unidentified Analyst 提问** 询问公司股价何时会上涨 [53] **Mitchell Krebs 回答** 公司预计随着向自由现金流过渡、降低负债、美国白银产量增加等因素,公司股价将获得提升 [53]
Coeur Mining(CDE) - 2023 Q3 - Quarterly Report
2023-11-08 00:00
Coeur Mining, Inc. and Subsidiaries Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Coeur reports the carrying value of metal and leach pad inventory at the lower of cost or net realizable value, with cost being determined using a weighted average cost method. During the first nine months of 2023, the cost of stock pile, leach pad and metal inventory at Rochester exceeded its net realizable value, which resulted in non-cash write down for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023 of $8.9 million ($7.7 m ...
Coeur Mining(CDE) - 2023 Q2 - Earnings Call Transcript
2023-08-11 02:10
Coeur Mining, Inc. (NYSE:CDE) Q2 2023 Earnings Conference Call August 10, 2023 11:00 AM ET Mitchell Krebs - President and CEO Thomas Whelan - SVP and CFO Conference Call Participants Mike Parkin - National Bank Hello and welcome to the Coeur Mining Second Quarter 2023 Financial Results Conference Call. [Operator Instructions] Please note, this event is being recorded. Mitchell Krebs I'll kick things off with a review of the main quarterly highlights on Slide 3, before turning the call over to Mic, Tom, and ...
Coeur Mining(CDE) - 2023 Q2 - Earnings Call Presentation
2023-08-10 23:22
Silvertip (1) As of December 31, 2022. (2) See slides in appendix for additional information related to mineral reserves and resources. Non-GAAP to U.S. GAAP Reconciliation for Guidance ($ thousands, except metal sales and per ounce amounts) Palmarejo Kensington Wharf Reported costs applicable to sales $195,651 $157,005 $112,087 Metal Sales Gold ounces 104,618 90,673 88,732 Silver ounces 6,784,929 163,607 | --- | --- | --- | --- | |---------------------------------------------------------------|------------ ...