Enbridge: Dividend Play For Retirees And Income Investors, Yielding Over 6%
Seeking Alpha· 2024-11-26 22:00
When it comes to generating income, the energy sector is synonymous with large dividends and yields. Now that the election is over, and a pro-energy administration is coming in, I am looking to make further investments in the energy sector. I believe that the combinationI am focused on growth and dividend income. My personal strategy revolves around setting myself up for an easy retirement by creating a portfolio which focuses on compounding dividend income and growth. Dividends are an intricate part of my ...
Hard To Imagine A Retirement Portfolio Without These 5 High Yield Gems
Seeking Alpha· 2024-11-23 22:15
投资退休相关 - 若无其他当前收入来源投资退休时关注持久高收益证券有意义目的为使投资组合中每美元现金收入最大化[1] 人物相关 - Roberts Berzins有超十年财务管理经验帮助顶级企业制定财务策略执行大规模融资努力使拉脱维亚REIT框架制度化提升波罗的海资本市场流动性参与政策层面工作包括制定国家国有企业融资指南和框架引导私人资本进入经济适用房领域为CFA特许资格持有人ESG投资证书持有人在芝加哥期货交易所实习且积极参与思想领导活动支持波罗的海资本市场发展[1] 分析师披露相关 - 分析师在ENB、O、MAIN股票中有受益多头头寸通过股票所有权、期权或其他衍生品表达自己观点未因文章接受补偿除来自Seeking Alpha无与文章提及股票公司有业务关系[2] Seeking Alpha披露相关 - 过去表现不保证未来结果未给出投资是否适合特定投资者的推荐或建议观点可能不反映Seeking Alpha整体观点Seeking Alpha不是持牌证券交易商、经纪商或美国投资顾问或投资银行分析师为第三方作者包括专业和个人投资者可能未被任何机构或监管机构许可或认证[3]
Here's Why You Should Retain Enbridge Stock in Your Portfolio
ZACKS· 2024-11-21 23:06
Enbridge Inc. (ENB) has not witnessed any earnings estimate revisions for 2024 and 2025 in the past seven days.  Factors Favoring ENB StockCurrently carrying a Zacks Rank #3 (Hold), Enbridge is among North America's leading midstream energy players. Its energy infrastructure includes one of the world’s longest crude oil pipeline networks. You can see the complete list of today’s Zacks #1 Rank stocks here.     With a significant portion of its assets being contracted by shippers for the long term, its busine ...
2 Durable Dividend Stocks That Have Delivered Decades of Stability and Growth
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-20 17:01
We've endured quite a number of economic shocks over the past few decades. The crash, financial crisis, and pandemic have severely affected many companies, forcing several to cut their dividends due to falling profits. However, some companies have built resilient businesses that can endure even the deepest economic shocks. Enbridge (ENB 0.99%) and Oneok (OKE 0.53%) are two of those stalwarts. They have grown their earnings nearly every year for more than a decade while delivering dividend durability ...
Enbridge: Strong Tailwinds For The Next Several Years
Seeking Alpha· 2024-11-20 02:10
Despite my previous cautious Enbridge (NYSE: ENB ) thesis, the stock significantly outperformed the U.S. equity market since August 21 with a 10% total return. The stock's performance was approximately in line with the S&P 500 by the end of October, butAs an investor who started my path five years ago with my own capital, I represent a blend of hands on experience and academic background in corporate finance. Due to my relatively young age I thrive on discovering long-duration growth opportunities and activ ...
Enbridge Announces Conversion Results for Series 9 Preferred Shares
Prnewswire· 2024-11-19 08:00
CALGARY, AB, Nov. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Enbridge Inc. (TSX: ENB) (NYSE: ENB) (Enbridge) announced today that none of its outstanding Cumulative Redeemable Preference Shares, Series 9 (Series 9 Shares) will be converted into Cumulative Redeemable Preference Shares, Series 10 (Series 10 Shares) on December 1, 2024.After taking into account all conversion notices received from holders of its outstanding Series 9 Shares by the November 18, 2024 deadline for the conversion of the Series 9 Shares into Series 10 ...
Wall Street, We Have A Problem (That Dividends Can Fix)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-11-14 20:30
Join iREIT on Alpha today to get the most in-depth research that includes REITs, mREITs, Preferreds, BDCs, MLPs, ETFs, and other income alternatives. 438 testimonials and most are 5 stars. Nothing to lose with our FREE 2-week trial .I cannot stop talking about the "big picture," which involves all major drivers that can influence our investments. This includes geopolitics, macroeconomics, supply chain developments, and other factors like market sentiment, sector rotations, valuations, and many others.Analys ...
2 High-Yield Midstream Stocks to Buy Hand Over Fist and 1 to Avoid
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-14 18:00
Kinder Morgan has let investors down multiple times, but these two high-yield alternatives have been reliable through thick and thin.If you are looking for a high-yield investment in the energy sector, a great place to start is with midstream stocks. The midstream is filled with toll-taker companies that have reliable cash flows supporting their dividends. However, all midstream companies are not created equal, which is why you might want to avoid Kinder Morgan (KMI -1.40%) but will probably find Enterprise ...
Capitalize On The Dip: Two Durable 9% Yields To Load Up Your Income Portfolio
Seeking Alpha· 2024-11-11 22:15
股票下跌相关 - 股票下跌通常有合理原因如风险增加或未来现金流潜力恶化 [1] 人物相关 - Roberts Berzins有超十年财务管理经验帮助顶级企业制定财务策略执行大规模融资在拉脱维亚为推动波罗的海资本市场流动性在REIT框架制度化方面做出努力还参与国家国有企业融资指南制定及引导私人资本进入经济适用房框架制定是CFA特许资格持有人ESG投资证书持有人在芝加哥期货交易所实习积极参与支持波罗的海资本市场发展的思想领导活动 [1] 分析师披露相关 - 分析师在GMRE ENB股票中有受益多头头寸通过股票所有权期权或其他衍生品文章为分析师自己所写表达自己观点除了Seeking Alpha外无报酬与文章提及股票的公司无业务关系 [2] Seeking Alpha披露相关 - 过去表现不保证未来结果未给出投资是否适合特定投资者的建议或意见上述观点可能不反映Seeking Alpha整体观点Seeking Alpha不是持牌证券交易商经纪人美国投资顾问或投资银行分析师为第三方作者包括专业和个人投资者可能未被任何机构或监管机构许可或认证 [3]
Got $5,000? These 5 High-Yield Dividend Stocks Could Turn It Into More Than $300 of Annual Passive Income.
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-11 19:17
核心观点 - 部分公司支付丰厚股息可成为被动收入的来源 相比标普500指数基金股息收益更高 [1] 各公司情况 Enbridge - 是北美领先的管道和公用事业运营商 业务现金流稳定 受长期固定利率合同和政府监管的费率结构支持 60% - 70%的现金流用于支付股息 [3] - 其余资金用于基础设施网络扩张 目前有数百亿美元的资本项目正在建设中 这使其未来现金流增长具有可见性 已连续29年提高股息支付 [4] Vici Properties - 是专注于游戏、休闲和酒店行业体验式物业的领先房地产投资信托基金(REIT) 与优质运营公司签订长期净租赁协议 租金收入稳定且随通胀挂钩的租金率上升而稳步增长 [5] - 约75%的稳定现金流用于支付股息 其余用于资助新投资 通过投资增长收入从而提高股息 自成立以来的七年中每年都提高股息 年增长率达7% [6] Verizon - 是领先的移动和宽带提供商 客户缴费产生经常性收入 [7] - 大量现金流用于网络维护和扩张 今年前九个月资本支出后产生145亿美元的自由现金 足以支付84亿美元的股息支出 剩余现金用于强化资产负债表 通过网络投资增加现金流从而稳定提高股息 今年实现第18次连续年度股息增长 [8] Whirlpool - 是标志性的家电制造商 旗下拥有多个品牌 去年销售额约为190亿美元 [9] - 近年来因住房市场放缓而处境艰难 正通过削减国际业务、削减成本和投资创新产品来扭转局面 今年资本支出后将产生约5亿美元自由现金流 足以支付4亿美元的股息 还致力于偿还债务和回购股票 预计到2026年自由现金流将增长到营收的7% 有望延续70年的股息支付记录并在未来恢复增长 [10][11] W.P. Carey - 是多元化的REIT 在北美和欧洲的工业、仓库和零售等行业拥有关键运营房地产 还拥有自助仓储等其他物业 与优质租户签订净租赁协议 [12] - 正在重塑投资组合 过去一年出售或剥离了整个办公物业组合和一些非核心物业 去年重置股息 期望新物业能增加现金流从而稳定提高股息 [13][14]