Investors Heavily Search Franklin Covey Company (FC): Here is What You Need to Know
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-21 22:01
Franklin Covey (FC) is one of the stocks most watched by visitors lately. So, it might be a good idea to review some of the factors that might affect the near-term performance of the stock.Over the past month, shares of this corporate training and consultanting company have returned +5.5%, compared to the Zacks S&P 500 composite's +3.6% change. During this period, the Zacks Consulting Services industry, which Franklin Covey falls in, has gained 3%. The key question now is: What could be the stock' ...
Why Franklin Covey (FC) Outpaced the Stock Market Today
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-19 07:06
公司业绩 - Franklin Covey (FC) 最近的股价表现良好,超过了标普500指数[1] - 公司即将公布2024年3月27日的财报,预计每股收益将下降58.33%[3] - 分析师对公司的业务健康和盈利能力持乐观态度,这可能会影响股价动向[5] 投资评级 - Franklin Covey 目前的 Zacks Rank 为 3 (Hold),具有一定的投资风险[7] 估值指标 - 公司的前瞻市盈率为23.19,低于行业平均值[8] - 公司的 PEG 比率为1.16,略低于 Consulting Services 行业的平均值[9] 行业排名 - Consulting Services 行业在 Business Services 部门中排名前30%[10] - Zacks Industry Rank 显示,评级较高的行业通常表现更好[11]
Wall Street Analysts Think Franklin Covey (FC) Is a Good Investment: Is It?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-14 22:30
经纪推荐与股票评级 - 投资者通常依赖分析师推荐来决定是否买入、卖出或持有股票[1] - Franklin Covey目前的平均经纪推荐(Average Brokerage Recommendation, ABR)为1.00,表示强烈买入[2] - 经纪推荐存在强烈的正向偏见,通常会给出更多的“强烈买入”推荐,而少有“强烈卖出”推荐[5] Zacks Rank评级工具 - Zacks Rank是一种有效的股票评级工具,将股票分为五组,从Zacks Rank 1 (强烈买入)到Zacks Rank 5 (强烈卖出),是预测股价表现的有效指标[7] - Zacks Rank和ABR是两种完全不同的度量标准,ABR是基于经纪推荐计算的,而Zacks Rank则是基于盈利预期修订的量化模型[8] - Zacks Rank的评级会按比例应用于所有股票,保持五个等级之间的平衡[12] 盈利预期修订与股票表现 - 经纪推荐往往过于乐观,而Zacks Rank则更加关注盈利预期修订,与短期股价走势密切相关[10] - Zacks Rank在新鲜度方面存在关键差异,Zacks Rank会更及时地反映经纪分析师对盈利预期的修订[13] - Franklin Covey当前的Zacks Consensus Estimate为本年度1.69美元,保持不变,这可能会影响股票在短期内的表现[14] 综合评级与建议 - 根据盈利预期修订等因素,Franklin Covey的Zacks Rank为3 (持有),因此对于强烈买入等价的ABR可能需要谨慎一些[16]
Why Franklin Covey (FC) Dipped More Than Broader Market Today
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-12 07:06
股价表现 - Franklin Covey (FC) 最新收盘价为$39.15,较前一天下跌了1.39%[1] - 过去一个月,FC股价下跌了1.32%,落后于商务服务行业的5.27%和标普500指数的2.7%涨幅[2] 财务预测 - 分析师预计FC将发布每股收益为$0.05的财报,同比下降58.33%;预计营收为$62.03百万美元,同比增长0.43%[3] - Zacks Consensus Estimates显示,分析师预计FC全年每股收益为$1.69,营收为$299.55百万美元,同比分别增长36.29%和6.78%[4]
Here is What to Know Beyond Why Franklin Covey Company (FC) is a Trending Stock
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-07 23:01
Franklin Covey (FC) is one of the stocks most watched by visitors lately. So, it might be a good idea to review some of the factors that might affect the near-term performance of the stock.Over the past month, shares of this corporate training and consultanting company have returned +0%, compared to the Zacks S&P 500 composite's +3.2% change. During this period, the Zacks Consulting Services industry, which Franklin Covey falls in, has gained 4.2%. The key question now is: What could be the stock' ...
Franklin Covey (FC) Falls More Steeply Than Broader Market: What Investors Need to Know
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-05 08:01
Franklin Covey (FC) ended the recent trading session at $37.75, demonstrating a -1.41% swing from the preceding day's closing price. The stock's performance was behind the S&P 500's daily loss of 0.12%. Meanwhile, the Dow lost 0.25%, and the Nasdaq, a tech-heavy index, lost 0.41%.Prior to today's trading, shares of the corporate training and consultanting company had lost 5.88% over the past month. This has lagged the Business Services sector's gain of 7.65% and the S&P 500's gain of 4.83% in that time.Inve ...
FranklinCovey Launches New Module, Navigating Difficult Conversations: Turn Tension Into Progress
Businesswire· 2024-02-29 22:12
模块介绍 - FranklinCovey公司推出了新模块“Navigating Difficult Conversations: Turn Tension Into Progress”[1] - 该模块旨在帮助员工处理困难对话,提供心态、技能和工具,以克服情绪紧张[1][3] 目的与效果 - 该模块旨在帮助员工管理情绪紧张,进行协作对话,转变对困难对话的恐惧和回避为推动重要问题进展的方式[1][3] - 建立信任和尊重是处理困难对话的关键,避免对话可能导致生产力下降、关系受损、团队动态受损等问题[1][4]
Franklin Covey (FC) Is Considered a Good Investment by Brokers: Is That True?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-27 23:31
经纪推荐 - 投资者通常依赖华尔街分析师的推荐来决定是否买入、卖出或持有股票[1] - 目前,Franklin Covey的平均经纪推荐(ABR)为1.00,表示强烈买入[2] - 经纪推荐趋势显示应购买Franklin Covey,但不应仅凭此信息做投资决定[4] - 经纪公司对所覆盖股票存在强烈的正面偏见,通常给予“强烈买入”推荐[5] 投资决策 - 建议使用Zacks Rank来验证ABR,以做出盈利性投资决策[7] - ABR和Zacks Rank虽然都在1-5范围内显示,但是它们是完全不同的度量[8] - 经纪公司分析师的推荐往往过于乐观,而Zacks Rank则受益于盈利预期修订[10] - Zacks Rank对所有提供当年盈利预期的股票都应用不同等级,保持平衡[12] 预测与评级 - ABR和Zacks Rank在新鲜度方面存在关键差异,Zacks Rank更及时预测未来股价[13] - Franklin Covey的盈利预期保持不变,可能导致股价在短期内与整体市场表现一致[15] - 根据盈利预期的变化,Franklin Covey被评为Zacks Rank 3(持有),建议对其ABR持谨慎态度[16]
FranklinCovey Launches New State of the Art Sales Training Solution, Helping Clients Succeed: Strikingly Different Selling
Businesswire· 2024-02-27 19:12
新销售培训解决方案 - FranklinCovey宣布推出全新的销售培训解决方案,名为Helping Clients Succeed®: Strikingly Different Selling[1] - 该解决方案融合了先进技术,经过六年的实地研究,发现几乎所有销售团队面临的挑战和复杂问题都可以通过应用其中的原则、实践和流程来解决[2] - 该解决方案通过强大的FranklinCovey Impact Platform提供,使领导者和团队能够在工作中无缝学习,已有超过70%的客户采用率[3] - 该解决方案帮助销售团队从众多竞争对手中脱颖而出,通过以客户为中心的方法,成为值得信赖的顾问,提供可预测的销售结果[4]
Is Trending Stock Franklin Covey Company (FC) a Buy Now?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-23 23:00
Franklin Covey (FC) has recently been on's list of the most searched stocks. Therefore, you might want to consider some of the key factors that could influence the stock's performance in the near future.Over the past month, shares of this corporate training and consultanting company have returned -9.8%, compared to the Zacks S&P 500 composite's +5% change. During this period, the Zacks Consulting Services industry, which Franklin Covey falls in, has gained 0.8%. The key question now is: What could ...