Lockheed Wins Contract to Support F-35 Fighter Jet Program
ZACKS· 2025-01-11 00:31
Lockheed Martin Corp.’s (LMT) business unit, Aeronautics, recently clinched a modification contract for the F-35 fighter aircraft. The award has been offered by the Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, MD. Details of the DealValued at $41.6 million, the contract is expected to be completed by March 2028. Per the terms of the deal, Lockheed will procure engineering, integration support, hardware, and installation support for flight test instrumentation modifications to F-35 production aircraft. The maj ...
Lockheed Martin: Recession Proof Your Portfolio And Dividends With LMT
Seeking Alpha· 2025-01-09 14:34
As a dividend growth investor, the goal of my portfolio is to one day be able to live off dividends. With that being said, I need to invest in companies who pay reliable, growing dividends, regardless of market conditions. We've all heard that the S&P 500I believe value dividend investing has proven to be one of the most effect forms of investing as it allows you to buy quality companies at great prices while receiving cash flow, without selling your position in a stock. I went to school for finance and hav ...
From Laggards to Leaders: 3 Stocks Ready to Rebound in 2025
MarketBeat· 2025-01-06 21:00
Going from worst to first is a concept that’s often true in investing. Stocks that lag the market one year are often some of the best stocks to own the following year. Although market timing is tricky, the challenge for investors is finding these stocks before they make a big turn.  Fortunately, there are several indicators that can point you in the right direction. For example, you can look at analyst forecasts. When a stock is trading below its consensus price, that’s a good indication that there may be s ...
Lockheed Martin (LMT) Falls More Steeply Than Broader Market: What Investors Need to Know
ZACKS· 2024-12-31 08:01
公司表现 - 洛克希德·马丁公司股价在过去一个月下跌7.64%,表现逊于航空航天行业整体下跌2.91%和标普500指数下跌0.36% [1] - 公司最新交易日收盘价为483.37美元,较前一日下跌1.15%,表现略逊于标普500指数1.07%的跌幅 [5] - 公司预计下一季度每股收益为6.57美元,同比下降16.84%,营收预计为188.5亿美元,同比下降0.12% [6] - 全年预计每股收益为26.68美元,同比下降4.1%,营收预计为712.7亿美元,同比增长5.48% [7] 估值指标 - 公司当前远期市盈率为18.33,低于行业平均19.26 [2] - 公司当前PEG比率为4.03,远高于航空航天-国防行业平均1.65 [2] 行业状况 - 航空航天-国防行业在Zacks行业排名中位列149,处于所有250个行业中后41% [3] - Zacks研究表明,排名前50%的行业表现优于后50%,优势比率为2:1 [3] 分析师预期 - 分析师预测修正通常反映短期业务趋势变化,正向修正通常预示公司业务前景良好 [8] - 过去一个月Zacks一致预期每股收益下调0.55% [10] - 公司当前Zacks评级为3(持有) [10] 投资工具 - Zacks排名系统从1(强力买入)到5(强力卖出),自1988年以来排名1的股票平均年回报率为+25% [10]
Lockheed Secures a $3.4B Contract to Aid F-35 Fighter Jet Program
ZACKS· 2024-12-30 21:15
Lockheed Martin Corp.’s (LMT) Aeronautics business unit recently secured a modification contract involving its F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter aircraft program. The award has been offered by the Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, MD.   Details of the DealValued at $3.37 billion, the contract is expected to be completed by December 2025. Per the terms of the deal, Lockheed will provide continued logistics support for delivered F-35 jets. These logistics support include ground maintenance activ ...
Lockheed Martin Stock Loses 16% in 3 Months: Time to Hold or Fold?
ZACKS· 2024-12-28 05:01
Shares of Lockheed Martin Corp. (LMT) plunged 16.1% in the past three months, underperforming the Zacks Aerospace-Defense industry’s decline of 7.2% and the broader Zacks Aerospace sector’s loss of 3.9%. It also lagged the S&P 500’s return of 5.6% during the same time period.Image Source: Zacks Investment ResearchOn the contrary, a stellar performance has been offered by other aerospace manufacturers, such as Boeing (BA) , Airbus Group (EADSY) and Embraer (ERJ) , whose shares have witnessed a surge of 18.7% ...
Lockheed Martin (LMT) Rises But Trails Market: What Investors Should Know
ZACKS· 2024-12-25 07:51
In the latest trading session, Lockheed Martin (LMT) closed at $488.13, marking a +0.34% move from the previous day. The stock lagged the S&P 500's daily gain of 1.1%. At the same time, the Dow added 0.91%, and the tech-heavy Nasdaq gained 1.35%.Shares of the aerospace and defense company witnessed a loss of 6.78% over the previous month, trailing the performance of the Aerospace sector with its loss of 4.17% and the S&P 500's gain of 0.22%.Market participants will be closely following the financial results ...
Lockheed Martin Secures a $11.8 Billion Contract to Produce F-35 Jets
ZACKS· 2024-12-24 22:11
文章核心观点 - 洛克希德·马丁公司(LMT)最近获得了一份价值117.6亿美元的合同,涉及其F-35战斗机项目,预计将在2027年6月前完成 [1][20] - 该合同反映了全球对先进战斗机需求的增加,尤其是在军事冲突和技术进步的背景下 [4][5][15] 合同细节 - 合同总价值为117.6亿美元,预计在2027年6月前完成 [1] - 洛克希德·马丁将生产并交付145架F-35战斗机,包括所有三个型号 [1] - 合同还包括为意大利和日本的最终装配和检查设施提供工具支持 [1] - 该合同将服务于美国海军、空军、海军陆战队以及F-35合作项目伙伴 [13] - 大部分工作将在德克萨斯州的沃斯堡执行 [13] 市场需求 - 自项目启动以来,洛克希德·马丁已交付了1040架F-35战斗机,显示出强劲的市场需求 [2] - 全球各国加强国防能力,导致对先进军事装备的需求增加,尤其是战斗机 [4][5] - 摩尔多情报公司预测,全球战斗机市场在2024-2029年间的复合年增长率为3.7% [15] 公司优势 - 洛克希德·马丁拥有强大的战斗机产品组合,包括F-16、F-22、F-21以及F-35 [6] - F-35战斗机具备先进的传感器和通信系统,能够在多个领域进行信息共享,提高了任务准备度 [14] 行业趋势 - 全球军事冲突、恐怖主义和边境争端,以及战斗机技术的快速进步,推动了各国增加国防开支 [5] - 这一趋势有利于洛克希德·马丁等领先的战斗机制造商,通过持续的订单获得增长机会 [4][6] 其他受益公司 - 诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司(NOC):其2024年销售额预计同比增长5.3%,长期盈利增长率为19.1% [8] - 波音公司(BA):其国防、空间与安全部门从事军用飞机的研究、开发和生产,产品包括F/A-18超级大黄蜂、P-8、C-17环球霸王III等 [10] - 巴西航空工业公司(ERJ):其2024年销售额预计同比增长18.6%,每股收益预计同比增长379.1% [18]
Buy-The-Dip Signal Has Never Failed Lockheed Martin Stock
Schaeffers Investment Research· 2024-12-24 02:03
核心观点 - 洛克希德·马丁公司(NYSE:LMT)股价近期处于下跌趋势,主要由于公司在10月底未达到收入预期,导致股价连续下跌 公司股价目前下跌0.8%,报485.15美元,且在20个交易日中录得15次亏损 [1] 技术分析 - 公司股价接近其320天移动平均线,过去两个月中有80%的时间交易在该均线之上,且在最近10个交易日中有8次收盘高于该趋势线 [2] - 公司股价的14天相对强弱指数(RSI)为34.1,接近“超卖”区域,表明可能存在反弹机会 此外,期权市场的悲观情绪可能正在缓解,为股价提供更多上涨动力 在ISE、CBOE和PHLX交易所,公司股票的50天看跌/看涨成交量比率为0.50,高于过去12个月中97%的读数 [3] 历史表现 - 公司股价今年迄今的涨幅已缩减至6.8%,本季度下跌17.2%,但根据历史趋势,这种下跌为投资者提供了独特的买入机会 [4] - 根据White的研究,过去三年中出现过四次类似信号,每次信号出现后一个月,洛克希德·马丁股价均上涨,平均在接下来的21天内上涨8.2% 从当前水平类似的涨幅将几乎填补公司8.4%的30天跌幅 [5] 波动性分析 - 公司股价在过去一年中往往超出波动性预期,根据Schaeffer's波动性评分卡(SVS),得分为95分(满分100分),这对希望推测潜在正价格走势的溢价玩家来说是一个利好 [6]
Lockheed Unveils Astris AI to Provide AI Solutions Across Industries
ZACKS· 2024-12-20 21:16
核心观点 - 文章主要讨论了AI技术在国防和商业领域的应用,特别是通过Lockheed Martin Corporation (LMT) 新成立的子公司Astris AI,以及几家主要国防公司在AI领域的扩展和增长 [1][15][16] AI市场的增长 - AI市场由于ML和计算机视觉等技术的快速发展而迅速增长,数字工具的增加使得对AI处理大数据和提供准确预测的需求增加 [8] - 全球AI市场预计在2024-2029年间将以超过31.2%的复合年增长率增长 [14] 公司动态 Lockheed Martin Corporation (LMT) - LMT最近推出了Astris AI,一个新子公司,旨在帮助美国国防工业基地和商业行业在操作中简单且安全地使用AI [15] - Astris AI将提供端到端的AI咨询服务,包括MLOps和生成AI策略、实施、培训以及模型开发和部署,利用LMT的AI工程师团队,帮助公司应对AI技术的挑战 [1] - LMT的股票在过去六个月中上涨了3.8%,而行业整体下跌了4.5% [3][13] - LMT目前持有Zacks Rank 3 (Hold) [7] RTX Corporation (RTX) - RTX的长期收益增长率预计为10.2% [2] - 2024年RTX的销售预计将同比增长7.2% [2] - RTX的Raytheon部门最近获得了美国海军的两项重要合同,用于开发国防平台的操作AI,这是Mentor-Protégé Agreement计划的一部分 [5] Northrop Grumman Corporation (NOC) - NOC的长期收益增长率预计为19.1% [5] - 2024年NOC的销售预计将同比增长5.3% [5] - NOC最近在其Forward Area Air Defense Advanced Battle Manager系统中引入了一项新的AI功能,旨在帮助军事人员在任务中快速做出决策 [18] AeroVironment, Inc. (AVAV) - AVAV通过战略收购扩展其AI能力,最近宣布以约41亿美元的全股票交易收购国防技术初创公司BlueHalo,旨在通过太空技术、反无人飞机系统、定向能、电子战、网络和AI来多样化其投资组合 [11] - 2024年AVAV的销售预计将同比增长13.2%,每股收益预计将同比增长13% [6] AI在国防中的应用 - 在国防领域,AI在增强安全性、实现自主系统和改善关键情况下的决策方面发挥着关键作用 [8] - AI能够快速处理大量信息并提供可操作的见解,推动了其在各行业的采用 [8]