Altria (MO) Forms 'Hammer Chart Pattern': Time for Bottom Fishing?
ZACKS· 2025-01-09 23:56
Shares of Altria (MO) have been struggling lately and have lost 5.9% over the past four weeks. However, a hammer chart pattern was formed in its last trading session, which could mean that the stock found support with bulls being able to counteract the bears. So, it could witness a trend reversal down the road.While the formation of a hammer pattern is a technical indication of nearing a bottom with potential exhaustion of selling pressure, rising optimism among Wall Street analysts about the future earning ...
3 Must-Have Dividend Kings for 2025
MarketBeat· 2025-01-06 20:25
As we head into 2025, investors are reflecting on what was a red-hot 2024 for the stock market. Despite ending on a softer-than-expected note as the Fed tempered rate cut expectations, it was still a solid year all around, and the mood remains optimistic.  However, with last year's 20% rally fresh in mind, many are questioning whether the market can sustain such momentum for another 12 months. While individual opportunities for this kind of appreciation remain, another strategy to consider is to focus on di ...
Here's How Many Shares of Altria Group You Should Own to Get $500 in Yearly Dividends
The Motley Fool· 2025-01-05 18:21
Generating income from dividends can prove very satisfying and rewarding. After all, you receive regular payments from your investments, as long as you pick reliable dividend-paying companies.Altria Group (MO 1.20%) has made a commitment to returning cash to shareholders. The company states it prioritizes consistently growing dividends, targeting a mid-single-digit percentage annual increase. With some basic math, it's easy to figure out how many shares you'd need to own to generate $500 in annual dividends ...
Altria Group: HTS Portfolio May Be A Missing Piece In The Puzzle (Rating Upgrade)
Seeking Alpha· 2025-01-05 17:00
Altria Group (NYSE: MO ) is one of my top-tier consumer staple stocks. Its highly profitable smoking business generated margins high enough to provide shareholders with substantial distributions over decades. However, in recent years, the industry has struggled due to the progressing movementWelcome to Cash Flow Venue, where dividends do the heavy lifting! Blending my financial chops with the timeless wisdom of value investing (and love for steady income), I’ve built a rock-solid pillar in my financial foun ...
Where Will Altria Be in 3 Years?
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-28 16:23
公司概况 - 公司拥有Marlboro品牌 在北美市场占有约41%的份额 显示出在该地区的强大主导地位 [1] - 公司仅在北美洲运营 历史表明其卷烟业务在未来三年将继续恶化 [1] 业务拆分 - 几年前公司将Philip Morris International拆分出去 保留了北美业务 而Philip Morris International负责北美以外的业务 [2] - 拆分结果是公司成为现金牛 Philip Morris International则有更多增长机会 公司股息收益率为7.5% Philip Morris International为4.3% [2] 业务现状 - 公司收购了电子烟制造商NJOY 并通过其强大的分销网络快速扩展该业务 但NJOY业务规模远不足以抵消核心卷烟业务的下降 [4] - 公司通过提价抵消销量下降 但Marlboro品牌市场份额下降表明这一策略可能失效 消费者可能转向更便宜的尼古丁消费方式 [5] - 公司卷烟销量在2024年前九个月下降10.6% 而Philip Morris International同期销量增长0.5% [10] - 2020年公司卷烟销量下降0.4% 2021年下降7.5% 2022年下降9.7% 2023年下降9.9% 2024年前九个月下降10.6% 显示业务持续恶化 [11] - Marlboro市场份额从2020年底的43%下降到41% 如果趋势持续 三年内可能跌破40% [12] 未来预测 - 从2024年第三季度开始 假设每年下降10% 到2025年第三季度季度销量将从18.2亿支下降到16.4亿支 2026年下降到14.7亿支 2027年下降到13.3亿支以下 [8] 竞争格局 - 公司拆分出的Philip Morris International现在进入北美市场 推出非卷烟尼古丁产品 成为公司在北美市场的竞争对手 [7]
Altria Stock Trading Cheaper Than Industry: What's the Next Best Move?
ZACKS· 2024-12-27 23:35
Altria Group, Inc. (MO) stock is currently trading at a forward 12-month price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio of 9.85, representing a 16.9% discount compared to the Zacks Tobacco industry’s average of 11.85. This suggests that MO is undervalued, particularly when compared to key industry competitors such as Philip Morris International Inc. (PM) , which has a higher P/E ratio of 16.92, and Turning Point Brands, Inc. (TPB) , which trades at an even higher multiple of 19.34.While this lower valuation could attract va ...
Altria: I Couldn't Have Been More Wrong About This Stock (Rating Upgrade)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-12-24 18:16
观点转变 - 分析师对Altria (NYSE: MO) 的投资建议从卖出转变为看好 这一转变基于公司展现出的意外韧性和竞争优势 [1] 分析师立场 - 分析师持有Altria (NYSE: MO) 的多头头寸 包括股票所有权、期权或其他衍生品 [2]
Altria (MO) Registers a Bigger Fall Than the Market: Important Facts to Note
ZACKS· 2024-12-20 07:55
公司表现 - Altria股价在最近交易日收于52.99美元,较前一交易日下跌0.49%,表现落后于标普500指数的0.09%跌幅 [1] - 过去一个月,Altria股价下跌4.88%,表现不及必需消费品板块的1.58%跌幅和标普500指数的0.29%跌幅 [1] 财务预测 - 公司即将发布的每股收益预计为1.28美元,同比增长8.47% [2] - 最新一致预期显示,公司收入预计为50.4亿美元,同比增长0.29% [2] - 全年每股收益预计为5.12美元,同比增长3.43%,收入预计为203.8亿美元,同比下降0.61% [3] 估值指标 - 公司当前远期市盈率为10.41,与行业平均水平一致 [6] - 公司当前PEG比率为2.94,高于烟草行业平均的2.56 [6] 行业排名 - 烟草行业属于必需消费品板块,当前Zacks行业排名为217,处于所有250多个行业的底部14% [7] - 研究显示,排名前50%的行业表现优于后50%的行业,表现差距为2比1 [7] 分析师评级 - 公司当前Zacks评级为3(持有) [5] - 过去30天,Zacks一致每股收益预期上调0.1% [5]
Strategically Building A $100,000 Dividend Portfolio, With Altria As Your Core Holding
Seeking Alpha· 2024-12-20 06:00
Portfolio allocation is a crucial factor that determines performance over the long term. This article will show you how to build a $100,000 dividend portfolio using 2 ETFs and 10 dividend paying companies, from which Altria (I specialize in constructing investment portfolios aimed at generating additional income through dividends. My focus lies on identifying companies with significant competitive advantages and strong financials that can provide you with an attractive Dividend Yield and Dividend Growth, th ...
If I Could Only Buy 2 High Dividend Yield Companies In December 2024: Both Yield Above 7%
Seeking Alpha· 2024-12-17 04:00
核心观点 - 公司专注于构建旨在通过股息产生额外收入的投资组合,重点在于识别具有显著竞争优势和强大财务状况的公司,以提供有吸引力的股息收益率和股息增长,从而每年增加股息收入[1] 投资策略 - 公司通过结合高股息收益率和股息增长的公司,逐步减少对更广泛股市波动的依赖[1] - 公司帮助客户在各个行业和部门实现多元化投资组合,以最小化投资组合波动性和降低风险[1] - 公司建议纳入低贝塔系数的公司,以进一步降低投资组合的整体风险水平[1] - 公司推荐的投资组合通常由ETF和个别公司混合组成,强调广泛的多元化和风险降低[1] 选股标准 - 公司在投资组合中精心挑选高股息收益率和股息增长的公司[1] - 公司优先追求总回报,包括资本收益和股息,而不仅仅关注股息本身[1] - 公司确保投资组合在考虑所有潜在收入来源的同时,设计为最大化回报[1]