1 Wall Street Analyst Thinks Altria Stock Is Going to $65. Is It a Buy?
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-12 22:33
公司概况 - Altria作为主要卷烟生产商 在健康意识增强和烟草危害认知提高的背景下 其持续存在备受争议 [1] - 公司传统上强劲的财务表现和高股息收益率 多年来吸引了无数投资者 [1] 分析师评级 - 华尔街分析师Lisa Lewandowski近期将Altria评级从中性上调至买入 [2][3] - 目标价从每股55美元大幅上调至65美元 较12月11日收盘价高出近19% [3] 评级上调原因 - 预计即将上任的共和党政府将实施有利于公司的政策 如对一系列产品的外国生产商征收关税 以及可能降低企业税率 [4] - 分析师预计低收入消费者经济前景改善可能提振零售业便利部门 而便利店是烟草产品的活跃销售商 这将支持公司业务 [5] - 市场尚未完全将管理层成本削减计划的益处反映在股价中 [5] 行业挑战 - 公司面临的主要阻力是美国等主要市场卷烟消费的持续大幅下降 [6][7] - 尽管电子烟等新一代产品的使用增长在一定程度上填补了销售缺口 但尚未达到卷烟鼎盛时期的受欢迎程度 [7] - 公司及其同行需要继续努力说服投资者 这些产品拥有光明前景 [7]
Should You Forget Ultra-High-Yield Altria? Here's Why These Unstoppable Stocks Are Better Buys.
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-11 18:20
公司概况 - Altria的核心业务是销售烟草产品,其中香烟占公司收入的88%,而万宝路品牌占其可吸烟产品销售的90% [3] - 万宝路是北美市场的领先品牌,市场份额接近42% [4] - 2024年前九个月,Altria的香烟销量同比下降10.6%,延续了多年来的下降趋势 [4] 财务表现 - 过去五年,Altria的股价累计上涨约10% [1] - Altria通过定期提价抵消销量下降,从而每年增加收益并提高股息 [5] - Altria的股息收益率高达7%,且股息连续几十年逐年增长 [1] 行业对比 - 对于寻求高股息收益的投资者,Realty Income和Vici Properties可能是比Altria更好的选择 [2] - Realty Income的股息收益率为5.6%,其投资组合涵盖零售(73%租金)、工业(17%)和其他类别 [8] - Vici Properties的股息收益率为5.4%,其主要物业类型是赌场,且自2018年上市以来每年增加股息 [12][15] 业务模式 - Realty Income和Vici Properties都是净租赁房地产投资信托基金(REITs),租户承担大部分物业运营成本 [7] - Realty Income拥有超过15,400处物业,分布在北美和欧洲,是最大的净租赁REIT [8][10] - Vici Properties的租户高度集中,MGM Resorts和Caesars Entertainment占其租金的75% [13] 增长潜力 - Realty Income通过缓慢而稳定的增长,过去30年股息年均增长4.3% [9] - Vici Properties正在利用其坚实的赌场基础,寻求超越游戏物业领域的长期增长 [14] - Altria的核心业务可能处于长期衰退中,股息增长面临威胁 [5][16] 投资建议 - 对于保守的收益投资者,Realty Income是比Altria更可靠的选择 [17] - 如果投资者偏好“罪恶股”,Vici Properties的多元化物业组合可能比Altria更具吸引力 [17]
Trump Tailwinds Could Take Altria Group Stock To $100
Seeking Alpha· 2024-12-04 04:03
投资平台与分析师 - The Pragmatic Investor 是一个涵盖全球宏观、国际股票、大宗商品、科技和加密货币的投资平台 旨在为各级投资者提供指导 [1] - 该平台提供 The Pragmatic Investor Portfolio、每周市场更新通讯、可操作交易、技术分析和聊天室等功能 [1] - James Foord 是一名经济学家 拥有十年全球市场分析经验 领导 The Pragmatic Investor 投资团队 专注于构建稳健且真正多元化的投资组合 以持续保值和增值 [1]
Altria Group Dividend King Yields Over 7% And Continues To Break Out Toward $60
Seeking Alpha· 2024-12-02 22:00
I am focused on growth and dividend income. My personal strategy revolves around setting myself up for an easy retirement by creating a portfolio which focuses on compounding dividend income and growth. Dividends are an intricate part of my strategy as I have structured my portfolio to have monthly dividend income which grows through dividend reinvestment and yearly increases. Feel free to reach out to me on Seeking AlphaAnalyst’s Disclosure: I/we have a beneficial long position in the shares of MO, PM eith ...
Hit The Income, Buyback And Growth Trifecta With These 2 Picks
Seeking Alpha· 2024-12-01 22:15
When investing for income, in most cases, one has to choose which route to take: high income and slow growth, or a bit lower income and faster growth.Roberts Berzins has over a decade of experience in the financial management helping top-tier corporates shape their financial strategies and execute large-scale financings. He has also made significant efforts to institutionalize REIT framework in Latvia to boost the liquidity of pan-Baltic capital markets. Other policy-level work includes the development of n ...
Best Stock to Buy Right Now: Realty Income vs. Altria
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-01 18:15
Which of these high-yield dividend stocks has a brighter future?Realty Income (O -0.74%) and Altria (MO 0.16%) are both popular stocks for income investors. Realty is one of the largest real estate investment trusts (REITs) in the world, it pays monthly dividends, and it's raised its payout 127 times since its IPO in 1994. Altria is the largest tobacco company in America, and it's boosted its quarterly dividend Altria has increased its shareholder dividend for 54 consecutive years, making it one of very few ...
Altria Stock Reaches 52-Week High: Time to Capitalize or Wait?
ZACKS· 2024-11-30 01:46
公司股价表现 - 公司股价在2024年表现强劲,年初至今(YTD)上涨了43.1%,超过了Zacks烟草行业36.4%的涨幅,以及Zacks消费品行业5.8%和标普500指数26%的涨幅[2] - 公司股价在2024年表现优于行业竞争对手,如Philip Morris International Inc. (PM)和British American Tobacco p.l.c. (BTI),PM股价上涨40.2%,BTI股价上涨29.6%[3] - 公司股价在周三触及52周新高58.04美元,随后回落至57.65美元收盘,仍接近高点[1] 技术指标分析 - 公司股价目前交易在200天和50天简单移动平均线(SMAs)之上,显示出强劲的上升势头和价格稳定性[6] - 技术指标表明公司股价有望继续保持强劲表现[6] 向无烟未来转型 - 公司正在积极推进向无烟未来的转型,重点放在减少风险产品、遵守监管规定和为成年吸烟者提供创新替代品上[10] - NJOY作为公司转型战略的核心部分,在2024年第三季度实现了显著增长,净推荐值(NPS)比2023年提高了20多点,主要得益于产品满意度、零售可见度和有效的营销活动[11] - NJOY的消耗品出货量在第三季度增长了15%以上,达到1040万单位,设备出货量几乎翻了三倍,达到110万单位,年初至今达到390万单位[12] - NJOY的零售市场份额在第三季度扩大到6.2%,比去年增加了2.8个百分点,环比增加了0.8个百分点[12] - 公司的口腔尼古丁袋品牌on!在第三季度出货量同比增长46%,目前在油烟草产品类别中占有8.9%的零售份额[12] - 公司宣布了“优化和加速”计划,旨在通过现代化运营、利用技术和在未来五年内实现至少6亿美元的成本节约,推动向无烟未来的转型[13] 定价能力和多元化驱动增长 - 公司通过强大的定价能力应对挑战并保持盈利能力,第三季度在可吸烟产品和口腔烟草类别中通过更高的定价策略推动了收入增长[14] - 公司与日本烟草的合资企业Ploom加热烟草设备是进入不断增长的加热烟草市场的关键步骤,计划在2025年上半年提交PMTA和MRTP文件[15] 估值分析 - 尽管股价近期上涨,公司股票仍具有吸引力,其12个月远期市盈率(P/E)为10.90,低于行业平均12.74和标普500平均22.49,提供了有吸引力的投资价值[16] 潜在增长障碍 - 非法调味一次性电子烟产品的快速增长,用户数量在过去一年增加了45%,对公司在电子烟市场的努力构成了挑战,尽管NJOY的市场份额在增长,但仍受到非法产品的压制[19] - 公司在2024年第三季度的国内香烟销量调整后下降了11.5%,超过了行业估计的9%的调整后下降幅度,反映出公司在可吸烟产品领域维持增长的挑战[20] - 分析师在过去30天内将公司第四季度盈利预测下调了1美分,Zacks共识预测为每股1.28美元,尽管如此,公司整体前景仍然稳定[21]
Could Buying Altria Stock Today Set You Up for Life?
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-26 18:12
The stock has been enriching shareholders for generations.Despite its social stigma and terrible health consequences, tobacco is arguably the most lucrative business the world has ever seen. The U.S. Surgeon General first warned the American public about the dangers of smoking on Jan. 11, 1964. Since then, smoking prevalence in the United States has steadily declined.Yet, Altria Group (MO 0.04%), which sells the leading cigarette brand (Marlboro) in the United States, has turned a one-time $100 investment m ...
Capture Altria's 7% Yield In A Highly Regulated Industry
Seeking Alpha· 2024-11-24 23:31
Retirement is complicated and you only get once chance to do it right. Don't miss out because you didn't know what was out there.The Retirement Forum provides actionable ideals, a high-yield safe retirement portfolio, and macroeconomic outlooks, all to help you maximize your capital and your income. We search the entire market to help you maximize returns.Altria (NYSE: MO ) is one of the largest producers and marketers of tobacco in the world, with a $90 billion market capitalization. The company has a divi ...
Could Ultra-High-Yield Altria Help You Retire a Millionaire?
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-24 19:05
There are a lot of things to like about Altria (MO 1.25%), particularly if you are a dividend investor. But there are also a few very important things to be worried about.No company is perfect, so you always have to take some bad with the good. But if you are hoping to retire a millionaire on Altria's dividend, you'll want to think extra hard about the bad here.Altria is an industry leaderTo give credit where credit is due, Altria owns the most important brand in its category in North America. And it isn't ...