Rockwell Automation Names Matheus Bulho Senior Vice President, Software & Control
Businesswire· 2024-02-09 20:00
MILWAUKEE--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Rockwell Automation, Inc. (NYSE: ROK), the world’s largest company dedicated to industrial automation and digital transformation, today announced that Matheus Bulho is named senior vice president, Software & Control, effective April 1. He will report to Rockwell Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Blake Moret. In this role, Bulho will lead the operating segment that includes control and visualization software and hardware, information software, and network and security infrastr ...
Rockwell Automation unveils the full program for its ROKLive EMEA 2024 event
Prnewswire· 2024-02-08 13:00
Registration is still open with a 50% discount for young professionalsMADRID, Feb. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Rockwell Automation, the world's largest company dedicated to industrial automation and digital transformation, today announced the full program for its flagship European training event, ROKLive EMEA 2024, which will take place from 26 to 29 February 2024 in Madrid.This year's program includes keynotes on some of the most relevant topics in the industry, such as optimizing production, empowering people ...
Rockwell Automation to Present at Barclays 41st Annual Industrials Select Conference
Businesswire· 2024-02-06 20:00
公司活动 - Rockwell Automation, Inc. (NYSE: ROK)董事长兼首席执行官Blake Moret将于2024年2月21日在佛罗里达州迈阿密海滩举行的巴克莱第41届年度工业选择会议上发表演讲[1] - 演讲将于美东时间上午11:30左右开始,将通过Rockwell Automation投资者关系网站www.rockwellautomation.com/en-us/investors.html进行网络直播[2] 公司概况 - Rockwell Automation, Inc. (NYSE: ROK)是全球工业自动化和数字化转型的领导者,总部位于威斯康星州密尔沃基,拥有约29,000名员工,致力于为100多个国家的客户提供解决方案[3]
Saudi Arabian company SAAK International, a leading manufacturer of high-tech, industrial and defense electronics, is digitally transforming its production process with the help of Rockwell Automation
Prnewswire· 2024-02-06 13:00
SAAK aims to fulfil its goal of localization and follow the Saudi Vision 2030 by improving its operational and production-line efficiency using the Plex MES solution AL-KHOBAR, Saudi Arabia, Feb. 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Rockwell Automation, Inc. (NYSE: ROK), the world's largest company dedicated to industrial automation and digital transformation, today announced that it has closed a contract with Saudi Arabia's SAAK International to help power the company's digital transformation. Working with the country' ...
Here's Why Rockwell Automation Stock Fell This Week
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-03 01:00
Shares in Rockwell Automation (ROK 1.28%) declined by 13.2% this week to Friday, according to data provided by S&P Global Market Intelligence. The move comes after a disappointing set of fiscal first-quarter results. In a familiar refrain among industrial stocks this earnings season, Rockwell's management promised its second half would be better than its first half.Ending calendar year 2023 on a weak noteAs previously discussed, Rockwell is going through an unusual period right now. The supply chain difficu ...
Why Rockwell Automation Stock Is Falling Today
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-01 03:36
公司表现 - Rockwell Automation因持续的供应链问题和需求疲软而陷入困境[1] - 公司在最近一个季度的财报中表现不佳,营收和利润均下滑,部分原因是持续的供应链问题[3] - CEO表示高水平的渠道库存和持续的供应链问题影响了产品发货时间,但基本条件仍然积极[4] - 公司维持全年营收指导,但下调了每股稀释收益的预期[4] 投资者态度 - 投资者对公司未来的增长持谨慎态度,CEO预计今年营收将低位增长,随着订单的恢复,盈利将有所改善[5] 增长前景 - 尽管Rockwell Automation在未来有望获得份额增长和长期增长,但增长的时机将在很大程度上取决于客户对经济的看法[6]
Rockwell Automation(ROK) - 2024 Q1 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-02-01 02:43
业绩总结 - Q1 FY24销售额为20.52亿美元,同比增长3.6%[9] - Q1 FY24调整后每股收益为2.04美元,同比下降17%[9] - Q1 FY24总年度重复收入(ARR)同比增长20%[5] - Q1 FY24各业务板块和地区订单增长均为两位数[5] - 全年展望中,订单预计同比增长低个位数,销售增长范围为0.5%至6.5%[8] - 全年展望中,调整后每股收益范围为12.00至13.50美元,中间值同比增长约5%[8] 产品和技术 - Q1 FY24智能设备销售同比下降4.5%,运营利润率为16.2%[10] - Q1 FY24软件与控制销售同比增长5.3%,运营利润率为25.0%[10] - Q1 FY24生命周期服务销售同比增长10.5%,运营利润率为10.4%[10] 行业展望 - FY24汽车行业销售预计增长低个位数[16] - FY24半导体行业销售预计下降低个位数[16] - FY24电子商务和仓储自动化行业销售预计增长低个位数[16] - FY24食品饮料行业销售预计增长低个位数[16] - FY24生命科学行业销售预计增长低个位数[16] - FY24石油天然气行业销售预计增长高个位数[16] 财务展望 - 2024财年销售中点预计约为94亿美元,有机增长范围为-2.0%至4.0%[12] - 调整后的有效税率为17.0%[12] - 调整后的每股收益范围为12.00美元至13.50美元[12]
Rockwell Automation (ROK) Q1 Earnings & Revenues Miss Estimates
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-01 02:31
财务表现 - Rockwell Automation Inc. (ROK)在2024财年第一季度报告调整后的每股收益为2.04美元,低于Zacks Consensus Estimate的2.62美元[1] - 总收入为20.5亿美元,同比增长3.6%,但低于Zacks Consensus Estimate的26.2亿美元[3] - 智能设备和软件与控制部门的运营利润率下降,导致净利润同比下降17%[1] - 操作费用同比增加7.7%,销售总额下降2.3%[5] 部门表现 - 智能设备部门的净销售额同比下降1%,运营利润率从去年的22.4%降至16.2%[8] - 软件与控制部门的净销售额同比增长5%,运营利润率从去年的29.2%降至25.0%[9] - 生命周期服务部门的净销售额同比增长10.5%,运营利润率从去年的5.2%提高至10.4%[10] 财务展望 - 现金及现金等价物在2024财年第一季度末约为4.395亿美元,较2023财年末的10.718亿美元减少[11] - ROK在审查期间回购了0.4百万股股票,总价值1.2亿美元[13] - ROK预计2024财年调整后的每股收益为12.00-13.50美元,销售增长率为0.5-6.5%[14]
Rockwell Automation(ROK) - 2024 Q1 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-02-01 01:47
业绩总结 - 本季度订单呈现两位数顺序增长,所有业务部门和地区均较去年第四季度低点有所增长[9] - 总销售额同比增长3.6%,有机销售增长1%,以北美为主导,中国是我们出货的最大拖累[10] - 第一季度报告销售同比增长3.6%[43] - 段营运利润率为17.3%,较去年下降290个基点[44] - 调整后每股收益为2.04美元,较去年下降17%[47] - 自由现金流为负3,500万美元,较去年同期的4,200万美元为负[48] 业务部门销售 - 智能设备业务部门的有机销售同比下降4.5%,但通过强劲的配置订单业务和最近的收购,部分抵消了供应链约束的影响[12] - 食品和饮料销售同比下降高个位数[30] - 生命科学销售同比增长10%[33] - 石油和天然气销售同比增长超过25%[34] - 北美有机销售同比增长超过4%[35] - 亚太地区销售同比下降超过7%[35] 未来展望 - 公司预计2024财年报告销售增长率为0.5%至6.5%,有机销售增长率在负2%至正4%的范围内[62] - 预计全年货币汇率对销售增长的贡献为100个基点,价格预计将对全年增长产生积极影响[64] - 预计全年调整后的有效税率约为17%,调整后的每股收益指导范围为12美元至13.50美元,预计2024财年全年自由现金流转换率约为调整后收入的100%[65] 市场趋势 - 公司看到食品饮料、消费品、生命科学等行业的机械制造商在库存消耗后将继续有强劲的需求[129] - 矿业方面,我们预计今年矿业将实现低个位数增长[131] 公司策略 - 公司预计在2024财年Q1从大约20亿美元的出货量增长到年底的25亿美元[97] - 公司在Q1和Q2之间预计出现供应链转变,从过去的大量积压减少到更正常的订单处理[106] - 公司预计Q2的收入和利润率与Q1相似,主要是因为产品销售的组合将有所变化[113]
Why Rockwell Automation (ROK) is a Top Growth Stock for the Long-Term
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-31 23:46
Zacks Style Scores - Zacks Premium提供多种方式帮助投资者更加聪明和自信[2] - Zacks Style Scores是一套独特的指导原则,根据三种流行的投资类型对股票进行评级[3] - Style Scores分为四个类别,包括价值评分、成长评分、动量评分和VGM评分[5][6][7][8] 投资策略 - Zacks Rank利用盈利预期修订来构建一个成功投资组合[9] - 拥有Zacks Rank 1或2的股票,并且具有A或B的Style Scores,可以最大化回报[12] - 股票的盈利预期修订方向应该是选择股票时的关键因素[13] - 拥有Zacks Rank 1或2和A或B的Style Scores的股票数量越多,越好[14] 公司分析 - VGM评分是所有风格评分的综合,帮助筛选出具有最具吸引力价值、最佳增长预测和最有前景动量的公司[8] - Rockwell Automation (ROK)是一个值得关注的股票,具有成长潜力[15] - ROK有A级的Growth Style Score,预测当年盈利增长率为6%[16] - ROK拥有坚实的Zacks Rank和顶级的Growth和VGM Style Scores,值得投资者关注[17]