The Hanover Insurance (THG)
Hanover Insurance Group (THG) Beats Q3 Earnings Estimates
ZACKS· 2024-10-31 06:37
Hanover Insurance Group (THG) came out with quarterly earnings of $3.05 per share, beating the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $2.65 per share. This compares to earnings of $0.19 per share a year ago. These figures are adjusted for non-recurring items.This quarterly report represents an earnings surprise of 15.09%. A quarter ago, it was expected that this insurance company would post earnings of $1.88 per share when it actually produced earnings of $1.88, delivering no surprise.Over the last four quarters, the ...
The Hanover Insurance (THG) - 2024 Q3 - Quarterly Results
2024-10-31 04:44
公司主要业务 - 公司主要业务包括核心商业险、专业险和个人险等[1][2][3][4] - 核心商业险业务主要覆盖小型企业和中型企业客户,提供商业综合险、商业车险、工伤险等产品[1][3] - 专业险业务主要为中小型非上市公司提供专业责任险、管理责任险、忠诚险等保障[1][4] - 个人险业务包括个人车险和个人财产险等产品[2][4] - 公司还有再保险、债券等其他业务[1][2][3][4] 财务表现 - 毛保费总额同比增长5.8%至15.89亿美元[7] - 净保费总额同比增长5.6%至14.47亿美元[7] - 净保费收入同比增长2.3%至14.12亿美元[7] - 税后经营利润为-6830万美元,同比下降[7] - 每股税后经营利润为-1.91美元,同比下降[7] - 总资产增长至142.87亿美元[7] - 股东权益总额为22.38亿美元,较上季度下降[7] - 剔除固定收益投资未实现损益后的每股净资产为79.68美元[7] - 产险公司法定偿付能力充足率为2.27倍[7] - 总债务/权益比率为35.0%[7] - 2024年前三季度总收入为46.53亿美元,同比增长4.2%[9] - 2024年第三季度总收入为15.65亿美元,同比增长3.2%[9] - 2024年前三季度净利润为2.58亿美元,而2023年同期为亏损0.73亿美元[9] - 2024年第三季度净利润为1.02亿美元,而2023年同期为0.86亿美元[9] - 2024年9月30日总资产为153.67亿美元,较2023年12月31日增长5.2%[10] - 2024年9月30日股东权益为28.78亿美元,较2023年12月31日增长16.7%[10] - 2024年前三季度投资收益为-4.14亿美元,而2023年同期为-3.18亿美元[9] - 2024年前三季度保费收入为44.01亿美元,同比增长4.2%[9] - 2024年第三季度保费收入为14.79亿美元,同比增长3.4%[9] - 2024年9月30日未到期保费准备金为33.39亿美元,较2023年12月31日增长7.6%[10] 业务表现 - 公司2023年第三季度总保费收入为18.32亿美元,同比增长3.9%[11] - 公司2023年第三季度净保费收入为16.63亿美元,同比增长4.2%[11] - 公司2023年第三季度净保费收入中,核心商业险为5.99亿美元,专业险为3.50亿美元,个人险为7.14亿美元[11] - 公司2023年第三季度总赔付率为64.5%,同比下降9.7个百分点[11] - 公司2023年第三季度核心商业险赔付率为63.4%,专业险赔付率为46.2%,个人险赔付率为75.3%[11] - 公司2023年第三季度费用率为31.0%,同比上升0.8个百分点[11] - 公司2023年第三季度综合成本率为95.5%,同比下降8.9个百分点[11] - 公司2023年第三季度投资收益为9,180万美元,同比增长9.0%[11] - 公司2023年第三季度税前营业利润为1.51亿美元,同比大幅改善[11] - 公司2023年第三季度个人险业务亏损6,700万美元,同比亏损大幅收窄[11] - 公司2024年前三季度总保费收入为51.37亿美元,同比增长4.2%[12] - 公司2024年前三季度净保费收入为46.39亿美元,同比增长3.9%[12] - 公司2024年前三季度综合成本率为96.7%,同比下降3个百分点[12] - 公司2024年前三季度核心商业险和专业险业务的综合成本率分别为94.2%和88.2%,同比分别下降5.5个百分点和0.5个百分点[12] - 公司2024年前三季度个人险业务的综合成本率为103.5%,同比下降20.2个百分点[12] - 公司2024年前三季度投资收益为2.72亿美元,同比增长8.5%[12] - 公司2024年前三季度其他收入为2.16亿美元,同比下降6.9%[12] - 公司2024年前三季度税前营业利润为3.96亿美元,同比增长854.3%[12] - 公司2024年前三季度核心商业险和专业险业务的税前营业利润分别为2.11亿美元和1.74亿美元,同比分别增长84.2%和0.8%[12] - 公司2024年前三季度个人险业务的税前营业利润为1.02亿美元,同比增长103.0%[12] - 2023年前三季度总保费收入为49.31亿美元,同比增长4.2%[13] - 2023年前三季度净保费收入为44.65亿美元,同比增长3.9%[13] - 2023年前三季度总赔付率为76.2%,同比下降10.4个百分点[13] - 2023年前三季度不含灾害赔付的当年赔付率为61.4%,同比下降2.7个百分点[13] - 2023年前三季度不含灾害赔付的前期赔付率为-0.2%,同比下降0.7个百分点[13] - 2023年前三季度当年灾害赔付率为15.0%,同比下降6.2个百分点[13] - 2023年前三季度费用率为30.5%,同比下降0.2个百分点[13] - 2023年前三季度综合成本率为106.7%,同比下降10个百分点[13] - 2023年前三季度不含灾害赔付的综合成本率为91.7%,同比下降0.2个百分点[13] - 2023年前三季度当年不含灾害赔付的综合成本率为91.9%,同比下降0.2个百分点[13] - 核心商业部门2023年1-9月总保费收入为18.55亿美元,同比增长6.1%[16] - 2023年1-9月中小企业和中型企业的净保费收入分别为8.96亿美元和7.46亿美元[16] - 2023年1-9月综合成本率为99.7%,扣除自然灾害损失后为90.5%[14] - 2023年1-9月商业多险和商业汽车的净保费收入分别为8.32亿美元和2.89亿美元[16] - 2023年1-9月续保率为83.8%,续保价格上涨11.5%[16] - 2023年1-9月投资收益为1.14亿美元[14] - 2023年1-9月其他营业收入为360万美元[14] - 2023年1-9月其他营业费用为440万美元[14] - 2023年1-9月税前营业利润为1.14亿美元[14] - 2023年1-9月自然灾害损失为1.48亿美元,同比下降36.6%[14] - 2023年1-9月期间,公司毛保费收入为11.745亿美元,同比增长5.8%[17] - 2023年1-9月期间,公司净保费收入为9.884亿美元,同比增长5.8%[17] - 2023年1-9月期间,公司综合成本率为87.2%,同比下降0.5个百分点[17] - 2023年1-9月期间,公司专业和执行线业务的净保费收入为3.214亿美元,同比增长4.0%[18] - 2023年1-9月期间,公司特种财产和意外险业务的净保费收入为3.028亿美元,同比增长4.1%[18] - 2023年1-9月期间,公司海事业务的净保费收入为3.059亿美元,同比增长6.9%[18] - 2023年1-9月期间,公司保费保持率为80.9%,同比提高1.6个百分点[18] - 2023年1-9月期间,公司续保价格上涨12.3%,同比下降1.4个百分点[18] - 2023年1-9月期间,公司投资收益为5.36亿美元,同比增长[17] - 2023年1-9月期间,公司营业利润为1.73亿美元,同比增长0.8%[17] - 个人保险业务净保费收入同比增长4.1%,达到19.01亿美元[20,21] - 个人保险业务除灾难损失外的当年损失率同比下降7.7个百分点至63.9%[20] - 个人保险业务当年灾难损失率同比下降13个百分点至11.4%[20] - 个人保险业务总合并比率同比下降20.2个百分点至100.6%[20] - 个人保险业务除灾难损失外的当年损失率同比下降5.8个百分点至64.8%[21] - 个人保险业务当年灾难损失率同比下降11.8个百分点至13.6%[21] - 个人保险业务总合并比率同比下降20.2个百分点至103.5%[21] - 个人险业务毛保费收入为19.01亿美元,同比增长4.2%[22] - 个人险业务净保费收入为18.35亿美元,同比增长3.6%[22] - 个人险业务净赚保费为17.29亿美元,同比增长5.2%[22] - 个人险业务当年不含灾害赔付率为70.7%,同比下降6.0个百分点[22] - 个人险业务当年灾害赔付率为25.4%,同比下降11.8个百分点[22] - 个人险业务费用率为25.6%,同比下降1.1个百分点[22] - 个人险业务综合成本率为98.1%,同比下降25.6个百分点[22] - 个人险业务剔除灾害因素的综合成本率为97.5%,同比下降3.5个百分点[22] - 个人险业务当年剔除灾害因素的综合成本率为96.3%,同比下降2.1个百分点[22] - 个人险业务投资收益为7.33亿美元,同比增长6.2%[22] - 公司第三季度总保费收入为18.35亿美元,同比增长9.9%[25] - 个人汽车保费收入为10.76亿美元,同比增长1.0%[25] - 房主及其他保费收入为7.59亿美元,同比增长1.7%[25] - 个人汽车续保价格上涨11.9%,房主续保价格上涨21.6%[25] 投资管理 - 第三季度总投资收益率为3.54%,较上年同期提高0.17个百分点[27] - 固定收益投资组合的平均收益率为3.32%,较上年同期提高0.27个百分点[27] - 公司投资组合中固定收益证券占比86.6%,其中投资级债券占比76.4%[28] - 公司投资组合中净未实现亏损为3.17亿美元,较上季度减少3.04亿美元[28] - 公司现金及现金等价物余额为4.27亿美元[28] - 公司总投资资产规模为102.74亿美元[28] 其他 - 公司总体业绩良好,核心商业线和专业线业务表现出色[33] - 个人线业务在第三季度有所改善,但全年仍有亏损[33] - 投资组合信用质量较好,主要集中在评级较高的债券[30][31] - 前25大公司和市政债券投资占总投资资产的6.97%[32] - 第三季度经营利润为1.506亿美元,同比大幅增长[33] - 第三季度每股经营利润为3.05美元,同比有所下降[33] - 第三季度净投资收益率为0.32%,同比有所下降[33] - 第三季度净收入为1.021亿美元,同比大幅下降[33] - 前三季度经营利润为3.957亿美元,同比大幅增长[33] - 前三季度每股经营利润
The Hanover Reports Excellent Third Quarter Net Income and Operating Income of $2.80 and $3.05 per Diluted Share, Respectively; Net and Operating Return on Equity of 15.0% and 14.4%, Respectively
Prnewswire· 2024-10-31 04:05
Third Quarter Highlights Combined ratio of 95.5%; combined ratio, excluding catastrophes(1), of 88.3% Catastrophe losses of $105.9 million, or 7.2 points of the combined ratio Net premiums written increase of 4.2%* Renewal price increases(2) of 15.4% in Personal Lines, 12.9% in Core Commercial and 10.1% in Specialty Rate increases(2) of 14.4% in Personal Lines, 10.0% in Core Commercial and 7.6% in Specialty Loss and loss adjustment expense (LAE) ratio of 64.5%, 9.7 points below the prior-year quarter Curren ...
Hanover Insurance Group (THG) Earnings Expected to Grow: Should You Buy?
ZACKS· 2024-10-23 23:08
Wall Street expects a year-over-year increase in earnings on higher revenues when Hanover Insurance Group (THG) reports results for the quarter ended September 2024. While this widely-known consensus outlook is important in gauging the company's earnings picture, a powerful factor that could impact its near-term stock price is how the actual results compare to these estimates.The earnings report, which is expected to be released on October 30, 2024, might help the stock move higher if these key numbers are ...
The Hanover Insurance: Q2 Improvement And Future Growth Indicators
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-29 19:29
This is the official page of Croatian-American media personality Albert Anthony. Since 2023 he has been a contributor to global financial media portal Seeking Alpha, reaching +1MM investors worldwide & his content often averaging +25,000 views monthly. As an independent contributor, his content on the Seeking Alpha portal provides curated analysis of stocks trading on major US exchanges, with a strong focus on the financials and tech sector, and building a diversified dividend income portfolio, but also a f ...
Why Hanover Insurance Group (THG) is a Great Dividend Stock Right Now
ZACKS· 2024-09-27 00:45
Whether it's through stocks, bonds, ETFs, or other types of securities, all investors love seeing their portfolios score big returns. However, when you're an income investor, your primary focus is generating consistent cash flow from each of your liquid investments. While cash flow can come from bond interest or interest from other types of investments, income investors hone in on dividends. A dividend is the distribution of a company's earnings paid out to shareholders; it's often viewed by its dividend yi ...
The Hanover Insurance Group, Inc. to Issue Third Quarter Financial Results on October 30
Prnewswire· 2024-09-24 04:15
WORCESTER, Mass., Sept. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Hanover Insurance Group, Inc. (NYSE: THG) expects to issue its third quarter financial results after the market closes on Wednesday, October 30. The company expects to webcast a discussion of its results on Thursday, October 31, at 10:00 a.m. ET, through its website at About The Hanover The Hanover Insurance Group, Inc. is the holding company for several property and casualty insurance companies, which together constitute one of the largest i ...
Why Hanover Insurance Group (THG) is a Top Dividend Stock for Your Portfolio
ZACKS· 2024-09-11 00:46
Getting big returns from financial portfolios, whether through stocks, bonds, ETFs, other securities, or a combination of all, is an investor's dream. However, when you're an income investor, your primary focus is generating consistent cash flow from each of your liquid investments. While cash flow can come from bond interest or interest from other types of investments, income investors hone in on dividends. A dividend is the distribution of a company's earnings paid out to shareholders; it's often viewed b ...
Hanover Insurance Group Stock Near 52-Week High: Time to Buy?
ZACKS· 2024-08-31 01:15
Shares of The Hanover Insurance Group (THG) closed at $143.98 on Thursday, near its 52-week high of $144.10, after having gained 34.9% in a year. Shares outperformed the industry, the Finance sector as well as the Zacks S&P 500 composite index in the same time frame. Continued strong performing Core Commercial and Specialty segments, stable retention, better pricing, strong market presence and a solid capital position poise this insurer well for long-term growth. Hanover Insurance believes that it is well-p ...
The Hanover Insurance Group to Present at theKeefe, Bruyette & Woods Insurance Conference on September 5
Prnewswire· 2024-08-22 22:01
WORCESTER, Mass., Aug. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Hanover Insurance Group, Inc. (NYSE: THG) today announced John C. Roche, president and chief executive officer, and Jeffrey M. Farber, executive vice president and chief financial officer, will participate in a fireside chat at the Keefe, Bruyette & Woods Insurance Conference on Thursday, September 5 from 11:20 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. E.T. The discussion will be broadcast live through the company's website on under "Investors." A replay of the event ...