Walgreens to help bring cell and gene therapies to patients as it expands specialty pharmacy services
CNBC· 2024-04-25 12:01
A person rides past a Walgreens truck, owned by the Walgreens Boots Alliance, in Manhattan, New York City, on Nov. 26, 2021.Walgreens on Thursday said it will start to work directly with drugmakers to bring cell and gene therapies to U.S. patients as part of a broader expansion of its specialty pharmacy services.The company said it is launching a new business unit dedicated to its specialty pharmacy segment, which will include specialty pharmacy subsidiary AllianceRx. The unit will fall under its core U.S. ...
Walgreens To Launch $24 Billion Business Dedicated To Specialty Pharmacy
Forbes· 2024-04-25 12:01
Walgreens is launching Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy, a business that will integrate a new gene and ... [+] cell services business with AllianceRx, the company said April 25, 2024. In this photo is a Walgreens store on April 02, 2019 in Miami, Florida. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)Getty ImagesWalgreens is launching Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy, a $24 billion business that integrates new gene and cell services with existing pharmacy assets including the large specialty pharmacy and home delivery business ...
Walgreens Layoffs 2024: What to Know About the Latest WBA Job Cuts
InvestorPlace· 2024-04-18 22:56
裁员计划 - 沃尔格林公司宣布裁员计划,但并未透露具体裁员人数,大部分裁员将在芝加哥设施进行[1] - 公司还将减少员工工作时间,导致门店员工工作时间减少4%至7%,这是为了降低运营成本[2] - 沃尔格林公司一直在稳步裁员,受到经济压力的影响,包括增加的通货膨胀和高利率对业务的影响,这些因素抑制了消费者支出[2]
Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research and Walgreens Unite in Alabama to Boost Sarcoidosis Awareness and Spring Vaccine Education for April Awareness Month
Newsfilter· 2024-04-16 06:31
合作项目 - Walgreens与Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research (FSR)合作,旨在提高对肺病的认识和支持[1] - 在阿拉巴马州的Walgreens门店,将提供关于肺病的信息资源,让顾客了解该疾病及其影响[2] 捐款支持 - 顾客可以通过在结账处捐款来支持FSR的使命,加速肺病研究并为患者及其家人提供支持[3] FSR-GSCA成立 - FSR成立了FSR Global Sarcoidosis Clinic Alliance (FSR-GSCA),旨在提供社区教育和支持,为患有肺病的人提供基于证据的患者中心护理[4]
Is Walgreens Boots Alliance's Dividend Still Safe?
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-07 17:35
Just because Walgreens' dividend yield is lower doesn't mean the payout is secure.At the start of 2024, Walgreens Boots Alliance (WBA 0.79%) made a big move, announcing that it would be slashing its dividend by 48%. While it was bad news for income investors relying on the dividend, it was a decision that shouldn't have come as too big of a surprise given the company's lackluster earnings results and poor financials. But given the stock's struggles, Walgreens' dividend yield remains high at around 5%.The co ...
Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc. (WBA) is Attracting Investor Attention: Here is What You Should Know
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-04 22:05
公司表现 - 沃尔格林斯联盟(WBA)最近被列入Zacks.com最受关注股票名单[1] - 过去一个月,沃尔格林斯这家美国最大的药店连锁店的股价下跌了11.4%,而Zacks标普500综合指数上涨了1.6%[2] - Zacks Retail - Pharmacies and Drug Stores行业的股价也下跌了1.5%[2] - 沃尔格林斯的Zacks Rank为3(持有),显示股票的近期价格表现[8] 盈利预期 - 沃尔格林斯预计本季度每股盈利为0.74美元,同比下降26%[5] - 本财年的一致盈利预期为3.23美元,同比下降18.8%[6] - 下一财年的一致盈利预期为3.23美元,与沃尔格林斯一年前的报告相同[7] 销售预期 - 沃尔格林斯当前季度的一致销售预期为359.8亿美元,同比增长1.6%[10] - 沃尔格林斯上一季度的营收为370.5亿美元,同比增长6.3%[11] 估值 - 沃尔格林斯的估值显示其正以折扣价交易于同行[17]
Walgreens Boots Alliance Stock Has 87% Upside, According to 1 Wall Street Analyst
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-03 23:34
华尔格林斯股价走势 - 华尔格林斯的股价近年来一直呈下跌趋势,市场情绪受到持续挑战的影响[1] - TD Cowen分析师对华尔格林斯的股票前景持乐观态度,虽然将价格目标从37美元降至35美元,但仍维持买入评级,预计股价有望上涨87%[2] - 华尔格林斯预计2024年调整后每股收益在3.20至3.35美元之间,同时预计美国医疗保健业务在调整后EBITDA基础上实现盈亏平衡[4] 华尔格林斯投资前景 - 尽管TD Cowen分析师认为华尔格林斯的业绩可能不会改善,但看好其风险回报比,支撑了高价目标[3] - 华尔格林斯可能是一个值得关注的转型投资标的,公司已任命新CEO并采取了一些艰难的决定,但股票仍存在风险[7] 华尔格林斯股票评价 - 尽管华尔格林斯的盈利在下降,但如果公司能实现目标,股价有望大幅上涨[5] - 华尔格林斯股票的估值虽然低,但仅仅因为估值便宜而购买股票可能是一种灾难性的做法[6]
Should You Pick Walgreens Stock At $20?
Forbes· 2024-04-03 21:00
WASHINGTON,DC-FEBRUARY 12: An exterior of Walgreens where a security guard shot an alleged armed ... [+] robber inside the store in Chinatown, Washington, DC on February 12, 2024. (Photo by Marvin Joseph/The Washington Post via Getty Images)The Washington Post via Getty ImagesWalgreens recently reported its Q2’24 results (fiscal ends in August), with revenue and earnings exceeding the street expectations. The company reported revenue of $37.1 billion and adjusted earnings of $1.20 per share, compared to the ...
1 Reason to Buy Walgreens, 1 Reason to Sell, and a Better High-Yield Stock to Buy Either Way
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-01 13:11
公司股价表现 - 沃尔格林斯的股价自2015年初创下历史最高点以来下跌了超过75%[1] - 公司的股息在过去几年一直是投资者的救命稻草,但去年晚些时候股息几乎减半,比2015年降低了26%[2] 公司经营状况 - 新任CEO正在采取措施削减成本并刺激盈利增长,这可能是一个有吸引力的购买理由[3] - CEO正在加速公司的转型,迅速采取行动削减成本,包括48%的股息削减[4] - 公司还采取了一些措施降低成本和开支,计划在2023年削减10亿美元的支出[5] 财务状况 - 尽管公司在上半财年的营收增长了8%,但非药店零售销售下降了5.3%,管理层降低了全年利润预期[6] - 公司的现金流问题愈发严重,上半年运营现金流已经亏损9.18亿美元,资本支出达到8.58亿美元[7] - 尽管承诺削减支出和成本,沃尔格林斯仍有很多工作要做,资产负债表上的总资产已经减少了110亿美元[8] 风险与替代选择 - 除了现金流问题,公司还面临着股息安全性的问题,如果现金流不好转向,很可能会再次削减股息[9] - 房地产收入公司Realty Income可能是一个更好的选择,其股息非常安全,每季度都在增加[10]
Walgreens Boots Alliance(WBA) - 2024 Q2 - Quarterly Report
2024-03-29 04:01
UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 FORM 10-Q (Mark One) ☑ QUARTERLY REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the Quarterly Period Ended February 29, 2024 ☐ TRANSITION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the Transition Period From _______to _______ Commission File Number 001-36759 WALGREENS BOOTS ALLIANCE, INC. (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter) (State or Other Juris ...