If Walgreens Sells To Private Equity, Deal May Join Others Under Fire
Forbes· 2024-12-12 13:00
文章核心观点 - 如果Walgreens Boots Alliance(WBA)被私募股权公司Sycamore Partners收购,该公司可能会加入其他因出售给私募股权投资者而受到审查的医疗保健交易行列 [1][2] 行业背景 - 医疗保健行业近年来频繁出现整合和私募股权收购,这些交易引起了国会、联邦反垄断机构和州检察长的监管关注 [2] - 美国参议员对私募股权在医院、医疗系统和医生诊所等领域的角色进行了调查,关注其对患者、医疗质量和结果的影响 [3][4] 公司动态 - Walgreens正在考虑将其出售给私募股权公司Sycamore Partners,如果交易成真,这将使这家拥有数千家药店和医疗服务的标志性药房连锁店成为私募股权所有 [2] - Walgreens已经启动了一项大规模的成本削减计划,并计划在未来三年内关闭1,200家门店,以恢复盈利能力和长期增长 [7] 私募股权的影响 - 私募股权在过去十年中在美国的医疗保健行业投资了超过1万亿美元,涉及行业的各个角落,尽管这种投资对患者、工人和投资者存在重大风险 [6] - 私募股权的典型投资策略可能导致危及患者护理和增加破产风险的行为 [6] 市场反应 - 对于Walgreens可能被私募股权收购的消息,批评者迅速表达了担忧 [5] - 分析师认为,尽管私募股权收购WBA的可能性存在,但由于公司面临的运营挑战,这笔交易并非必然 [8]
Walgreens could 'aggressively' cut costs if privately owned, analyst says
Fox Business· 2024-12-11 21:51
If Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc. is bought by private equity firm Sycamore Partners, it would have more flexibility to "aggressively" reduce costs in order to address persisting industry challenges, according to an industry analyst. "As a private company, WBA [Walgreens Boots Alliance] would have more flexibility to make major changes to the business, in our view, and aggressively cut costs to try to tackle recent challenges with pharmacy operating margins and declining retail product sales from increased ...
What's Happening With Walgreens Stock?
Forbes· 2024-12-11 20:06
公司核心观点 - Walgreens计划在未来三年内关闭1,200家门店,原因是公司四分之一的门店不盈利[1] - Walgreens股价在12月10日上涨18%,因为有报道称公司可能被纽约的私募股权公司Sycamore Partners收购[1] - Walgreens面临来自亚马逊和其他折扣店的竞争压力,以及处方药报销下降的问题[1] 行业竞争 - 直接面向消费者的远程医疗和电子商务平台可能以更低的价格提供药品,增加了Walgreens和CVS等公司的压力[2] - Eli Lilly宣布,如果直接从其电子商务平台订购,其肥胖药物Zepbound的某些剂量价格将比市场上的其他GLP-1药物便宜50%[2] 公司战略 - Walgreens不仅依赖药房业务,还依赖零售销售,但上述因素意味着客流量减少,这将影响其零售销售[3] - Walgreens一直在扩大其在线和初级保健服务,以促进收入增长,2021年收购VillageMD是其战略的一部分[3] - VillageMD不得不关闭数百家诊所以削减成本并提高盈利能力,Walgreens在2024财年因此记录了58亿美元的减值费用[3] 财务表现 - Walgreens的市场资本化从2022年初的约500亿美元下降到本月初的约75亿美元[4] - 尽管最近股价上涨18%,Walgreens股价今年仍下跌57%[5] - Walgreens的股价在过去几年中波动较大,2021年上涨36%,2022年和2023年分别下跌25%[5] 估值分析 - 基于2025财年预期调整后每股收益1.71美元的8倍市盈率,Walgreens的估值估计为每股14美元,低于过去三年平均市盈率10倍[6] - 由于Walgreens的盈利前景黯淡以及来自直接电子商务平台的竞争加剧,估值倍数的下降似乎是合理的[6]
Is Walgreens' High-Yielding Dividend Safe?
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-22 17:10
关于高股息股票的一般性观点 - 若股票股息率超10%应审视业务确定派息安全性高股息可增加收益并在市场艰难时提供缓冲[1] 沃尔格林公司情况 - 沃尔格林今年初削减股息股价大幅下跌后股息率仍高约12.1%投资约8300美元每年可获1000美元股息但可能再次削减股息使投资受损[2] - 探究沃尔格林削减后的派息是否可控及是否会再次削减[3] - 沃尔格林仍在盈利方面挣扎过去四个季度中有三个季度报告运营亏损最近财年运营亏损达141亿美元其中127亿美元为非现金商誉减值若排除一次性费用运营亏损约14亿美元低于上一年的69亿美元[5] - 虽有改善但可能无法让投资者确信股息可持续[6] - 沃尔格林现金状况不佳运营现金流仅略超10亿美元自由现金流为负按当前股息率全年支付约8.64亿美元现金股息公司正考虑出售资产提升现金流[7] - 公司需在现金方面改善以平衡增长愿望和股息支付目前可能需在股息和增长间做抉择[8] - 首席执行官蒂姆·温特沃斯上任几个月后于1月削减股息随着对公司情况评估时间增加可能有更剧烈变化公司计划未来几年关闭1200家零售药店但可能不足以扭亏为盈[9] - 不建议为股息投资沃尔格林五年内股票价值损失超85%即使年初削减股息股息率仍高除非能承受高风险并信任新首席执行官否则应避开该公司有更安全股息股可选[10] - 尽管股息率诱人但鉴于公司短期和长期面临的不确定性股息随时可能被削减或暂停[11]
Walgreens: 11.9% Dividend Yield Still On Unsteady Legs
Seeking Alpha· 2024-11-18 20:32
As a dividend investor who plans to live solely off dividends in the next 5 - 7 years, I'm often more critical of a company's ability to pay its dividend. And although Walgreens Boots Alliance (Contributing analyst to the iREIT+Hoya Capital investment group. The Dividend Collectuh is not a registered investment professional nor financial advisor and these articles should not be taken as financial advice. This is for educational purposes only and I encourage everyone to do their own due diligence. I'm a Navy ...
Walgreens: Deep Value? Or Massive Value Trap?
Seeking Alpha· 2024-11-08 16:46
About a year ago, Altria ( MO ) was trading below $40 a share, giving them a starting dividend yield of around 9.5%. Since then, the company has a total return of close to 44%! The same wasI believe value dividend investing has proven to be one of the most effect forms of investing as it allows you to buy quality companies at great prices while receiving cash flow, without selling your position in a stock. I went to school for finance and have worked in finance my entire career, and am currently building a ...
Walgreens Is Closing 1,200 Stores and Investors Should Expect Even More Big Moves in the Future
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-07 21:30
The struggling pharmacy retailer still has a tough road ahead.Walgreens Boots Alliance (WBA -4.05%) is in the midst of a significant turnaround. New CEO Tim Wentworth is trying to improve the company's financials and make the stock a much more appealing option for long-term investors. It won't be easy amid rising costs and heightened competition.By becoming leaner and shedding unprofitable stores, Walgreens can hopefully make strides in getting back to breakeven and being in a better position to consistentl ...
Walgreens Q4: 2 Signs Of A Dividend Trap
Seeking Alpha· 2024-10-30 02:53
文章核心观点 - 公司在过去几次市场大幅波动中,其投资组合的最大回撤幅度明显低于标准普尔500指数[3] - 公司的投资组合在2007年11月至2009年2月、2020年1月至3月、2021年9月至10月以及2022年的市场调整中,均取得了优于大盘的表现[3] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 投资组合表现 - 公司的投资组合在2007年11月至2009年2月、2020年1月至3月、2021年9月至10月以及2022年的市场调整中,最大回撤幅度分别为-27%、-19.6%、-20.1%和-17.5%,明显低于标准普尔500指数的-51%、-20%、-20%和-10%[3] - 公司通过自身的投资方法,在市场大幅波动时期取得了优于大盘的表现[2] 公司介绍 - 公司是一家专注于提供独立研究和投资建议的机构[1] - 公司的核心风格是提供可操作性强且明确的投资建议[1]
Why Investors Were Bailing Out of Walgreens Boots Alliance This Week
The Motley Fool· 2024-10-25 19:28
Shareholders were spooked about a new threat to the company's core business; a fresh dividend declaration didn't help.It can be scary when a major blue chip company comes for your business. This was a significant factor behind the nosedive in Walgreens Boots Alliance (WBA -0.11%) stock over the past few trading sessions. Week to date as of Friday before market open the company's share price had tumbled by more than 13%, according to data compiled by S&P Global Market Intelligence. Even Walgreens' maintenanc ...
Is Walgreens Boots Alliance Stock a Buy After Having Its Best Day in Years?
The Motley Fool· 2024-10-24 18:06
Walgreens recently announced it would be closing 1,200 stores over the next few years.It's been a rough year for retail pharmacy giant Walgreens Boots Alliance (WBA -3.91%). The business has struggled to grow and stay out of the red. In the long run, there may be even greater uncertainty, as the viability of its business is questionable, given the rising popularity of e-commerce and online prescription delivery. This year, the stock is down close to 60%.But recently, it reported its latest earnings numbers, ...