United States Steel (X) Increases Despite Market Slip: Here's What You Need to Know
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-16 07:06
股价表现 - 美国钢铁公司(United States Steel)股价在最近一个交易日收盘价为38.85美元,较前一个交易日上涨了1.54%[1] - 美国钢铁公司股票在过去一个月下跌了16.43%,未能跟上基本材料部门的6.99%和标普500指数的3.27%的涨幅[2] 财务预测 - 预计美国钢铁公司将报告每股收益为0.88美元,较去年同期上涨了14.29%,营收为42.4亿美元,较去年同期下降了5.11%[3] - 分析师预计全年每股收益为3.45美元,营收为164.5亿美元,较去年下降27.06%和8.88%[4] 估值调整 - 近期分析师对美国钢铁公司的估值调整有助于展示短期业务趋势的变化,积极的估值修订可视为对公司业务前景的乐观信号[5] - Zacks Consensus EPS估计已上调了13.76%,目前美国钢铁公司的Zacks Rank为3(持有)[7] 行业比较 - 美国钢铁公司的前瞻市盈率为11.09,高于行业平均值10.31,股价溢价于该行业[8] - 钢铁生产行业的Zacks Industry Rank为178,位于所有250多个行业的后30%[9] - Zacks Industry Rank通过测量各个行业组内个股的平均Zacks Rank来衡量实力,排名前50%的行业表现比排名后50%的行业好2倍[10]
Biden voices opposition to US Steel's sale to Japanese firm
Fox Business· 2024-03-15 04:36
President Biden said Thursday he is against U.S. Steel being sold to a foreign entity, making his position known three months after the announcement that the iconic American company reached a deal to be purchased by Japan's Nippon Steel. "It is important that we maintain strong American steel companies powered by American steel workers," the president said in a statement released by the White House.  "I told our steel workers I have their backs, and I meant it," Biden's statement continued. "U.S. Steel has ...
Biden Sides With Union Against Japanese Company Purchase of U.S. Steel
Investopedia· 2024-03-15 04:20
President Joe Biden said he wants U.S. Steel to remain domestically owned, signaling opposition to the company's $14.9 billion acquisition by Japanese rival Nippon Steel.Federal regulators and the president have the ability to block foreign acquisition of U.S. companies, though that power is rarely used.Biden has often aligned himself with labor unions, who have also opposed the acquisition. The chances of America’s second-largest steel company being bought by a Japanese conglomerate took a hit Thursday aft ...
Why U.S. Steel Stock Melted This Week
The Motley Fool· 2024-03-15 00:43
收购交易 - 美国总统拒绝了日本新日铁与美国联合钢铁公司的150亿美元收购交易,导致投资者对这笔交易的前景感到担忧[1] - 拥有美国一些最大钢铁生产设施的美国联合钢铁公司去年收到克利夫兰-克利夫斯的不请自来收购要约,最终日本新日铁同意以每股55美元的现金支付收购美国联合钢铁公司,但需要股东和监管机构批准[1] - 美国总统拒绝了这笔交易,表示美国钢铁公司应该保持美国所有权,这可能会对交易产生负面影响[2] - 美国总统表示支持美国钢铁公司,强调其重要性,但并未明确表示交易已经失败,但突显了并购方面面临的挑战[3] 股价影响 - 这一消息导致美国联合钢铁公司股价暴跌,回到交易公告前的水平[4] 风险与观望 - 投资者应该谨慎考虑购买美国联合钢铁公司股票,因为交易可能会面临风险,交易可能会被允许按照原定计划完成,但可能需要很长时间,也可能会出现降价或最终双方分道扬镳的情况[5] - 如果交易失败,美国联合钢铁公司可能会有其他选择,但所有选择都需要很长时间才能实现,目前投资者最好观望这一情况[6]
Biden Blasts Planned Sale Of U.S. Steel To Japanese Company
Forbes· 2024-03-14 21:58
ToplinePresident Joe Biden will speak out Thursday against the proposed $14 billion acquisition of United States Steel by Tokyo-based Nippon Steel, multiple outlets reported, a deal that is currently under federal scrutiny after raising national security concerns from the White House.The $14.9 billion all-cash proposed deal was announced in December, quickly drawing criticism from ... [+] legislators—and Biden is now speaking out against selling the “iconic” company.Copyright 2019 The Associated Press. All ...
X Stock Alert: Why Joe Biden Is Sending U.S. Steel Plummeting Today
InvestorPlace· 2024-03-14 05:16
政府关切 - 美国总统拟对日本尼普顿钢铁公司收购美国钢铁公司提出关切,导致美国钢铁公司股价大幅下跌[1] - 拜登政府试图取悦美国钢铁工会,并从尼普顿公司获得更好的协议条件[2] - 拜登预计将发布一份声明,详细说明他对待并购交易的审查范围[3] - 拜登政府多次对这笔交易表示异议,但尚未试图取消交易[4]
U.S. Steel (X) Bets on Warehouse Automation With Freespace
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-13 01:01
United States Steel Corporation (X) announced a strategic investment in Freespace Robotics, a company based in Pittsburgh that specializes in robotic storage and retrieval systems. This investment is designed to support Freespace's efforts in talent acquisition, retention and the attraction of new professionals to the region.U.S. Steel stressed that the investment in Freespace Robotics reflects its commitment to fostering innovation while boosting the regional economy and its workforce. With Freespace's amb ...
U. S. Steel Makes Strategic Investment in Pittsburgh-Based Autonomous Warehousing Pioneer -- Freespace Robotics
Businesswire· 2024-03-11 21:05
U. S. Steel战略投资Freespace Robotics - U. S. Steel宣布对匹兹堡的Freespace Robotics进行战略投资,帮助其招聘和留住本地人才,同时吸引其他人才进入该地区[1] - U. S. Steel的投资将帮助Freespace Robotics执行试点项目,在该地区建立制造业存在,并扩大团队规模[2] - U. S. Steel的战略与企业发展总监Jim Cook将加入Freespace Robotics董事会[6] Freespace Robotics自主存储系统特点 - Freespace Robotics制造的自主存储系统利用机器人存储和检索商品,具有市场上的新特点,例如,其机器人可以同时处理多种商品,更多尺寸的商品,并且可以在单个动作中存储和检索商品[2] - Freespace Robotics是一家仓储自动化公司,专注于提供订单履行和货物运输方面的未曾想象的进步,总部位于匹兹堡[9] 仓储自动化市场趋势 - 仓储自动化系统在美国的仓储、零售和物流中得到广泛应用,预计到2028年,美国仓储自动化市场的复合年增长率将超过15%,全球市场规模将在2028年达到440亿美元[3] Freespace Robotics合作关系 - Freespace Robotics是卡内基铸造厂(Carnegie Foundry)的投资组合公司,该公司总部位于匹兹堡,与卡内基梅隆大学的国家机器人工程中心(NREC)合作,构建其技术先进的解决方案[4]
United States Steel (X) Ascends But Remains Behind Market: Some Facts to Note
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-08 08:01
股价表现 - 美国钢铁(X)股价在最新的市场收盘中达到47.57美元,较前一天上涨了0.78%[1] - 过去一个月,这家钢铁制造商的股价上涨了2.45%,表现不如基础材料部门的3.78%和标普500指数的3.21%[2] 财报预测 - 投资者将密切关注美国钢铁即将公布的财报。预计公司将发布每股收益为0.93美元,较去年同期增长20.78%。同时,最新的共识预测显示营收将为42.4亿美元,较去年同期下降5.08%[3] - 根据Zacks Consensus Estimates,全年预计每股收益为3.76美元,营收为163.4亿美元,较上一年分别下降了20.51%和9.47%。投资者应关注分析师对美国钢铁的最新预测修订[4]
To Keep the ‘U.S.' In Steel, Let Nippon Buy U.S. Steel
Forbes· 2024-03-05 03:00
It wasn’t too long ago that Great Britain could claim no British-owned automakers of note. Was this a signal of the disappearance of auto manufacturing in the country that gave us Aston Martin, Jaguar, and Rolls-Royce? Quite the opposite. Amid a decline of direct-British ownership came a surge in auto production within Great Britain.It’s just a reminder that neither bankruptcy nor buyouts signal the vanishing of businesses as much as they signal the happy, pro-employee and pro-business scenario of physical ...