The Ownership Battles at U.S. Steel and TikTok
The Motley Fool· 2025-01-23 00:47
钢铁行业 - 美国钢铁公司(US Steel)与日本新日铁(Nippon Steel)的收购交易因国家安全问题被拜登政府阻止,双方已对政府提起诉讼并提交了RICO投诉 [3] - 美国钢铁公司曾是全球最大的钢铁生产商,但如今市值已从2008年的200亿美元降至约80亿美元 [4][5] - 钢铁行业面临全球竞争激烈、周期性波动、高投入成本以及贸易争端等挑战 [5][7] - 新日铁原计划以每股55美元收购美国钢铁公司,交易总价值超过140亿美元,而Cleveland-Cliffs提出每股30多美元的现金报价 [8] - 美国钢铁公司股价因Cleveland-Cliffs的报价上涨6-8%,达到每股36美元以上 [8] 公司并购与CEO影响 - Cleveland-Cliffs CEO Lourenco Goncalves以直言不讳的风格著称,被称为“钢铁界的埃隆·马斯克” [9] - CEO的个性和领导风格可能影响公司表现,例如Under Armour的创始人Kevin Plank因其争议性言论和决策导致公司表现不佳 [9] - 多个买家对TikTok表现出兴趣,包括Elon Musk、Kevin O'Leary、Frank McCourt、Bobby Kotick、微软和沃尔玛 [15] 社交媒体与广告市场 - 如果TikTok被禁,超过一半的美国广告支出可能流向Meta和Google,但这对两家公司的收入影响有限 [14] - TikTok的年广告收入约为110亿美元,而Alphabet和Meta的年收入分别为3400亿美元和1560亿美元 [14] 钢铁公司投资价值 - 钢铁行业被认为是周期性行业,资本密集且面临高投入成本,适合价值投资但需精准把握进出时机 [12] - Nucor作为美国最大的钢铁生产商,交易价格约为自由现金流的8倍,股息收益率为2%,现金流强劲 [11][12]
Why U.S. Steel Stock Soared Today
The Motley Fool· 2025-01-14 03:22
U.S. Steel (X 6.51%) has been in the news for months since Japan's Nippon Steel made a generous offer for the iconic American steelmaker. Nippon's $14.9 billion bid in late 2023 represented a nearly 40% premium to U.S. Steel's share price at the time.But politicians on both sides of the aisle have joined the United Steelworkers (USW) union in voicing opposition to foreign ownership of the Pittsburgh-based company. Most recently, President Biden blocked Nippon's $55-per-share cash bid on national security co ...
US Steel and Nippon Steel file lawsuits alleging political interference, anticompetitive behavior in proposed acquisition
Proactiveinvestors NA· 2025-01-07 00:03
About this content About Emily Jarvie Emily began her career as a political journalist for Australian Community Media in Hobart, Tasmania. After she relocated to Toronto, Canada, she reported on business, legal, and scientific developments in the emerging psychedelics sector before joining Proactive in 2022. She brings a strong journalism background with her work featured in newspapers, magazines, and digital publications across Australia, Europe, and North America, including The Examiner, The Advocate, ...
US Steel, Nippon sue Biden over move to block $14B deal: ‘Shameful and corrupt'
New York Post· 2025-01-06 22:42
US Steel and Japan’s Nippon Steel on Monday sued the US government in a bid to revive their $14 billion merger after President Biden blocked the deal last week – a move US Steel’s CEO called a “shameful” capitulation to a union boss.The lawsuit, filed in a federal court in Washington, accused Biden and senior administration officials of corrupting the deal’s review process, and harming American steel workers by blocking the deal.“Nippon Steel and US Steel are disappointed to see such a clear and improper ex ...
中国经济网· 2025-01-04 07:51
核心观点 - 美国总统拜登正式阻止日本制铁公司以149亿美元收购美国钢铁公司,认为此举可能威胁美国国家安全和关键供应链 [1] - 拜登的决定背离了美国开放的投资文化,可能对美国经济产生广泛影响 [2] 公司相关 - 日本制铁公司计划以149亿美元收购美国钢铁公司 [1] - 美国钢铁公司总部位于宾夕法尼亚州,该州是2024年美国总统选举的关键摇摆州 [1] - 美国钢铁公司曾呼吁美国政府批准交易,认为收购案将增强美国国家安全和经济安全 [1] - 日本制铁公司技术优于美国钢铁公司,收购案将改善后者长期发展前景,带来更多就业机会 [2] 行业相关 - 美国外国投资委员会担忧相关交易会导致美国钢铁产量下降,对国家安全构成威胁 [1] - 日本制铁公司表示,美国外国投资委员会的担忧没有事实依据,不符合逻辑,充满推测和假设 [1] - 拜登认为由本土企业拥有和运营的强大钢铁产业是国家安全的重要优先事项 [1]
With Nippon Deal Blocked, What's Next for US Steel?
Investopedia· 2025-01-04 04:01
核心观点 - 美国总统拜登阻止了日本钢铁巨头新日铁以140亿美元收购美国钢铁公司的交易,这一决定引发了市场对美国钢铁公司未来前景的质疑 [1][9] 交易背景与阻力 - 美国钢铁公司与新日铁的交易从一开始就面临政治阻力,两党议员均反对该交易,认为其可能威胁国家安全并削弱美国的贸易保护措施 [2] - 美国钢铁工人工会也反对该交易,担心新日铁无法保护美国就业 [2] - 美国外国投资委员会(CFIUS)未能就该交易的安全风险达成共识,最终将决定权交给拜登 [3] 公司应对措施 - 美国钢铁公司和新日铁表示将继续推进收购计划,并采取一切适当行动保护其法律权利 [5][9] - 公司可能以白宫和CFIUS绕过标准程序为由挑战该决定,并指责审查过程被政治化且结果已被预先确定 [5] - 如果交易失败,美国钢铁公司有权从新日铁获得5.65亿美元的赔偿 [6] 其他潜在收购方 - 国内竞争对手克利夫兰-克利夫斯公司曾在2023年提出收购美国钢铁公司,但在新日铁交易宣布后放弃 [7] - 克利夫兰-克利夫斯公司CEO表示仍对美国钢铁公司感兴趣,但不确定是否会再次提出收购 [8] - 分析师认为美国钢铁公司可能会被分拆出售,因为目前没有钢铁实体有能力整体收购该公司 [8] 交易失败的影响 - 5.65亿美元的赔偿金额虽然可观,但可能不足以解决美国钢铁公司最初决定出售的根本问题 [6] - 如果克利夫兰-克利夫斯公司重新提出收购,该交易在华盛顿面临的阻力将小得多,并可能获得美国钢铁工人工会的支持 [7][9]
Biden Blocks US Steel Deal: What's Next For X Stock?
Benzinga· 2025-01-04 01:30
United States Steel Corp X is caught in a whirlwind of challenges. From technical bearish signals to a major acquisition roadblock, the stock is under pressure. Yet, analysts believe opportunities may still exist for investors willing to ride out the storm.Bearish Signals Dominate X Stock ChartsUS Steel's stock performance has been disappointing, with a 36.74% decline over the past year, compounded by 22.76% and 19.64% drops in six months and the past month, respectively. Chart created using Benzinga ProKe ...
Biden Blocks $14.9B US Steel Takeover, Shares Plunge (UPDATED)
Benzinga· 2025-01-04 00:17
核心观点 - 美国总统拜登决定阻止日本新日铁公司以149亿美元收购美国钢铁公司 理由是外国所有权将威胁国家安全并破坏关键供应链 [1] 政府立场与措施 - 拜登强调钢铁在支持国家基础设施 国防和工业基础中的关键作用 [2] - 拜登政府期间 美国新建了100多家钢铁和铁厂 显示出国内制造业的激增 [2] - 政府采取了三倍于中国钢铁进口关税的措施 旨在保护美国就业并恢复国内生产商的竞争力 [3] 公司反应 - 新日铁和美国钢铁公司联合声明 谴责拜登的决定 称其违法且缺乏可信的国家安全证据 [4] - 公司表示将采取一切适当行动保护其法律权利 [4] - 新日铁在最后时刻提出给予美国政府直接否决权 以控制美国钢铁公司生产变化的提议 [6] 行业与市场影响 - 美国钢铁公司股价在周五下跌7 48% 至30 16美元 [7] - 批评者担心阻止交易可能影响美日关系 因为日本是美国的重要盟友和主要外国投资者 [7] 政治与经济背景 - 该决定结束了一年来围绕美国钢铁公司命运的争议 涉及政治和经济辩论 [5] - 尽管美国外国投资委员会(CFIUS)主要成员支持该交易 但美国贸易代表凯瑟琳·戴提出了与劳工相关的担忧 [5] - 美国钢铁工人联合会强烈反对此次收购 [6]
U.S. Steel Stock Lower on Blocked Nippon Deal; Bears Respond
Schaeffers Investment Research· 2025-01-03 23:12
President Joe Biden blocked Japan-based Nippon Steel's $14.9 billion buyout of United States Steel Corp (NYSE:X). Biden highlighted national supply chains risks associated with placing one of the country's biggest steel producers under foreign control. At last glance, X is down 7.9% at $30.01.The shares are on track for their third loss in the last four sessions, extending their 34.5% year-over-year deficit after running into overhead pressure at the 20-day moving average. While a familiar floor at $30 is o ...
Biden blocks Japan's $14 billion takeover of US Steel on national security grounds
Business Insider· 2025-01-03 21:59
President Joe Biden blocked the $14 billion takeover of US Steel by a Japanese rival.The deal would create "risk for our national security and our critical supply chains," the president said.President-elect Trump had also expressed opposition to the Nippon Steel deal.Shares in US Steel fell about 8% in premarket trading on Friday after President Joe Biden blocked a $14 billion takeover by Nippon Steel.Advertisement In a statement, Biden said a committee of national security and trade experts had found that ...