Sudan conflict – Situation in refugee-hosting countries, Multi-country External Situation Report #7, covering the reporting period November 2024
世界卫生组织· 2024-12-20 09:40
Sudan conflict – Situation in refugee-hosting countries Covering Chad, South Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Ethiopia and the Central African Republic The ongoing conflict in Sudan continues to drive a large influx of refugees into surrounding countries. | --- | --- | |-------|-----------------------------| | | | | • | Situation overview | | • | Situation update by country | | • | Key operational challenges | | • | Next steps | | • | Other resources | | | | This report summarizes the multi-country health situation and ...
WHO Global Market Study on RSV Immunization Products
世界卫生组织· 2024-12-20 09:40
Contents a. Gestational age window is variable depending on local NRA decisions (e.g. 32-36 weeks in the US and Argentina, 24-36 weeks in Europe and Japan, 28-36 weeks in the UK) b. The registration of RSV vaccines and mAbs is rapidly evolving and presented information are based on publicly available information as of early March 2024 c. Indication for 50–59-year-old adults is only in certain countries Financial support from Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance (Gavi), for Gavi-eligible countries for RSV immunization ...
The Business Case for LC3
RMI· 2024-12-20 08:18
The Business Case for LC3 A Global Solution for Low-Carbon, Low-Cost Cement Report / December 2024 Authors and Acknowledgments Authors Chandler Randol Swathi Shantha Raju, formerly of RMI Ben Skinner James Sun, formerly of RMI Authors listed alphabetically. All authors from RMI unless otherwise noted. Contacts Chandler Randol, Ben Skinner, Copyrights and Citation Chandler Randol, Ben Skinner, James Sun, and Swathi Shantha Raju, The Business Case for LC3: A Global Sol ...
Connectors (TEL _ APH)_November '24 was another strong month; UBS Evidence Lab inside
BSR· 2024-12-20 00:37
行业投资评级 - 报告对Amphenol Corp和TE Connectivity PLC的12个月评级均为“买入” [92] 报告的核心观点 - 电子元件价格和供应情况对全球供应链、通胀和成本输入有影响 [3] - 电子元件库存水平和价格趋势对行业有重要影响 [76] - 电子元件库存水平在2024年10月保持稳定,同比下滑4% [22] - 连接器价格在特定分销商处持续保持高位,但过去4个月价格基本持平 [39] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 电子元件库存和价格趋势 - TEL和APH在分销商网站上的单位库存占比从疫情前的55%大幅上升至74% [2] - 分销商的连接器美元库存从峰值下降了约40%,但最近几个月显示出相对的顺序强度 [27] - 分销商的连接器美元库存环比下降1%,同比上升2% [94] - 分销商的连接器单位库存环比下降2%,同比上升6% [94] - 美国政府数据显示,2024年10月电子元件库存水平稳定,环比持平,同比下降4% [22] 连接器价格变化 - 连接器价格在特定分销商处同比上涨17%,4Q24至今同比上涨19% [39] - 连接器价格在过去4个月基本持平 [39] 行业展望 - 预计2025年上半年库存比较将更加容易,库存水平仍低于趋势 [94] - 欧洲市场仍然面临挑战,而美国市场相对较好 [94] 公司估值 - 对APH的目标价格从81美元上调至88美元,基于2025年和2026年的EPS预测 [94] - 对TEL的目标价格基于2026年的EPS预测 [104]
Hireology+AHLA: Understanding Hotel Food and Beverage Job Seeker Priorities
美国饭店业协会(ahla)· 2024-12-19 11:28
+ Understanding Hotel Food and Beverage Job Seeker Priorities Embrace Technology and Flexibility to Hire Qualified Employees for Hotel Food and Beverage Services Introduction As has been the case for the past several years, the job market continues to see ongoing shis and disruption. Many businesses in the tech sector have continued to reduce or restructure their workforces as a result of over-hiring and inflation. Businesses across industries are also increasingly adopting artificial intelligence (AI). Whi ...
Winter Travel Intent Poll
美国饭店业协会(ahla)· 2024-12-19 11:28
行业投资评级 - 报告未明确提及行业投资评级 [1] 核心观点 - 多数受访者计划在未来四个月内进行过夜休闲旅行 45%的休闲旅行者可能选择酒店 [4] - 23%的就业受访者预计进行过夜商务旅行 59%的商务旅行者可能选择酒店 [4] - 47%的受访者可能进行家庭旅行 52%的浪漫旅行者偏好酒店 53%和54%的感恩节和圣诞节旅行者偏好与家人或朋友同住 [5] - 与2023年秋冬相比 25%的成年人更可能入住酒店或进行过夜休闲旅行 [5] - 通货膨胀对酒店业和旅游业的增长产生负面影响 [6] - 66%的旅行者认为可持续性重要 57%的旅行者更可能选择具有可持续性认证的酒店 [7] 未来旅行 - 52%的成年人计划在未来四个月内进行过夜休闲旅行 [12] - 23%的就业成年人计划在未来四个月内进行过夜商务旅行 [14] - 45%的休闲旅行者可能选择酒店 33%可能选择与家人或朋友同住 [18] - 59%的商务旅行者可能选择酒店 16%可能选择与家人或朋友同住 [20] - 47%的受访者可能进行家庭旅行 37%可能进行浪漫旅行 [24] - 52%的浪漫旅行者可能选择酒店 53%的感恩节旅行者和54%的圣诞节旅行者可能选择与家人或朋友同住 [28] - 25%的受访者比2023年秋冬更可能入住酒店或进行过夜休闲旅行 [32] - 56%的受访者因通货膨胀减少入住酒店的可能性 50%减少过夜旅行的可能性 [36] - 35至44岁和年收入5万至10万美元的受访者因通货膨胀减少旅行的可能性最高 [39] 住宿与酒店设施 - 高速Wi-Fi是选择酒店时最重要的技术 其次是无钥匙进入或移动办理入住和退房 [44] - 63%的受访者将高速Wi-Fi列为前三重要技术 40%选择无钥匙进入或移动办理入住和退房 36%选择室内智能设备 [46] 可持续性 - 66%的旅行者认为可持续性重要 27%认为非常重要 [52] - 57%的旅行者更可能选择具有可持续性认证的酒店 [55]
Future Planning: 5 Key Evolving Trends In Hospitality Entering 2025
美国饭店业协会(ahla)· 2024-12-19 11:28
行业投资评级 - 报告未明确提及行业投资评级 [1][3] 核心观点 - 人工智能将在2025年从概念转向实际应用 提升客户体验 运营效率和收益管理 [4][6][7] - 客户期望通过选择权获得掌控感 酒店应提供多样化的娱乐选择 [11][13][14] - 数据驱动的个性化服务将提升客户满意度和忠诚度 [17][19][20] - 客房娱乐平台将成为酒店增加收入的重要工具 [23][24][26] - 人工智能驱动的可持续发展举措将优化能源 水资源和废物管理 [27][28][30] 目录总结 人工智能在酒店业的应用 - 人工智能将在2025年从概念转向实际应用 提升客户体验 运营效率和收益管理 [4][6][7] - 人工智能需要平衡技术实用性和人际互动 目标是改善而非取代人类互动 [8][10] 客户选择权与掌控感 - 客户期望通过选择权获得掌控感 酒店应提供多样化的娱乐选择 [11][13][14] - 87%的客人在酒店房间观看直播电视 72%观看付费频道和流媒体 66%观看点播内容 [15][16] 数据驱动的个性化服务 - 数据驱动的个性化服务将提升客户满意度和忠诚度 [17][19][20] - 人工智能可以分析大量数据 创建详细的客户档案 提供个性化推荐和服务 [18][22] 客房娱乐平台的收入潜力 - 客房娱乐平台将成为酒店增加收入的重要工具 [23][24][26] - 73%的客人经历过客房Wi-Fi信号弱 影响娱乐体验和收入 [25][26] 人工智能驱动的可持续发展 - 人工智能驱动的可持续发展举措将优化能源 水资源和废物管理 [27][28][30] - 人工智能移动应用可以提供个性化环保活动推荐 促进节能行为 [31][32] 结论 - 人工智能 客户选择权 数据驱动个性化 客房娱乐平台和可持续发展是2025年酒店业成功的关键驱动因素 [32][33]
Managing Competing Sectoral Demands for Energy Resources
国际交通论坛· 2024-12-19 08:28
CPB Corporate Partnership Board Managing Competing Sectoral Demands for Energy Resources Transitioning to Sustainable Transport Case-Specific Policy Analysis | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-------|------------------|------------------|-------| | | | | | | | | | | | | Managing | Competing | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Sectoral | Demands | | | | | | | | for | | Energy Resources | | | | Transitioning to | | | | | Sustainable | Transport | | Case-Specific Policy Analysis The International Transport Forum The Internat ...
Enhancing employee experience
理特咨询· 2024-12-18 08:53
| --- | --- | --- | |-------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------| | | | | | VIEWPOINT | | 2024 | | | E N H A N C I N G E M P L OY E E | | | EXPERIENCE | | | | Strategic imperatives for Middle Eastern banks | | AUTHORS | | | | | | The Middle Eastern (ME) banking sector is | significantly reshaped thanks to technological | Yacin Mahieddine | | | advancements, regulatory shifts, and evolvin ...
Protecting public funds: The fight against government fraud
麦肯锡· 2024-12-18 08:08
McKinsey McKinsey Direct Protecting public funds: The fight against government fraud Fighting fraud that targets the federal government is an opportunity worth hundreds of billions of dollars. Agencies, legislature, and the public could work together to claim some of that back. by Eric Schweikert, Ishanaa Rambachan, and Tim Natriello December 2024 A recent report from the US Government Accountability Office (GAO)1 assesses federal government fraud losses at $233 billion to $521 billion annually, or 3 to 7 p ...