
Is Ameren (AEE) Outperforming Other Utilities Stocks This Year?
ZACKS· 2024-10-15 22:46
For those looking to find strong Utilities stocks, it is prudent to search for companies in the group that are outperforming their peers. Has Ameren (AEE) been one of those stocks this year? By taking a look at the stock's year-to-date performance in comparison to its Utilities peers, we might be able to answer that question.Ameren is one of 105 companies in the Utilities group. The Utilities group currently sits at #4 within the Zacks Sector Rank. The Zacks Sector Rank gauges the strength of our 16 individ ...
ETR or AEE: Which Utility Electric Power Stock Is the Better Option?
ZACKS· 2024-10-15 22:00
Utilities continue to benefit from various favorable factors, such as new electric rates, customer additions, cost management and the implementation of energy-efficiency programs. Also, the ongoing investments to improve the resiliency of electric infrastructure against extreme weather conditions and the ongoing transition to cost-effective, renewable energy sources to produce electricity aid the power industry.Utility companies operating in the United States are taking measures to further strengthen their ...
Ameren Corporation Third Quarter 2024 Earnings Webcast Nov. 7, 2024
Prnewswire· 2024-10-10 20:00
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Martin J. Lyons Jr., chairman, president and CEO of Ameren Corp. (NYSE: AEE), and Michael L. Moehn, senior executive vice president and CFO of Ameren Corp., will discuss third quarter 2024 earnings, earnings guidance and other matters in a conference call with financial analysts at 9 a.m. Central Time (10 a.m. Eastern Time) on Thursday, Nov. 7.The call will be broadcast live over the internet on AmerenInvestors.com. Supporting materials for the call will be posted in ...
Ameren Missouri Announces Pricing of Green First Mortgage Bonds due 2055
Prnewswire· 2024-10-01 05:14
ST. LOUIS, Sept. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Union Electric Company, doing business as Ameren Missouri, a subsidiary of Ameren Corporation (NYSE: AEE), announced today the pricing of a public offering of $450 million aggregate principal amount of 5.125% first mortgage bonds due 2055 at 99.881% of their principal amount. The transaction is expected to close on Oct. 7, 2024, subject to the satisfaction of customary closing conditions.Ameren Missouri intends to use the net proceeds of the offering to refinance sh ...
Is the Options Market Predicting a Spike in Ameren (AEE) Stock?
ZACKS· 2024-09-24 21:45
Investors in Ameren Corporation (AEE) need to pay close attention to the stock based on moves in the options market lately. That is because the Oct 18, 2024 $95.00 Put had some of the highest implied volatility of all equity options today.What is Implied Volatility?Implied volatility shows how much movement the market is expecting in the future. Options with high levels of implied volatility suggest that investors in the underlying stocks are expecting a big move in one direction or the other. It could also ...
AEE Stock Rides on Systemic Investments and Renewable Expansion
ZACKS· 2024-09-23 21:31
Ameren Corporation (AEE) is a regulated utility company that generates and distributes electricity and natural gas services. Its systemic investments and steady shift to clean energy will further boost its performance. However, this Zacks Rank #3 (Hold) company faces risks related to the high expenditures to comply with air emission regulations.AEE’s TailwindsAmeren’s growth has been led by its systematic and consistent investments in projects and infrastructural upgrades in recent times. It expects to spen ...
Ameren recognized for disability inclusion efforts for 10th consecutive year
Prnewswire· 2024-09-20 20:00
Ameren earns a top score of 100 on the Disability Equality Index for its efforts to drive change in disability inclusion across business operations ST. LOUIS, Sept. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Ameren Corporation (NYSE: AEE) has once again received recognition as a "Best Place to Work for Disability Inclusion," earning a top score of 100 from the Disability Equality Index. The index serves as the world's most comprehensive benchmarking tool for Fortune 1000 companies to measure disability inclusion inside their ...
Ameren: A Few Improvements, But Still Looks Expensive
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-12 23:59
Justin Paget/DigitalVision via Getty Images Ameren Corporation (NYSE:AEE) is a large electric and natural gas utility that operates in the U.S. states of Illinois and Missouri: Ameren Corporation As we can see from the map above, the company’s service territory includes the St. Louis, Missouri metropolitan area as well as most of the state of Illinois. However, Chicago, Illinois is notably excluded from this service territory and is not served by this company. This service area is a mixture of urban, ...
Are Utilities Stocks Lagging Ameren (AEE) This Year?
ZACKS· 2024-08-15 22:47
文章核心观点 - 公司Ameren (AEE)在公用事业行业中表现出色,年初至今的股价涨幅超过了行业平均水平 [5] - 同样在公用事业行业中,另一家公司Cemig (CIG)的股价涨幅也超过了行业平均 [6][7] 公司Ameren (AEE) - Ameren是公用事业行业中105家个股之一,整个行业在Zacks行业排名中位列第7 [2] - Ameren目前的Zacks排名为2(买入),表明其盈利预测和盈利预测修正情况较好 [3] - Ameren最近一个季度的全年盈利预测上调了0.4%,显示分析师对其前景看好 [4] - 年初至今,Ameren的股价上涨了12.3%,而同期公用事业行业平均上涨10.4%,Ameren的表现优于行业整体 [5] - Ameren属于电力公用事业子行业,该子行业今年平均上涨12.6%,Ameren的涨幅略低于子行业平均水平 [8] 公司Cemig (CIG) - Cemig也是公用事业行业中的一家公司,年初至今股价上涨21%,表现优于行业 [6] - Cemig当前的Zacks排名也为2(买入),最近3个月其当年盈利预测上调23.2% [7] - Cemig与Ameren同属电力公用事业子行业 [8]
Ameren (AEE)'s Technical Outlook is Bright After Key Golden Cross
ZACKS· 2024-08-07 22:56
文章核心观点 - 从技术角度看,美国电力公司(AEE)是一个有趣的选择,因其刚达到关键支撑位,且出现“黄金交叉”,股价可能上涨 [1] 技术分析 - AEE的50日简单移动平均线穿过200日简单移动平均线,形成“黄金交叉”,这是一个潜在的看涨突破信号 [1] - “黄金交叉”是一种技术图表模式,由短期移动平均线突破长期移动平均线形成,常见的是50日和200日移动平均线,时间周期越长,突破越强 [1] - 成功的“黄金交叉”事件有三个阶段:股价下跌触底、短期移动平均线穿过长期移动平均线引发趋势反转、股票保持上涨势头 [1] - “黄金交叉”与“死亡交叉”相反,“死亡交叉”暗示股价可能下跌 [1] 股价表现 - 过去四周,AEE股价上涨12.9% [1] 评级情况 - AEE在Zacks排名中为2(买入),表明股票可能出现突破 [1] 盈利前景 - 考虑到AEE本季度积极的盈利前景,看涨理由更加充分,且没有盈利预测下调 [1]