Adjust and AppLovin Unveil Winning Framework For Mobile Gaming Studios And Marketers To Ride App Growth Momentum
Prnewswire· 2024-03-18 22:08
游戏应用趋势 - Adjust发布了《游戏应用洞察报告》,揭示了2023年游戏应用安装量和应用内收入的显着增长趋势[1] - 混合休闲游戏表现强劲,每月活跃用户平均收入比超级休闲游戏高出800%,主要是由于在游戏中添加了应用内变现元素[4] - 游戏应用内收入持续增长,2023年经历了显着的6%年同比增长,12月份的增长率高达17%,远超年均水平[5]
Time to Get These 5 Top Relative Price Strength Stocks
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-15 19:41
U.S. markets have exhibited sideways movement through March owing to a robust rally in the initial months of 2024. Now, investors’ eyes are on the upcoming Fed FOMC meeting scheduled for Mar 19-20. While no rate cut is anticipated, market participants are eagerly awaiting the post-FOMC statements from the Fed Chairman to decide their next moves.Regarding indicators of economic growth, there are conflicting signals. Even after a significant decrease from its peak of 9% in June 2022, inflation remains elevate ...
Buy 5 High-Flying Technology Services Stocks With Room to Grow
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-14 22:41
商业服务行业 - 美国商业服务领域受益于经济的强劲基本面,提供了两位数的回报[1] - Zacks定义的商业服务行业在过去一年提供了32.3%的两位数回报[6] - 公司的五大技术服务股票在过去一个月内表现出色,股价有望继续上涨[7] 技术服务行业 - 技术服务行业成熟,服务需求良好,增长助力远程工作者数量增加[3] - 技术服务行业在Zacks排名行业中排名前35%,预计在未来三到六个月内将表现优于市场[6] - 公司的五大技术服务股票在过去一个月内表现出色,股价有望继续上涨[7] 企业发展趋势 - 企业积极寻求在本地和云基础设施之间找到共同点,提供灵活且易于采用的混合解决方案[3] - 商业软件行业受益于对多云软件解决方案的强劲需求,从传统平台向现代基于云的基础设施的过渡[4] - 公司在应用程序中整合人工智能和机器学习等工具,使其更具动态性和结果导向[5] 公司股价表现 - AppLovin Corp. (APP)股价在过去一个月内上涨了34.6%[8] - Duolingo Inc. (DUOL)股价在过去一个月内上涨了19%[10] - Block Inc. (SQ)股价在过去一个月内上涨了27.1%[13] - Paymentus Holdings Inc. (PAY)股价在过去一个月内飙升了52.1%[15] - DocuSign Inc. (DOCU)股价在过去一个月内上涨了16.3%[17]
Adjust Integrates Google Play Games on PC, Unlocking Cross-Device Marketing Opportunities For App Developers
Prnewswire· 2024-03-13 00:00
Adjust与Google Play Games on PC整合 - Adjust与Google Play Games on PC首次整合,为游戏应用开发者、营销人员和工作室提供了新的分布和测量营销活动途径[1] - Adjust的Android SDK与Google的Play Install Referrer API整合,帮助开发者了解哪些渠道从Google Play商店为他们的应用带来最多用户[3] - Adjust的PC | Console测量解决方案为营销人员提供了跨平台测量工具,帮助他们最大化预算、探索新渠道并优化投资回报率[5]
Are Business Services Stocks Lagging AppLovin (APP) This Year?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-11 22:46
The Business Services group has plenty of great stocks, but investors should always be looking for companies that are outperforming their peers. AppLovin (APP) is a stock that can certainly grab the attention of many investors, but do its recent returns compare favorably to the sector as a whole? Let's take a closer look at the stock's year-to-date performance to find out.AppLovin is one of 315 individual stocks in the Business Services sector. Collectively, these companies sit at #5 in the Zacks Sector Ran ...
5 Must-Buy Soaring Tech Giants With More Upside in Near Term
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-11 21:11
人工智能行业趋势 - 2023年科技行业的涨势主要由人工智能,特别是生成式人工智能引领,这一主题在2024年继续主导着华尔街的投资策略[1] - 根据Grand View Research的估计,到2030年,人工智能硬件、软件和服务的年度支出将从2023年的1970亿美元增长到1.8万亿美元,年增长率为37%[2] - NVIDIA Corp.(NVDA)的计算和网络收入受益于人工智能、高性能和加速计算的强劲增长,预计当年收入和盈利增长率分别为68.1%和79.2%[11] 半导体市场预测 - IDC预测,2024年半导体销售将同比增长20.2%,受到来自AI服务器和终端设备制造商的需求推动[4] 联邦储备政策影响 - 联邦储备主席杰罗姆·鲍威尔表示,如果通胀率与联邦储备的预期保持一致,可能会很快降息,目前市场对于6月FOMC会议降息25个基点的概率为74.6%[6] 科技公司业绩预测 - Meta Platforms Inc.(META)受益于亚太地区等所有地区用户的稳定增长,利用人工智能推荐Reels内容,推动Instagram和Facebook的流量增长[12] - Super Micro Computer Inc.(SMCI)设计、开发、制造和销售基于x86架构的节能、应用优化服务器解决方案,预计当年收入和盈利增长率分别超过100%和83.8%[15] - Veeva Systems Inc.(VEEV)专注于研发和强大的产品组合,预计当年收入和盈利增长率分别为15.9%和23.1%[18] - AppLovin Corp.(APP)提供软件平台,帮助移动应用开发者增强其应用的营销和变现能力,预计当年收入和盈利增长率分别为23.2%和超过100%[21]
Here's Why AppLovin Stock Soared 45% Last Month
The Motley Fool· 2024-03-07 04:18
Shares of app monetization company AppLovin (APP 3.35%) soared 45.2% higher during February, according to data provided by S&P Global Market Intelligence. On Feb. 14, the company reported lovely financial results for the fourth quarter of 2023, solidly outpacing expectations on the top and bottom lines. This accounted for the majority of the gains for AppLovin stock during the month.Prior to its earnings report, AppLovin's management had guided for Q4 revenue of $930 million at the most. But in Q4, the comp ...
Here's Why AppLovin (APP) is a Great Momentum Stock to Buy
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-06 02:01
Momentum投资 - Momentum投资是跟随股票近期趋势的理念,可以是向任何方向[1] - Zacks Momentum Style Score是帮助我们解决哪些指标是最好关注的问题[2] AppLovin股票表现 - AppLovin目前持有B级的Momentum Style Score[3] - APP股价在过去一周上涨了8.49%,而Zacks Technology Services行业在同一时期上涨了0.58%[7] - APP股价在过去一个月上涨了36.04%,远高于行业的1.36%[7] - AppLovin股价在过去三个月上涨了68.4%,在过去一年上涨了354.59%[8] - APP目前的平均20天交易量为5,251,249股[9] 股票评级和盈利预期 - Zacks Rank 1 (Strong Buy)和A或B级的Style Scores在接下来的一个月内表现优于市场[4] - 过去两个月,APP的7个盈利预期上调,没有下调,全年的共识预期从1.58美元增加到2.48美元[11] - APP是一只1 (Strong Buy)股票,拥有B级的Momentum Score[12]
AppLovin Announces Pricing of Secondary Public Offering of Common Stock and Concurrent Share Repurchase
Businesswire· 2024-02-29 20:47
AppLovin公司股票发行 - AppLovin公司宣布由KKR Denali Holdings L.P.进行的19,866,397股A类普通股的注册次级发行[1] - AppLovin计划以与承销商支付给出售股东的每股价格相同的价格回购大约5.7亿美元的A类普通股[2] - BofA Securities担任本次发行的首席包销经理,其他公司包括BTIG、Evercore ISI、Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC等担任包销经理[3] - 本次发行将通过有效的注册声明、招股说明书和附带招股说明书进行[4]
AppLovin Appoints Barbara Messing to its Board of Directors
Businesswire· 2024-02-27 21:30
AppLovin公司董事会任命 - AppLovin公司宣布任命Barbara Messing为董事会成员[1] - Barbara Messing在Roblox、Walmart、TripAdvisor等知名品牌担任过市场和传播高管职位[2] - Barbara Messing目前还在Vacasa董事会任职,曾在Overstock.com和XO Group董事会任职[3] - AppLovin目前的董事会成员包括Adam Foroughi、Herald Chen、Craig Billings、Margaret Georgiadis、Alyssa Harvey Dawson、Ted Oberwager、Eduardo Vivas、Todd Morgenfeld和Barbara Messing[4]