American States Water pany(AWR)
American States Water pany(AWR) - 2024 Q3 - Quarterly Report
2024-11-07 05:33
SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 FORM 10-Q (Mark One) ☒ Quarterly report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 for the quarterly period ended September 30, 2024 or ☐ Transition report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 for the transition period from to Commission file number 001-14431 American States Water Company (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter) California 95-4676679 (State or Other Jurisdict ...
AWR or SJW: Which is a Better Utility Water Supply Stock?
ZACKS· 2024-10-04 23:20
The Zacks Utility - Water Supply industry includes companies that provide drinking water and wastewater services to industrial, commercial and residential customers, along with numerous military bases across the country.Healthy and hygienic living requires a constant, uninterrupted flow of clean, potable water and reliable sewer services. Water utilities carry out the regular crucial work of meeting millions of Americans’ increasing demand for potable water. Storage tanks, treatment and desalination facilit ...
A Lifetime of Passive Income Is Hiding in Plain Sight With This ETF and These 2 No-Brainer Dividend Kings
The Motley Fool· 2024-10-04 18:15
Investing in steady dividend-paying companies is a great way to generate passive income no matter what the stock market is doing.This has been another great year for the broader stock market, with the S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite both up over 20% year to date. And with just one quarter left in 2024, the broader indexes could go nowhere or even fall slightly, and it would still be an excellent result seeing as the long-term average annual return in the S&P 500 is around 10%.New all-time highs are great if yo ...
Rewarding Dividends: 3 Stocks That Pay Out No Matter What
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-14 22:23
文章核心观点 - 全球公司在2022年第二季度创纪录支付了6061亿美元的股息,同比增长8.2% [1] - 近90%的支付股息的公司在过去一年中保持或提高了股息支付 [1] - 尽管经济衰退可能影响一些公司维持股息支付能力,但Enterprise Products Partners、Enbridge和American States Water等公司展现出了出色的股息持续性 [1] 企业产品合伙公司(Enterprise Products Partners) - 企业产品合伙公司是北美最大的中游能源企业之一,拥有几乎无法复制的能源基础设施资产网络,产生稳定的费用收入 [3] - 企业产品合伙公司的可分配现金流覆盖其分红1.7倍,资产负债表评级为投资级,财务保守 [3] - 企业产品合伙公司已连续26年增加分红,是一只可靠的高收益股票 [4] 恩布里奇公司(Enbridge) - 恩布里奇公司是能源行业最可靠的股息支付公司之一,已连续69年支付股息,并连续29年增加股息 [5] - 恩布里奇公司收益稳定可预测,98%的收入来自成本服务或合同资产,95%以上来自投资级客户,80%收益有通胀保护 [5] - 恩布里奇公司目标是将60%-70%的稳定收益用于支付股息,其余用于投资项目,资产负债表评级为投资级 [6] - 恩布里奇公司未来几年内预计收益将以约5%的年率增长 [6][7] 美国水务公司(American States Water) - 美国水务公司是美国上市公司中连续增加股息时间最长的公司,已连续70年增加股息,是"股息之王" [8] - 美国水务公司是一家受监管的水务公司,提供稳定可预测的现金流,为超过100万人提供服务,还有电力业务和军事基地合同 [9] - 美国水务公司过去5年和10年的股息复合年增长率分别为8.8%和8%,最新增长8.3%,未来长期目标至少7%的增长 [9]
Reasons to Add American States Water Stock to Your Portfolio Now
ZACKS· 2024-09-12 21:25
文章核心观点 - 公司正在进行基础设施升级投资,有助于为不断扩大的客户群提供优质服务,是公用事业行业的不错投资选择 [1] - 公司未来几年的盈利预测和历史业绩表现良好 [2] - 公司的资本回报率高于行业平均水平,表明资金使用效率较高 [3] - 公司的债务水平和偿债能力优于行业平均水平 [4] - 公司长期保持稳定的股息支付,未来股息增长目标超过7% [5] - 公司持续进行系统性基础设施投资,有助于提升抗风险能力 [6] - 公司股价近期表现优于行业平均水平 [7][8] 其他同行业公司表现 - American Water Works (AWK)、SJW Group (SJW)和Xcel Energy (XEL)等公司也是不错的投资选择 [9]
American States Water: A Dividend King On Sale Now
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-10 19:30
Growing stacks of coins representing investment compounding. Ghing My investing philosophy is all about repeatable results. As an investor, it isn't just my goal to become wealthy. I want to stay that way, too. In my view, wealth that can be made overnight can also be lost just as quickly. In other words, what speculation giveth, it can taketh right away. This is why my focus was, is, and always will be on businesses with winning business models. If a prospective company doesn't fit within my parameters, I ...
10 Undervalued Dividend Growth Stocks: August 2024
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-26 21:00
gustavofrazao After taking two months off from my 10 Dividend Growth Stocks series, I'm refocusing the series to identify top-ranked undervalued stocks. By implication, such stocks are suitable candidates for your dividend growth portfolio because they're high-quality dividend growth stocks trading at or below fair value. As always, I recommend you do your own analysis before buying shares of any of these stocks. My watchlist of dividend growth stocks is Dividend Radar, a weekly automatically generated spre ...
AWR or CWT: Which is a Better Utility Water Supply Stock?
ZACKS· 2024-08-12 21:41
The Zacks Utility - Water Supply industry includes companies that provide drinking water and wastewater services to industrial, commercial and residential customers, along with numerous military bases across the country.Healthy and hygienic living requires a constant, uninterrupted flow of clean potable water and reliable sewer services. Water utilities carry out the regular crucial work of meeting millions of Americans’ increasing demand for potable water. Storage tanks, treatment and desalination faciliti ...
American States Water: Rating Upgrade On Solid Underlying Growth
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-08 21:10
fcafotodigital Introduction It has been almost two years since I last wrote about American States Water Company (NYSE:AWR). Since then, the company has shown continued earnings growth, its dividend has been raised for the seventieth year in a row, and its stock price has remained virtually unchanged. Reason enough, to provide an update on the investment thesis for this legendary Dividend King. Stock performance The chart below shows that American States Water comfortably beats the S&P 500 index (SPY) ov ...
American States Water pany(AWR) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-08-08 07:10
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 第二季度合并收益为每股0.85美元,相比2023年同期的1.04美元有所下降 [21] - 剔除2023年第二季度的一次性调整因素后,2024年第二季度的调整合并收益为每股0.86美元,较2023年同期的0.86美元基本持平 [23] - 水务业务Golden State Water的收益为每股0.67美元,相比2023年同期的0.91美元下降0.06美元 [24] - 电力业务收益为每股0.01美元,相比2023年同期的0.03美元有所下降 [26] - ASUS业务收益增加0.07美元,主要由于管理费收入增加 [27] - 合并收入较2023年同期下降2.1百万美元,主要由于水务业务收入下降6.5百万美元,部分被ASUS业务收入增加4.5百万美元所抵消 [28][29] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 水务业务Golden State Water的收益下降主要由于2023年第二季度有有利的非经常性监管调整,以及2023年最终资本成本决定的影响,部分被2024年第三年水价上涨所抵消 [25] - 电力业务收益下降主要由于尚未获得新的电力费率,以及运营成本和利息费用持续上升 [26] - ASUS业务收益增加主要由于管理费收入增加,以及新基地投入运营和施工工作时间安排的差异 [27][54] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 无相关内容 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司继续投资于基础设施,以加强水电系统,并专注于安全高效地运营水电业务 [16] - 公司预计Golden State Water的平均资产基础将在未来几年保持强劲和持续增长 [53] - 公司对ASUS业务保持信心,认为可以有效竞争新的军事基地合同 [55] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 公司对Golden State Water与加州公用事业委员会达成的和解协议感到高兴,该协议将为2025-2027年设定新的水价 [9][41] - 公司对ASUS在两个新军事基地开始运营感到高兴,认为这是一个重要机会 [12][14] - 公司对能够继续为股东提供稳定增长的股息感到自豪 [17][18][56][57] 其他重要信息 - 公司获得了高信用评级,标普给予公司及其子公司Golden State Water"A"级稳定评级 [40] - 公司正在进行股票发行计划,以筹集资金用于基础设施投资 [38] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Jonathan Reeder 提问** 询问公司重新获得全面解耦费率的前景,以及加州公用事业委员会的态度 [60] **Robert Sprowls 回答** 公司目前还不确定加州公用事业委员会的态度,但认为加州最高法院的裁决以及新法案的签署是积极因素。公司在自身案件中也在努力争取全面解耦费率的恢复 [61][62][63] 问题2 **Jonathan Reeder 提问** 询问Bear Valley电力业务费率案件的进展情况 [65][66][67] **Robert Sprowls 回答** Bear Valley电力业务费率案件的决定预计将在今年年底前做出,但公司目前还无法准确预估其对2024年业绩的影响。公司认为由于拖延时间较长,最终批准的费率增幅可能较大 [80][81][82] 问题3 **Jonathan Reeder 提问** 询问ASUS是否有新的军事基地合同在谈判 [83][84] **Robert Sprowls 回答** 公司认为2024年内可能不会有新的50年期军事基地合同,但明年可能会有新的军事基地合同机会。对于15年期合同,公司已经建立了模板,未来获取新合同的速度可能会更快 [85][86][87][90][91]