Broadstone Net Lease: An Attractive Yield For Income Investors
Seeking Alpha· 2024-07-08 23:55
文章核心观点 - 该公司是一家多元化的房地产投资信托基金(REIT),投资于多个行业的多样化租户[1] - 公司资产规模相对较小,但估值较为合理,可能成为并购目标[4][5] - 公司正在通过减少医疗行业资产占比来调整投资组合,以提高增长潜力[9][10][11] - 公司债务水平较为稳定,有利于应对利率上升环境[16][17][18] - 公司目前提供较高的股息收益率,为投资者带来吸引力[19][20][21] 公司概况 - 公司拥有759处资产,分布在44个美国州和4个加拿大省,租户达200家,涉及53个行业[3] - 公司资产主要集中在工业、餐饮、医疗和零售等领域,办公楼资产较少[2] - 公司资产出租率高达99.2%,租金回收率也达99%[3] - 公司规模相对较小,资产规模约为同行W.P. Carey的四分之一[4] 财务表现 - 公司估值水平合理,市盈率(P/FFO)为10.67倍,低于同行[5][6] - 分析师预计公司未来几年的基金营运收益(FFO)将保持相对平稳,不会出现大幅下滑[7][8] - 公司过去12个季度中有8个季度超出分析师预期,显示其业绩表现较为稳定[7] - 公司正在通过出售医疗资产来优化投资组合,以提高增长潜力[9][10][11] 资本结构 - 公司债务水平较为稳定,净债务/调整后EBITDA比率为4.8倍,处于合理水平[16] - 公司债务到期期限较长,未来一两年内无重大到期[17][18] - 较低的债务水平有利于公司在利率上升环境下保持耐心等待利率下降[18] 投资价值 - 公司目前提供7.34%的较高股息收益率,具有吸引力[19][20] - 股息支付率约78.4%,处于合理水平,不太可能出现大幅削减[21] - 公司正在通过调整投资组合来提高增长潜力,但短期内增长可能受限[9][10][11][14][15]
Broadstone(BNL) - 2024 Q1 - Quarterly Results
2024-06-04 04:12
公司基本信息 - 公司被列入纽约证券交易所,股票代码为BNL[1] - 公司的股票代码为BNL,交易所为纽约证券交易所[1] 业务更新 - Broadstone Net Lease, Inc.于2024年第一季度发布了业务更新的新闻稿[4] - 公司发布的新闻稿中包含了2024年第一季度的业务更新[5] - 公司在2024年4月3日发布的新闻稿中提到了第一季度的业务情况[4]
Broadstone Net Lease: Higher For Longer Interest Rates Keeping The Stock Undervalued
Seeking Alpha· 2024-06-04 01:54
EyeMark As interest rates remain higher for longer, there is one industry that has continued to be punished, and that is the real estate industry. In fact, we may not see rates come down for another 3-6 months, which may mean REIT stock prices could remain low. However, despite the macroeconomic impacts and many fears in the REIT space from an office-space perspective, Broadstone Net Lease (NYSE:BNL) shines bright, reducing those fears - due to their specific real estate concentration, balance sheet composi ...
Broadstone Net Lease: Great Risk-To-Reward Ratio Accompanied By Top Business Metrics· 2024-05-27 19:40
Shutter2U Within this article, I've discussed BNL's key business metrics, its financial stance, and its valuation outlook by providing a commentary on its relatively low P/FFO multiple. Is this relatively low valuation justified? Let's find out - enjoy the read! Broadstone Net Lease - Overview Investment thesis Broadstone Net Lease (NYSE:BNL) offers an attractive and well-covered dividend, yielding ~7.5% and a low AFFO payout ratio of ~80%. Considering the coherence between management communication and BNL' ...
Broadstone Net Lease: Very Much Underestimated· 2024-05-21 21:06
Broadstone Net Lease, Inc. (NYSE:BNL) is in focus today. The net lease REIT operates a diversified portfolio of assets that present numerous talking points, given the current economic climate. Initially, we thought Broadstone's industrial exposure would create an overhang, but after further review, we uncovered some positives, allowing us to give the REIT a buy rating. Herewith are our key findings on Broadstone Net Lease. airdone A Look At The Current REIT Market Let's start the analysis from a top-down va ...
Buy These 7-8% Yields In May And Go Away· 2024-05-21 20:10
Hercules Capital (HTGC) is one of just two internally-managed BDCs to focus on making venture debt investments in growth oriented companies in the tech and life sciences sector. I last visited HTGC in February, noting its high returns on capital and strong track record of managements stewardship. HTGC maintains a fairly conservative investment portfolio, with 93% of portfolio total being dedicated to senior secured loans (84% first lien, 9% second lien). This puts HTGC at or near the first in line for princ ...
3 Passive Income Dividend Stocks To Buy in May· 2024-05-18 18:08
24/7 Wall Street Insights: Prevailing interest rates have risen over the past few years, following the surging rates of inflation. Certificates of Deposit, usually referred to as CDs, are often the highest yielding conventional banking investments offered to retail investors. Recent offerings from regional banks range from 4.50% to 5.35% annual yield, but have a minimum deposit amount of $5,000. At the time of this writing, one of the higher yielding CDs from a nationally known entity is a 5.0%, 12 month of ...
Broadstone(BNL) - 2024 Q1 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-05-03 05:16
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司在第一季度实现了AFFO为7100万美元,每股AFFO为0.36美元,同比增长5.9% [42] - 公司将2024年每股AFFO指引从1.41美元上调至1.41-1.43美元区间 [46] - 公司的杠杆率从2023年末的5倍下降至4.8倍,保持了较强的财务实力 [43] - 公司宣布每股0.29美元的季度股息,较上一季度增长1.8%,较去年同期增长3.6% [44][45] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 公司继续执行医疗资产简化战略,已完成37个医疗资产的出售,获得2.517亿美元的销售收益,医疗资产占比降至13% [14][15][29] - 公司预计未来一年内将进一步减少医疗资产占比至10%以下 [16][17] - 公司在第一季度完成了3百万美元的收益性资本支出,以及3690万美元的UNFI开发项目投入 [29][30] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 公司第一季度的投资交易量创下15年来的最低水平,买卖双方的价格预期存在较大差距 [18] - 公司通过直接交易方式完成了2.02亿美元的投资,包括一项8450万美元的零售资产投资和一项6500万美元的工业园区投资 [20][22] - 公司的整体投资组合表现良好,截至3月31日的租金收回率为99.9%,出租率为99.2% [23] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司将继续专注于工业和防御性零售及餐饮租户,并通过开发建造项目等方式寻求差异化的增长机会 [26][27] - 公司认为在当前利率高企的环境下,需要依靠运营专业知识和创新方式来获取交易机会,而不是简单追求收益 [25] - 公司将通过内部资产管理、现有租户投资、传统外部收购以及开发建造项目等多种方式实现可持续的长期增长 [27] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 管理层认为当前宏观经济环境和利率水平对商业地产市场和净租赁交易市场产生了重大影响,交易量大幅下降 [10][18] - 但公司有能力在当前环境下做出自主决策,并利用现有优势寻找创新的投资机会 [11][13] - 管理层对公司未来的增长前景保持信心,认为可以通过多种方式实现可持续的长期价值创造和收益增长 [26][27] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Michael Gorman 提问** 询问公司如何看待当前的投资环境,以及对创新交易的策略和收益要求 [50] **John Moragne 回答** 公司将继续专注于直接交易和开发建造项目等创新方式,追求7%左右的收益率,不会简单追求收益而提高风险 [51][52][53] 问题2 **Caitlin Burrows 提问** 询问公司对剩余医疗资产出售的计划和预期 [66] **John Moragne 回答** 公司预计未来一年内将完成剩余20%-25%的医疗资产出售,最后25%可能需要更长时间以实现最佳退出 [67][68] 问题3 **Ronald Kamdem 提问** 询问公司指引调整中对坏账的假设,尤其是对Red Lobster的考虑 [99] **John Moragne 回答** 公司对Red Lobster保持谨慎乐观态度,虽然面临破产风险但公司的租金收回率和资产价值仍较高 [101][102]
Broadstone(BNL) - 2024 Q1 - Quarterly Report
2024-05-03 04:00
Item 1C. Cybersecurity. Item 5. Other Information. 41 | --- | --- | |---------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | No. | Description | | ...
Broadstone Net Lease: An Industrial REIT Powerhouse With A 7.8% Yield
Seeking Alpha· 2024-04-16 12:00
Maxxa_Satori Broadstone Net Lease, Inc. (NYSE:BNL) is a well-managed and growing industrial-focused real estate investment trust that has considerable potential for FFO expansion in 2024. Broadstone Net Lease is poised to acquire more industrial properties this year, which could fuel the trust’s FFO growth and also lead to yet another dividend hike for shareholders. I think that Broadstone Net Lease is a solid Buy-And-Hold investment, as the trust’s valuation has improved a lot lately. The trust’s stock ...