Boot Barn(BOOT)
Boot Barn(BOOT) - 2025 Q2 - Quarterly Results
2024-10-29 04:05
财务业绩 - 第二财季总销售额增长13.7%至4.258亿美元[5] - 同店销售增长4.9%,其中实体店同店销售增长4.3%,电商同店销售增长10.1%[5] - 净利润2940万美元,每股摊薄收益0.95美元,上年同期为2770万美元,每股摊薄收益0.90美元[9] - 公司第二季度总销售额为8.49亿美元,同比增长12%[25] - 毛利率为36.5%,同比增长1.4个百分点[25] - 净利润为6,833.7万美元,同比增长10.4%[25] 门店拓展 - 新开15家门店,总店数达到425家[5] - 截至9月28日,公司门店数量达到425家,较上一季度净增15家[29] - 公司第四季度同店销售增长4.9%,总零售店数量增至425家[30] - 可比店铺数量增至363家,总零售店面积增至4,720千平方英尺[30] - 平均每家零售店面积为11,105平方英尺,平均每家可比店铺销售额为952,000美元[30] - 公司第三季度同店销售增长1.4%,总零售店数量增至411家[30] - 公司第二季度同店销售下降5.9%,总零售店数量增至400家[30] - 公司第一季度同店销售下降9.7%,总零售店数量增至382家[30] 财务状况 - 公司现金及现金等价物余额为3,737.7万美元[27] - 公司经营活动产生的现金流入为3,354.2万美元[27] - 公司投资活动产生的现金流出为6,540.3万美元,主要用于购置固定资产[27] - 公司融资活动产生的现金流出为660.9万美元,主要用于偿还债务和支付股票期权税收[27] - 公司存货余额为7.13亿美元,较上一季度增加19%[23] - 公司总资产为18.67亿美元,较上一季度增加9.5%[23] 未来展望 - 预计2025财年总销售额为18.74亿美元至19.07亿美元,同比增长12.4%至14.4%[18] - 预计2025财年同店销售增长约3.0%至5.0%,其中实体店约2.5%至4.5%,电商约7.5%至9.5%[18] - 预计2025财年毛利率37.2%至37.4%,销售费用和管理费用占比25.4%至25.2%[18] - 预计2025财年净利润1.644亿美元至1.737亿美元,每股收益5.30美元至5.60美元[18] - 预计2025年第三季度总销售额5.82亿美元至5.95亿美元,同比增长11.8%至14.3%[19]
Bull of the Day: Boot Barn (BOOT)
ZACKS· 2024-10-28 20:05
I am always on the lookout for the next big thing. Recently, it has been retail outfits which have tickled my fancy. This one forgotten area of the market has seen some of the most sought-after companies. Today's Bull of the Day is a company in this industry. I'm talking about Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy) Boot Barn ((BOOT) ). Boot Barn (NYSE: BOOT) is tearing through expectations and positioning itself as a prime contender in the retail sector. This western and workwear retailer has consistently outpaced esti ...
Boot Barn Holdings, Inc. (BOOT) Soars to 52-Week High, Time to Cash Out?
ZACKS· 2024-10-02 22:16
Have you been paying attention to shares of Boot Barn (BOOT) ? Shares have been on the move with the stock up 22.9% over the past month. The stock hit a new 52-week high of $169.07 in the previous session. Boot Barn has gained 116.9% since the start of the year compared to the 20.9% move for the Zacks Retail-Wholesale sector and the 13.3% return for the Zacks Retail - Apparel and Shoes industry. What's Driving the Outperformance? The stock has a great record of positive earnings surprises, as it hasn't miss ...
Boot Barn Shares Rise on Sales Gains
FX Empire· 2024-09-18 14:45
FX Empire Logo English check-icon Italiano Español Português Deutsch العربية Français Important DisclaimersThe content provided on the website includes general news and publications, our personal analysis and opinions, and contents provided by third parties, which are intended for educational and research purposes only. It does not constitute, and should not be read as, any recommendation or advice to take any action whatsoever, including to make any investment or buy any product. When making any financial ...
5 Stocks to Benefit From Relative Price Strength Trends
ZACKS· 2024-09-14 04:00
文章核心观点 - 尽管近期市场动荡,但美国市场在2024年仍保持上升趋势,延续了2023年的强劲反弹 [1] - 标普500指数年初至今上涨超过16%,主要受益于通胀率降至2021年初以来的最低水平 [1] - 通胀下降为联储未来降息铺平道路,市场参与者预期本月将有25个基点的降息 [1] - 联储鸽派立场有利于整体经济环境,为股市创造有利条件 [1] 行业和公司研究 相对价格强度策略 - 投资者应关注相对行业或基准指数表现较好的股票,因为它们有望带来可观回报 [3] - 选择相对价格强度较好的股票时,需要确保其基本面因素也较为出色 [3] - 选择至少在过去1-3个月内跑赢标普500指数,且基本面良好的股票是最佳策略 [3] - 还需关注分析师对这些公司未来盈利的乐观预期,因为上调预期通常会带来股价上涨 [4] 筛选标准 - 过去12周、4周和1周相对价格涨幅均大于0,即股价跑赢大盘 [5] - 最近4周内当季(Q1)盈利预测值上调幅度大于0 [5] - 为扎克斯1级(强烈买入)评级的公司,过去26年年化收益超过26%,且在26年中有23年跑赢标普500 [5] - 股价不低于5美元,20日平均成交量不低于5万股,流动性良好 [5] - 综合评分(VGM)为A或B级,与1-2级(买入)评级结合使用效果最佳 [6] 个股分析 - Limbach Holdings: 专注于提供关键系统维护的机械、管道和电气服务,未来2年每股收益有望增长38.1% [7] - Ubiquiti: 提供全面的网络产品和解决方案,未来3年每股收益有望增长22.2% [7][8] - 皇家加勒比游轮: 主要经营当代、高档和豪华游轮业务,2024年每股收益有望增长71.1% [8] - DaVita: 是美国领先的透析服务提供商,未来3-5年每股收益有望增长17.5% [9] - Boot Barn Holdings: 是男女服装、鞋履和配饰的零售商,未来3年每股收益有望增长11.2% [9][10]
Are Retail-Wholesale Stocks Lagging Boot Barn (BOOT) This Year?
ZACKS· 2024-09-11 22:40
Investors interested in Retail-Wholesale stocks should always be looking to find the best-performing companies in the group. Boot Barn (BOOT) is a stock that can certainly grab the attention of many investors, but do its recent returns compare favorably to the sector as a whole? A quick glance at the company's year-to-date performance in comparison to the rest of the Retail-Wholesale sector should help us answer this question. Boot Barn is a member of our Retail-Wholesale group, which includes 211 different ...
Boot Barn Holdings, Inc. (BOOT) Hits Fresh High: Is There Still Room to Run?
ZACKS· 2024-09-11 22:15
Have you been paying attention to shares of Boot Barn (BOOT) ? Shares have been on the move with the stock up 13.6% over the past month. The stock hit a new 52-week high of $162.16 in the previous session. Boot Barn has gained 99.9% since the start of the year compared to the 14.2% move for the Zacks Retail-Wholesale sector and the 4.8% return for the Zacks Retail - Apparel and Shoes industry. What's Driving the Outperformance? The stock has a great record of positive earnings surprises, as it hasn't missed ...
Why Boot Barn Stock Surged to an All-Time High Today
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-10 22:46
Same-store sales growth is accelerating again. Shares of Western apparel retail chain Boot Barn (BOOT 8.43%) surged to all-time highs on Tuesday morning after two prominent analysts raised their respective price targets for the stock. As of 9:45 a.m. ET, Boot Barn was up 13%. What's happening with Boot Barn? Later on Tuesday, Boot Barn's management will make a presentation at the Piper Sandler Growth Frontiers Conference. But in relation to this upcoming presentation, on Monday, management gave investors an ...
Boot Barn's Q1 2025 Gives Confidence In Return To Growth, But The Stock Is Still Expensive
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-05 18:56
THEPALMER/E+ via Getty Images Boot Barn's (NYSE:BOOT) 1Q25 results were very positive, with the company returning to comparable growth after challenging quarters in late FY24. Part of the results came from better digital advertising returns, but still, the trends are good. The company was able to maintain margins despite opening stores at 10% rates. I continue to believe that Boot is one of the best retailers out there, with an interesting management team, great return on capital policies, and efficient ope ...
Is Boot Barn (BOOT) Stock Outpacing Its Retail-Wholesale Peers This Year?
ZACKS· 2024-08-26 22:41
文章核心观点 - Boot Barn是零售-批发行业中表现出色的公司之一 [1][5] - Boot Barn的盈利预测不断上调,显示其业绩前景良好 [3][4] - Boot Barn今年迄今的股价涨幅高于同行业平均水平 [5] - 同样在零售-批发行业中表现出色的还有Carvana公司 [6][7] 行业和公司总结 零售-批发行业 - 零售-批发行业在Zacks行业排名中位于第11位 [2] - 行业内平均股价今年上涨15.1% [5] - 零售-服装鞋类子行业今年平均上涨16.2%,表现优于整个行业 [8] - 互联网零售子行业今年上涨15.3% [9] Boot Barn公司 - Boot Barn是零售-服装鞋类子行业中的一家公司,目前排名第1(强烈买入) [3][8] - 过去3个月,Boot Barn全年盈利预测上调8.4%,显示业绩前景向好 [4] - Boot Barn今年迄今股价上涨85.5%,大幅跑赢同行 [5] Carvana公司 - Carvana属于互联网零售子行业,目前排名第2(买入) [7][9] - 过去3个月,Carvana当年盈利预测上调87.1%,显示业绩前景向好 [7] - Carvana今年迄今股价上涨201.8%,大幅跑赢同行 [6]