Equinor Cancels Blue Hydrogen Export Plans to Germany Amid Low Demand
ZACKS· 2024-09-23 21:56
Equinor ASA (EQNR) , a Norwegian state-owned energy company, has scrapped its plans to export blue hydrogen to Germany due to high costs and a lack of sufficient demand, per media reports. The move came at the heels of the company's initial partnership with German energy giant RWE, which was established in January 2022 to create a hydrogen supply network aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions in German power plants. Cost and Lack of Demand Force EQNR to Reevaluate Partnership Equinor initially expected ...
Equinor Anchors FPSO on Johan Castberg, Preps for Year-End Production
ZACKS· 2024-09-20 20:50
Equinor ASA (EQNR) , a Norwegian state-owned energy powerhouse, has successfully anchored its floating production, storage, and offloading vessel (FPSO) on the Johan Castberg field in the Barents Sea. This marks a critical step as the FPSO is now set for hook-up to subsea facilities, paving the way for initiating production toward the end of 2024. EQNR Anchors FPSO, Prepares for Subsea Hook-Up The FPSO is currently being hooked up to the subsea infrastructure on the Johan Castberg field, according to Trond ...
Why Equinor Stock Tumbled by 5% on Tuesday
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-04 07:10
A fresh move by an analyst following the stock didn't do it any favors. The market drained the energy from energy stock Equinor (EQNR -4.83%) on Tuesday. Rather than movement on company news, the Norwegian oil and gas major took a hit when an analyst tracking its stock cut his price target. By the end of the day's trading session, Equinor's share price had withered by almost 5%, comparing unfavorably with the relatively modest 2.2% decline of the S&P 500 index. Cutting while maintaining The person behind th ...
Equinor Shifts Focus to Boost Profit, Downsizes Renewables
ZACKS· 2024-09-03 21:00
文章核心观点 - 挪威能源公司Equinor正在缩减其可再生能源部门的规模,将重点转移到盈利能力上,而非扩张,这是由于成本上升和收益下降的挑战 [1][2][4] - Equinor正在减少可再生能源项目,并将业务限制在某些市场,这标志着该公司在应对当前可再生能源行业"低迷周期"中的战略转变 [2][3] - 尽管Equinor仍致力于其长期可再生能源目标,但目前的重点将从增长转移到提高盈利能力 [2] 公司当前项目和市场退出 - Equinor的可再生能源部门正处于"有史以来最繁忙的执行年份",有3个主要的海上风电项目正在进行 [3] - 但该公司已开始缩小其国际足迹,取消了在西班牙和葡萄牙的海上风电项目,并退出越南市场,暗示可能会从其他国家撤出 [3] 行业面临的挑战 - Equinor缩小可再生能源部门反映了欧洲能源公司重新调整策略以应对经济压力的更广泛趋势 [4] - 清洁能源行业一直在应对高成本和低于预期的回报,促使公司如Equinor重新评估其可再生能源投资方法 [4] - 将盈利能力置于增长之上标志着该公司在能源转型方面的重大转变,突出了该行业面临的复杂性和挑战 [4]
Equinor Cancels Key Offshore Wind Projects Amid Rising Costs
ZACKS· 2024-08-29 21:37
Equinor ASA (EQNR) , a Norwegian energy giant, announced the cancellation of its offshore wind projects in Spain and Portugal, following a previous similar decision to exit Vietnam. This strategic withdrawal came at the heels of the company facing mounting costs in the offshore wind sector due to inflation, high interest rates and supply chain delays. The company's head of renewables, Paal Eitrheim, shared these updates in an interview with Reuters on Wednesday. EQNR Navigates Rising Costs by Exiting Key Wi ...
Equinor Cancels Plan for Vietnam's Offshore Wind Sector
ZACKS· 2024-08-28 22:46
文章核心观点 - 挪威能源公司Equinor宣布退出越南海上风电领域,这是越南减少煤炭使用、转向清洁能源的目标遭受重大打击 [1] - 越南计划到2030年建设6吉瓦的风电项目,但由于监管改革滞后,吸引投资者的计划受阻 [2][3] - Equinor此次撤出是继丹麦公司Ørsted暂停在越南大型海上风电项目投资之后,又一个重大挫折 [4] 公司动态 - Equinor表示将结束在东南亚国家的业务开发活动,关闭河内办公室,这是该公司首次关闭专门从事可再生能源业务的国际办公室 [5] - Equinor在定期评估可再生能源资产组合后做出此决定,认为该领域面临诸多不利因素,需要采取更加谨慎的投资策略 [6] - 尽管Equinor此前曾高度看好越南的海上风电潜力,但最终还是选择退出该市场 [7] 行业展望 - Equinor目前的股票评级为中性(Zacks Rank 3) [8] - 行业内其他表现较好的公司包括SM Energy(Zacks Rank 1)、TechnipFMC(Zacks Rank 2)和MPLX LP(Zacks Rank 2) [9] - SM Energy在中部盆地和南德克萨斯地区的上游业务前景看好,预计2024年产量将同比增长 [10] - TechnipFMC作为能源行业的领先制造商和供应商,2024年二季度订单总额创历史新高,显示未来收入增长前景良好 [11] - MPLX LP作为一家中游资产运营商,收入较为稳定,分红收益率也优于行业平均水平 [12]
Equinor Plans $6.7B Annual Offshore Investment Until 2035
ZACKS· 2024-08-27 23:05
文章核心观点 - 挪威能源巨头Equinor计划在挪威海上投资600-700亿挪威克朗(约57-67亿美元),每年持续到2035年 [1] - 这一投资计划体现了Equinor对挪威油气长期需求的信心,尽管全球正在向清洁能源转型,挪威海上部分油田产量也在下降 [2][3][7] - Equinor计划维持每天120万桶油当量的产量水平至2035年,并承诺每年向欧洲供应约400亿立方米天然气 [3][4] - 这一投资计划与挪威整个油气行业的投资热潮相吻合,预计未来几年内挪威海上油气投资将达到历史新高 [5][6] 行业总结 - 挪威是欧洲最大的天然气供应国和重要的石油生产国,在欧洲能源安全中扮演关键角色 [4] - 尽管全球能源转型趋势明确,但化石燃料在未来能源结构中仍将发挥重要作用,Equinor的投资计划体现了这一趋势 [7] - 挪威海上油气行业整体投资热情高涨,预计未来几年内投资将达到历史新高,主要原因包括持续的油田开发活动和通胀上升导致运营成本增加 [5] 公司总结 - Equinor计划未来10年每年勘探20-30口井,以维持每天120万桶油当量的产量水平 [2][3] - Equinor致力于平衡经济增长、能源安全和环境责任,这一投资计划体现了其对化石燃料长期需求的信心 [7] - Equinor目前被评为中性评级(Zacks Rank 3),但行业内也有一些评级更高的公司值得关注,如SM Energy、MPLX和TechnipFMC [8][9]
Equinor (EQNR) Shuts Down Gullfaks C Platform After Well Incident
ZACKS· 2024-08-23 22:45
Equinor ASA (EQNR) , a Norwegian energy firm, halted production at its Gullfaks C platform in the North Sea. The company stated that the shutdown was due to an incident with a well at the platform. Furthermore, as a security measure, some workers were evacuated from the platform. The Gullfaks C platform encountered a well-control incident, per a company spokesperson, who also mentioned that it was unclear when the Gullfaks C platform would return online.The incident has affected only the Gullfaks C platform ...
Equinor (EQNR) Exits Suriname, Cuts International Footprint
ZACKS· 2024-08-12 21:26
Equinor ASA (EQNR) , along with Exxon Mobil Corporation (XOM) ,has announced its exit from Suriname Block 59. ExxonMobil, as the leader of the consortium, has transferred its ownership in Block 59 to Hess Corporation in a non-financial transaction. Equinor's decision to depart from the South American nation aligns with the company's broader objective to focus on a few core production areas, such as Norway, the U.S. Gulf of Mexico and Brazil. The company also intends to boost its investments in renewables an ...
Equinor (EQNR) Q2 Earnings Beat Estimates, Revenues Miss
ZACKS· 2024-07-25 23:08
Total quarterly revenues increased to $25,462 million from $22,870 million in the prior-year quarter. However, the top line missed the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $25,927 million. Segmental Analysis The company's average daily production of liquids and gas increased 5% year over year to 1,375 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day (MBoe/d). The figure was also above our estimate of 1,310 Mboe/d. The strong performance can be attributed to high production levels, supported by well-executed turnarounds an ...