Equinor Delays Arctic Oilfield Startup to Early 2025
ZACKS· 2024-12-11 21:55
Equinor ASA (EQNR) announced a delay in the start-up of its Johan Castberg oilfield in the Barents Sea, pushing the timeline to January or February 2025 due to adverse weather conditions. Originally scheduled to commence operations by the end of 2024, the project has faced setbacks despite nearing its completion phase.The Johan Castberg oilfield is one of Equinor’s most significant Arctic projects, with recoverable volumes estimated to be in the range of 450-650 million barrels of crude oil. Developed from ...
Equinor Launches Open Season for Low-Carbon Hydrogen Buyers
ZACKS· 2024-12-04 21:45
Equinor ASA (EQNR) , the Norwegian energy major, has initiated its first Hydrogen Open Season, inviting parties to express interest in purchasing low-carbon hydrogen from its upcoming H2M Eemshaven project in the Netherlands. This 1 GW project, developed in partnership with Linde, is aimed at producing low-carbon hydrogen by reforming natural gas with integrated carbon capture and storage.According to Equinor, the H2M Eemshaven facility will capture and permanently store over 95% of Norway's CO2 emissions o ...
These 5 ‘Special' Dividends Are More Than One-Hit Wonders
Forbes· 2024-12-02 20:30
Piggy bank with business stuff, business and finance concept, vintage color tone.GettyToday we’ll discuss a 5.4% dividend that actually annualizes to 7%. A 5.7% payer that really dishes 12.4%. And even a headline 15% yield that is understated because the company handed out 16.1% last year.Wait. What?These “typos” fool the mainstream financial websites. We are discussing special dividends today. Payouts that are awarded as a bonus to regular quarterly dividends.Only a select few firms dish specials. Sometime ...
EQNR Awards New IMR Contract Supporting Sustainable Subsea Operations
ZACKS· 2024-11-27 23:10
Equinor ASA (EQNR) has awarded a long-term subsea inspection, maintenance and repair (IMR) contract to DeepOcean, a subsea services provider based in Norway, to support its operational activities in the Norwegian Continental Shelf and other parts of Europe. The contract spans eight years, commencing in 2027 and running through 2035.Details of the IMR ContractPer the terms of the contract, DeepOcean will deploy a team of subsea engineers to use their knowledge and expertise in subsea operations, alongside a ...
Reasons to Retain Equinor Stock in Your Portfolio for Now
ZACKS· 2024-11-22 23:25
Equinor ASA (EQNR) , a Norwegian integrated energy firm, has a diversified portfolio of assets involving oil and gas, renewables and low-carbon energy solutions. The company is committed to meeting the increasing global demand for energy while working on its goal to become a net-zero energy firm by 2050. EQNR also invests heavily in renewables, showcasing its commitment to the global energy transition and a low-carbon future. However, crude price volatility and increasing capital expenditures add to the con ...
Equinor: Adding And Buying On An Attractive Thesis
Seeking Alpha· 2024-11-20 11:56
文章核心观点 - 无明确关于公司或行业的核心观点,主要是分析师和Seeking Alpha的披露内容 [1][2][3] 分析师披露相关 - 分析师在EQNR股票中有受益的多头头寸(通过股票所有权、期权或其他衍生品)且文章表达自己观点未因本文接受补偿(除Seeking Alpha外)与文中提及股票公司无业务关系 [1] - 分析师不是CFA也未被授权提供金融建议,投资者应自行尽职调查研究,短期交易、期权交易/投资和期货交易风险极高,不适合资本有限、投资经验有限或缺乏风险承受能力理解的人,分析师拥有文章中欧洲/斯堪的纳维亚公司的欧洲/斯堪的纳维亚股票代码(非美国存托凭证)以及加拿大股票的加拿大股票代码,投资欧洲/非美国股票有预扣税风险投资者应咨询税务专业人士 [2] Seeking Alpha披露相关 - 过去表现不保证未来结果,未给出投资是否适合特定投资者的推荐或建议,分析师观点可能不反映Seeking Alpha整体观点,Seeking Alpha不是持牌证券交易商、经纪商或美国投资顾问或投资银行,分析师为第三方作者包括专业和个人投资者可能未被任何机构或监管机构许可或认证 [3]
Meet the Ultra-High-Yield Value Stock That's Going to End Up Returning $14 Billion to Shareholders in 2024
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-01 16:41
文章核心观点 - 挪威能源公司Equinor正在进行大规模的股票回购和股息支付,预计在未来3年内将向股东返还447亿美元 [1][2] - Equinor拥有高度盈利的油气资产组合,主要集中在挪威大陆架,其中约85%的油气收入来自该地区 [3][4][5] - Equinor正在大幅投资可再生能源,包括离岸风电和碳捕集等项目,但近年来在可再生能源领域的执行力有所下降 [8][9][10] - 尽管Equinor正在大量回馈股东,但其资本支出仍主要集中在油气业务,未来几年的资本回报计划将有所下降 [11][12][13][14][15] 公司概况 - Equinor是一家由挪威政府和私人股东控股的国际能源公司 [3] - 公司主要在挪威大陆架从事勘探和生产活动,占其总油气收入的85% [4][5] - 公司在挪威大陆架的主要资产包括约翰·斯威普油田,该油田占挪威总产量的三分之一 [5][6] 可再生能源投资 - Equinor正在大幅投资可再生能源项目,包括离岸风电和碳捕集等 [8] - 公司计划到2030年拥有12-16吉瓦的可再生能源装机容量 [8] - 公司最近收购了丹麦风电巨头Ørsted 9.8%的股权 [9] - 但公司在可再生能源领域的执行力近年有所下降,出售了一些主要项目 [10] 股东回报 - Equinor正在进行大规模的股票回购和股息支付,预计未来3年内将向股东返还447亿美元 [1][2] - 公司过去3年内已减少15.3%的股份,这一回购速度在行业内属罕见 [13] - 但未来几年的资本回报计划将有所下降,2025年将减少至约80亿美元 [14][15]
Equinor Plans to Cut Back on Renewables, Adjusts 2024 Capex Outlook
ZACKS· 2024-10-26 03:11
Equinor ASA (EQNR) , a Norwegian energy firm, has mentioned that it plans to cut back on its investments in renewable energy till 2030. The announcement followed shortly after EQNR acquired a 9.8% stake in Ørsted, a Danish wind energy group. In October, the company had announced its decision to acquire a stake in Ørsted for $2.5 billion. Equinor also noted that it plans to increase the acquired stake to 10%. The deal is contingent upon regulatory approval.Addition to EQNR’s Renewables PortfolioThe company s ...
Equinor: A Reliable Double-Digit Yield Is Tough To Find In This Market
Seeking Alpha· 2024-10-25 23:25
Retirement is complicated and you only get once chance to do it right. Don't miss out because you didn't know what was out there. The Retirement Forum provides actionable ideals, a high-yield safe retirement portfolio, and macroeconomic outlooks, all to help you maximize your capital and your income. We search the entire market to help you maximize returns. Equinor ASA (NYSE: EQNR ) is a major oil company primarily owned by the Norwegian government. We recently discussed why we purchased another 1000 shares ...
Equinor(EQNR) - 2024 Q3 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-10-25 03:25
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司报告调整后的营业收入为69亿美元,国际财务报告准则下的净收入为23亿美元,年初至今的税后现金流为140亿美元 [5][12] - 调整后的每股收益为0.79美元,现金流从运营中产生的税后现金流超过62亿美元 [5][12] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 挪威大陆架(NCS)生产同比增长2%,天然气生产增长8%,主要受Troll、Aasta Hansteen和Oseberg的推动 [9][11] - 国际勘探与生产(E&P)部门的生产受到停工的影响,主要在Peregrino,但新井在安哥拉的贡献部分抵消了这一影响 [9] - 可再生能源的生产显著高于去年,主要得益于巴西和波兰的陆上发电厂 [10] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 液体价格在本季度下降,低于去年同期,而欧洲天然气价格上涨14%,主要受中国经济增长和供应中断的推动 [10][11] - 欧洲的天然气存储几乎满载,但市场仍然脆弱,天气和温度将影响冬季的需求 [10][20] 公司战略和发展方向和行业竞争 - 公司收购Ørsted的9.8%股份,视为反周期投资,旨在支持其可再生能源战略,预计将降低资本支出 [6][7][8] - 公司强调在可再生能源领域将继续专注于价值而非数量,计划在2030年前实现可再生能源的增长 [7][8] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 管理层对未来的经营环境表示谨慎,指出天然气市场的脆弱性和不确定性,特别是与亚洲和欧洲的竞争 [20] - 对于未来的资本支出,公司预计2024年的资本支出将调整至120亿至130亿美元 [13] 其他重要信息 - 公司在第三季度向股东分配了65亿美元的现金,董事会批准了每股0.35美元的普通现金股息和0.35美元的特别股息 [8][12] - 公司在安全方面保持高标准,尽管在北海的Sleipner B平台发生了事故,但应急准备工作得到了有效执行 [8][9] 问答环节所有提问和回答 问题: 关于Ørsted的目标和项目融资的进展 - 管理层表示,Ørsted的12至16吉瓦目标并非固定目标,而是基于价值创造的指导,强调价值优先于数量 [14][16] - 关于Empire Wind项目,管理层预计将在年底前完成项目融资,并计划进行第二次分包 [17] 问题: 关于天然气市场的对冲策略 - 管理层表示不会进行对冲,保持70%的日内交易和30%的月度交易,以便让投资者充分暴露于欧洲天然气价格波动中 [20][21] 问题: 关于Rosebank项目的法律和税务问题 - 管理层指出,Rosebank项目面临法律审查,预计在10月30日的预算发布后将有更明确的税务条件 [25][26] 问题: 关于Ørsted的投资和未来的资本分配 - 管理层确认,Ørsted的投资是长期持有,预计明年的资本分配将在80亿至100亿美元之间 [44][54]