First Ban(FBP)
Best Value Stocks to Buy for May 17th· 2024-05-17 21:40
Seanergy Maritime Holdings (SHIP) : This shipping company which provides marine dry bulk transportation services through a modern fleet of 10 Capesize vessels, carries a Zacks Rank #1, and has witnessed the Zacks Consensus Estimate for its current year earnings increasing 83.1% over the last 60 days. Here are three stocks with buy rank and strong value characteristics for investors to consider today, May 17th: RCM Technologies (RCMT) : This company is a national provider of Business, Technology and resource ...
Best Income Stocks to Buy for May 17th· 2024-05-17 21:35
First Horizon (FHN) : This financial services company which offers regional banking, mortgage lending, title insurance, specialized commercial lending, commercial leasing and equipment financing, brokerage, wealth management and capital market services, has witnessed the Zacks Consensus Estimate for its current year earnings increasing nearly 5.6% over the last 60 days. This Zacks Rank #1 company has a dividend yield of 3.8%, compared with the industry average of 0.8%. Qifu Technology, Inc. (QFIN) : This Cr ...
Why First Bancorp (FBP) is a Great Dividend Stock Right Now· 2024-05-17 00:45
Based in San Juan, First Bancorp (FBP) is in the Finance sector, and so far this year, shares have seen a price change of 10.88%. Currently paying a dividend of $0.16 per share, the company has a dividend yield of 3.51%. In comparison, the Banks - Southeast industry's yield is 2.68%, while the S&P 500's yield is 1.58%. Whether it's through stocks, bonds, ETFs, or other types of securities, all investors love seeing their portfolios score big returns. But when you're an income investor, your primary focus is ...
First BanCorp. (FBP) Hits Fresh High: Is There Still Room to Run?· 2024-05-16 22:15
Have you been paying attention to shares of First Bancorp (FBP) ? Shares have been on the move with the stock up 12% over the past month. The stock hit a new 52-week high of $18.62 in the previous session. First Bancorp has gained 10.9% since the start of the year compared to the 5.1% move for the Zacks Finance sector and the 1.7% return for the Zacks Banks - Southeast industry. What's Driving the Outperformance? The stock has an impressive record of positive earnings surprises, as it hasn't missed our earn ...
First Ban(FBP) - 2024 Q1 - Quarterly Report
2024-05-10 04:59
UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 For the quarterly period ended March 31, 2024 or [ ] TRANSITION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIESEXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the transition period from ___________________ to___________________ COMMISSION FILE NUMBER001-14793 FIRST BANCORP. (EXACT NAME OF REGISTRANT AS SPECIFIEDIN ITS CHARTER) Puerto Rico 66-0561882 (State or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization) ____________ FORM 10-Q [X] QUARTERLY RE ...
Why First Bancorp (FBP) is a Top Dividend Stock for Your Portfolio
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-05-01 00:46
Whether it's through stocks, bonds, ETFs, or other types of securities, all investors love seeing their portfolios score big returns. But when you're an income investor, your primary focus is generating consistent cash flow from each of your liquid investments.Cash flow can come from bond interest, interest from other types of investments, and of course, dividends. A dividend is that coveted distribution of a company's earnings paid out to shareholders, and investors often view it by its dividend yield, a m ...
First Ban(FBP) - 2024 Q1 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-04-24 04:33
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司在第一季度实现了强劲的经营业绩,净收益为7350万美元,每股收益0.44美元,资产收益率达到1.56% [26] - 调整后的税前税前拨备利润增加至1.105亿美元,较上季度略有增加 [27] - 贷款组合平均规模增加2亿美元,收益率提升10个基点,推动净利息收入增加500万美元 [30] - 存款成本上升10个基点,导致利息支出增加500万美元 [32] - 净利差为4.16%,较上季度上升2个基点 [36] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 商业贷款和汽车贷款保持健康增长,推动贷款组合整体增长4% [11] - 存款总额增加4700万美元,但客户资金持续从活期转向定期存款 [12][33] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 不良资产占比略有上升至2.69%,主要由于美国业务出现一笔1050万美元的不良贷款 [14] - 早期逾期贷款余额下降1710万美元,其中消费贷款和住房贷款减少较多 [46][47] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司正在推进技术现代化,包括与云银行先锋合作提升商业银行体验,以及将核心系统迁移至云端 [23] - 公司将继续保持强大的资本实力,合理控制成本,同时投资于业务发展并向股东回馈 [24] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 波多黎各经济保持良好态势,劳动力市场稳定,消费者信心积极,商业活动保持增长,旅游业持续繁荣 [19][20] - 公司预计利率将维持较高水平较长时间,并在下半年开始逐步下降,存款成本可能已接近峰值 [35] - 公司对2024年中低单位数的贷款增长保持信心,主要来自商业贷款、建筑贷款和汽车贷款 [67] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Alex Twerdahl 提问** 询问公司商业房地产贷款的重定价风险 [68] **Aurelio Aleman-Bermudez 回答** 公司认为商业房地产贷款的重定价风险较低,不像一些其他银行那样存在较大风险 [69][70][71] 问题2 **Kelly Motta 提问** 询问存款成本压力是否有所缓解 [75] **Orlando Berges-Gonzalez 回答** 公司预计今年存款成本压力将有所缓解,不会像2022年和2023年那样出现大规模资金流入国库市场的情况 [76][77][78][79] 问题3 **Kelly Motta 提问** 询问手续费收入中保险佣金和抵押贷款业务的可持续性 [82] **Orlando Berges-Gonzalez 回答** 保险佣金收入是年初一次性的,不会在每个季度重复;抵押贷款业务受利率环境影响,预计会保持相对稳定 [81][82][83]
First Ban(FBP) - 2024 Q1 - Quarterly Results
2024-04-23 21:41
财务表现 - 第一季度2024年,First BanCorp.报告净利润为7350万美元,每股摊薄收益为0.44美元[1] - 第一季度2024年,First BanCorp的净利息收入为1.9652亿美元,较2023年第四季度的1.9668亿美元略有下降,主要受到利息支出增加的影响[23] - 第一季度2024年,First BanCorp的非利息收入为3.4亿美元,较2023年第四季度的3.36亿美元有所增加,主要受到保险佣金收入和抵押银行业务活动收入的增加影响[30] - 第一季度2024年,First BanCorp的调整前税前、税前收益(非GAAP)为1.105亿美元,较上季度增长0.5百万美元[3] - 第一季度2024年,First BanCorp的调整后净利润为7405万美元,每股摊薄收益为0.44美元,较2023年第四季度的8343万美元,每股摊薄收益为0.49美元有所下降[21] 资产负债 - 非履行资产总额在2024年3月31日达到129.6百万美元,较2023年12月31日的125.9百万美元增加了3.7百万美元[41] - 2024年3月31日,总资产约为189亿美元,较2023年12月31日减少1860万美元[61] - 2024年3月31日,资本比率超过银行控股公司和充足资本的银行的要求水平,估计的CET1资本、一级资本、总资本和杠杆比率分别为15.90%、15.90%、18.36%和10.65%[71] - 非GAAP基础上,公司的有形普通股权益比率截至2024年3月31日下降至7.59%,较2023年12月31日的7.67%有所下降[73] 贷款情况 - 总贷款增长1.307亿美元,主要归因于波多黎各和佛罗里达地区商业和建筑贷款组合的增长[7] - 第一季度2024年,商业和建筑贷款组合的信贷损失准备金净收益为280万美元,较2023年第四季度的490万美元净收益有所下降[54] - 第一季度2024年,净核销为1120万美元,占平均贷款的年化0.37%,较2023年第四季度的2080万美元,占平均贷款的年化0.69%有所下降[56] - 2024年3月31日,现金及现金等价物增加2140万美元,达到6845万美元,总核心流动性达到27亿美元,占总资产的14.45%[58]
First Bancorp (FBP) Q1 Earnings and Revenues Beat Estimates
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-23 21:16
财报表现 - First Bancorp (FBP)在本季度每股收益为0.44美元,超过了Zacks Consensus Estimate的0.38美元[1] - 公司在过去四个季度中四次超过了市场预期的每股收益[2] - First Bancorp在2024年3月结束的季度实现了2.305亿美元的营收,超过了Zacks Consensus Estimate[3] 股价走势 - 公司股价的短期走势将主要取决于管理层在财报电话会议中的评论[4]
FirstBank Puerto Rico Selects nCino to Transform Commercial Lending Services
Newsfilter· 2024-03-20 19:30
数字化转型计划 - nCino与FirstBank Puerto Rico合作,为波多黎各、佛罗里达和维尔京群岛的客户提供更现代化的商业银行体验[1] - FirstBank Puerto Rico数字化转型计划推动了该项目,旨在通过在线商业操作提供更大的灵活性和简单性,从而提高客户体验[2] - nCino的云银行平台将帮助FirstBank Puerto Rico缩短贷款周期时间,显著提高投资组合管理能力,进一步提升客户体验[3]