Faraday Future avoids eviction at its LA headquarters, for now
TechCrunch· 2024-04-04 05:18
Faraday Future has avoided getting evicted from its Los Angeles headquarters — for the time being.The troubled EV startup reached an agreement April 2 with its landlord, Rexford Industrial, to stay in the building as long as it met a few conditions. If the startup violates any of the terms, Rexford has the right to trigger a 48-hour demand for payment and can boot Faraday Future if it doesn’t pay up. If Faraday Future makes its payments, it can stay in the building until September 2025 when the lease expire ...
Faraday Future, Canoo (GOEV), Nikola short squeeze intensifies
Invezz· 2024-03-22 17:29
Faraday Future (NASDAQ: FFIE), Canoo (GOEV), and Nikola (NKLA) stock prices continued their short-squeeze this week even as concerns about the EV industry intensified. Nikola jumped to $0.6574, 11% above its lowest level this month.Faraday Future share price surged by more than 48% on Thursday and continued its uptrend in the extended hours. It soared by over 5% in the post-market session and soared to its highest point since March 8th of this year. Canoo, on the other hand, soared to $4.8, its highest leve ...
Avoid the Carnage: 3 EV Stocks That Belong in a Crash Site
InvestorPlace· 2024-03-09 02:32
I often note that the ongoing downturn in the EV market could present a strong buying opportunity for aggressive investors. However, that sentiment doesn’t apply to all EV stocks. Not all EV companies are created equal, and some huge discrepancies make certain EV stocks worth steering clear of. The only position you’d want in these stocks is a short position, and even that might be risky, given the immense volatility of this space. You’ll almost always lose money investing in these stocks because these busi ...
FFIE Stock Alert: Faraday Future Plans Second Reverse Stock Split in 5 Months
InvestorPlace· 2024-02-27 02:39
公司动态 - Faraday Future Intelligent Electric (NASDAQ:FFIE) 宣布进行第二次股票拆分[1] - 股票拆分将于2月29日生效,3月1日开始在调整后的基础上交易[2] - CEO Matthias Aydt 提出了一项“总体计划”,旨在使Faraday Future走向增长[4] 市值变化 - Faraday Future Intelligent Electric (NASDAQ:FFIE) 在过去12个月中市值几乎蒸发了99%[3]
Faraday Future Announces Updated Master Plan 1.1 to Strategically Position Itself for Growth in 2024
Businesswire· 2024-02-26 10:00
LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc. (NASDAQ: FFIE) (“Faraday Future”, “FF” or “Company”), a California-based global shared intelligent electric mobility ecosystem company, today released an open letter from Matthias Aydt, Global CEO of FF, to share an updated master plan 1.1 for the growth of Faraday Future in 2024. Opportunities and Accomplishments I’m issuing this letter to align expectations as to where FF stands today and where we hope to lead FF in 2024. FF has made ...
EV Stock Shuffle: 2 to Buy and 2 to Sell Before Summer Hits
InvestorPlace· 2024-02-20 18:00
电动汽车初创公司面临的挑战 - 美国电动汽车初创公司面临着巨大的风险和不确定性[1] - 一些电动汽车初创公司在燃烧现金的同时难以将车辆推向市场[2] - 与传统汽车制造商竞争是一个巨大的挑战[3] Faraday Future (FFIE)的挑战 - Faraday Future (FFIE)是一家总部位于加利福尼亚的公司,设计并试图制造豪华电动汽车[4] - FFIE的旗舰车型FF 91似乎一直被无限期推迟[5] - FFIE的现金燃烧速度令人担忧,公司的可持续性受到质疑[6] Mullen Automotive (MULN)的困境 - Mullen Automotive (MULN)也面临着巨大的风险,公司每销售一辆车都会亏损[7] - Mullen的股价也反映了公司的财务状况,不具备投资价值[8] 中国电动汽车公司的表现 - Li Auto (LI)是一家中国电动汽车制造商,公司在财务表现和增长方面表现出色[9] - Li Auto持有超过100亿美元的现金用于资助增长计划[10] - Nio (NIO)是中国最知名的电动汽车制造商之一,公司的基本面使其在市场稳定后处于领先地位[11]
Faraday Future is danger of losing LA headquarters for failing to pay rent
TechCrunch· 2024-02-17 02:30
财务困境 - Faraday Future因拖欠房租而面临近100万美元的债务,包括未支付的租金、维护费用和税款[1] - Faraday Future还被指控拖欠圣何塞办公室的房东超过12万美元的租金,导致被要求离开该处[3] - 公司警告股东,如果未能获得现金注入,可能无法继续运营并可能申请破产保护[6] - Faraday Future在2023年9月末仅有850万美元现金,同时还受到证券交易委员会的调查[7] 公司危机 - 公司曾经历一系列危机,包括与财务支持者的分手、出售总部以筹集现金并租回,以及与创始人贾跃亭有关的各种风波[8][9]
Faraday Future Delivers an FF 91 2.0 to Motev, a B2B Co-Creation Partner Founded by Robert Gaskill and Morgan Freeman
Businesswire· 2024-02-07 19:00
FF recently delivered an FF 91 2.0 Futurist Alliance to Motev, a leader in sustainable luxury transportation services that operates a fleet of luxury vehicles in Southern California. Pictured here are Robert Gaskill, CEO, Motev LLC (L), Tiffany Hinton, Chief Operations Officer, Motev LLC (C), Matthias Aydt, Global CEO of Faraday Future (R). (Photo: Business Wire)FF recently delivered an FF 91 2.0 Futurist Alliance to Motev, a leader in sustainable luxury transportation services that operates a fleet of luxu ...
Faraday Future Completes Nearly 1,600 OTA Upgrades and Product Enhancements on its FF 91 2.0, Including Many New Features Based on User R&D Co-Creation Feedback
Businesswire· 2024-01-22 12:10
升级内容 - Faraday Future 完成了对其 FF 91 2.0 近1600次 OTA 升级和产品增强,包括许多基于用户研发共创反馈的新功能[1] - 升级中的一个主要亮点是行业首个车载体育赛事推荐聚合产品,将体育赛事指南和互联网流媒体服务提供商的直播集成到一起,为 FF 91 带来了家庭客厅体验[1] - 升级显著增强了用户智能手机与车辆之间的互动,使功能更直观和用户友好,支持解锁门、空调和充电等传统功能,还能全面控制车内屏幕,增强车内娱乐和工作体验[2] - FF 91 2.0 的新车辆控制功能允许同时或单独控制车辆上的每扇门,一键零重力座椅调节让用户快速体验无与伦比的舒适和豪华放松,此外,还进一步优化和改进了 AI 助手 aiPal 功能[3] 用户反馈 - 用户反馈促成了多项升级,例如,一位去年收到 FF 91 的共创者提出了前后排同时观看视频以实现家庭共享观看体验和三屏广播的需求,这一功能已在 OTA 升级中实现,此外,用户现在可以通过屏幕录制在车辆上提供改进反馈[5] 共创应用程序 - FF 91 推出了共创应用程序来记录共创官员的贡献,此外,车辆控制应用程序已经针对性能进行了优化,为用户提供更流畅的车辆控制体验[6] 公司表态 - FF 的副总裁 Jim Gao 表示,短时间内完成众多功能升级再次展示了 FF 的共创分享力量和价值,重申了 FF 91 2.0 作为 AI TechLuxury 产品的独特和创新特性[4]
Faraday Future(FFIE) - 2023 Q3 - Earnings Call Presentation
2023-11-14 13:34
产品信息 - FF 91 2.0 Futurist拥有142kWh电池组,EPA认证续航里程达到381英里,估计CLTC续航里程超过800公里[15] - FF aiDriving技术系统提供多项安全功能,包括前向碰撞警告、自动远光灯、自动紧急制动等[19] - FF 91 Futurist提供极致科技、终极智能用户体验和完整生态系统[30] - FF 91 Futurist具有NASA启发的零重力后排座椅、高级安全、自动驾驶和停车功能[33] - FF 91 Futurist提供无缝移动5G连接,用于车辆控制、生产力和娱乐[33] 业绩数据 - FF 91 2.0 Futurist在2023年第三季度录得净亏损为78,046万美元[35] - FF在2023年第三季度的总资产为579,527万美元,总负债为317,724万美元[36] - 2023年前9个月,公司经营活动产生的净现金流为负24.03亿美元,较2022年同期的负35.51亿美元有所改善[37] - 2023年前9个月,公司投资活动产生的净现金流为负1.08亿美元,较2022年同期的负11.21亿美元有所改善[37] - 2023年前9个月,公司融资活动产生的净现金流为2.38亿美元,较2022年同期的负4.09亿美元有所增加[37] 市场表现 - FF首次交付FF 91 2.0 Futurist Alliance给首位用户,并启动了八月的开发者共创节[25] - FF 91 2.0 Futurist Alliance在Willow Springs创下了1分35秒的最快圈速纪录[27] - FF 91 2.0 Futurist Alliance在Button Willow Raceway Park创下了1分28.13秒的最快圈速纪录[27] - FF 91 2.0 Futurist Alliance在过去四个月内提升了7秒的圈速,展示了Co-Creation官员的性能反馈的重要性[27] - FF 91 2.0 Futurist Alliance赢得了“FF vs. Hypercars Challenge”比赛[27]