Frontdoor(FTDR) - 2024 Q3 - Quarterly Results
2024-11-04 20:31
Exhibit 99.1 Frontdoor Announces Record Third-Quarter 2024 Results Revenue Increased 3% to $540 Million; Gross Profit Margin Increased 550 Basis Points to 57%; Net Income Increased 40% to $100 Million; Adjusted EBITDA(1)Increased 29% to $165 Million; Repurchased $119 Million of Shares Through August 2024; Launched New American Home Shield App in October; 2-10 Acquisition Remains on Track to Close in the Fourth Quarter of 2024 MEMPHIS, TENN. — November 4, 2024 — Frontdoor, Inc. (NASDAQ: FTDR), the nation's l ...
Frontdoor Is A Great Business But Not Great Value
Seeking Alpha· 2024-10-31 21:31
Frontdoor, Inc. (NASDAQ: FTDR ) is a good company with strong fundamentals. The most important ones include consistent long run profitability, including over the pandemic which was not good for the business. The cashflows allow management to finance growth projectsThe City Stock PickerAs a seasoned investor with a rich educational background in Business, Finance, and Accounting from a prestigious UK university, I bring a holistic and in-depth understanding of the financial markets. My journey in the investm ...
Frontdoor (FTDR) Q3 Earnings on the Horizon: Analysts' Insights on Key Performance Measures
ZACKS· 2024-10-30 22:20
Analysts on Wall Street project that Frontdoor (FTDR) will announce quarterly earnings of $1.03 per share in its forthcoming report, representing an increase of 9.6% year over year. Revenues are projected to reach $540.52 million, increasing 3.2% from the same quarter last year.Over the last 30 days, there has been no revision in the consensus EPS estimate for the quarter. This signifies the covering analysts' collective reconsideration of their initial forecasts over the course of this timeframe.Prior to a ...
Are You Looking for a Top Momentum Pick? Why Frontdoor (FTDR) is a Great Choice
ZACKS· 2024-09-19 01:01
Momentum investing revolves around the idea of following a stock's recent trend in either direction. In the 'long' context, investors will be essentially be "buying high, but hoping to sell even higher." With this methodology, taking advantage of trends in a stock's price is key; once a stock establishes a course, it is more than likely to continue moving that way. The goal is that once a stock heads down a fixed path, it will lead to timely and profitable trades. While many investors like to look for momen ...
Frontdoor Inc. (FTDR) Hits Fresh High: Is There Still Room to Run?
ZACKS· 2024-09-18 22:16
Have you been paying attention to shares of Frontdoor (FTDR) ? Shares have been on the move with the stock up 3.2% over the past month. The stock hit a new 52-week high of $49.36 in the previous session. Frontdoor has gained 38.5% since the start of the year compared to the 21.3% move for the Zacks Construction sector and the 18.3% return for the Zacks Building Products - Miscellaneous industry. What's Driving the Outperformance? The stock has an impressive record of positive earnings surprises, as it hasn' ...
Frontdoor's Stock Rises 36% in Three Months: Good Time to Buy FTDR?
ZACKS· 2024-09-13 00:55
Shares of Frontdoor, Inc. (FTDR) , the leading provider of home warranties in the United States, have rallied 36.1% in the past three months. The stock has significantly outperformed the 2% rise registered by the Zacks Building Products - Miscellaneous industry. Image Source: Zacks Investment Research FTDR also outpaced the Zacks Construction sector's 5.1% growth and the S&P 500 index's 0.8% increase during the same period. The company is benefiting from improved contract claims costs and customer retention ...
3 Reasons Why Growth Investors Shouldn't Overlook Frontdoor (FTDR)
ZACKS· 2024-09-07 01:46
Growth investors focus on stocks that are seeing above-average financial growth, as this feature helps these securities garner the market's attention and deliver solid returns. But finding a growth stock that can live up to its true potential can be a tough task. That's because, these stocks usually carry above-average risk and volatility. In fact, betting on a stock for which the growth story is actually over or nearing its end could lead to significant loss. However, the Zacks Growth Style Score (part of ...
Frontdoor Inc. (FTDR) Hit a 52 Week High, Can the Run Continue?
ZACKS· 2024-08-22 22:16
Shares of Frontdoor (FTDR) have been strong performers lately, with the stock up 31.8% over the past month. The stock hit a new 52-week high of $48.27 in the previous session. Frontdoor has gained 36.9% since the start of the year compared to the 16.7% move for the Zacks Construction sector and the 14.1% return for the Zacks Building Products - Miscellaneous industry. What's Driving the Outperformance? The stock has a great record of positive earnings surprises, as it hasn't missed our earnings consensus es ...
Is Frontdoor (FTDR) a Solid Growth Stock? 3 Reasons to Think "Yes"
ZACKS· 2024-08-22 01:45
Growth investors focus on stocks that are seeing above-average financial growth, as this feature helps these securities garner the market's attention and deliver solid returns. But finding a growth stock that can live up to its true potential can be a tough task. That's because, these stocks usually carry above-average risk and volatility. In fact, betting on a stock for which the growth story is actually over or nearing its end could lead to significant loss. However, it's pretty easy to find cutting-edge ...
Frontdoor Continues Its Offensive Ascent, Reiterate Buy
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-16 16:55
公司概述 - 公司继续维持对Frontdoor (NASDAQ:FTDR)的'强买'评级,基于其强大的品牌影响力、客户粘性提升的留存率以及相对的低估价值。自发布目标价格以来,股票已达到目标价格,因此重新审视其最新业绩后的投资论点[2] 投资论点 - 公司在家服务计划业务中处于领先地位,通过其显著的规模和网络,有望实现持续增长。公司连续几个季度超出市场预期,通过定价策略和运营效率实现了强劲的盈利。最近一个季度,公司实现了创纪录的56%毛利率,并将全年EBITDA指引上调约7%至3.9亿美元(中点),此前为3.65亿美元。其灵活的资产负债表,低杠杆率,以及通过2-10收购进入新房屋保修业务,预示着公司的未来发展良好。鉴于其强大的运营韧性、战略协同效应和相对低估,重申买入评级,目标价格为60美元[3] 季度表现 - 公司发布了另一个强劲的季度,收入同比增长4%至5.42亿美元,超过预期和季度指引的5.3亿至5.4亿美元。这主要由价格影响推动,同比增长7%,部分被3%的成交量下降所抵消。续订收入(占总收入的约80%)同比增长6%,主要由平均价格上涨推动,部分被成交量下降所抵消。房地产和直接面向消费者细分市场在房地产市场动荡后继续面临重大挑战,收入分别下降14%。其他收入同比增长46%至3500万美元,主要是由于其去年推出的倡议持续实施下的强劲HVAC销售[4] 毛利率 - 毛利率同比扩大470个基点至创纪录的56%,这是自2018年上市以来的最高季度毛利率。这主要得益于1) 尽管天气相对凉爽,但预期的HVAC服务请求低于预期 2) 通过采购力改善供应商流程,实现了其首选服务网络的85%利用率 3) 来自前期期间的索赔成本调整[5] 财务表现 - 调整后的EBITDA同比增长31%,毛利率同比扩大570个基点,主要由毛利率扩大和销售优化后的SG&A杠杆推动。调整后的EPS同比增长47%至1.27美元,超过预期的1美元,得益于强劲的运营表现和股票回购。资产负债表继续保持强劲,其强大的现金生成能力使其能够减少债务负担。净债务与过去12个月的EBITDA比率从1.5倍降至0.85倍,同时宣布了一项新的3年股票回购计划,价值高达6.5亿美元,而今年迄今已回购了8300万美元[6] 未来展望 - 公司维持2024年收入指引在18.1亿至18.4亿美元之间,尽管稍微调整了各渠道的收入贡献。其他收入从1亿美元增加到1.1亿美元,主要由持续强劲的HVAC销售推动,同时稍微下调了房地产增长预期从之前的下降15-20%至下降15%。直接面向消费者收入预期从之前的下降10%调整为下降15%。美国现有房屋销售持续下降,房地产市场面临衰退压力。这发生在美联储记录的利率上升以及预期的利率削减尚未实现的情况下,延长了行业的痛苦[7][9] 指导调整 - 公司将毛利率指引上调至高于51%,此前为50%,这是自上市以来最强劲的上半年表现。预计下半年毛利率将下降,因为预计服务请求数量增加,价格影响因基数效应而减弱,以及索赔成本通胀将对毛利率产生下行压力。同时,将EBITDA指引从3.6亿至3.7亿美元上调至3.85亿至3.95亿美元,主要由毛利率提升推动。公司认为这可能是保守的,因为房地产行业的绿色增长以及网络优化和客户倡议可能指向更高的利润率[12] 2-10收购 - 公司宣布以5.85亿美元收购2-10 Home Buyers Warranty,这是一个领先的提供新房屋结构保修计划的提供商,覆盖美国五分之一的新建房屋,以及传统的房屋保修计划。Frontdoor目前不提供新房屋计划,因此2-10带来了与Frontdoor保修互补的邻近业务线。公司认为这提供了更好的新房屋销售多元化,收购具有利润增加效应(2-10的EBITDA利润率为21.7%,而Frontdoor为19.4%),并由于协同效应提供了进一步的利润改善空间。交易以约13.5倍的EV/EBITDA完成,高于Frontdoor的交易倍数,公司可能倾向于使用债务融资。对2-10的收购持积极态度,强调管理层通过有机(过去几个季度提高了利润率)和无机途径推动增长的承诺[13] 估值 - 鉴于Frontdoor在家维修领域没有直接上市的竞争对手,公司继续将其与面向消费者的服务业务进行比较。尽管近期股价上涨,公司仍以15.7倍的市盈率交易,低于其同行以及其长期平均的约22.8倍。公司认为,房地产前景的低迷继续对公司股票产生压力,但其运营韧性、利润率以及由强留存数证明的消费者粘性值得重新评级。此外,2-10收购的完成,带来运营协同效应和交叉销售能力,将进一步提升其利润率。公司对股票估值为20倍,与其长期平均一致,并将目标价格提高至60美元。重申买入评级[14]