Hormel Foods Announces Retirement of Mark Ourada, Group Vice President, Foodservice, after 37 years of exemplary service and leadership
Prnewswire· 2025-01-30 19:30
AUSTIN, Minn., Jan. 30, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Hormel Foods Corporation (NYSE: HRL), a Fortune 500 global branded food company, announced the upcoming retirement of Mark Ourada, group vice president, Foodservice, following 37 years of dedicated service and leadership. Throughout his nearly four-decade-long career with the company, Ourada has played an active role in the successful development and evolution of the $3.8 billion Foodservice business segment. He was also instrumental in the PLANTERS® brand integr ...
Hormel Foods To Hold Virtual 2025 Annual Meeting of Stockholders
Prnewswire· 2025-01-21 21:00
文章核心观点 Hormel Foods宣布将线上举办2025年年度股东大会,介绍参会、投票、提问等相关事宜,还提及会后股东礼品领取安排及公司概况 [1][5][6] 股东大会信息 - 举办形式为线上直播 [1] - 时间为2025年1月28日美国中部标准时间下午6点开始,注册从下午5:45开始 [1] - 参会人员为2024年11月29日收盘时公司普通股的注册股东或实益拥有人 [1] - 直播网址为 [1] 参会及投票要求 - 股东需使用16位控制号码参与会议并电子投票,该号码可在互联网可用性通知、代理卡或代理材料附带说明中找到 [2] - 若股份由银行、经纪人或其他登记持有人持有,其提供的投票说明应包含16位控制号码 [2] 提问方式 - 股东可在会议前登录proxyvote.com用控制号码登录后提前提交问题 [3] - 也可在会议期间通过提交问题 [3] 非股东参会安排 - 非2024年11月29日收盘时股东可访问注册为嘉宾参会,但不能投票或提问 [4] 股东礼品领取 - 2025年1月29日起,在SPAM®博物馆正常营业时间内,2024年11月29日收盘时的注册股东或实益拥有人可领取礼品盒,领完即止 [5] - 领取时需出示互联网可用性通知、代理卡或投票说明 [5] - 礼品盒仅支持现场领取,不得邮寄,且必须由股东本人领取,每人限领一份 [5] 公司概况 - Hormel Foods是一家总部位于明尼苏达州奥斯汀的全球品牌食品公司,年收入约120亿美元,业务覆盖80多个国家 [6] - 旗下拥有PLANTERS®、SKIPPY®、SPAM®等超30个知名品牌 [6] - 是标准普尔500指数和标准普尔500股息贵族指数成分股,获多项企业责任和社区服务相关奖项 [6] 信息获取及咨询 - 最新信息可访问 [4] - 咨询问题可发送邮件至[email protected] [4] 媒体联系 - 媒体关系联系邮箱为[email protected] [7]
Hormel Foods Announces Retirement of Brian Johnson, Vice President and Corporate Secretary
Prnewswire· 2025-01-20 19:30
文章核心观点 - 财富500强全球品牌食品公司荷美尔食品公司宣布副总裁兼公司秘书布莱恩·约翰逊即将退休 [1] 分组1:布莱恩·约翰逊相关信息 - 他在荷美尔食品公司工作30年,是公司董事会、高管的值得信赖的顾问,因专业知识、判断力、正直和奉献精神受到内外部及董事会的尊重,他和妻子是明尼苏达州奥斯汀社区的重要组成部分 [1] - 1995年以公司律师身份加入荷美尔食品,2000年晋升为高级律师,2005年升任助理秘书,2007年成为公司秘书,2010年被任命为副总裁兼公司秘书 [2] - 毕业于明尼苏达州立大学曼凯托分校,获理学学士学位,辅修经济学和政治学,1984年获得注册会计师资格,1991年以优异成绩毕业于明尼苏达大学法学院并获得法学博士学位,是明尼苏达州律师协会等多个协会成员 [2] 分组2:荷美尔食品公司相关信息 - 总部位于明尼苏达州奥斯汀,是全球品牌食品公司,在全球80多个国家年营收约120亿美元,旗下有PLANTERS®等超30个知名品牌 [3] - 是标准普尔500指数和标准普尔500股息贵族指数成分股,获美国新闻与世界报道等多个机构的奖项和赞誉,秉持“激励人心,美食共享”的宗旨 [3]
Hormel Foods Provides Over $2M in Products and Disaster Relief Support for California Wildfires
Prnewswire· 2025-01-18 01:27
文章核心观点 Hormel Foods Corporation作为一家全球知名食品公司,在南加州野火持续影响社区之际,携手合资企业MegaMex Foods积极开展救灾援助工作,包括捐赠现金、产品及支持教育等方面,展现企业社会责任 [1][4] 公司救灾援助行动 - 公司捐赠现金和产品,零售价值超200万美元,与Convoy of Hope等长期合作伙伴紧密合作,援助受野火影响人群 [1] - 公司已捐赠超55万磅食品,相当于超46万份餐食,捐赠产品涵盖PLANTERS®、SKIPPY®等品牌的即食和耐储存食品,以及JENNIE - O®等品牌的冷冻和冷藏产品 [2] - Hormel Foods食品服务部门支持餐厅经营者为急救人员和流离失所社区成员提供免费餐食 [2] - Hormel Foods慈善信托基金与MegaMex Foods联合向洛杉矶联合学区教育基金会紧急救济基金捐赠5万美元,帮助受灾难影响的学生、教职员工和家庭 [3] 公司介绍 - Hormel Foods Corporation总部位于明尼苏达州奥斯汀,是全球品牌食品公司,年营收约120亿美元,业务覆盖超80个国家,旗下有PLANTERS®、SKIPPY®等超30个知名品牌,获多项企业责任和社区服务相关奖项 [5] 合资企业介绍 - MegaMex Foods是美国增长最快的墨西哥食品公司之一,专注于重塑墨西哥风味,使用正宗食材,旗下有WHOLLY®、LA VICTORIA®等品牌,由Herdez del Fuerte和Hormel Foods Corporation合资成立,总部位于加州奥兰治,在得克萨斯州和墨西哥设有工厂,有超4000名员工 [6]
Hormel CEO Snee to Retire Later This Year
Investopedia· 2025-01-15 00:15
Key TakeawaysHormel Foods CEO James Snee will retire at the end of fiscal 2025, the Spam and Skippy parent said Tuesday.Snee has worked at Hormel for 36 years, eight of which have been as CEO.Hormel said its fiscal 2025 outlook remains unchanged. Hormel Foods (HRL) CEO James Snee plans to retire at the end of fiscal 2025, the company said Tuesday. Snee has worked at Hormel for 36 years, eight of which have been as CEO. The Spam and Skippy parent said it has formed a search committee to identify a successor, ...
Hormel Foods Chairman, President and CEO James P. Snee to Retire at End of Fiscal Year
Prnewswire· 2025-01-14 19:30
AUSTIN, Minn., Jan. 14, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Hormel Foods Corporation (NYSE: HRL), a Fortune 500 global branded food company, today announced that James P. Snee, chairman of the board, president and chief executive officer, will retire at the end of fiscal 2025, following a distinguished 36-year career with the company. James P. Snee, chairman of the board, president and chief executive officer of Hormel Foods The Board has formed a search committee and will benefit from its existing CEO-succession proc ...
Got $1,000? 3 Dividend Stocks to Buy Now While They're on Sale
The Motley Fool· 2025-01-09 17:03
The market is still near all-time highs, but that doesn't mean you can't find some stocks that investors have been placed on the sale rack. High-yielding Vici Properties (VICI -1.44%) is down nearly 15% from its 52-week high, as are Dividend Kings Coca-Cola (KO 1.43%) and Hormel Foods (HRL 1.00%).That said, each story here is a little different. Here's why this trio of dividend stocks is worth a closer look today.1. Vici Properties has a very long growth runwayReal estate investment trust (REIT) Vici Proper ...
This High-Yield Stock Is My Worst-Performing Investment and I Still Love It
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-12 18:53
When I look at my brokerage account, there is one stock that stands out as particularly disappointing performance-wise: Hormel Foods (HRL -1.25%). And yet, I haven't once thought of jettisoning it from my portfolio. Here's why I still love Hormel despite the fact that it is my worst performer.Hormel Foods has a good core businessEven good companies go through difficult times. That's a key part of my investment approach, as I specifically try to find what are often called fallen angels. Hormel, specifically, ...
Hormel Foods(HRL) - 2024 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-12-06 03:40
Table of Contents UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 FORM 10-K ☒ ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the fiscal year ended October 27, 2024 or ☐ TRANSITION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the transition period from ____________________ to _________________________ Commission File Number: 1-2402 HORMEL FOODS CORPORATION (Exact name of registrant as specified in its chart ...
Hormel Foods: Bears Strike Yet Another Blow
Seeking Alpha· 2024-12-05 03:45
Conservative Income Portfolio targets the best value stocks with the highest margins of safety. The volatility of these investments is further lowered using the best priced options. Our Enhanced Equity Income Solutions Portfolio is designed to reduce volatility while generating 7-9% yields.We have generally stayed away from the bullish view that has gripped investors about Hormel Foods Corporation (NYSE: HRL ). Granted, as the stock has moved lower we have looked for some tactical upside plays. But overall, ...