McKesson (MCK) Set to Sell Canadian Rexall Pharmacy Group
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-20 00:46
McKesson Corporation (MCK) recently announced its plan to sell Rexall Pharmacy Group, the Canadian drugstore chain that the company bought for about $2.2 billion seven years ago.McKesson bought the business in 2016 from Katz Group to solidify its position in Canada's pharmaceutical supply chain.Price PerformanceFor the past six months, MCK’s shares have rallied 19.9% against the industry’s decline of 2.4%. The S&P 500 increased 3.9% in the same time frame.Image Source: Zacks Investment ResearchMore on the N ...
Here's Why You Should Add McKesson (MCK) to Your Portfolio Now
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-17 20:31
McKessonCorporation (MCK) is well-poised for growth, backed by strategic collaborations and strength in the Distribution Solutions segment. However, the company’s opioid-related litigation expenses are a potential threat.Shares of this currently Zacks Rank #2 (Buy) company have risen 27.4% in the past year compared with the industry’s 9% growth. The S&P 500 Index has increased 20.6% in the same time frame.McKesson is a healthcare services and information technology company with a market capitalization of $6 ...
Here's Why McKesson (MCK) is a Strong Value Stock
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-12 00:20
For new and old investors, taking full advantage of the stock market and investing with confidence are common goals. Zacks Premium provides lots of different ways to do both.Featuring daily updates of the Zacks Rank and Zacks Industry Rank, full access to the Zacks #1 Rank List, Equity Research reports, and Premium stock screens, the research service can help you become a smarter, more self-assured investor.It also includes access to the Zacks Style Scores.What are the Zacks Style Scores?Developed alongside ...
McKesson (MCK) Hits 52-Week High: What's Driving the Stock?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-05 01:02
Shares of McKesson Corporation (MCK) scaled a new 52-week high of $485.22 on Jan 3, 2024, before closing the session slightly lower at $480.34.Over the past year, this Zacks Rank #3 (Hold) stock has gained 28.4% compared with 11.7% growth of the industry and a 24.4% rise of the S&P 500 Composite.Over the past five years, the company registered earnings growth of 15.4% compared with the industry’s 9.1% rise. The company’s long-term expected growth rate of 10.5% compares with the industry’s growth projection ...
McKesson Corporation Announces Third Quarter Fiscal 2024 Earnings Release Date and Participation in January Conference
Businesswire· 2023-12-28 05:10
IRVING, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--McKesson Corporation (NYSE: MCK) will release its third quarter fiscal 2024 financial results after market close on Wednesday, February 7, 2024. The company will host a live webcast of the earnings conference call for investors at 4:30 PM Eastern Time to review its financial results. McKesson management will be participating in the 42nd Annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference on Tuesday, January 9, 2024. The live webcast for each event will be available on McKesson’s Inves ...
McKesson Corporation Announces Third Quarter Fiscal 2024 Earnings Release Date and Participation in January Conference
Business Wire· 2023-12-28 00:10
公司活动 - 麦科森公司将于2024年2月7日下午4:30在东部时间举行投资者收益电话会议,审查其财务业绩[1] - 麦科森公司将参加2024年1月9日举行的第42届摩根大通医疗保健大会[1] 公司业务 - 麦科森公司是一家多元化的医疗保健服务领导者,致力于提高全球患者的健康结果[2]
McKesson(MCK) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Transcript
2023-11-02 07:57
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司第二季度收入增长10%至772亿美元 [7] - 调整后每股收益为6.23美元,同比增长14% [37] - 公司预计全年调整后每股收益将增长14%至17% [65] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 美国制药分部收入增长16%,主要受益于处方量增加和特药销售增长 [41] - 处方技术解决方案分部收入增长12%,主要受益于获取解决方案业务量增加 [44] - 医疗-外科解决方案分部收入持平,受到新冠检测和疫苗相关业务下降的影响 [46] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 初级护理市场流量放缓,导致医疗-外科解决方案分部业绩下滑 [46][49] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司持续投资于肿瘤和生物医药服务平台,扩大差异化优势 [18][21] - 公司在处方技术解决方案分部持续投资,以提升产品组合和用户体验 [23][24][25] - 公司在分销网络、数据分析等方面持续投资,以支持业务增长 [59][60] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 管理层对公司业务保持信心,预计未来将继续保持良好增长势头 [6][27] - 管理层认为初级护理市场流量放缓可能持续至2024财年剩余时间 [59] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Eric Percher 提问** 询问处方技术解决方案分部收入和利润增长的驱动因素 [69][70] **Britt Vitalone 回答** 解释了处方量增长、新药品上市以及年度客户验证项目等因素对该分部业绩的影响 [70][71] 问题2 **Lisa Gill 提问** 询问处方技术解决方案分部第二半年业绩预期下滑的原因 [74][75] **Britt Vitalone 回答** 解释了该分部存在季节性因素,如年度客户验证项目,以及GLP-1药品销量增长放缓等因素 [75][76][77] 问题3 **Charles Rhyee 提问** 询问Rite Aid破产相关的应收账款坏账准备计提情况 [81][82][83] **Britt Vitalone 回答** 解释了公司已经计提了部分坏账准备,并与Rite Aid达成了临时分销协议,缩短了信用期限 [82][83]
McKesson(MCK) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Presentation
2023-11-02 04:30
McKesson Corporation Second Quarter Fiscal 2024 Earnings Call Cautionary Statements Cautionary Statements This presentation contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Forward- looking statements may be identified by their use of terminology such as “believes,” “expects,” “anticipates,” “may,” “will,”“should,” “seeks,” “approximately,” “intends,” “projects,” “plans,” “estimates,” “targets,” or the ...
McKesson(MCK) - 2024 Q2 - Quarterly Report
2023-11-02 00:00
财务表现 - 2023年9月30日,McKESSON CORPORATION的营收为772.15亿美元,同比增长10.0%[3] - 2023年9月30日,McKESSON CORPORATION的毛利为30.69亿美元,同比下降0.8%[3] - 2023年9月30日,McKESSON CORPORATION的净利润为7.03亿美元,同比下降27.3%[3] - 2023年9月30日,McKESSON CORPORATION的每股收益为4.92美元,同比下降23.4%[3] 资产负债 - 2023年9月30日,McKESSON CORPORATION的现金及现金等价物为252.4亿美元,较上季度下降46.1%[5] - 2023年9月30日,McKESSON CORPORATION的总资产为660.91亿美元,较上季度增长5.9%[5] - 2023年9月30日,McKESSON CORPORATION的总负债为511.47亿美元,较上季度增长6.6%[5] - 2023年9月30日,McKESSON CORPORATION的股东权益为-14.64亿美元,较上季度下降2.1%[5] 业务部门 - McKesson Corporation的U.S. Pharmaceutical、Prescription Technology Solutions、Medical-Surgical Solutions和International是其四个报告部门[9] 公司重组 - 在2023年9月30日,McKESSON CORPORATION进行了一项广泛的重组计划,预计总费用约为1.25亿美元,主要包括员工裁员、设施退出或缩减等[19] 财务风险管理 - 公司使用衍生工具进行利率和外汇风险管理[31] - 公司在外汇风险管理中使用跨货币互换[33] - 公司使用跨货币互换来对冲外币票据的公允价值变动[35] 法律诉讼 - 公司与48个州及其参与的分支机构达成了一项和解协议,已支付约15亿美元,并将在2038年前额外支付约63亿美元[46] - 公司已支付约84百万美元给美国政府实体和美洲原住民部落,将在2027年前额外支付约112百万美元[48] - 公司在美国面临约400起私人原告提起的与阿片类药物有关的诉讼案件,这些案件不包括在和解协议中[49] 股票回购 - 公司在2023年9月季度通过公开市场交易回购了2.0百万股普通股,总价值为8.4亿美元,平均每股价格为422.39美元[51] - 公司在2022年5月与第三方金融机构签订了ASR计划,回购了1.0亿美元的普通股,总共回购了3.1百万股,平均每股价格为321.05美元[51] 财务表现 - 美国制药业务在2023年9月份的营收为69,766百万美元,同比增长16.4%[56] - 处方技术解决方案业务在2023年9月份的营收为1,140百万美元,同比增长11.9%[56] - 国际业务在2023年9月份的营收为3,475百万美元,同比下降44.3%[56]
McKesson(MCK) - 2024 Q1 - Earnings Call Presentation
2023-08-03 13:29
McKesson Corporation First Quarter Fiscal 2024 Earnings Call Cautionary Statements Cautionary Statements This presentation contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Forward- looking statements may be identified by their use of terminology such as “believes,” “expects,” “anticipates,” “may,” “will,”“should,” “seeks,” “approximately,” “intends,” “projects,” “plans,” “estimates,” “targets,” or the ...