Software Segment of Global A.I. Healthcare Billion Dollar Market Expected to Have Fastest Growth
Prnewswire· 2024-04-10 12:45
医疗人工智能市场 - 全球医疗人工智能市场价值在2022年达到163亿美元,预计将以40.2%的复合年增长率增长至2029年的1735.5亿美元[1] - AI在医疗影像技术中的应用是健康科技公司的重要趋势[2] Treatment与aiXplain合作 - Treatment AI与aiXplain合作,通过aiXplain的AI市场扩展了对Treatment的全球医学库的访问[2] - Treatment建立了全球最智能、个性化的医疗AI引擎GLM,与aiXplain合作使医疗机构能够通过其开发框架访问GLM[3] - Treatment和aiXplain计划通过合作探索国际机会,共同开发新的商业应用和解决方案[4]
Medtronic unveils the future of AI in GI: Genius Summit 2024 reveals innovations and collaborations that advance endoscopic care
Prnewswire· 2024-04-10 12:30
AI-driven solutions and strategic alliances showcase Medtronic's promise to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of endoscopy DUBLIN, April 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Medtronic plc (NYSE: MDT), a global leader in healthcare technology, announced the latest advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) for endoscopic care by unveiling ColonPRO™, the latest generation software for the GI Genius™ intelligent endoscopy system, along with a strategic collaboration designed to enhance patient care. GI Genius™ wa ...
The Medtronic Sphere-360™ Pulse Field Ablation (PFA) catheter, a new paradigm in single-shot ablation, demonstrates impressive results in treating paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
Prnewswire· 2024-04-08 12:00
EHRA late-breaking data: Results highlight efficacy, safety, and durability of the novel PFA catheter that is fully integrated with Affera™ Mapping and Ablation SystemDUBLIN and BERLIN, April 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Medtronic plc (NYSE: MDT), a global leader in healthcare technology, today announced positive clinical trial safety and efficacy results for Sphere-360™, an investigational single-shot mapping and ablation catheter using pulsed field (PF) energy, for treatment of patients with paroxysmal atrial ...
SMART trial one-year data demonstrates Medtronic Evolut™ TAVR platform as optimal treatment for severe aortic stenosis in patients with small annulus, which is primarily women
Prnewswire· 2024-04-07 13:45
Evolut TAVR试验结果 - Medtronic宣布了最大规模的头对头比较试验的新数据,展示了Evolut TAVR相对于Sapien在一年内的非劣效临床结果和卓越的瓣膜性能[1] - SMART试验是迄今为止最大的TAVR试验,结果展示了Evolut TAVR技术在小主动脉瓣患者中的优势[2] - Evolut TAVR在一年内达到了临床非劣效和血流动力学优越性的双重主要终点,证明了其在瓣膜功能方面的卓越性[3]
New survey uncovers lack of awareness around heart valve disease and risk factors among women
Prnewswire· 2024-04-07 12:00
Despite prevalence of chronic conditions associated with aortic stenosis in women over 65, the majority have never been referred to a cardiologist; Racial disparities may present further opportunities for awareness amongst women at risk for cardiovascular disease   DUBLIN, April 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Medtronic plc, a global leader in healthcare technology, today unveiled topline findings of its comprehensive survey on women's perceptions and knowledge of risk factors, treatment patterns, and preventive ca ...
Medtronic (MDT) Registers a Bigger Fall Than the Market: Important Facts to Note
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-04 22:56
The most recent trading session ended with Medtronic (MDT) standing at $83.92, reflecting a -1.27% shift from the previouse trading day's closing. This change lagged the S&P 500's daily loss of 1.23%. Meanwhile, the Dow experienced a drop of 1.36%, and the technology-dominated Nasdaq saw a decrease of 1.4%.Heading into today, shares of the medical device company had lost 0.64% over the past month, outpacing the Medical sector's loss of 1.23% and lagging the S&P 500's gain of 1.61% in that time.The investmen ...
Medtronic's (MDT) Newest Evolut TAVR System Gets FDA Approval
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-01 13:16
Medtronic产品介绍 - Medtronic最近获得FDA批准了Evolut FX+经皮主动脉瓣置换系统,用于治疗症状性严重主动脉瓣狭窄[1] - Evolut FX+ TAVR系统将显著提升冠状动脉和肾脏去神经化以及结构性心脏和主动脉业务[2] - Evolut FX+ TAVR系统提供了更大的冠状动脉通道,通过修改的菱形框架设计,为患者的不同解剖结构提供更多的导管操纵空间[5] 主动脉瓣狭窄治疗 - 严重主动脉瓣狭窄会导致心脏更加努力地泵血,影响患者的生活质量,如果不及时治疗,50%的患者可能在两年内死于心力衰竭[3] - Evolut FX+ TAVR系统适用于所有风险类别的症状性严重主动脉瓣狭窄患者[6] 市场前景和竞争 - 全球主动脉瓣狭窄市场价值在2023年达到83.3亿美元,预计到2030年将以10.5%的复合年增长率增长[7] - Medtronic目前的Zacks排名为3(持有),在医疗领域还有其他一些排名较好的股票,如Cardinal Health(CAH)、Stryker(SYK)和DaVita(DVA)[10]
Better Dividend Stock to Buy Now: Medtronic vs. Walgreens Boots Alliance
The Motley Fool· 2024-03-31 18:17
医疗保健领域股息股票比较 - 医疗保健领域是寻找长期稳定增长股息的理想选择[1] - Medtronic和Walgreens Boots Alliance是医疗保健领域的两大股息支付巨头,提供比标准普尔500指数平均股息率1.4%更有吸引力的收益率[2] - Medtronic连续46年提高季度股息支付,股息率为3.2%,尽管增长速度有所放缓,但总销售额在过去三年增长了7%[4][5][6] Medtronic公司分析 - Medtronic的产品线在最近几个月显著扩大,FDA批准了公司的新脉冲场消融系统和新的神经刺激器,以及新的主动脉瓣置换系统[7][8] - Medtronic虽然增长速度放缓,但开发新的医疗技术比麻烦的零售药店业务更有利可图,股息增长纪录仍然完好无损,且有大量新产品获得批准上市,看起来更像是一个更好的股息股票购买选择[14] Walgreens Boots Alliance公司分析 - Walgreens Boots Alliance在过去几年面临困难,试图超越零售药店连锁店的努力未能成功,导致今年将股息减少了48%,股息率为4.6%[9] - Walgreens计划与Cigna部分拥有的合资企业VillageMD合作开设1000家初级保健实践,但投入数十亿美元却只有亏损,导致VillageMD价值减记124亿美元[10][11] - Walgreens的零售药店受到药品福利管理公司的影响,没有自己的PBM,很难看到未来几年如何增加底线[12] - Walgreens提供更高的收益率,但在零售药店领域利润率下降,可能使其难以在长期内增长底线和股息支付[13]
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Healthcare: 2 Top Stock Picks
The Motley Fool· 2024-03-23 07:46
AI在医疗领域的应用 - AI市场增长迅速,医疗领域是未来潜在的AI赢家之一[3] - Medtronic是一家医疗设备巨头,通过投资AI技术来改善产品和流程[5] - Medtronic设立了AI卓越中心,已获得五款AI产品的监管批准[6] - Moderna是一家使用AI技术的生物技术公司,通过AI加速药物研发[10]
U.S. Patent Office rejects Axonics' latest challenge to Medtronic patents
Prnewswire· 2024-03-21 18:51
专利侵权诉讼进展 - Medtronic宣布专利侵权诉讼取得进展,美国专利与商标局确认了两项专利的有效性[1] - Medtronic将请求加州中区联邦法院解除对专利侵权诉讼的停止令,以便就五项有效和确认的专利进行审判[2] - Medtronic总裁Mira Sahney表示,Axonics未经授权使用和侵犯了Medtronic的知识产权,将在法庭上展示证据[3] - Medtronic向美国国际贸易委员会提起投诉,并在特拉华区联邦法院提起诉讼,以阻止Axonics未经授权进口和销售侵犯Medtronic专利的产品[3]