3 AI-in-Healthcare Stocks to Buy for Outsized Returns
Investor Place· 2024-07-30 04:30
Across industries, companies will need to adopt AI for growth and survival. A PricewaterhouseCoopers indicates that by 2030, AI could contribute up to $15.7 trillion to the global economy. Of this, “$6.6 trillion is likely to come from increased productivity and $9.1 trillion is likely to come from consumption-side effects.” There is therefore no denying the big impact of AI across industries.One area that’s likely to witness robust growth is AI in healthcare. Be it early detection of diseases, minimally-in ...
Medtronic (MDT) is a Top-Ranked Value Stock: Should You Buy?
ZACKS· 2024-07-23 22:40
文章核心观点 - Zacks Premium是一个研究服务,提供了多种帮助投资者更有信心投资的方式[1][2] - Zacks Style Scores是一个评分系统,根据价值、成长和动量三大投资方法对股票进行评分,帮助投资者选择更有潜力的股票[3][4] - Zacks Rank是一个股票评级模型,结合了盈利预测修正的力量,可以帮助投资者构建成功的投资组合[9][10] - Zacks Style Scores与Zacks Rank结合使用,可以帮助投资者选择最有潜力的股票[12][13] 根据目录分类总结 价值评分 - 价值投资者关注股票的内在价值和折价程度,价值评分通过分析市盈率、市盈率增长比等多个指标来识别价值型股票[5] 成长评分 - 成长投资者关注公司的未来前景和财务实力,成长评分分析公司的历史和预测的收益、销售、现金流等指标来评估其成长潜力[6] 动量评分 - 动量投资者利用股价或盈利预测的上升或下降趋势获利,动量评分通过分析股价和盈利预测变化来识别短期内有上涨潜力的股票[7] VGM综合评分 - VGM评分综合了价值、成长和动量三大评分,为同时关注这三大投资方法的投资者提供了一个综合指标[8] Zacks Rank与Style Scores结合使用 - Zacks Rank是一个成功的股票评级模型,但需要结合Style Scores来选择最有潜力的股票[12][13][14] - 持有Zacks Rank为1或2且Style Scores为A或B的股票,可以获得最大的上涨潜力[12] 个股分析示例 - 医疗器械公司Medtronic(MDT)是一只Zacks Rank为3(中性)、VGM评分为B的股票,具有较好的估值水平[15][16] - 近期有2家分析师上调了MDT 2025财年的盈利预测,盈利预测中值为每股5.44美元,过去4个季度平均超预期4.5%[17] - 凭借中性的Zacks Rank和优秀的价值及VGM评分,MDT值得投资者关注[17]
Medtronic (MDT) Stock Sinks As Market Gains: Here's Why
ZACKS· 2024-07-23 06:56
文章核心观点 - 医疗设备公司Medtronic(MDT)最近一个交易日的股价下跌0.23%,低于标普500指数1.08%的涨幅 [1] - 过去一个月Medtronic股价下跌2.65%,低于医疗行业0.31%的涨幅和标普500指数0.43%的涨幅 [2] - 分析师预计Medtronic将于2024年8月20日公布的财报中,每股收益为1.20美元,与上年同期持平,收入为79亿美元,同比增长2.54% [3] - 全年来看,分析师预计Medtronic的每股收益和收入分别增长4.62%和3.22% [4] - 分析师对Medtronic的预测有所修正,这反映了公司近期业务趋势的变化 [5] - Medtronic当前的市盈率为14.6倍,低于行业21.89倍的平均水平 [8] - Medtronic的PEG率为2.32,与行业平均水平一致 [9] - 医疗-产品行业目前在250多个行业中排名前31% [10][11]
Medtronic: Lock In This Dividend Aristocrat While It's Still Cheap
Seeking Alpha· 2024-07-17 20:40
文章核心观点 - 尽管Medtronic(MDT)股价近期表现不佳,但公司实际正在展现强劲的营收增长和盈利能力[2][4][5] - MDT作为一家医疗科技公司,在多个业务领域保持领先地位,并有多款新产品推动未来增长[3][6] - 尽管存在一些潜在风险,但MDT整体财务状况良好,股息支付稳定,估值相对较低,为投资者提供了良好的总回报机会[6][7] 公司概况 - MDT是一家医疗科技公司,在全球150个国家经营,涉及70多种健康状况[3] - 主要产品包括胰岛素泵、心脏设备、手术工具和机器人、患者监测系统等[3] - MDT是一家"股息贵族",已连续47年增加股息[3] 财务表现 - MDT在疫情后已经恢复了销售增长势头,最近一个季度有5.4%的有机收入增长,超出分析师预期[4][5] - 公司盈利能力强,EBITDA和净利润率分别达到28%和11%,在行业中处于领先地位[5] - 美国、欧洲和新兴市场(包括中国)都实现了中单位数的收入增长[6] - 公司预计本财年有4%-5%的有机收入增长,得益于多个关键业务部门的领先地位和新产品推出[6] 风险与估值 - 潜在风险包括GLP-1类药物的竞争影响,但管理层认为影响有限[6] - 公司财务状况良好,信用评级为A级,净债务/EBITDA比率低于3倍[6] - 目前股息收益率为3.6%,股息支付率为53%,过去5年复合增长率为6.3%[6] - 股价相对历史估值处于较低水平,分析师给出的目标价格较当前价格有较大上涨空间[6]
Medtronic (MDT) Surpasses Market Returns: Some Facts Worth Knowing
ZACKS· 2024-07-17 06:56
公司股价表现 - 美敦力(MDT)最近一个交易日收盘价为78.10美元较前一交易日上涨1.32%表现优于标普500指数0.64%的日涨幅道琼斯指数上涨1.85%纳斯达克指数上涨0.2% [1] - 过去一个月公司股票下跌3.59%落后于医疗板块0.71%和标普500指数3.82%的涨幅 [1] 公司财报预期 - 公司计划于2024年8月20日公布财报预计每股收益(EPS)为1.20美元与去年同期持平预计营收为79亿美元较去年同期增长2.54% [1] - 公司全年扎克斯(Zacks)共识预期每股收益为5.44美元营收为334.1亿美元分别较上年同比变化+4.62%和+3.22% [2] 分析师估计修正与扎克斯排名 - 分析师估计修正通常意味着近期业务趋势的变化积极的估计修正表明分析师对公司业务和盈利能力持乐观态度估计修正与近期股价走势直接相关 [2] - 扎克斯排名系统从1(强力买入)到5(强力卖出)自1988年以来1排名股票平均年回报率为+25%过去一个月扎克斯共识每股收益估计没有变化公司目前扎克斯排名为3(持有) [3] 公司估值指标 - 公司的预期市盈率(Forward P/E)为14.16低于行业平均的22.26意味着公司股价低于行业水平 [3] - 公司的市盈增长率(PEG)为2.25与行业平均的2.25相同 [3] 行业相关 - 医疗产品行业属于医疗板块目前扎克斯行业排名为157处于所有250多个行业的后38% [4] - 扎克斯行业排名通过确定组成行业集团的单个股票的平均扎克斯排名来评估不同行业集团的实力研究表明排名前50%的行业表现优于排名后50%的行业2倍 [4]
How Much Will Medtronic Pay Out in Dividends This Year?
The Motley Fool· 2024-07-16 20:26
The short answer: More than many of its peers, at least in terms of yield.Medtronic (MDT -1.12%), a beast of a medical-device company, has caught the eye of more than a few income investors. It has enacted dividend raises at least once annually for a hard-to-beat 47 years straight and approaches high-yield dividend territory with a payout hovering just below 4%. As that distribution is a major part of the stock's popularity, it's worth looking at a key number behind it -- quite simply, how much will it amou ...
Medtronic: An Out Of Favor Healthcare Stock With A Pulse On Profit Potential
Seeking Alpha· 2024-07-16 18:04
shapecharge/E+ via Getty Images Introduction Medtronic (NYSE:MDT) has been an underperformer over the last few years. However, with the recent pullback while earnings have continued to climb higher, I think shares of Medtronic are cheap at the current price. My bullish investment thesis is driven by my optimistic outlook on the EPS growth long-term, which is sustained by growth in medtech markets and a huge pipeline of products. I rate shares as a 'buy' with a view towards shareholder friendly capital alloc ...
3 Healthcare Stocks Injecting AI for Big Gains
Investor Place· 2024-07-13 18:26
While the pairing of artificial intelligence and healthcare may sound like something straight out of a science fiction movie, there are several avenues through which the high-speed data processing offered by AI can improve patient outcomes. From more precise diagnosis to pandemic modeling, the large-scale algorithmic models we call AI can help the world of medicine immensely. As such, AI healthcare stocks could become a new subsection of the stock market that blends the growth of tech and biotech stocks.Tho ...
Medtronic Loses 5% in a Month: What's Next for MDT Investors?
ZACKS· 2024-07-03 00:50
Medtronic (MDT) closed at $77.12 in the last trading session, reflecting more than a 2% decline from the prior day. Broadly speaking, 2024 has not been smooth for investors in the Medical Products industry. Rising geopolitical pressure, primarily disruptions around the Red Sea, has increased freight costs and shipping lead times, spelling trouble for MDT and several of its direct competitors, like Abbott (ABT) and Boston Scientific (BSX) , thus putting pressure on their margins.Thankfully, there has been an ...
Medtronic Digital Transformation Strategy Report 2024: Accelerators, Incubators, and Other Innovation Programs
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-07-01 18:37
Dublin, July 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Medtronic Plc - Digital Transformation Strategies" company profile has been added to's offering.The report provides comprehensive information and insights into Medtronic's technology activities, focusing on its digital transformation strategies and innovation programs. It offers an overview of Medtronic's technology initiatives, covering partnerships, product launches, and acquisitions. Each technology initiative is detailed with insight ...