Bull of the Day: Okta (OKTA)
ZACKS· 2024-09-25 18:21
文章核心观点 - Okta是一家价值130亿美元的身份安全解决方案提供商其股票在8月下旬财报发布后股价下跌但EPS预估本月回升Zacks排名上升然而华尔街仍对其业务前景担忧但作者认为相对于同行其股票便宜且看好其未来发展 [1][3] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 Okta公司基本情况 - Okta是一家价值130亿美元的身份安全解决方案提供商 [1] 股价表现与市场反应 - 8月下旬财报发布当日股价下跌超17%至9月10日累计下跌超25%目前股价为76美元尽管EPS预估本月回升Zacks排名上升但股价仍处于低位 [1] - 34位分析师中平均目标价高于105美元最低目标价为75美元第二季度大型机构是Okta股票的大净买家但目前股票似乎在等待更多坏消息 [2] 作者投资决策与观点 - 作者在74 - 76美元之间买入Okta股票认为相对于所有网络安全同行其股票便宜且看不到130亿美元市值5倍以下销售额的担忧 [3] - 本财年2025年(1月结束)Zacks共识EPS预估从2.40美元上升7%至2.57美元在市盈率为90倍的行业中其市盈率为29倍 [4] 公司业务发展 - 公司专注于身份安全确保被授权进行IT功能的人员得到认证和监控并且积极探索新的AI威胁向量 [4] - 9月24日公司宣布扩展Auth0服务以吸引更多企业客户随着威胁形势的演变传统身份威胁在AI推动下变得更危险 [5] - 公司通过Auth0免费计划为开发者提供更多功能包括将月活跃用户提升至25000名无密码登录等 [7] - 公司总裁表示开发者需要应对快速部署应用的需求以及日益复杂的AI驱动的机器人攻击通过提供更多免费功能可帮助开发者构建安全应用 [8] 行业整体形势 - 网络安全行业中黑客如今由国家企业资助和装备变得更加复杂作者曾撰写相关报告 [9] - 预计2023 - 2030年勒索软件成本将以30%的复合年增长率从350亿美元飙升至2200亿美元企业通常会雇佣5家以上网络安全公司来进行全面保护 [10]
Best Growth Stocks to Buy for September 24th
ZACKS· 2024-09-24 18:51
Here are three stocks with buy ranks and strong growth characteristics for investors to consider today, September 24th: Yelp Inc. (YELP) : This company that helps connect consumers with local businesses carries a Zacks Rank #1, and has witnessed the Zacks Consensus Estimate for its current year earnings increasing 10.7% over the last 60 days. Yelp has a PEG ratio of 0.81 compared with 1.52 for the industry. The company possesses a Growth Score of B. Okta, Inc. (OKTA) : This identity solutions company carrie ...
Proof Of Life - Maintaining Okta With A Buy
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-12 18:50
Jonathan Knowles/DigitalVision via Getty Images Okta (NASDAQ:OKTA) reported 2Q25 earnings last week and beat on all metrics. Investors opted to sell and then ask questions, and I'm here to leave no questions unanswered. The stock took quite a massive dip after earnings due to conservative cRPO 3Q25 guidance, even though the company raised FY25 guidance on all metrics. I'm just going to come out and say it: I believe the market's reaction was more on the dramatic side, but I did come in short by underestimat ...
Should Investors Buy the Okta Dip?
Gurufocus· 2024-09-11 21:00
文章核心观点 - Okta公司是一家专注于数字身份管理的企业,通过Workforce Identity Cloud和Customer Identity Cloud两大产品线为客户提供服务 [1][2] - 公司近期面临着来自竞争加剧和安全事故的挑战,导致客户信任度下降,净留存率呈下降趋势 [3][5] - 公司收入增长放缓,未来业绩指引也显示增长乏力,主要受到宏观经济环境和上一年安全事故的影响 [6][9][10] - 公司收购Auth0后商誉减值问题也引发了一定担忧 [8] - 公司估值较高,增长放缓和面临的挑战使得其当前估值难以支撑,短期内投资价值不足 [11][12] 根据目录分类总结 公司业务概况 - Okta公司专注于数字身份管理,提供Workforce Identity Cloud和Customer Identity Cloud两大产品线 [1][2] - 公司通过自身平台和工具帮助企业客户管理数字身份访问,提高安全性和效率 [2] 财务表现 - 公司收入保持高速增长,从2019年的3.99亿美元增长至最近12个月的24.5亿美元,复合年增长率达39% [4] - 但净留存率呈下降趋势,从峰值124%下降至110%,反映客户信任度下降 [5] - 大客户数量增长10%,但收入增速明显放缓,未来业绩指引也显示增长乏力 [6] 挑战与风险 - 公司面临来自竞争加剧和安全事故的挑战,影响客户信任度和业务发展 [3][5] - 宏观经济环境恶化导致客户IT支出收缩,短期内拖累公司业绩 [9] - 收购Auth0后商誉减值问题引发担忧 [8] - 激烈的市场竞争,尤其是微软Azure Active Directory的竞争压力 [10] 估值分析 - 公司当前估值较高,增长放缓和面临的挑战使得其难以支撑当前估值水平 [11] - 未来增长前景不确定,投资价值有限 [12]
Okta, Inc. (OKTA) CEO Todd McKinnon presents at Goldman Sachs Communacopia + Technology Conference (Transcript)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-11 11:29
Okta, Inc. (NASDAQ:OKTA) Goldman Sachs Communacopia + Technology Conference September 10, 2024 6:45 PM ET Company Participants Todd McKinnon - Chairperson of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co Founder Conference Call Participants Gabriela Borges - Goldman Sachs Gabriela Borges I think we can go ahead and kick it off. Thanks for joining us this afternoon at the Okta session at the GS Communacopia and Technology Conference. I'm Gabriela Borges, I cover security here at Goldman and delighted to have on sta ...
Okta, Inc. (OKTA) CEO Todd McKinnon presents at Goldman Sachs Communacopia + Technology Conference (Transcript)
2024-09-11 11:29
会议主要讨论的核心内容 - 公司在过去几年中大幅提升了研发创新能力,通过收购Auth0等举措获得了更多研发资源,可以专注于新的产品领域,如特权访问和身份治理等 [4][5][6] - 公司未来的技术挑战是如何帮助客户更简单地获得身份和安全方面的价值,包括实现全网络的IP地址白名单、机器对机器的标准化集成等 [8][9][12][13][14] - 公司的核心竞争力在于广泛和深度的应用集成能力,未来将继续推动标准化,让客户能够快速获得安全和生产力收益 [18][19][20][21][22][23] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 - 分析师提问公司如何区分当前宏观环境的影响和内部可控的增长机会,公司CEO表示大客户和安全价值销售是两个关键 [37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44] - 分析师询问公司如何推动向大客户的转型,公司CEO提到要加强与系统集成商的合作、打造成功客户案例等 [46][47] - 分析师问及Okta AI的应用,公司CEO介绍了身份威胁检测和治理分析器等功能,体现了公司在AI技术应用上的创新 [49][50][51]
Okta, Inc. (OKTA) Citi's 2024 Global TMT Conference (Transcript)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-07 04:02
文章核心观点 - 公司业务分为两大部分:员工身份管理(60%)和客户身份管理(40%) [5] - 员工身份管理业务增长约15%,客户身份管理业务增长约16% [5] - 公司正在努力提高利润率,同时尽快抓住市场机会 [5] 员工身份管理业务总结 - 员工身份管理业务是公司最早的业务,包括单点登录、多因素认证和通用目录等核心产品 [7][8] - 公司近年来推出了新产品,如身份治理和特权访问管理,正在不断完善产品线 [8][9] - 宏观环境对员工数量和预算的影响导致业务增速放缓,但公司正在采取多项措施应对 [9][12] - 新产品推广、销售团队专业化和合作伙伴拓展是公司提振增长的三大举措 [12][13][14][16] 客户身份管理业务总结 - 客户身份管理业务占公司40%,公司希望将其发展到占50%的水平 [32][33] - 公司正在加强客户身份管理业务的销售执行力,取得了一些进展但仍有提升空间 [32][33][34][35][36] - 宏观环境对客户身份管理业务的月活用户数造成一定压力,但公司相信长期来看这是一个良好趋势 [34][35] - 公司正在不断丰富客户身份管理产品线,如增加安全防护、高监管身份等功能 [39][40] 其他关键点 - 公司在公共部门市场表现出色,得益于专注投入和相关认证 [64][65][66][67][68] - 人工智能在公司内部使用中提高了开发效率,但在产品中的应用还在探索阶段 [71][72][73][74][75] - 公司在过去两年大幅提升了运营效率和盈利能力,未来仍有进一步提升空间 [76][77][78]
Okta Shares Still Look Overvalued, Even After Plummeting Lower Recently
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-06 15:51
Buying the dip may not make sense. Shares of cloud identity-management company Okta (OKTA -0.73%) have provided investors with disastrous returns over the last three years that were made worse by a huge sell-off in the stock following the tech company's fiscal second-quarter earnings report. Shares are down more than 20% since the Aug. 28 report. Though it might be tempting to buy the dip in this growth stock, investors may want to think twice before they do. This may be a growing company, but that doesn't ...
Why Okta Stock Lost 16% in August
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-06 03:28
Disappointing guidance in its second-quarter earnings report weighed on the cybersecurity stock. Shares of Okta (OKTA -0.62%) were pulling back last month after the cloud-based identity software specialist posted disappointing results in its fiscal 2025 second-quarter earnings report toward the end of the month. Okta's growth rate has slowed substantially since the end of the pandemic, following challenges with its integration of Auth0 and multiple security breaches. The second-quarter results beat nominal ...
Okta Stock Falls as Outlook Disappoints. Time to Buy the Dip?
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-04 20:30
Shares crashed as investors worry about future growth. Okta (OKTA -3.42%) shares spiraled lower after the cybersecurity company reported solid second-quarter results but offered a disappointing outlook. On the face of it, the latest numbers looked good. Okta's Q2 revenue jumped 16% year over year to $646 million, while subscription revenue climbed 17% to $632 million. Adjusted earnings per share (EPS) surged from $0.31 a year ago to $0.72. The company had guided for 13% to 14% revenue growth and adjusted EP ...