Palantir Technologies(PLTR)
AI predicts Palantir's stock price for March 31, 2025
Finbold· 2025-03-08 19:22
文章核心观点 - 美国软件巨头Palantir股价在持续下跌后现复苏迹象,AI工具预测月底前还会上涨,但近期股价仍有跌幅,且公司基本面受多因素影响,华尔街对其前景看法不一 [1][2] 股价表现 - 报告时PLTR股价为84.90美元,当日上涨5.5%,过去一周下跌超4%,月度跌幅达27% [1] 股价预测 - Finbold的AI预测工具预计未来几周PLTR接近100美元,3月31日平均价为98.33美元,较当前上涨5.82% [2] - ChatGPT - 4o最乐观,预测PLTR将涨至115美元,涨幅35.45%,因有强劲势头和可能的“黄金交叉” [3] - Grok 2 Vision目标较保守,预计涨至95美元,涨幅11.89%,源于稳定势头、看涨趋势和乐观市场情绪 [3] - Gemini 1.5 Flash 002认为PLTR将微跌至85美元,跌幅0.10%,虽50日和200日移动平均线显示适度增长,但市场波动需谨慎 [5] 专家观点 - 股票交易专家Market Maestro称近期回调正常,是健康调整,跌破100美元形成冷却期可防过度波动 [6][8] - 关键支撑位为76美元,若跌破可能向公允价值缺口区域深度回调,为投资者提供重新入场机会 [8] - 长期前景仍强劲,斐波那契扩展显示未来目标价101美元,机构活动和动量指标积极 [9] 基本面情况 - 股价下跌因国防部可能预算削减及公司估值问题,作为国防部主要承包商,预算削减或影响未来收入 [10][11] - 华尔街看法不一,Jefferies分析师Brent Thill重申“表现不佳”评级,目标价60美元,因内部人士抛售和高估值 [11] - Wedbush的Dan Ives维持“表现优异”评级,目标价120美元,认为抛售是买入机会,AI增长或带来更多政府合同和长期收益 [12] - 公司向美国陆军部署首个AI驱动的战术情报目标接入节点(TITAN)系统,合同价值1.78亿美元 [13]
Should You Forget Palantir and Buy These 2 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stocks Instead?
The Motley Fool· 2025-03-08 17:35
While it's well off its recent highs, Palantir Technologies (PLTR 5.53%) was one of the best-performing stocks in 2024 and early 2025. However, those gains have led to an extreme valuation, with the stock trading at a forward price-to-sales (P/S) multiple of 52 times 2025 analyst revenue estimates.The company has been seeing accelerating revenue growth, with revenue climbing 36% last quarter, led by a 64% jump in U.S. commercial revenue. The company's success stems from its focus on the application and work ...
Palantir delivers first two AI-enabled systems to U.S. Army
CNBC· 2025-03-08 01:15
A Palantir Technologies TITAN, Tactical Intelligence Targeting Access Node, for military defense field intelligence deployment, is displayed at the companys booth during the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, Nevada on Jan. 5, 2023.Palantir is rolling out its first two artificial intelligence-enabled systems to the U.S. Army, the company said Friday.The Tactical Intelligence Targeting Access Node systems, or TITAN, acts as a mobile ground station that harnesses AI to collect data from space senso ...
Palantir Bears Sell the Headlines—Time for Bulls to Buy?
MarketBeat· 2025-03-07 20:24
Palantir Technologies TodayPLTRPalantir Technologies$80.46 -9.67 (-10.73%) 52-Week Range$20.33▼$125.41P/E Ratio423.50Price Target$74.79Add to WatchlistPalantir Technologies Inc. NASDAQ: PLTR continues to sell off. On March 6, PLTR stock fell over 10% on nearly double the daily volume, bringing its 30-day decline to over 27%. A drop exceeding 20% places the polarizing stock in a bear market. If the stock were to drop another 5% or so, it would “round trip” its gains in 2025. That happens when the stock pric ...
Palantir Stock Sell-Off: Is Now the Time to Buy the Dip?
The Motley Fool· 2025-03-07 20:00
Artificial intelligence (AI) stocks haven't fared well over the past few weeks. Many of the most prominent AI stocks  tumbled, which may lead many investors to wonder if now is a great time to scoop up some of these dominant companies.Palantir Technologies (PLTR -10.73%) hasn't escaped this rout, and its stock has fallen over 35% from its all-time high. That's a significant drop, but is the dip worth buying?Palantir's software has seen its growth spike in recent quartersPalantir has become one of the most p ...
A New Vision From Defense Secretary Hegseth Could Be a Game Changer for Palantir Stock
The Motley Fool· 2025-03-07 18:15
文章核心观点 - 近期Palantir Technologies股票出现近30%抛售,但这可能是买入机会,因其有望受益于国防部预算调整 [2][6][10] 公司情况 - Palantir开发Gotham、Apollo和Foundry等AI软件平台,产品面向公私部门销售,超50%业务来自政府,特别是美国军方和其他国防机构 [3] - Palantir的FedStart平台是软件即服务工具,可帮助公司更高效达到在联邦环境部署软件所需认证标准,还能与Apollo平台集成并在政府部门运行 [8] 行业动态 - 国防部未来几年将重新分配数千亿美元预算开支,特朗普要求国防部进行预算调整,国防部长被要求每年节省8%预算(约500亿美元) [1][4] - 2020年国防部实施软件采购途径(SWP)战略,国防部长提议在预算改革中加倍实施该战略 [5] 市场表现 - 2025年前两个月Palantir股价上涨近7%,跑赢标普500和纳斯达克综合指数(分别下跌2%和6%) [1] - 2月Palantir股价一度上涨51%,但最终较1月仅上涨约3%,过去几周股价出现近30%抛售 [2] 投资分析 - 国防部预算节省不一定是全面削减,可能重新分配资金,目前无明确证据表明国防部要与Palantir解约,股价抛售过度 [6] - 基于国防部长的SWP愿景,Palantir有望在预算改革中扩大与军方关系,FedStart或推动SWP进程,公司现有军方关系是宝贵资产,有望加速增长,投资者可考虑逢低买入 [7][9][10]
2 AI Stocks That Could Be Worth More Than Palantir by 2026
The Motley Fool· 2025-03-07 17:15
文章核心观点 - Palantir Technologies市值高但估值贵有下行风险,而Advanced Micro Devices和ServiceNow两只AI股票估值合理,明年可能表现优于Palantir [1][2][3] Palantir Technologies情况 - 过去几年股价表现出色,自2022年以来飙升超1000%,当前市值达1950亿美元 [1] - 公司营收28亿美元、净利润4.62亿美元,分析师认为其估值过高,市场共识评级为中性持有 [2] Advanced Micro Devices情况 - 是芯片领先供应商,市值1580亿美元,远期市盈率约21,分析师预计未来几年盈利年增长42% [4] - 过去一年因业务板块财务结果好坏参半,股价较此前高点下跌56% [5] - 数据中心业务增长良好,四季度营收同比增长69%至39亿美元,占比51%,其GPU被多家科技公司使用,2025年上半年MI300芯片有更多AI设计订单 [6][7] - PC芯片市场份额持续增长,四季度客户端业务营收同比增长58%至23亿美元,Ryzen处理器连续四个季度获得市场份额 [8] - 游戏和嵌入式芯片业务有望反弹,数据中心和客户端业务的发展能为投资者带来可观回报,作为成长股其远期市盈率较低,可能被低估 [9] ServiceNow情况 - 是领先的企业软件公司,多年来实现持续两位数增长,市值1850亿美元,远期市盈率56 [10] - 过去10年营收复合年增长率为32%,增速逐渐放缓,四季度订阅收入同比增长21%,预计2025年第一季度订阅收入同比增长18.5% - 19% [11] - 利润率不断扩大,推动调整后收益和自由现金流强劲增长,2024年非GAAP运营利润率提高到29.5%,2025年有望达到30.5% [12][13] - AI代理的采用是营收增长的主要催化剂,Pro Plus AI产品交易数量同比增长150% [13] - 目标市场规模从2024年的2000亿美元增长到2026年的2750亿美元,四季度签署19笔净新增年度合同价值超500万美元的大订单 [14] - 分析师预计未来几年盈利年化增长率为32%,短期内表现或优于Palantir,长期有潜力跑赢市场 [15]
Palantir Will Benefit From Government Efficiency
Seeking Alpha· 2025-03-06 23:10
Michael Del Monte is a buy-side equity analyst with over 5 years of industry experience. Prior to working in the investment management industry, Michael spent over a decade in professional services working in industries that range from O&G, OFS, Midstream, Industrials, Information Technology, EPC Services, and consumer discretionary.Michael takes a macro-value-oriented approach to investment analysis and prides himself in being able to make investment recommendations based on cross-industry analysis.Analyst ...
After a 30% Decline, Is It Time to Buy the Dip on Palantir Stock?
The Motley Fool· 2025-03-06 17:02
文章核心观点 - 高估值和地缘政治不确定性打击了Palantir Technologies的股票,股价自2月中旬峰值下跌约30%,探讨是否到了买入时机 [1] 公司发展现状 - 此前Palantir表现出色,过去两年股价最多上涨1250%,但近期受一些事件影响受挫 [1] - 首席执行官Alex Karp计划在9月前出售997.5万股股票,虽因大量薪酬来自股票期权此举不罕见,但规模让部分投资者意外 [2] 行业政策影响 - 特朗普政府削减联邦开支,国防部官员被要求未来五年每年削减约8%预算,投资者担心影响Palantir增长 [3] - 共和党议员提议增加军事开支至近1万亿美元,表明削减资金将重新分配,Hegseth称是“重新聚焦和重新投资现有资金” [4] - Wedbush分析师Dan Ives认为Palantir独特软件方法将使其获得更多五角大楼IT预算资金 [5] 公司估值情况 - 按传统估值指标股票仍昂贵,但远期市盈率相对盈利增长比率(PEG)近期降至1以下,鉴于领先地位和近期强劲业绩,股票开始有吸引力 [5]
Palantir Jumped Today. Is the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stock a Buy
The Motley Fool· 2025-03-06 05:02
文章核心观点 - 周三交易中Palantir股价上涨近7%,受关税延迟及分析师评级上调影响,虽公司估值有下行风险,但长期投资者可考虑买入持有 [1][3][6] 股价上涨原因 - 对墨西哥和加拿大进口汽车加征25%关税延迟一个月,虽不直接影响Palantir,但缓解投资者担忧,影响市场估值 [1][2] - 威廉布莱尔发布对Palantir的研究报告,将其股票评级从逊于大盘上调至与大盘持平 [3] 股价表现 - 2025年Palantir股价波动大,今年以来仍上涨18%,但较高点下跌28.5% [4] 估值情况 - 投资者难以对Palantir进行估值和评估其长期机会,过去一个月虽有抛售,公司估值仍达今年预期收益的约160倍和预期销售额的55倍 [5] 投资建议 - 公司估值依赖增长,若业绩不及预期或宏观环境恶化有下行风险,但在AI软件市场有领导地位,长期投资者可考虑买入持有 [6]