36氪· 2024-04-19 07:14
有多少美国人愿意为原本免费的线上健身付钱?这个答案可能是“很少”。 据外媒报道,因未能吸引足够多的免费用户转化为付费订阅,美国“智能健身第一股”Peloton(PTON.US)在推出其健身应用不到一年的时间里,悄然取消了免费会员。 成于线上,困于线上,Peloton的市值已跌到历史谷底。本周内,Peloton股价一路下跌超过6%,今年累计下跌超过45%,这家曾经市值近500亿美元的公司,如今市值仅有11亿美元。当前该公司的股价为3美元,如果持续下跌势头,该公司的股价将会在一年之内逼近“1美元退市”红线,在这样的生死关头,扩大线上健身的付费订阅将是Peloton最后的希望。 01 卖不动单车,Peloton开始试水做健身APP Peloton对健身APP的全面试水始于2023年5月。当时Peloton宣布重新推出健身应用程序,并称计划将品牌重塑为“全民健身公司”,而不是“家庭智能动感单车公司”。 过去,这家公司凭借兜售上千美元一台的智能动感单车成为资本市场的新宠儿,产品销量持续走高,高峰时期有超过100万个用户报名参加Peloton的动感单车课程。这家号称是“健身界 Netflix”的Peloton,在疫情 ...
Peloton Interactive, Inc. Announces Third Quarter Fiscal 2024 Earnings Release Date, Conference Call, and Webcast
Newsfilter· 2024-04-19 05:00
NEW YORK, April 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Peloton Interactive, Inc. (NASDAQ:PTON) will release its third quarter fiscal 2024 results before the U.S. stock market opens on Thursday, May 2, 2024. The company will host a conference call and live audio webcast to discuss the results at 8:30 a.m. (Eastern Time) that day. To access the call by phone, please visit this link for registration (phone registration link) to be provided with dial in details. To avoid delays, we encourage participants to register a da ...
引导“氪金”失败 Peloton(PTON.US)取消APP无限免费会员
智通财经· 2024-04-16 21:31
智通财经APP获悉,据外媒报道,因未能将足够多用户转化至付费,健身器材制造商Peloton Interactive(PTON.US)在推出其健身应用不到一年的时间里,悄然取消了无限免费会员资格。 据了解,虽然Peloton应用的新用户将不再拥有该选项,但在取消之前已注册无限免费会员的老用户仍可继续使用。目前,新用户在七天免费试用后,只能选择12.99美元/月或24美元/月两种方案。 无限量免费会员最初是为吸引那些不想在Peloton设备上花费太多的顾客,首席执行官巴里·麦卡锡(Barry McCarthy)曾寄希望于免费用户为获得更多种类课程而升级为付费会员。但他去年承认,公司在付费转化方面并不成功。 后续将作何举措?Peloton首席财务官伊丽莎白·科丁顿(Elizabeth Coddington)最近指出,公司仍需想办法在试用期内更好地吸引免费用户,以促进后续向付费转换。 她称,“免费用户群体正蚕食我们的漏斗,以及到免费试用再到付费的转化率。我们对此做的则是将流量更多地转向免费试用层,以提高应用程序的转化率。” Peloton周一收跌7.32%,今年迄今为止,该公司股价下跌了46%,市值缩水近10亿美元。 ...
Peloton Drops Free-Membership Tier After Less-Than-Expected Results
PYMNTS· 2024-04-16 05:30
Connected fitness company Peloton has stopped offering an unlimited free-membership tier that was once a key part of its growth strategy.The free tier for the company’s app was added in May 2023 to attract new customers but was dropped within the last few weeks after failing to convert these new users into paid subscribers, CNBC reported Monday (April 15).People who already signed up for the tier will continue to have access to it, but new users will be able to choose from only two paid options — at $12.99 ...
Peloton quietly drops unlimited free app membership because it failed to bring in paid subscribers
CNBC· 2024-04-16 02:12
公司策略调整 - Peloton公司在不到一年的时间内,将其健身应用的无限免费会员计划悄然取消,因为这一举措未能将用户转化为付费订阅者[2] - 新用户现在只能选择每月12.99美元或24美元的两种付费会员计划,还可以享受七天的免费试用期[4] - CEO Barry McCarthy希望通过推出免费会员计划吸引更多用户,但这一赌注似乎失败了[7] 用户转化问题 - 公司发现免费会员计划正在破坏将免费试用会员转化为付费订阅者的努力,因此决定转向免费试用模式[9] - 公司认为应用策略仍然是业务的重要组成部分,但需要改进以提高用户留存和转化率[10]
1 Ridiculously Cheap Stock I Wouldn't Touch With a 10-Foot Pole
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-13 23:10
Buying on the dip isn't always an opportunity.Finding bargains in the stock market is the foundation of value investing. As the theory goes, undervalued stocks will rise to their intrinsic value given enough time.But cheap can mean so many things, and it tends to be quite subjective. Bank stocks, for example, generally trade at much lower valuations than other stocks, and growth companies can boast high price tags, even when they're generating steep losses.Then, there's the question of whether or not a "che ...
Where Will Peloton Stock Be in 5 Years?
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-09 22:15
It's informative to think through potential outcomes with this once-booming fitness business.Warren Buffett, the legendary investor who has a remarkable track record leading Berkshire Hathaway, emphasizes thinking in probabilities. There are varying degrees of certainty with each possible outcome, and this can help inform how investors allocate capital.We can use this mental framework when looking at struggling fitness enterprise Peloton Interactive (PTON 5.35%). Shares of this consumer discretionary stock ...
Retailers like Peloton and Saks keep paying vendors late, signaling possible 'financial distress'
CNBC· 2024-04-04 21:14
Bed Bath & Beyond - Bed Bath & Beyond在破产前未能按时支付供应商,导致库存不足[2][3] - 未能按时支付供应商通常是财务困境或破产风险的早期迹象[4] Peloton - Peloton在过去几个月经常未能按时支付供应商,显示财务挑战和现金流预测不佳[13][14] - Peloton的现金流问题部分源于销售不足,导致亏损和销售下降[16][17] Express - Express面临着日益增长的债务和支付问题,可能面临破产风险[32][33] Bath & Body Works - Bath & Body Works的支付模式在过去一年变化不定,尽管不会立即违约,但不可预测的支付历史可能影响其获得新融资或新供应商[42][43]
Can This Ridiculously Cheap Stock's Price Skyrocket by 2030?
The Motley Fool· 2024-03-22 18:47
Peloton Interactive (PTON -0.90%) has been pedaling in the wrong direction. Customers just aren't as excited about the fitness company's products and services as they were a few years ago, and the stock is taking a major hit as a result.As of this writing, shares trade at a price-to-sales ratio of less than 0.6. That's about as low as the valuation has ever been in Peloton's entire public history. But perhaps some bullish supporters are hoping that things will get better for the company.Can this ridiculousl ...
Was Peloton's Big Win Really a Whiff? 3 Things Investors Need to Know
The Motley Fool· 2024-03-09 23:45
公司业务模式转变 - Peloton Interactive 正在尝试将其业务模式从基于销售实体运动设备转变为基于订阅模式构建的模式[1] 设备销售增长 - 在2024财季第二季度,Peloton 的设备销售增长了77%[2] - 该增长是相对于上一季度的,主要是通过与零售商建立新关系,如亚马逊和迪克体育用品[6] 未来趋势 - 这种增长可能只是一次性的,未来可能会趋于平稳[8] - 该增长发生在公司的财季Q2,包括关键的假日购物季节,这可能不是一年四季都能持续的结果[9] 公司改进 - 与去年同期相比,Peloton 的实体设备销售下降了16%[10] - 这些数据表明,Peloton 仍然是一个正在努力改进的公司,需要更多工作才能实现其计划的业务模式转变[11]