Rolls-Royce SMR Signs $1.5M Contract for Cutting-edge GSE Simulation Technology
Prnewswire· 2024-07-10 21:00
文章核心观点 - Rolls-Royce SMR公司正在与GSE Solutions公司合作开发一个电站模拟器,以推进其小型模块化反应堆(SMR)技术的设计 [1][2][3] - Rolls-Royce SMR公司正在顺利推进其SMR技术的Generic Design Assessment(GDA)评估,预计今年夏季完成第二阶段 [3] - Rolls-Royce SMR公司采用"工厂制造"的方式,每个SMR电站可为100万户家庭提供60年以上的低碳电力 [4][7] - Rolls-Royce SMR公司已获得英国政府2.1亿英镑的资金支持,用于加速SMR设计并通过GDA评估 [8] Rolls-Royce SMR公司概况 - Rolls-Royce SMR公司是英国首家20年来开发的国内核电技术,提供全球性的能源解决方案 [7] - 公司拥有50多年核电行业经验,致力于帮助客户安全可靠地提供无碳电力 [9] - 公司的先进工程和人才解决方案部门提供专业培训、工程设计、合规性管理、模拟仿真等服务 [9] - 公司在全球50多个国家拥有1100多个安装项目和数百名客户 [10]
Why NuScale Power Stock Dropped 8% on Tuesday
The Motley Fool· 2024-07-10 00:59
Lack of profits plus a possible challenge to its technology make NuScale Power a risky investment. Will China make NuScale obsolete? Is NuScale Power stock a sell? That's fine as long as nuclear fission, used in SMRs, remains the cutting-edge technology. But as The Wall Street Journal reported this morning, there's a new technology on the horizon, nuclear fusion, and China is taking the lead in the race to commercialize it. But China is now racing to make it a reality. It is investing twice as much money an ...
Why NuScale Power Stock Is Charging Higher This Week
The Motley Fool· 2024-06-28 22:51
June is busting out all over -- and so is this nuclear energy stock. After a strong performance last week, shares of NuScale Power (SMR -0.58%) have continued to climb this week. That earlier surge was prompted by news that the Department of Energy planned to provide $900 million in funding to support the deployment of small modular reactors (SMRs) of the type that NuScale is developing. But the catalyst for the nuclear energy stock's latest rise appears to have been an analyst's auspicious outlook on the c ...
Why NuScale Power Stock Is Soaring This Week
The Motley Fool· 2024-06-22 04:51
Shares of this innovative nuclear power stock jolted higher to start the week and never let up. For years, the U.S. government's interest in advancing renewable energy seemed to be synonymous with solar and wind power. On Monday, however, the Department of Energy revealed a new enthusiasm for facilitating the growth of nuclear power -- the type of nuclear power plants that NuScale Power (SMR 5.36%) is intent on developing itself. Investors took note of the announcement, and shares have powered higher throug ...
Why NuScale Power Stock Heated Up Today
The Motley Fool· 2024-06-18 02:00
Are investors in this nuclear power stock missing the fact that NuScale is running out of cash? What do China and Bill Gates have in common? China has 55 reactors in service and is building 27 more. (The U.S. has one.) China's also building them faster, with plans to add 150 new plants by 2035 -- making its nuclear power industry about twice the size of America's. Is NuScale Power stock a buy? Shares of NuScale Power (SMR 2.56%) inched 2% higher through noon ET after a weekend of positive news got investors ...
Why NuScale Power Stock Ripped 50.5% Higher in May
The Motley Fool· 2024-06-11 04:30
文章核心观点 - 公司NuScale Power是一家年轻的核电技术公司,于2007年成立,2022年上市[1][2] - 公司开发了小型模块化反应堆(SMR)核电技术,可用于发电、制氢、海水淡化等多种应用[4] - 受益于美国政府支持本土核电产业的政策,公司股价在5月大涨50.5%[3][5][6] 公司概况 - 公司尚未实现商业化,目前主要收入来自工程和许可服务[8][9] - 公司技术已获美国核管会认证,是首个获得该认证的SMR技术[7] - 公司最近获得一个为数据中心提供2GW清洁能源的订单[7] - 公司无债务,这对初创公司来说是一大优势[8] 投资风险 - 作为一家尚未实现商业化的公司,其股票仍具有投机性质[9] - 公司目前收入有大幅下降,亏损也有所增加[3] - 尽管股价今年已大涨162%,但投资者需谨慎[9]
NuScale Power: Can SMR Power the Clean Energy Transition?
MarketBeat· 2024-06-07 19:15
SMR NuScale's Financial Performance and Strategy $7.67 52-Week Range $1.81 $11.21 NuScale Power Corporation NYSE: SMR is at the forefront of the nuclear energy sector, which is part of the renewable energy sector. NuScale focuses on developing and deploying advanced, small modular reactor (SMR) technology. This innovative approach to energy production promises to deliver clean, reliable, and scalable carbon-free energy, a crucial element in the global energy transition towards a more sustainable future. The ...
NuScale Power Stock: Buy, Sell, or Hold?· 2024-05-30 17:14
文章核心观点 - 公司正在获得首个订单,但在可持续发展其发电业务方面仍有很多工作要做 [1][2] - 公司的技术是小型模块化反应堆(SMR),被认为是低风险和低成本的替代方案 [3][4] - 公司目前仍在亏损,是一个较为激进的投资选择 [5] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 买入决策 - 公司的技术可能在未来的全球能源系统中发挥关键作用,因为它可提供稳定的基荷电力 [3] - 公司是目前唯一获得美国监管机构批准的SMR技术提供商和生产商 [4] 持有决策 - 如果已持有公司股票,可能应该继续持有,因为公司即将开始建设小型核电站 [6] - 但在2029年投入运营之前,公司仍有很多工作要做,投资者需承受更多亏损和波动 [7] 卖出决策 - 如果近期买入,可以考虑卖出部分股票锁定收益,但仍可让"赌注"继续 [8] - 对于新投资者,由于公司技术仍未被证实,可能需要等待公司实际建成电站后再考虑投资 [9][10] 总结 - 公司的技术具有潜力,但目前仍处于起步阶段,存在较大风险,更适合激进型投资者 [11]
Is It Too Late to Buy NuScale Power Stock?· 2024-05-25 16:36
文章核心观点 - NuScale Power是一家专注于小型核电技术的公司,其股价在过去三个月内上涨超过150% [1][2][3] - 尽管NuScale有一个很好的计划,但对于大多数投资者来说,现在可能还为时尚早 [5][9] - NuScale虽然已获得美国监管机构的批准,但仍未实现任何核电机组的实际投产,仍处于发展阶段 [6] - 公司目前现金储备有限,每季度仍有较大亏损,需要持续大量研发和运营开支,短期内难以实现盈利 [7] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 公司概况 - NuScale专注于开发小型模块化核电技术,旨在解决传统大型核电站建设成本高、风险大的问题 [2][3] - 公司的技术已获得美国监管机构批准,并签订了向俄亥俄州和宾夕法尼亚州供应24台反应堆的合同 [6] 行业分析 - 核电作为一种清洁能源,可以为电网提供稳定的基荷电力,有助于减少碳排放 [2] - 但传统大型核电站建设成本高、风险大,一直制约了核电的广泛应用 [3] - NuScale的小型模块化设计有望降低建设成本和风险,推动核电行业发展 [3] 财务状况 - 公司目前仍处于研发阶段,每季度亏损较大,主要用于研发、管理等方面的开支 [7] - 公司现金储备有限,按照目前的支出水平,仅能维持约3个季度 [7] - 在实现首台反应堆投产并证明盈利能力之前,公司仍需要大量资金投入 [7]
Why NuScale Power Stock Rocketed 17.5% Today· 2024-05-21 01:26
Investors love unprofitable nuclear power plant company NuScale Power. But I'd prefer to see it earn a profit before buying the stock. Last week was a great week to own nuclear fuel stocks like Cameco (CCJ 1.40%), as the Biden administration announced tenders to buy $3.4 billion worth of nuclear fuel for American atomic power plants. NuScale Power remains a company in start-up mode. While it often boasts it's "the industry-leading provider of proprietary and innovative advanced small modular reactor (SMR) n ...