Tyson Foods (TSN) Earnings Expected to Grow: What to Know Ahead of Next Week's Release
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-29 23:06
Tyson Foods (TSN) is expected to deliver a year-over-year increase in earnings on lower revenues when it reports results for the quarter ended March 2024. This widely-known consensus outlook gives a good sense of the company's earnings picture, but how the actual results compare to these estimates is a powerful factor that could impact its near-term stock price.The earnings report, which is expected to be released on May 6, 2024, might help the stock move higher if these key numbers are better than expectat ...
Here's Why Tyson Foods (TSN) Gained But Lagged the Market Today
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-24 07:06
股价表现 - Tyson Foods (TSN) 最新收盘价为 $60.98,较前一交易日上涨了 +0.61% [1] - Tyson Foods 股价在过去一个月内上涨了 3.7%,表现优于消费类必需品行业的下跌 1.51% 和标普500指数的下跌 4.16% [2] 财报预期 - 投资界将密切关注 Tyson Foods 在即将发布的财报中的表现。公司计划于 2024 年 5 月 6 日发布财报,预计每股收益为 $0.35,较去年同期增长了 975% [3] - 根据 Zacks Consensus Estimates,全年预计每股收益为 $2.33,营收为 $52.76 亿美元,较上一年分别增长了 +73.88% 和 -0.23% [4] 估值调整 - 分析师对 Tyson Foods 的最新估值调整可能反映了短期业务模式的变化,积极的估值调整可能预示着公司业务前景良好 [5] - 研究表明,这些估值调整与即将到来的股价表现有直接关系,公司建立了 Zacks Rank 模型,考虑这些估值变化并提供操作评级系统 [6] 评级和指标 - Zacks Rank 系统从 1 (强热门) 到 5 (强卖出),过去 30 天,Zacks Consensus EPS 估值下调了 0.96%,目前 Tyson Foods 的 Zacks Rank 为 3 (持有) [7] - Tyson Foods 目前的前瞻市盈率为 26.01,较同行业平均前瞻市盈率 22.12 有溢价 [8] - TSN 的 PEG 比率目前为 0.48,该指标类似于著名的市盈率,但还考虑了股票的预期盈利增长率 [9] 行业评估 - 食品 - 肉类产品行业属于消费类必需品行业,该行业的 Zacks Industry Rank 为 8,在所有 250+ 个行业中处于前 4% [10] - Zacks Industry Rank 评估了特定行业群体的活力,研究显示,排名前 50% 的行业的表现是排名后 50% 的两倍 [11]
Analysts Agree, This Could Be Tyson Stock's Comeback Year
MarketBeat· 2024-04-23 18:05
Tyson股票前景 - Tyson的利润率可能会扩大,股价有望恢复往日辉煌[1] - 分析师认为Tyson的市场份额领先是其对抗最大竞争对手的优势[1] - 价格目标和空头利息表明Tyson的最糟糕时期已经过去,前方一片晴朗[1] - 基于基本面,Tyson Foods Inc.正为华尔街重新赢得荣耀[3] - 投资者寻求更好的机会击败市场,可以关注Tyson股票的巨大每股收益增长预期和分析师设定的两位数上涨目标[4] Tyson业务展望 - 需要将这些股票恢复到正常水平,农业行业正在加大生产力度[7] - Tyson的牛肉业务有望实现复苏[9] Tyson股票分析 - 分析师预计未来12个月Tyson的每股收益增长高达58%,而竞争对手Pilgrim's Pride今年的预期增长仅为2.6%[12] - Barclays和花旗集团为Tyson设定了69美元和62美元的目标价,分别呼吁从今天的价格上涨15%和3.3%[14] - 尽管股价表现疲软,在过去12个月中表现比Pilgrim's Pride股票下跌超过60%,Tyson股票的空头利息下降了超过21%,将空头股份的总百分比降至1.7%[15]
Tyson Foods (TSN) Increases Despite Market Slip: Here's What You Need to Know
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-18 07:06
股价表现 - Tyson Foods (TSN) 最新收盘价为$58.58,较前一天上涨了0.74%[1] - Tyson Foods 股价在过去一个月内上涨了1.71%,表现优于消费类必需品行业的下跌4.32%和标普500指数的下跌1.09%[2] 财务预测 - Tyson Foods 预计在2024年5月6日公布的财报中每股盈利为$0.35,同比增长975%;预计营收为$13.08亿,较去年同期下降0.41%[3] - Zacks Consensus Estimates 预计全年每股盈利为$2.33,营收为$527.6亿,同比分别增长73.88%和下降0.23%[4] 分析师预期 - 近期分析师对 Tyson Foods 的预期调整可能反映最新的短期业务趋势,积极的预期调整可能预示着公司业务前景良好[5] - 研究表明,这些预期调整与即将到来的股价表现直接相关,Zacks Rank 模型考虑这些预期变化并提供可操作的评级系统[6] 行业排名 - 食品-肉类产品行业属于消费类必需品行业,目前的 Zacks Industry Rank 为6,位于所有250+行业的前3%[9] - Zacks Industry Rank 按照各个行业内公司的平均 Zacks Rank 从好到差排序,研究显示排名前50%的行业胜过后50%的行业两倍[10] 公司评级 - Tyson Foods 目前的 Zacks Rank 为 3 (Hold),其前瞻市盈率为24.96,较行业平均值21.29略高[7] - TSN 目前的 PEG 比率为0.46,反映了公司的预期盈利增长轨迹,食品-肉类产品行业的平均 PEG 比率为0.46[8] 建议 - 使用 Zacks.com 监控所有这些影响股价的指标,并在未来的交易中持续关注[11]
Why Tyson (TSN) is Poised to Beat Earnings Estimates Again
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-17 01:11
If you are looking for a stock that has a solid history of beating earnings estimates and is in a good position to maintain the trend in its next quarterly report, you should consider Tyson Foods (TSN) . This company, which is in the Zacks Food - Meat Products industry, shows potential for another earnings beat.This meat producer has seen a nice streak of beating earnings estimates, especially when looking at the previous two reports. The average surprise for the last two quarters was 38.20%.For the last re ...
Why the Market Dipped But Tyson Foods (TSN) Gained Today
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-16 07:21
股价表现 - Tyson Foods (TSN) 最新收盘价为$58.12,较前一交易日上涨了+0.59% [1] 财务表现 - Tyson Foods 预计将于2024年5月6日发布季度财报,预计每股收益为$0.35,同比增长975% [3] - Tyson Foods 目前的 Forward P/E ratio 为24.56,高于行业平均值 [8] - Tyson Foods 目前的 PEG ratio 为0.46,与食品 - 肉类产品行业的平均值相同 [9] 行业排名 - 食品 - 肉类产品行业属于消费者必需品部门,目前该行业在所有250+行业中排名前4% [10]
Tyson Foods (TSN) Rises More Than 20% in 6 Months: Here's How
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-12 23:36
Tyson Foods, Inc. (TSN) appears to be in good shape, courtesy of its resilience and adaptability to changing market dynamics. The company has been experiencing robust growth from its diverse protein portfolio, including chicken, pork and beef.Investing in brand building and innovation remains a priority for Tyson Foods. Furthermore, strong customer partnerships to meet evolving consumer preferences and build long-term brand loyalty are a few strategic initiatives undertaken by the company.Tyson Foods has be ...
Can Tyson Win from Repealing Its No-Antibiotic Chicken Pledge?
MarketBeat· 2024-04-10 19:55
Key PointsTyson Foods is the nation's largest beef seller and supplies nearly 20% of all the chicken in the United States.Tyson repealed its "No Antibiotics Ever" label in July 2023 after bird flu outbreaks; Chick-fil-A modified its "No Antibiotics Ever" policy to "No Antibiotics Important to Human Medicine" on March 24, 2024.Tyson Foods continues to recover from its Q4 2023 earnings drop fueled by rising beef prices, possibly driven by high protein, low-carb trends like carnivore and keto diets.5 stocks we ...
Tyson Foods (TSN) Rises Higher Than Market: Key Facts
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-10 07:06
股价表现 - Tyson Foods (TSN) 最近的股价表现良好,股价上涨0.54%达到$59.41,超过了标普500指数的涨幅[1] - Tyson Foods 过去一个月的股价上涨了6.03%,领先于消费必需品部门的下跌和标普500指数的涨幅[2] 财务预测 - 投资者对 Tyson Foods 即将发布的财报表现非常感兴趣,预计公司将在2024年5月6日发布财报,预计每股收益为$0.35,同比增长975%[3] - 根据 Zacks Consensus Estimates,分析师预计 Tyson Foods 全年每股收益为$2.35,营收为$52.76亿,较去年分别增长了+75.37%和-0.23%[4] 分析师建议 - 投资者应关注分析师对 Tyson Foods 的最新预测变化,这些变化通常代表着近期业务趋势的变化[5] - 研究表明,这些预测变化与股价表现直接相关,投资者可以利用 Zacks Rank 模型来获取投资建议[6] 估值和行业排名 - Tyson Foods 目前的 Zacks Rank 为 3 (Hold),在估值方面,公司的 Forward P/E 比率为25.12,高于行业平均值[7] - TSN 目前的 PEG 比率为0.47,该指标考虑了公司的预期盈利增长率,该行业的平均 PEG 比率为0.47[8] 行业评级 - 食品 - 肉类产品行业属于消费必需品部门,目前该行业的 Zacks Industry Rank 为7,位于超过250个行业的前3%[9] - Zacks Industry Rank 评估了各行业群体的实力,研究显示,排名前50%的行业的表现是排名后50%的两倍[10] 投资建议 - 投资者应使用 Zacks.com 来跟踪所有这些影响股价的指标,在未来的交易中[11]
Tyson Foods (TSN) Stock Declines While Market Improves: Some Information for Investors
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-06 07:21
股价表现 - Tyson Foods (TSN) 最新收盘价为 $59.05,较上一交易日下跌了 -0.72% [1] - 过去一个月,Tyson Foods 股价上涨了 10.82%,超过了消费类必需品行业的 -3.94% 和标普500指数的 0.48% [2] 财务表现 - Tyson Foods 即将公布的财报预计每股收益为 $0.35,较去年同期增长了 975% [3] - 预计全年,分析师预期 Tyson Foods 的每股收益为 $2.35,营收为 $52.76 亿美元,较去年分别增长了 +75.37% 和 -0.23% [5] 评级和指标 - Tyson Foods 最新的 Zacks Rank 为 2 (买入),显示出积极的业务前景 [8] - Tyson Foods 目前的前瞻市盈率为 25.28,较行业平均值 22.18 偏高 [9] - TSN 目前的 PEG 比率为 0.47,低于食品 - 肉类产品行业的平均值 1.94 [10] 行业排名 - 食品 - 肉类产品行业属于消费类必需品行业,目前 Zacks Industry Rank 为 2,位居所有 250+ 行业的前 1% [11]