Costco's Stellar Comparable Sales Growth Continues in January
ZACKS· 2025-02-10 23:40
Costco Wholesale Corporation (COST) continued with its decent comparable sales growth in January. The robust performance, driven by notable gains across key regions, reflects Costco’s ability to attract value-conscious shoppers with its competitive pricing and high-quality offerings. As consumer spending patterns evolve, the company’s strong sales growth reaffirms its operational excellence and adaptability in a dynamic retail landscape.Decoding COST’s January CompsCOST’s comparable sales for January illust ...
Is Insteel Industries (IIIN) Outperforming Other Industrial Products Stocks This Year?
ZACKS· 2025-02-10 23:40
文章核心观点 - 投资者关注工业产品类股票时应关注表现最佳的公司,Insteel Industries和Life360表现良好值得关注 [1][7] 行业情况 - 工业产品板块在Zacks板块排名中位列第10,该排名考虑16个不同板块组,通过衡量组内个股平均Zacks排名从优到劣列出板块 [2] - 电线电缆产品行业包含3只个股,在Zacks行业排名中位列第14,今年以来该组股票下跌约6.3% [6] - 安全服务行业包含18只个股,在Zacks行业排名中位列第54,今年以来该行业上涨0.9% [6] 公司情况 Insteel Industries - 是工业产品板块201家公司之一,目前Zacks排名为1(强力买入) [2][3] - 过去一个季度,Zacks对其全年收益的共识预期提高19.8%,今年以来股价上涨约3.2%,跑赢工业产品板块平均1.4%的涨幅 [4] - 属于电线电缆产品行业,在该行业今年以来的回报表现中优于同行 [6] Life360 - 是工业产品板块的股票,今年以来回报率为8%,跑赢板块 [5] - 过去三个月,其当前年度的共识每股收益预期增长2166.7%,目前Zacks排名为2(买入) [5] - 属于安全服务行业 [6]
Is Beam Therapeutics (BEAM) Outperforming Other Medical Stocks This Year?
ZACKS· 2025-02-10 23:40
文章核心观点 - 寻找表现优异的医疗股可关注跑赢同行的公司,Beam Therapeutics Inc.和Aurora Cannabis Inc.今年表现出色,投资者可继续关注 [1][7] 行业情况 - 医疗板块包含1011只个股,在Zacks板块排名中位列第3,该排名考虑16个不同板块组并按个股平均Zacks排名从优到差列出 [2] - 医疗-生物医学和遗传学行业包含510家公司,Zacks行业排名第68,今年以来平均涨幅4.3% [6] - 医疗-产品行业有83只股票,排名第78,年初以来涨幅+10% [7] 公司情况 Beam Therapeutics Inc. - 目前Zacks排名为2(买入),该排名强调盈利预测和预测修正 [3] - 过去一个季度,其全年盈利的Zacks共识预测提高7.5%,分析师情绪增强,盈利前景改善 [4] - 今年以来回报率为10.5%,跑赢医疗板块5.6%的平均回报率和所在行业4.3%的平均涨幅 [4][6] Aurora Cannabis Inc. - 今年以来回报率为41.9%,跑赢医疗板块平均水平 [5] - 过去三个月,其本年度共识每股收益预测增长2400%,目前Zacks排名为1(强力买入) [5]
Has Hecla Mining (HL) Outpaced Other Basic Materials Stocks This Year?
ZACKS· 2025-02-10 23:40
The Basic Materials group has plenty of great stocks, but investors should always be looking for companies that are outperforming their peers. Has Hecla Mining (HL) been one of those stocks this year? Let's take a closer look at the stock's year-to-date performance to find out.Hecla Mining is a member of the Basic Materials sector. This group includes 233 individual stocks and currently holds a Zacks Sector Rank of #12. The Zacks Sector Rank includes 16 different groups and is listed in order from best to w ...
Is Flex (FLEX) Outperforming Other Computer and Technology Stocks This Year?
ZACKS· 2025-02-10 23:40
文章核心观点 - 通过对比股票年初至今表现,判断伟创力(Flex)是否跑赢同行,伟创力和BWX科技公司有望持续良好表现,计算机和科技股投资者可关注 [1][6] 行业情况 - 计算机和科技板块有608家公司,在Zacks板块排名中位列第4,Zacks板块排名涵盖16个不同板块,按各板块内公司平均Zacks排名从优到差排列 [2] - 伟创力所属电子杂项产品行业有36家公司,在Zacks行业排名中位列第134,该行业股票今年平均涨幅3.6% [5] - BWX科技所属电子杂项组件行业有26只股票,排名第138,该行业今年涨幅1.1% [6] 公司情况 伟创力(Flex) - 目前Zacks排名为2(买入),过去一个季度其全年收益的Zacks共识预期上调8.9%,显示分析师情绪改善和积极盈利前景趋势 [3] - 今年迄今回报率为12.4%,跑赢计算机和科技板块平均涨幅1%以及所属行业平均涨幅 [4][5] BWX科技(BWX Technologies) - 今年迄今回报率为2.7%,跑赢计算机和科技板块平均涨幅,目前Zacks排名为2(买入),过去三个月当前年度的共识每股收益预期上调0.9% [4][5]
Is Denny's (DENN) Stock Outpacing Its Retail-Wholesale Peers This Year?
ZACKS· 2025-02-10 23:40
文章核心观点 - 投资者可关注零售批发行业的丹尼餐厅和波蒂略公司,二者有望延续良好表现 [1][6] 行业情况 - 零售批发行业包含212只个股,在Zacks板块排名中位居第2,该排名涵盖16个不同板块组 [2] - 零售 - 餐厅行业包含39只个股,在Zacks行业排名中位居第56,该行业股票今年迄今涨幅约5.8% [5] 公司情况 丹尼餐厅(DENN) - 目前Zacks评级为2(买入),过去一个季度,Zacks对其全年收益的共识预期提高了0.7%,显示分析师情绪改善和积极的盈利前景趋势 [3] - 今年迄今回报率为16.4%,表现优于零售批发行业平均的7.6%,也优于零售 - 餐厅行业 [4][5] 波蒂略公司(PTLO) - 今年迄今回报率为54.3%,表现优于零售批发行业和零售 - 餐厅行业 [4][5] - 过去三个月,对其当前年度每股收益的共识预期提高了1.2%,目前Zacks评级为2(买入) [5]
Is Kodiak Gas Services, Inc. (KGS) Outperforming Other Oils-Energy Stocks This Year?
ZACKS· 2025-02-10 23:40
The Oils-Energy group has plenty of great stocks, but investors should always be looking for companies that are outperforming their peers. Is Kodiak Gas Services (KGS) one of those stocks right now? By taking a look at the stock's year-to-date performance in comparison to its Oils-Energy peers, we might be able to answer that question.Kodiak Gas Services is one of 247 companies in the Oils-Energy group. The Oils-Energy group currently sits at #5 within the Zacks Sector Rank. The Zacks Sector Rank includes 1 ...
Is Business First Bancshares (BFST) Outperforming Other Finance Stocks This Year?
ZACKS· 2025-02-10 23:40
For those looking to find strong Finance stocks, it is prudent to search for companies in the group that are outperforming their peers. Is Business First (BFST) one of those stocks right now? A quick glance at the company's year-to-date performance in comparison to the rest of the Finance sector should help us answer this question.Business First is a member of the Finance sector. This group includes 871 individual stocks and currently holds a Zacks Sector Rank of #1. The Zacks Sector Rank considers 16 diffe ...
Is Alaska Air Group (ALK) Outperforming Other Transportation Stocks This Year?
ZACKS· 2025-02-10 23:40
文章核心观点 - 投资者可关注阿拉斯加航空集团和国际航空集团,因其有望延续良好表现 [7] 行业情况 - 运输板块有131家公司,在Zacks板块排名中位列第16,该排名考量16个不同板块,通过衡量板块内个股平均Zacks排名评估各板块实力 [2] - 运输-航空行业包含28只个股,在Zacks行业排名中位列第37,今年以来平均涨幅达15.3% [6] 阿拉斯加航空集团情况 - 该集团今年年初至今回报率约为17.3%,表现优于运输板块(年初至今平均回报率5.3%) [4] - 集团目前Zacks排名为1(强力买入),过去一个季度其全年盈利的Zacks共识预期上调了10.6%,显示分析师情绪改善和积极盈利前景趋势 [3] - 集团属于运输-航空行业,表现优于该行业平均水平 [6] 国际航空集团情况 - 该集团股票年初至今上涨20.4%,表现优于运输板块 [4] - 该集团当前年度的共识每股收益预期在过去三个月里提高了9.8%,目前Zacks排名为2(买入) [5] - 该集团也属于运输-航空行业 [6]
Here's Why Carnival (CCL) is a Strong Value Stock
ZACKS· 2025-02-10 23:40
Taking full advantage of the stock market and investing with confidence are common goals for new and old investors, and Zacks Premium offers many different ways to do both.Featuring daily updates of the Zacks Rank and Zacks Industry Rank, full access to the Zacks #1 Rank List, Equity Research reports, and Premium stock screens, the research service can help you become a smarter, more self-assured investor.Zacks Premium also includes the Zacks Style Scores. What are the Zacks Style Scores? The Zacks Style Sc ...