agilon health(AGL)
agilon health Announces Chief Medical Officer Transition
Businesswire· 2024-02-09 05:00
agilon health首席医疗官变动 - agilon health宣布首席医疗官将转任特别顾问,同时启动新首席医疗官的全面搜索[1] - agilon health首席执行官对Kornitzer博士的领导和贡献表示深切感谢,同时对Rao博士和Spencer博士的支持表示满意[2] agilon health的使命 - agilon health是一家信任的合作伙伴,致力于帮助医生改变社区医疗[4]
The 7 Best Penny Stocks for 200% Returns
InvestorPlace· 2024-02-07 03:57
风险投资机会 - 今年对于风险投资者来说将提供许多机会[1] 联邦储备局政策影响 - 联邦储备局计划今年多次降息,这将导致市场流动性增加,有利于投机性的低价股[2] 医疗保健股票展望 - Agilon Health(AGL)是一家医疗保健股票,虽然遇到了一些困难,但股价仍在上涨,预计将在未来12至18个月内上涨至18美元[3] 视频内容公司前景 - Bilibili(BILI)是一家提供视频内容的公司,分析师预计其股价可能上涨至120美元,目前股价为9美元[4] 按需航空服务公司展望 - Wheels Up Experience(UP)是一家提供按需航空服务的公司,尽管最近的收入表现不佳,但仍有很多乐观因素,包括Delta(DAL)对其进行了4.5亿美元的投资[5] 电信基础设施公司前景 - IHS Holding(IHS)是一家在几个新兴市场国家拥有、运营和开发电信基础设施的公司,预计股价将翻倍,甚至可能上涨至23美元[6] 生物技术公司展望 - Relay Therapeutics(RLAY)是一家生物技术公司,虽然在最近一期报告中出现了净损失,但其营收有了显著增长,公司将在2024年公布两个临床阶段项目的更新[7] 黄金矿产公司前景 - Seabridge Gold(SA)是一家在北美探索黄金矿产的公司,尽管在第三季度出现了净亏损,但分析师预计其股价将上涨至25美元[8] 锂公司前景 - Lithium Americas(LAC)是一家最知名且潜力最大的公司,尽管锂价格已经下跌,但公司与通用汽车(GM)达成了重要合作伙伴关系,分析师对其股票非常乐观[9]
February Risk Alert: 3 Stocks to Unload Now to Protect Your Portfolio
InvestorPlace· 2024-01-09 18:26
In the investment space, uncovering stocks to sell with potential pitfalls is as crucial as identifying opportunities. This comprehensive review zooms in on the recent moves of three prominent companies that have sent ripples through the market. These aren’t just fluctuations, but indicators of underlying operational vulnerabilities, providing essential insights for investors seeking portfolio resilience.Each of these stocks to sell has a tale of challenges impacting profitability and investor sentiment. Un ...
Agilon Health Investigated by Block & Leviton For Potential Securities Law Violations; Investors Who Have Lost Money Are Encouraged to Contact the Firm
Newsfilter· 2024-01-06 02:09
BOSTON, Jan. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Block & Leviton is investigating Agilon Health, Inc. (NYSE:AGL) for potential securities law violations. Investors who have lost money in their Agilon Health investment should contact the firm to learn more about how they might recover those losses. For more details, visit What is this all about? Before the market opened on January 5, 2024, Agilon Health announced it had reduced its guidance for fiscal year 2024, citing higher ...
Agilon Health cuts 2023 revenue, medical margin outlook but provides upbeat 2024 view
Market Watch· 2024-01-05 19:12
Agilon Health Inc. - 公司在2023年的Medicare Advantage会员指导范围上调至386,000至387,000,但将医疗利润率展望下调至3.4亿至3.6亿美元[1] - 2024年,公司预计Medicare Advantage会员将达到548,000至553,000人,医疗利润为5.6亿至6亿美元,总收入为63.5亿至64.2亿美元[1]
agilon health Announces Tim Bensley to Retire as CFO
Businesswire· 2024-01-05 19:05
AUSTIN, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--agilon health, Inc. (NYSE: AGL), the trusted partner empowering physicians to transform health care in our communities, today announced that Timothy Bensley has informed the company of his intent to retire from his position as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) during 2024, which agilon expects to take place within the next nine months. The search for a new CFO has been initiated, and Bensley has agreed to remain as CFO through this process and serve in a consulting role through t ...
agilon health Provides 2023 Guidance Update, Initial 2024 View
Businesswire· 2024-01-05 19:00
AUSTIN, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--agilon health, inc. (NYSE: AGL), the trusted partner empowering physicians to transform health care in our communities, announced revised guidance expectations for 2023, reflecting higher-than-expected costs, and provided an initial outlook for 2024. During 2023, agilon health experienced an increase in medical expenses attributable to higher-than-expected specialist visits, Part B drugs, outpatient surgeries, and supplemental benefits, partially offset by lower hospital med ...
agilon health(AGL) - 2023 Q3 - Earnings Call Transcript
2023-11-06 08:51
Start Time: 16:30 January 1, 0000 5:29 PM ET agilon health, inc. (NYSE:AGL) Q3 2023 Earnings Conference Call November 02, 2023, 16:30 PM ET Company Participants Steve Sell - CEO Tim Bensley - CFO Matthew Gillmor - VP, IR Conference Call Participants Lisa Gill - JPMorgan Justin Lake - Wolfe Research Stephen Baxter - Wells Fargo Gary Taylor - Cowen Jailendra Singh - Truist Securities George Hill - Deutsche Bank Whit Mayo - Leerink Partners Adam Ron - Bank of America Jamie Perse - Goldman Sachs Elizabeth Ander ...
agilon health(AGL) - 2023 Q3 - Quarterly Report
2023-11-02 00:00
Medicare Advantage业务 - 2023年第三季度,Medicare Advantage会员达到约420,300人,较2022年同期增长58%[55] - 截至2023年9月30日,公司的MA会员达到420,300人,同比增长58%[59] - 2023年第三季度Medicare Advantage会员平均数为42.51万人[57] 财务表现 - 2023年前三季度总收入为35亿美元,较2022年同期增长73%[56] - 2023年第三季度总收入为12.2亿美元,较2022年同期增长75%[55] - 公司的总收入为12,156.6万美元,同比增长75%[63] - 净收入为-3,148.3万美元,同比下降2%[59] - 调整后的EBITDA为-577.7万美元,同比增长78%[59] - 调整后的EBITDA为-5,777万美元,较去年同期的-25,839万美元有所改善[95] 业务交易 - 2023年10月27日,公司与MDX Hawaii, Inc.达成协议,出售其全资子公司MDX Hawaii及相关业务,交易于10月31日完成[58] 财务状况 - 截至2023年9月30日,公司现金及现金等价物为1.785亿美元,市场证券投资为3.959亿美元[96] - 公司拥有4.06亿股普通股[103] 风险管理 - 公司暴露于各种市场风险中,包括利率变化带来的潜在损失[107] - 公司持有的现金、现金等价物、受限制的现金等价物和有价证券在2023年9月30日和2022年12月31日分别为5.744亿美元和9.196亿美元[107] - 公司的投资政策目标是流动性和资本保值,不为交易或投机目的而进行投资[107]
agilon health(AGL) - 2023 Q2 - Earnings Call Transcript
2023-08-05 04:27
agilon health, inc. (NYSE:AGL) Q2 2023 Earnings Conference Call August 3, 2023 4:30 PM ET Company Participants Matthew Gillmor - Vice President, Investor Relations Steve Sell - Chief Executive Officer Tim Bensley - Chief Financial Officer Conference Call Participants Lisa Gill - JPMorgan Jailendra Singh - Truist Securities Stephen Baxter - Wells Fargo Securities Gary Taylor - Cowen Whit Mayo - Leerink Partners Adam Ron - Bank of America George Hill - Deutsche Bank Sandy Draper - Guggenheim Securities Jamie ...