BBVA Argentina Is The Best 2025 Buy: Leveraging On Milei's Miracle
Seeking Alpha· 2024-12-24 03:44
BBVA Argentina (NYSE: BBAR ) is one of the largest banks in that South American nation. From this point, it could see a major capital appreciation in the stock as the Argentinian public finances experience an impressive recovery due toI am a dedicated financial risk manager and investor specializing in financials, consumer, and technology industries. I have been involved in the investing world for over seven years, making deep analyses and managing different types of portfolios.I believe in deep research, p ...
Banco BBVA Argentina: Not The Best Play Among Argentine Banks
Seeking Alpha· 2024-11-22 07:02
Banco BBVA Argentina S.A. (NYSE: BBAR ) is expected to benefit from economic and social reforms in Argentina, but it has worse fundamentals than its peers and may not be the best way to play this macro theme.Labutes IR is a Fund Manager/Analyst specialized in the financial sector, with more than 18 years of experience in the financial markets. I have worked at several type of institutions in the industry, always at the buy side and related to portfolio management. Associated with the existing author The Out ...
BBVA(BBVA) - 2024 Q3 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-10-31 20:33
业绩总结 - BBVA在2024年第三季度的净可归属利润为2,627百万欧元,同比增长57%[15] - 2024年第三季度的营业收入为5,386百万欧元,同比增长40%[15] - 2024年第三季度的税前收入为3,867百万欧元,同比增长46%[15] - 2024年9个月的净可归属利润为7,622百万欧元,同比增长44%[17] - 2024年9月的净可归属利润为10.76亿欧元,同比增长23.4%[18] - 2024年前九个月的总收入为1,048百万欧元,同比增长23.0%[63] 用户数据 - 2024年9月的客户资金总增长为25.4%[24] - 信用卡业务同比增长18.6%[24] - 3Q24客户存款年增长率为12.3%[44] - 移动客户数量同比增长24%[94] - 2024年9月,数字销售占总销售的比例持续上升,客户渗透率达到74.1%[95] 财务指标 - 净利息收入为5,868百万欧元,同比增长4%[15] - 2024年第三季度净利息收入为3,035百万欧元,同比增长8.3%[42] - 2024年9个月的净利息收入为18,861百万欧元,同比增长14%[17] - 2024年9月的净手续费和佣金为5.66亿欧元,同比增长11.1%[18] - 2024年9月的经营费用为8.25亿欧元,同比增长4.0%[18] - 2024年第三季度的成本收入比率为34.6%[18] 资产质量 - 2024年第三季度的资产质量稳定,风险成本为1.42%[13] - 2024年9月的非执行贷款(NPL)比率保持稳定[30] - 3Q24资产质量比率中不良贷款比率为2.72%[44] - 西班牙的贷款损失准备金在2024年第三季度的累计减值为3,380万欧元[74] - 墨西哥的贷款损失准备金在2024年第三季度的累计减值为561万欧元[74] 资本充足率 - CET1比率为12.84%,高于目标范围11.5%-12.0%[10] - BBVA集团的核心一级资本比率(CET1)在2024年第三季度为12.84%[84] - BBVA集团的流动性覆盖率(LCR)为184%,高于150%的要求[78] - BBVA集团的净稳定资金比率(NSFR)为130%[78] - 2024年9月,BBVA的每股账面价值(TBV)为18.7亿欧元,较上季度下降3.4%[86] 市场表现 - 西班牙市场的收入为7,103百万欧元,占总收入的44%[60] - 土耳其市场的收入为2,838百万欧元,占总收入的27%[60] - 墨西哥市场的收入为11,641百万欧元,占总收入的11%[60] - 南美市场的收入为3,865百万欧元,占总收入的14%[60] - 土耳其本币贷款收益率在2024年第三季度为38.47%,较2023年第三季度的33.02%显著上升[72]
Best Income Stocks to Buy for October 22nd
ZACKS· 2024-10-22 19:01
Here are three stocks with buy rank and strong income characteristics for investors to consider today, October 22nd:Banco Bilbao Viscaya Argentaria (BBVA) : This company which is engaged in a wide variety of banking, financial and related activities in Spain, has witnessed the Zacks Consensus Estimate for its current year earnings increasing 6.1% over the last 60 days.This Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy) company has a dividend yield of 5.2%, compared with the industry average of 4.1%.United Microelectronics (UMC ...
Insights Into BBVA's Digital Transformation Strategies, 2024
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-09-30 18:08
Dublin, Sept. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Enterprise Tech Ecosystem Series: BBVA 2024" company profile has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering. The report provides insights into BBVA's tech activities, including its digital transformation strategies, its innovation programs, and its technology initiatives. The group offers its services through a network of branch offices, ATMs, and online portals in Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Europe, and North America.The report provides information and ...
Cards and Payments in Mexico, 2018-2028: Business Opportunities, Market Risks, and Consumer Attitudes Featuring Strategic Analysis of BBVA, BanCoppel, Citibank & More
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-09-27 16:58
Dublin, Sept. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Mexico Cards and Payments: Opportunities and Risks to 2028" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.This report provides top-level market analysis, information and insights into the Mexico cards and payments industry, including: Current and forecast values for each market in the Mexico cards and payments industry, including debit, credit and charge cards.Detailed insights into payment instruments including cash, cards, credit transfers, dir ...
Banco BBVA Argentina: Let Your Winners Run
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-04 20:34
ferrantraite/E+ via Getty Images Thesis Recap I covered Banco BBVA Argentina (NYSE:BBAR) in April 2024, with the thesis that Argentina's improving economy and inflation trends would push Argentinian bank stocks up even further. Since then, the stock has given investors a total return of 57%, and yet I still think there is more upside today. From a bottom-up perspective, BBVA Argentina's earnings still trade at a low multiple, leading me to reiterate my buy rating with an updated price target of $14. Put sim ...
BBVA(BBVA) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-08-03 20:32
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 第二季度净利润达到28亿欧元,同比增长38%,环比增长27% [6] - 每股收益0.47欧元,同比增长42%,环比增长28% [6] - 有形净资产收益率达到20%,创历史新高 [7][8] - 股东权益收益率达到19.1% [7] - 资本充足率为12.75%,高于监管要求 [7] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 西班牙业务净利润超过10亿欧元,创历史新高 [23] - 贷款增长2.4%,高于市场平均水平 [23] - 净息差保持稳定,手续费收入大幅增长 [24] - 成本收入比降至35.4%,创历史新低 [24] - 墨西哥业务净利润达29亿欧元 [26] - 贷款增长12.6%,其中零售贷款增长16.6% [26] - 净息差保持稳定,手续费收入大幅增长 [27] - 成本收入比降至30.4%,创历史新低 [28] - 土耳其业务净利润3.51亿欧元 [29][31] - 净息差改善,手续费收入大幅增长 [29] - 拨备计提有所上升,但仍在可控范围 [31] - 南美业务净利润3.17亿欧元 [32] - 净息差和手续费收入均有改善 [32] - 拨备计提水平稳定在312个基点 [33] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 西班牙业务收入同比增长29%,创历史新高 [13] - 墨西哥业务收入同比增长14%,保持稳定 [13] - 土耳其业务收入同比增长47%,呈现明显改善 [13] - 南美业务收入同比增长16%,呈现复苏态势 [13] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司在数字化渠道获得了560万新客户,占比67% [19] - 公司在可持续金融领域表现出色,上半年投放460亿欧元 [20] - 公司在社会公益方面的贡献,如帮助75,000户家庭购房、发放34万笔中小企业贷款等 [21] - 公司各项关键指标均超出此前设定的目标 [22] - 收购Sabadell的交易有望带来850亿欧元的协同效应,并为Sabadell股东带来27%的每股收益增厚 [37][40] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 公司对墨西哥未来前景保持乐观,认为制造业成本优势将推动该国经济持续增长 [90] - 公司对土耳其未来前景也持乐观态度,认为净息差和减值拨备有望进一步改善 [93][94] - 公司对西班牙和南美地区的业务前景也表示乐观 [63][73] 其他重要信息 - 公司将在完成收购Sabadell后立即恢复股票回购计划 [73] - 公司对收购Sabadell的竞争监管审查持乐观态度,认为不会触发任何监管红线 [78] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Cecilia Romero Reyes 提问** 询问公司对墨西哥市场前景的看法,以及对利率环境的预期 [76][77][79] **Onur Genc 和 Luisa Gomez Bravo 回答** 公司对墨西哥前景持乐观态度,认为制造业成本优势将推动经济持续增长 [78][79][81] 公司预计墨西哥利率将在下半年维持在10.5%的水平,这对公司有利 [79] 问题2 **Britta Schmidt 提问** 询问公司对墨西哥贷款增长和资产质量的看法 [88][89] **Onur Genc 回答** 公司对墨西哥贷款增长保持乐观,认为该国银行业历史上一直保持双位数增长 [89][90] 公司认为墨西哥资产质量风险可控,即使利率维持高位也不会对成本上升造成太大影响 [90] 问题3 **Ignacio Cerezo 提问** 询问公司对土耳其业务的看法,特别是净息差、手续费和成本的预期 [92][93] **Onur Genc 回答** 公司认为土耳其净息差有望改善,手续费和交易收入将保持良好表现 [93][94] 成本风险可能是土耳其业务的潜在负面因素,但整体来看公司对土耳其前景持乐观态度 [94]
BBVA(BBVA) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-08-03 18:48
业绩总结 - 2Q24净可归属利润为2,794百万欧元,同比增长37%[31] - 6M24净可归属利润为4,994百万欧元,同比增长37%[32] - 2Q24核心收入(净利息收入+手续费)同比增长23.4%[25] - 6M24净利息收入同比增长20%[33] - CET1比率为12.82%,高于目标范围11.5%-12.0%[16] - ROE为19.1%,ROTE为20.0%[19] 业务表现 - 西班牙和墨西哥的业绩表现强劲,持续受到活动增长的支持[46][50] - 数字渠道推动新客户增长,数字渠道占比为67%[78] - 可持续业务累计金额为自2018年以来的46亿欧元,年增长率为37%[81] 贷款和资产质量 - 2Q24总贷款增长率为10.7%[25] - 公司总贷款增长率为8.3%[55] - 金融资产减值为2Q24 13亿欧元,较去年同期增长[70] - 风险成本为6M24 3.8%,较去年同期有所增长[71] - 不良贷款为十一亿欧元[72] - 不良贷款率和覆盖率分别为Jun-23至Jun-24[73] 费用和效率 - 通货膨胀率为21.3%,12个月平均增长率为+30.5%[66] - 营业费用增长率为+19.5%[66] - 效率比率为39.3%,较去年同期下降362个基点[68] 分支业务表现 - TL贷款在2Q中略有下降,重点放在出口贷款增长上[131] - 哥伦比亚NAP得到支持,净利息收入增长强劲,费用降低,CoR保持不变[142] - 秘鲁NAP表现积极,收入增长受到活动和费用降低的支持,基础准备需求环比稳定[143]
Banco Bilbao (BBVA) Upgraded to Strong Buy: What Does It Mean for the Stock?
ZACKS· 2024-06-26 01:00
Banco Bilbao (BBVA) appears an attractive pick, as it has been recently upgraded to a Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy). This upgrade is essentially a reflection of an upward trend in earnings estimates -- one of the most powerful forces impacting stock prices.The sole determinant of the Zacks rating is a company's changing earnings picture. The Zacks Consensus Estimate -- the consensus of EPS estimates from the sell-side analysts covering the stock -- for the current and following years is tracked by the system.I ...