Inter & Co(INTR)
Here's How to Find Great Cheap Stocks Under $10 to Buy in June
ZACKS· 2024-06-05 03:56
The stock market has cooled off to close May and start June. The downturn appears to be a healthy recalibration following a bullish stretch wrapped inside an impressive YTD run and a large surge off the market's October 2023 lows. The recent pullback likely sets up more attractive buying opportunities for strong stocks. The last several years also highlight why investors are often best suited to stay constantly exposed to the market and buy into weakness. Investors who want to keep buying stocks in June mig ...
Moody's assigns debut ratings to Inter, recognizing strong financial position
Newsfilter· 2024-05-31 22:16
文章核心观点 - 跨美洲领先的金融超级应用Inter&Co获得了穆迪首次授予的AA+.br长期发行人和存款评级,评级展望稳定[1][2][3] - 这些评级突出了Inter的强大的财务状况,反映了其不断扩张的数字化零售银行模式和盈利能力的增长[1][3] 公司概况 - Inter&Co是一家控制巴西Banco Inter和子公司Inter&Co Payments的公司,是服务于3200万客户的跨美洲金融超级应用[4] - Inter&Co生态系统提供广泛的服务,包括银行、投资、抵押贷款、信贷、保险和跨境支付[4] - 该金融超级应用还拥有一个动态的市场,为消费者提供购物折扣、返现奖励和独家获取全球重大活动的机会[4] - Inter&Co专注于创新和吸引客户体验,为现代消费者提供全面的金融和生活方式解决方案[4] 评级亮点 - 穆迪报告强调了Inter在维持强劲的资本水平和低融资成本的同时持续扩张业务[2] - 评级还认可了Inter出色的风险管理实践,包括控制在可控水平的不良贷款和谨慎的信用风险政策[2] - 穆迪预计Inter未来将继续提高盈利能力,保持资产质量和资本水平[3]
Are You Looking for a Top Momentum Pick? Why Inter & Co. Inc. (INTR) is a Great Choice· 2024-05-30 01:01
Momentum investing is all about the idea of following a stock's recent trend, which can be in either direction. In the 'long' context, investors will essentially be "buying high, but hoping to sell even higher." And for investors following this methodology, taking advantage of trends in a stock's price is key; once a stock establishes a course, it is more than likely to continue moving in that direction. The goal is that once a stock heads down a fixed path, it will lead to timely and profitable trades. Eve ...
Inter&Co doubles down on SMEs through acquisition of Granito
Newsfilter· 2024-05-28 19:33
Inter&Co (NASDAQ:INTR), the company that controls Banco Inter in Brazil and the subsidiary Inter&Co Payments, is the pioneering financial super app serving over 32 million customers across the Americas. The Inter ecosystem offers a broad array of services, including banking, investments, mortgages, credit, insurance, and cross-border payments. The financial super app also boasts a dynamic marketplace, linking consumers with shopping discounts, cashback rewards, and exclusive access to marquee events across ...
Intrepid Metals Completes Initial Drill Program at Its Corral Copper Property in Arizona· 2024-05-28 19:00
. ● . Intrepid Metals Completes Initial Drill Program at Its Corral Copper Property in Arizona May 28, 2024 7:00 AM EDT | Source: Intrepid Metals Corp. Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - May 28, 2024) - Intrepid Metals Corp. (TSXV: INTR) (OTCQB: IMTCF) ("Intrepid" or the "Company") is pleased to announce its initial drill program on the Company's Corral Copper Property ("Corral" or the "Property") in Cochise County, Arizona has been completed on time and on budget. A total of 25 holes were drill ...
S&P reviews Banco Inter's outlook to Stable and reaffirms its "brAA+" rating
Newsfilter· 2024-05-21 07:15
About Inter&Co Inter&Co (NASDAQ:INTR), the company that controls Banco Inter in Brazil and the subsidiary Inter&Co Payments, is the pioneer financial super app serving over 32 million customers across the Americas. The Inter&Co ecosystem offers a broad array of services, including banking, investments, mortgages, credit, insurance, and cross-border payments. The financial super app also boasts a dynamic marketplace, linking consumers with shopping discounts, cashback rewards, and exclusive access to marquee ...
S&P reviews Banco Inter's outlook to Stable and reaffirms its "brAA+" rating· 2024-05-21 07:15
BELO HORIZONTE, Brazil, May 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Inter&Co (NASDAQ: INTR), the financial super app serving over 32 million customers across the Americas, announced today that S&P Global Ratings (S&P) has upgraded Banco Inter outlook to "Stable" and reaffirmed its "brAA+" local rating. In the report S&P stated that: "The stable outlook reflects our view that Inter&Co will continue to improve its profitability, providing greater stability to the business." About Inter&Co Inter&Co (NASDAQ: INTR), the co ...
Inter & Co(INTR) - 2024 Q1 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-05-12 18:32
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司在第一季度实现了近3200万客户,客户激活率达到55%,较上一季度提升86个基点 [9] - 公司的效率比率继续改善,从50.3%降至47.7%,同比改善3.6个百分点 [10] - 公司的ROE接近两位数,达到9.7%,这一数字更加可贵的是公司持有大量的超额资本 [11] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 公司的客户基础、贷款组合和收入均实现了强劲增长,体现了公司在客户、资产负债表和利润表各方面的持续超越行业的增长 [13][14][15] - 公司的Loop忠诚度计划正在推动客户参与和生态系统扩张 [16] - 公司的新信贷产品如PIX Financing和Buy Now Pay Later正在快速扩张 [32][33] - 公司正在通过复制在巴西建立的强大应用程序基础设施,在美国复制全球账户业务 [17] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 公司在巴西市场的交易量同比增长42%,反映了平台的强劲增长和采用 [24] - 公司在美国市场的资产托管和存款规模达到4.6亿美元,同比增长223% [29] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司正在通过整合现有垂直业务来颠覆更新的行业,推出综合性的Loop奖励计划 [16] - 公司正在扩大新的信贷产品,如PIX Financing和Buy Now Pay Later,并正在战略性地建立全球账户业务 [17] - 公司未来的三大重点是:1)继续推动客户、贷款、存款和收入的增长;2)提高客户参与度和忠诚度;3)继续提高运营杠杆和净息差 [18][19] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 管理层对公司的表现和实现"60/30/30"目标的进度感到满意,认为这反映了公司业务模式的成熟和实力 [52][53] - 管理层认为公司的技术平台是其关键竞争优势,并将在5月13日举办技术日活动深入探讨这一优势 [54] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Tito Labarta提问** - 公司贷款组合的资产质量如何保持良好,尽管存在一些季节性因素 [56][57] - 公司未来是否有信心继续保持30%左右的贷款增长 [59][60][65] - 公司资本比率下降的原因,是否主要由于支付股息 [58][59][60] **Santiago Stel回答** - 资产质量的季节性波动在预期之内,公司将继续专注于风险调整后的净息差 [58][59] - 公司有信心在30%左右维持贷款增长,具体取决于下半年的表现 [59][60][65] - 资本比率下降主要由于证券投资组合的市值下跌、支付股息以及向子公司增资等因素 [58][59][60] 问题2 **Thiago Batista提问** - PIX Financing对公司的盈利能力有多大的变革性影响 [73][74] - 公司如何应对近期利率大幅上升的情况,采取了什么对冲策略 [74][75] **João Vitor Menin和Santiago Stel回答** - PIX Financing是公司看好的消费金融2.0产品,具有较好的经济学和较低的违约率 [73][74] - 公司采取了对冲长期贷款组合利率风险的策略,但暂时暂停了新的对冲,等待利率进一步下降后再恢复 [74][75] 问题3 **Pedro Leduc提问** - 公司在信用卡业务方面的策略和表现如何,是针对哪些客户群体 [77][78][79] - 公司未来是否有信心维持30%左右的贷款组合增长 [77][78][79] **Alexandre Riccio回答** - 信用卡业务是公司重要的交易银行业务和客户粘性的关键驱动因素,增长来自于忠诚度计划、新信贷产品以及对现有客户的授信扩大 [77][78][79] - 公司有信心在30%左右维持贷款组合的增长,将在高收益低违约率产品与信用卡之间保持平衡 [77][78][79]
Inter & Co(INTR) - 2024 Q1 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-05-10 01:07
winter&co EARNINGS PRESENTATION | 1Q24 These forward-looking statements are based on Inter's expectations and beliefs about future events and involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from current ones. Any forward-looking statement made by us in this document is based only on information currently available to us and speaks only as of the date on which it is made. We undertake no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement, whether written or oral, ...
Inter&Co Inc. Reports Record Profit
Newsfilter· 2024-05-09 21:01
BELO HORIZONTE, Brazil, May 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Inter&Co Inc. (NASDAQ:INTR, B3: INBR32))), the premier financial super app that provides financial and digital commerce services to over 31 million customers, today reported financial results for the first quarter of 2024. Highlights: Record net income of R$195 million. A 37% YoY increase in net revenue.Transactional Volume (TPV) increased to R$257 billion.A 5th consecutive quarter of increased account activations, reaching 54.9%. Inter&Co reported s ...