Realty Income(O)
Realty Income: Stability In A Twilight World
Seeking Alpha· 2024-11-15 19:26
Robin Hannoun, CFA is a Senior Investment Analyst at Valued Wealth Management, with a Master of Finance from HEC Paris and a Master of International Business from the University of Florida. He holds bachelor’s degrees in Finance and Economics from UF and holds the illustrious CFA charter. Robin specializes in portfolio management and tactical options strategies, helping investors everywhere achieve financial goals through data-driven insights and disciplined risk management.Analyst’s Disclosure: I/we have n ...
2 High-Yield Stocks on Sale Right Now
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-13 22:32
Some rock-solid dividend stocks took a beating after the election, and that could mean opportunity.The stock market as a whole rocketed higher after the results of the election were revealed, but some areas of the stock market underperformed -- specifically high-yield dividend stocks. In this video, longtime contributors Matt Frankel and Tyler Crowe discuss two stocks that look like excellent opportunities right now.*Stock prices used were the morning prices of Nov. 7, 2024. The video was published ...
Doubling Down On Realty Income
Seeking Alpha· 2024-11-13 02:26
Since our last coverage , Realty Income Corporation (NYSE: O ) has declined by about 8%, largely due to market uncertainties fueled by policy shifts and economic volatility. However, the Fed's 25-basis-point rate cut provided a short-term boost to REITs, commercialYiannis Zourmpanos, founder of Yiazou IQ, an AI-driven stock research platform providing all-in-one stock reports. Experience: Previously worked at Deloitte and KPMG in external/internal auditing and consulting. Education: Chartered Certified Acco ...
Why Realty Income Is My Top Pick For November
Seeking Alpha· 2024-11-11 22:15
关于iREIT+HOYA Capital - 是Seeking Alpha上专注于收益的首要投资服务 专注于产生收益的资产类别 提供可持续投资组合收益 多样化和通胀对冲机会 可免费试用两周查看独家收益型投资组合中的最佳想法 [1] 关于市场 - 在特朗普涨势之后市场持续创下历史新高 市场更像是个股的市场而非整体股市 许多投资者似乎不惜一切代价追逐增长 [2] 关于分析师披露 - 分析师通过股票所有权 期权或其他衍生品在O股中拥有有益的多头头寸 文章为分析师自己所写表达自己观点 除Seeking Alpha外无报酬 与文章提及股票的公司无业务关系 [3]
Could Realty Income Help You Become a Millionaire?
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-10 17:15
This real estate investment trust is poised to deliver above-average dividends.Realty Income (O 2.00%) has long been a top stock to own among dividend investors.The real estate investment trust (REIT) has several qualities that almost any income investor would want in a dividend stock. It has a recession-proof business model because it operates through triple-net leases, meaning its tenants pay for insurance, property taxes, and maintenance. It also generally leases its properties to stable recession-proof ...
Do the Prospects for Dividend Favorite Realty Income Look Strong, or Is Trouble Brewing?
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-10 00:17
公司近期季度表现 - 公司本季度业绩稳定但投资者关注其租户情况 [2] - 公司本季度营收增长28%达13.3亿美元新收购及投资助力业绩新物业投资7.4亿美元加权平均现金收益率同店租赁收入零售降0.3%工业增1.9%游戏增1.7%其他增4.7% [6][7] - 本季度调整后运营资金(AFFO)每股增长3%至1.05美元全年AFFO指引低端上调 [8] 租户相关情况 - 公司提及近期破产租户及高回收率如红龙虾餐厅216项资产9项被拒回收率91%来德爱88% [3] - 沃尔格林13份租约到期全部续租回收率100%与CVS、美元树、家庭美元历史续租回收率超100% [4] - 本季度170份租约续租回收率105% [6] - 本季度末美元通用和沃尔格林各占年化总租金3.3%美元树/家庭美元3.1%CVS1.2% [4] 公司战略举措 - 公司欲创建私人资本基金涉足零售工业数据中心游戏等领域 [5] 公司股息情况 - 尽管租户面临压力股息安全且应会继续增长本季度股息增长3%至0.789美元已连续108个季度提高股息 [9] - 本季度股息被AFFO轻松覆盖AFFO派息率75.1%有足够空间继续提高股息 [9] 公司股票情况 - 公司股票面临顺风和逆风四大租户占年化合同租金约11%需关注其情况 [10] - 低利率环境对股票和物业价值有利 [11] - 利率环境应是未来股票的主要驱动因素涉足私人资金对公司和股票购买者可能是积极因素 [12]
Realty Income Announces 653rd Consecutive Common Stock Monthly Dividend
Prnewswire· 2024-11-09 05:05
SAN DIEGO, Nov. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Realty Income Corporation (Realty Income, NYSE: O), The Monthly Dividend Company®, today announced that it has declared the 653rd consecutive common stock monthly dividend. The dividend amount of $0.2635 per share, representing an annualized amount of $3.162 per share, is payable on December 13, 2024 to stockholders of record as of December 2, 2024.About Realty Income Realty Income (NYSE: O), an S&P 500 company, is real estate partner to the world's leading companies. ...
Realty Income: It Is Time For Bears To Face Reality Check
Seeking Alpha· 2024-11-08 22:15
Realty Income Corporation (NYSE: O ) has just recently issued its Q3, 2024 earnings report, and the stock immediately dropped by ~3%. On the same day, we got news on the new President that triggered uneven market reaction across different asset classes, from whichRoberts Berzins has over a decade of experience in the financial management helping top-tier corporates shape their financial strategies and execute large-scale financings. He has also made significant efforts to institutionalize REIT framework in ...
Realty Income: This Dividend Stock Is a Strong Inflation Hedge
MarketBeat· 2024-11-08 20:00
文章核心观点 - 美国大选结果出来后投资者需关注通胀对冲 通胀回升是未来市场面临的主要主题 而Realty Income公司股票可作为应对通胀的有用选择 [1] 关于Realty Income公司 股票基本情况 - 股价为$56.38 较前一交易日跌$0.62 跌幅1.09% 52周股价范围为$49.52 - $64.88 股息率5.60% 市盈率53.70 目标价$63.85 [1] 应对通胀优势 - 房地产行业在通胀期间可通过提高租金来应对货币购买力下降 Realty Income公司股票价格处于低位 能为股东提供跑赢通胀的股息 [2] 股息情况 - 股价跌至52周高点的88%时 每股$3.16的股息支付颇具吸引力 年化收益率达5.5% 高于通胀和十年期债券收益率 股息增长记录达32年 三年年化股息增长率2.98% 股息支付率300.96% 下次股息支付日为11月15日 且该公司是少数按月发放股息的公司 [3] 按月股息的好处 - 一是提供更大的流动性 便于将资金分散到其他有吸引力的投资中 二是投资者可将每月股息再投资到该公司股票 加速持股步伐 从而获得更多的月股息 [3][4] 股票的保护性 - 房地产股票波动不大 Realty Income股票的贝塔系数低 与标准普尔500指数相关性低 可保护投资者资本 [5] 华尔街分析师观点 - 过去12个月虽跑输部分热门板块 但分析师仍认为未来数月有两位数涨幅的可能 瑞银集团重申买入评级 并将目标价从$70提高到$72 股票需从当前价位上涨23%才能达到新目标价 整体市场排名处于第97百分位 分析师评级为持有 上涨潜力为13.2% 卖空兴趣处于健康水平 股息实力强劲 [6][7] 其他情况 - 环境评分 -2.05 新闻情绪0.47 内部人员在出售股票 预计盈利增长3.57% [8] - 过去一个月卖空兴趣下降15.4% 显示出空头投降迹象 [9] - KBC集团对该公司的持股增加391.6% 目前持有价值$39.6百万的股票 [10] - 市盈率为54.3倍 较房地产投资信托行业平均估值35.2倍有54%的溢价 通常这种有合理溢价的股票表现优于同行 [11] - 目前分析师评级为持有 未被列入分析师悄悄推荐给客户购买的五只股票名单中 [12]
Realty Income: Who Wants A Raise?
Seeking Alpha· 2024-11-08 20:00
关于iREIT®+HOYA Capital - 提供免费2周试用可获取更多功能 [1] - 由Brad与HOYA Capital领导投资集团iREIT®+HOYA Capital服务涵盖REITs、BDCs、MLPs、Preferreds等收入导向型投资品 团队分析师有超100年经验成员包括前对冲基金经理等 [2] 关于Brad Thomas - 有超30年房地产投资经验完成超10亿美元商业房地产交易被多媒体报道著有4本书包括《REITs For Dummies》 [3] 关于分析师披露 - 分析师在O、ADC、IRET股票中有长期受益头寸文章表达个人观点未从除Seeking Alpha外获取报酬与文中提及公司无业务关系 [4] 关于作者说明 - Brad Thomas是华尔街作家预测推荐可能有误文章免费用于辅助研究 [5] 关于Seeking Alpha披露 - 过去表现不保证未来结果未给出投资是否适合特定投资者的建议分析师为第三方作者 [6]