Wendy's Frosty Frights Kids' Meal Celebrates Spooky and Sweet Halloween Icons
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-09-26 18:00
A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on this link. ORLANDO, Fla., Sept. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Get ready for hauntingly good times at Wendy’s! The iconic brand is officially kicking off its HalloWEENDY’s season with a frightfully fun new collection of Frosty Frights kids’ meal toys. Through the spooky season, fans can collect all 11 Frosty Frights kids’ meal toys inspired by the iconic Frosty treat. From Franken Frosty to Frosty Bite, Coolie Ghoulie, Brrr Beast, Col ...
WEN Stock Down 15% in a Year: Still Worth it? Buy, Sell or Hold?
ZACKS· 2024-09-26 00:50
The Wendy’s Company (WEN) stock registered a 14.6% drop in the past year, lagging the Zacks Retail - Restaurants industry’s 12.8% growth and the S&P 500’s 33.8% rise. This underperformance is largely due to higher labor costs, reduced customer count and increased capital expenditures. The company’s incremental investment in breakfast advertising has further pressured margins.Despite these challenges, Wendy's shares have shown resilience in the past month, rising 3.7% compared with the industry's 3.4% growth ...
Wendy's Is Treating Fans to a Sweet Frosty Fix When and Where They Need It Most
Prnewswire· 2024-09-25 23:07
For fans facing fast food ice cream machine downtime, Wendy's serves up $1 Frosty treats* through SeptemberDUBLIN, Ohio, Sept. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ --WHAT: For nearly 55 years, Wendy's® iconic Frosty® has been the go-to sweet treat fix when fans' cravings strike, while the ice cream machines at the other guys are offline – often for two to three hours at a time.** Partnering with the infamous McBroken.com developer,** Wendy's tracked where a Frosty Fix was needed the most and found Chicago, Houston, Las Ve ...
The Wendy's Company Announces Executive Leadership Appointments
Prnewswire· 2024-09-16 19:30
John Min Appointed Chief Legal Officer and Secretary Mary Greenlee Named Senior Vice President, U.S. OperationsDUBLIN, Ohio, Sept. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Wendy's Company (Nasdaq: WEN) ("Wendy's" or the "Company") announced today the appointment of John Min as the Company's Chief Legal Officer and Secretary and Mary Greenlee as Senior Vice President, U.S. Operations, effective today. These appointments represent the continued evolution of the Company's leadership structure to drive accountability and a ...
Nelson Peltz steps down as chair of Wendy's board, starting a new era for burger chain
CNBC· 2024-09-09 20:58
Nelson Peltz speaking at the 2019 Delivering Alpha conference in New York on Sept. 19, 2019.Nelson Peltz is stepping down as chair of Wendy's, ending a 17-year reign at the fast-food chain.Wendy's said Friday that the change is effective immediately.Peltz's exit comes as low-income consumers eat out less, causing Wendy's sales to slump. Shares of the burger chain have fallen more than 12% this year, dragging its market value down to $3.45 billion. Earlier this year, PepsiCo veteran Kirk Tanner stepped in as ...
A Frosty Fright: Wendy's New Kids' Meal Celebrates Spooky and Sweet Halloween Icons
Prnewswire· 2024-09-03 21:00
Fans who purchase a $1 Boo! Books benefiting foster care adoption will also score a $1.99 Kids' Meal with purchase couponDUBLIN, Ohio, Sept. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ --WHAT: Wendy's® is officially kicking off the HalloWEENDY's season with a new Frosty® Frights kids' meal collection. Through the spooky season, fans can collect all Frosty Frights kids' meal toys inspired by the iconic Frosty treat, if they dare... With spooky-fun characters like Franken Frosty, Frosty Bite, Coolie Ghoulie, Brrr Beast, Cold Spell ...
Wendy's: Hitting A Cyclical Soft Patch
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-28 15:06
jetcityimage/iStock Editorial via Getty ImagesI thought Wendy's (NASDAQ:WEN) looked cheap enough when I opened on it with a 'Buy' rating late last year. Sure, there is a lot that is so-so here, including unit economics and growth prospects, but these shares were offering up a 5% dividend yield back then, and that really didn't require too much supplemental growth from the business in order to work for investors. The stock has definitely disappointed in that time. This isn't an easy period for quick-serv ...
Saucy Season: Wendy's New Saucy Nuggs Party Pack Drops Just in Time for Football Fans
Prnewswire· 2024-08-28 00:34
文章核心观点 - 温迪斯推出新款"Saucy Nuggs"鸡肉块,适合在观看比赛时食用 [1][2][3] - 这款产品将于8月27日全国上市,提供多种口味选择 [3][4] - 温迪斯希望通过这款产品满足狂热球迷的需求,为他们提供游戏日的美味佳肴 [6] 公司信息 - 温迪斯公司成立于1969年,总部位于俄亥俄州哥伦布市 [7] - 公司以提供新鲜、从未冷冻过的牛肉汉堡而闻名,同时也提供沙拉、奶昔等其他特色产品 [7] - 温迪斯公司致力于做正确的事情,为他人创造积极的影响,如通过支持戴夫·托马斯收养基金会等慈善项目 [7] - 目前温迪斯及其特许经营商在全球拥有7000多家餐厅,雇佣数十万员工 [7] 产品信息 - "Saucy Nuggs"鸡肉块约含45-50块白肉鸡块,可选择7种独特口味 [3][8] - 每份"Saucy Nuggs"都附带Ranch或Blue Cheese蘸酱,为观看比赛提供完美的食用体验 [3] - 消费者可通过门店、App等渠道订购"Saucy Nuggs" [4][5] - 此外,温迪斯还推出了每周六免送货费的优惠活动 [5]
Wendy's (WEN) Falls 13% YTD: Can the Stock Bounce Back?
ZACKS· 2024-08-22 23:16
Shares of The Wendy's Company (WEN) have declined 12.8% year to date (YTD), compared with the industry’s decrease of 2.1%. The decline can be attributed to commodities costs and reduced customer count.The situation with commodities hasn't shifted much. The company is still seeing inflationary pressures on beef and fries. While WEN intends to strategically adjust, select menu prices and product offerings to mitigate the challenges, potential delays in implementation and competitive pressures may hinder its a ...
Wendy's: Only Buy If You Have The Patience To Wait! (Rating Upgrade)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-05 13:56
行业背景 - 美国快餐行业(QSR)和全服务餐厅(FSR)的消费者对价格更加敏感,更倾向于选择价值套餐 [1] - 过去十年,QSR的菜单价格上涨速度是通胀率的两倍以上 [1] - QSR更依赖低收入消费者,当这些消费者减少外出就餐或转向便利店和超市时,QSR需要通过提高价格来维持可比销售额 [1] 行业趋势 - 2023年消费者对菜单价格上涨的抵触情绪增强,导致平均账单增长放缓,2024年趋于稳定 [2] - 2024年大多数餐厅的可比销售额为负,尤其是在加州,快餐法案的实施增加了运营成本 [2] - 价值促销成为吸引客流的关键,行业前25%的餐厅在2024年第二季度的客流增长了2% [2] 公司表现 - 温迪的可比销售额在2024年第二季度表现疲软但为正,客流下降2%,但平均账单增长2.6% [4] - 温迪的系统销售额增长预期从3%-5%下调至1%-3%,而行业预期为-0.8%至-0.2% [5] - 温迪的数字化销售在2024年同比增长40%,占全球销售额的17% [6] 70/30扩张计划 - 温迪的70/30扩张计划旨在通过国际特许经营模式实现70%的增长,截至2024年7月,国际门店数量为1248家,占总门店的17.18% [7] - 国际可比销售额在2024年第二季度同比增长2.5%,高于国内市场的0.6% [7] - 温迪计划在2025年前通过特许经营商在国际市场新增250至300家门店,目前已签署250家全球餐厅开发承诺 [7] 价值促销策略 - 温迪的“Biggie Bag”价值套餐在消费者中已有较高认知度,减少了广告支出 [10] - 温迪通过数字促销和菜单创新(如Triple Berry Frosty和Saucy Nuggs)吸引消费者 [11] - 温迪的价值促销策略避免了与特许经营商的摩擦,保持了促销的连续性 [11] 财务与估值 - 温迪的估值模型显示其股票有40%的上涨空间,基于可比公司的加权平均估值为23.50美元 [12] - 温迪的股息增长模型显示,若股息以1.5%的速度持续增长,公司将被视为公允价值 [13] - 温迪的2024年和2025年P/E估值分别为17.06和15.76,显示其当前股价接近公允价值 [14] 长期投资价值 - 温迪的平均年回报率为13.32%,标准差为37.98%,高于麦当劳和Restaurant Brands [17] - 温迪的股息和回购策略使其成为长期投资组合的可靠选择,尤其是在消费者对价值促销需求增加的背景下 [17]