Clarivate identifies top 50 universities powering global innovation
Prnewswire· 2025-01-30 16:00
Report from the Institute for Scientific Information shows how academic research drives global innovation and benefits societyLONDON, Jan. 30, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Clarivate Plc (NYSE:CLVT), a leading global provider of transformative intelligence, today released The top 50 universities powering global innovation report which analyzes the critical role of research in shaping global industrial innovation and societal impact, using data and expert insights derived from academic research and patent citations. ...
Caterpillar Gears Up For Q4 Print; Here Are The Recent Forecast Changes From Wall Street's Most Accurate Analysts
Benzinga· 2025-01-30 15:58
Caterpillar Inc. CAT will release its fourth-quarter financial results, before the opening bell, on Thursday, Jan. 30, 2025.Analysts expect the Irving, Texas-based company to report quarterly earnings at $5.03 per share, down from $5.23 per share in the year-ago period. Caterpillar projects quarterly revenue of $16.53 billion, compared to $17.07 billion a year earlier, according to data from Benzinga Pro.On Jan. 15, Caterpillar announced Chief Human Resources Officer Cheryl H. Johnson will retire April 30.C ...
国际金价连涨四周 距历史高点仅一步之遥
中国经济网· 2025-01-30 15:52
每年春节很多人都会买黄金首饰讨个吉利,还能保值但黄金的价格今年确实有点高而且又涨了! 据央视财经,当地时间周二,受到科技股和芯片股上涨的带动,截至当天收盘,美国三大股指集体上 涨。 道指涨0.31%,标普500指数涨0.92%,纳指涨2.03%。 个股方面,芯片巨头英伟达股价周二上涨近9%。 由于受到中国AI大模型公司DeepSeek所带来的技术突破冲击,英伟达股价周一暴跌近17%,单日市值蒸 发约5900亿美元,为美股历史上最大单日市值损失纪录。 此外,博通股价周二上涨近2.6%,甲骨文涨超3.6%。 零售市场上,金饰价格也水涨船高。 1月29日,周大福足金饰品类报价836元/克,周生生官足金饰品类报价达到837元/克。 国际金价连涨四周,今年黄金贴纸突然流行2025年开年以来,黄金价格整体呈现上涨趋势。 截至1月26日,COMEX黄金期货累计上涨超5%,连续四个交易周录得上涨。 行业人士认为,2025年全球经济环境的不确定性依然存在,将支撑黄金价格继续走高,但整体上涨幅度 或不及2024年。 记者走访多家商场金店发现,如今年轻消费者成为进店消费主要力量,他们对于小克重、新颖款式的黄 金首饰情有独钟,这类产 ...
GENFIT Announces Non-Dilutive Royalty Financing Agreement and Debt Overhang Resolution Plan
GlobeNewswire· 2025-01-30 15:40
GENFIT signs royalty financing deal with HealthCare Royalty (HCRx) providing up to €185 million non-dilutive capital: €130 million upfront, with eligibility to receive up to €55 million in two additional instalments based on near-term milestonesClosing subject to approval by the 2025 OCEANE bondholders at upcoming bondholders meetingFinancing would extend cash runway beyond the end of 2027, assuming drawdown of all instalmentsProceeds to further strengthen the development of the ACLF pipeline In return, HCR ...
Here's Why D.R. Horton Is Looking Attractive
Seeking Alpha· 2025-01-30 15:24
One of the more vexing problems facing the United States is the lack of affordable housing, especially single family residences. While we have a glut of apartments hitting the market, housing starts and completions for single family have lagged. A combination ofBrent Nyitray, CFA is the author of The Daily Tearsheet: which is a blog covering economics, real estate and the mortgage space. He also has a Substack column called The Weekly Tearsheet: https://weeklytearsheet.substac ...
Tesla Stock: The Potential Reward Is Greater Than The Risk (Rating Upgrade)
Seeking Alpha· 2025-01-30 15:24
Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA ) (NEOE: TSLA:CA ) just reported its Q4 earnings report, and wow, there's a lot to unpack. The company missed estimates on both revenue and EPS, but the stock still went up, as investors really liked the optimistic projections thatI objectively search for undervalued stocks of any size across a wide variety of industries using quantitative methods that I've thoroughly backtested for success. I believe the numbers are more important than the story (most of the time), as they tend to paint ...
If Online Education Has A Future, Coursera Is Positioned To Be In It
Seeking Alpha· 2025-01-30 15:15
Over the last 4 months I have initiated coverage on Coursera (NYSE: COUR ), in this article I hope to highlight some of my current thoughts and share my Free Cash Flow valuationI am an ex-poker player and ex Mathematics teacher. I got lucky with some early investments but fell in love with researching and valuing companies, I have been lucky enough to be able to do that fulltime since 2016Analyst’s Disclosure: I/we have a beneficial long position in the shares of COUR either through stock ownership, options ...
中国经济网· 2025-01-30 15:11
中新网1月30日电 (邓宇虹)"欢迎新进直播间的朋友们!"这个春节,义乌老板娘杨聪云的直播间生意愈 发火爆。杨聪云在浙江省义乌市李祖村开了一家西班牙火腿和红酒的体验店,一根根西班牙火腿通 过"义新欧"中欧班列从马德里到义乌再通过互联网销往全国各地,"春节期间是我们的旺季,这一个月 大概是淡季时候三四个月的总量。" 提起创业的初衷,杨聪云说:"大部分的人想着做直播都是去往大城市,但是我就想说,要回到村子 里。"至今她依然记得第一次来到义乌李祖村时的感受,没想到在义乌这么商业化的环境里面,会有一 个看起来像大理风格的村子。同时,义乌发达的物流体系和良好的营商环境也给杨聪云的创业打下了坚 实的基础。"现在大家都是靠互联网、靠手机,信息很通畅的。义乌的快递在全国都是比较有名的,农 村快递都直接送货上门,所以服务也是非常方便。" 义乌是电商之都,杨聪云在电商行业的浪潮中,凭借着自己的努力和对各种技能的不断锤炼,实现了从 创业"小白"到行业佼佼者的华丽转身。她介绍自己是一名"创客","我们最近也是非常忙碌,我自己就 是从客服、主播、打包、剪辑、拍摄、文案、运营到服务线下的客户……所有的岗位我都要做。从进了 店里,出去一抬 ...
3 Key Reasons UiPath Is Our Favorite 'Second Layer' AI Play
Seeking Alpha· 2025-01-30 15:10
Since IPO, this relatively unknown tech company has essentially traded straight down, from the initial few sessions in the $60 - $80 range, toIf you've been an investor in UiPath (NYSE: PATH ) for any length of time, then you have our sympathies.At PropNotes, we focus on finding high-yield investment opportunities for individual investors.With our background in professional Prop Trading, we make complex concepts easy to understand and offer clear, actionable advice to help you achieve better returns. All of ...
Oil giant Shell posts larger-than-expected drop in full-year profit on lower crude prices
CNBC· 2025-01-30 15:10
A Shell logo is displayed on May 03, 2024 in Austin, Texas.British oil giant Shell on Thursday reported a significant drop in annual profit following a year of lower crude prices.Shell posted adjusted earnings of $23.72 billion for the full-year 2024, compared to annual profit of $28.25 billion a year earlier.Analysts had expected Shell's full-year 2024 net profit to come in at $24.71 billion, according to an LSEG-compiled consensus.The energy major posted weaker-than-anticipated adjusted earnings of $3.66 ...