Accenture to acquire Udacity to build a learning platform focused on AI
TechCrunch· 2024-03-06 06:29
Accenture announced today that it would acquire the learning platform Udacity as part of an effort to build a learning platform focused on the growing interest in AI. While the company didn’t specify how much it paid for Udacity, it also announced a $1 billion investment in building a technology learning platform it’s calling LearnVantage.While it could also offer more general technology training, the company made clear that it is particularly interested in offering training to get workers up to speed on AI ...
Accenture Launches Accenture LearnVantage to Help Clients and Their People Gain Essential Skills and Achieve Greater Business Value in the AI Economy
Businesswire· 2024-03-06 00:13
Accenture LearnVantage - Accenture推出了Accenture LearnVantage,为客户提供全面的技术学习和培训服务,帮助他们在技术、数据和人工智能领域重新培训和提升员工技能,以重塑组织并实现更大的商业价值[1] - 公司将在三年内投资10亿美元用于Accenture LearnVantage,并同意收购Udacity,以扩大和扩展Accenture在学习和培训方面的深厚经验,满足对技术技能的需求,包括生成式人工智能[2] - Accenture致力于帮助客户成为“人才创造者”,将人员置于技术、数据和人工智能重塑的中心,并通过投资行业特定的培训和技术技能发展来实现这一目标[3]
Accenture to Acquire EdTech Leader Udacity to Accelerate Capabilities of Accenture LearnVantage
Businesswire· 2024-03-06 00:12
收购详情 - Accenture同意收购Udacity,后者是一家数字教育先驱,专注于开发和提供融合在线学习灵活性和人工指导优势的专有技术课程[1] - Udacity团队将加入Accenture LearnVantage,为Accenture的客户提供全面的技术学习和培训服务,帮助他们在技术、数据和人工智能领域进行再培训和提升技能[2] - Udacity以其强调实践级技术技能获取的前沿学习方法而闻名,收购将为Accenture带来Udacity在整合专有内容、专家服务和可扩展学习技术方面的能力,无缝地弥合在线教育和工作场所相关性之间的差距[3]
Accenture (ACN) Rises As Market Takes a Dip: Key Facts
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-05 08:01
股价表现 - Accenture (ACN) 最近的股价为 $383.71,较前一个交易日收盘价上涨了 +0.71% [1] - Accenture (ACN) 过去一个月的股价上涨了 2.16%,表现不如商业服务行业的 7.65% 和标普500指数的 4.83% [2] 财报预测 - 投资者将密切关注 Accenture (ACN) 即将公布的财报,预计每股收益为 $2.65,同比下降 1.49%,营收预计为 $15.84 亿美元,同比增长 0.15% [3] - ACN 的全年 Zacks Consensus Estimates 预计每股收益为 $12.22,营收为 $66.22 亿美元,同比增长分别为 +4.71% 和 +3.29% [4] 估值分析 - 分析师对 Accenture 的最新估值变动可能反映了最新的短期业务趋势,正面的估值变动表明分析师对公司的业绩和利润潜力充满信心 [5] - 从估值角度看,Accenture 目前的 Forward P/E 比率为 31.19,较行业平均值 23.46 偏高 [8] 行业评级 - Consulting Services 行业隶属于 Business Services 部门,目前的 Zacks Industry Rank 为 154,在所有行业中排名倒数 39% [10] - Zacks Industry Rank 通过计算各个股票的 Zacks Rank 的平均值来评估各行业群体的实力,研究显示排名前 50% 的行业胜过后 50% 的行业 2 倍 [11]
Accenture (ACN) Is Considered a Good Investment by Brokers: Is That True?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-04 23:36
The recommendations of Wall Street analysts are often relied on by investors when deciding whether to buy, sell, or hold a stock. Media reports about these brokerage-firm-employed (or sell-side) analysts changing their ratings often affect a stock's price. Do they really matter, though?Before we discuss the reliability of brokerage recommendations and how to use them to your advantage, let's see what these Wall Street heavyweights think about Accenture (ACN) .Accenture currently has an average brokerage rec ...
Here's Why You Should Retain Accenture (ACN) Stock for Now
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-02 02:01
Accenture plc (ACN) has had an impressive run over the past year. The stock has gained 41.3%, outperforming the 38.6% and 27.7% growth of the industry and S&P 500 composite, respectively.Accenture has an impressive Growth Score of B. This style score condenses all the essential metrics from the company’s financial statements to get a true sense of the quality and sustainability of its growth.The company has an expected long-term earnings per share (three to five years) growth rate of 9%. Earnings are expect ...
Accenture Is Resourcefully Working Its Cash To Reposition Itself
Seeking Alpha· 2024-02-29 13:02
公司市值表现 - Accenture(NYSE:ACN)股价表现稳健,市值在过去一年增长约41%,高于标普500指数的27% [1] 市场表现比较 - 公司的市场表现虽然不及微软(MSFT)和Salesforce(CRM)等大型科技公司,但仍有增长潜力 [2] 收购举措 - Accenture通过收购公司来实现盈利增长,这些举措让我对公司的股票持乐观态度 [3]
3 Stocks on the Verge of Skyrocketing 30%
InvestorPlace· 2024-02-29 02:42
有潜力大幅增长的股票 - 公司定位在具有前景增长的行业,拥有强大的基本面和最近的发展,可能成为重要的价格增长催化剂[2] - 提供了三只有潜力的股票供投资者在2月及以后考虑[4] 重要的风险提示 - 建议逐步买入这些股票,而不是一次性投入大量资金[3]
Accenture Song to Acquire Mindcurv to Expand Composable Commerce Capabilities
Businesswire· 2024-02-28 17:14
收购详情 - Accenture同意收购Mindcurv,进一步扩大了其全球客户的商业服务[1] - Mindcurv是一家德国公司,成立于2011年,提供端到端的数字体验服务,解决欧洲领先客户的核心业务挑战[2] - 通过结合Accenture Song和Mindcurv在可组合技能、数据和人工智能能力方面的专业知识,客户可以加速其商业运营并弥合盈利差距[3] 市场趋势 - 电子商务市场预计到2027年将超过8万亿美元,目前94%的消费者通过数字商务渠道购买[3] 解决方案能力 - Mindcurv的收购将增强Accenture Song在全球提供创新、量身定制的云解决方案的能力[4] - Mindcurv的专业知识在可扩展数字平台和云创新方面与Accenture Song的愿景相辅相成,共同致力于重新定义全球企业的数字景观[4] 收购细节 - Mindcurv是Accenture Song为增强客户提供的一系列收购之一[6] - 收购的完成取决于惯例的关闭条件,包括获得适用的监管批准[7]
BLACK ENTERPRISE Returns to Las Vegas To Honor Extraordinary Business Trailblazers at the 2024 Women of Power Summit
Prnewswire· 2024-02-26 23:18
Women of Power Summit - BLACK ENTERPRISE宣布第18届Women of Power Summit将由Accenture作为主要赞助商[2] - 峰会将在拉斯维加斯的Bellagio酒店举行,旨在庆祝杰出女性的成就[2] - 峰会将提供启发人心的会议、讨论会和无与伦比的社交机会[3] - 杰出的商界先驱将获得“传奇奖”,表彰他们的韧性、创新和领导力[4] - Accenture作为新的主要赞助商,将举办一系列会议,为与会者提供宝贵的见解和策略[5] - Accenture致力于平等和共享成功的文化,与Women of Power Summit的价值观完美契合[5] - 峰会将于3月27日至30日在Bellagio酒店举行,参与者可在网站上获取更多信息和购票[7]