Carlisle (CSL) is a Great Momentum Stock: Should You Buy?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-04 01:00
Momentum investing revolves around the idea of following a stock's recent trend in either direction. In the 'long' context, investors will be essentially be "buying high, but hoping to sell even higher." With this methodology, taking advantage of trends in a stock's price is key; once a stock establishes a course, it is more than likely to continue moving that way. The goal is that once a stock heads down a fixed path, it will lead to timely and profitable trades.Even though momentum is a popular stock char ...
Why Carlisle Companies (CSL) Stock Might be a Great Pick
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-02 21:31
One stock that might be an intriguing choice for investors right now is Carlisle Companies Incorporated (CSL) . This is because this security in the Diversified Operations space is seeing solid earnings estimate revision activity, and is in great company from a Zacks Industry Rank perspective.This is important because, often times, a rising tide will lift all boats in an industry, as there can be broad trends taking place in a segment that are boosting securities across the board. This is arguably taking pl ...
Here's Why Carlisle (CSL) Stock is an Attractive Pick Now
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-21 00:56
Carlisle Companies Incorporated (CSL) is gaining from strength in the Carlisle Construction Materials (CCM) segment, expansion efforts, Vision 2030 program and a sound capital-deployment strategy.Let’s delve into the factors that make this current Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy) company a smart investment choice at the moment.Business Strength: Carlisle's diversified business structure enables it to tap opportunities and neutralize operating risks associated with a single market. The company stands to gain from ...
Carlisle (CSL) to Acquire MTL & Strengthen Product Portfolio
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-20 03:11
收购详情 - Carlisle公司宣布以4.1亿美元现金收购MTL Holdings[1] - MTL是一家位于威斯康星州的公司,主要生产用于工业、商业和机构建筑的金属建筑外壳解决方案[2] - MTL在过去12个月(截至2024年2月29日)实现了约1.32亿美元的营收[3] - 收购符合Carlisle的Vision 2030战略,将加强其业务和产品组合[4]
Why Carlisle (CSL) is a Top Momentum Stock for the Long-Term
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-19 22:51
Zacks Premium - Zacks Premium提供多种方式帮助投资者更聪明、更自信地投资[1] Zacks Style Scores - Zacks Style Scores是一组辅助指标,帮助投资者挑选未来30天内市场表现最佳的股票[3] - Style Scores分为价值评分、成长评分、动量评分和VGM评分,分别帮助投资者找到具有吸引力的股票[5][6][7][8] Zacks Rank - Zacks Rank是一种专有的股票评级模型,利用盈利预期修订来帮助投资者构建成功的投资组合[9] - 拥有Zacks Rank 1或2且具有A或B评分的股票具有最高成功概率[12] CSL - CSL是一家具有强劲增长潜力的公司,值得投资者关注[15][16][17]
Carlisle Companies to Acquire MTL Holdings, a Leader in Edge Metal and Non-Insulated Architectural Wall Systems
Businesswire· 2024-03-19 06:47
收购详情 - Carlisle公司宣布将以4.1亿美元现金收购MTL Holdings[1] - MTL是一家领先的商业屋顶系统预制边缘金属提供商,拥有高性能产品组合[2] - Carlisle公司主席克里斯·科赫表示,收购MTL符合公司愿景2030,将为股东创造显著价值[3] - 收购预计将在2024年第二季度完成[4]
ITT Gains From End-Market Strength & Buyouts Amid Headwinds
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-16 00:01
公司业务 - ITT公司受益于售后市场业务的强劲势头,主要受益于零部件和服务的强劲需求[1] - ITT公司通过收购Svanehøj和Micro-Mode Products来扩大业务范围,提高在相关行业的地位[3][4] 股东价值 - ITT公司致力于增加股东价值,通过支付股息和回购股票来实现[5]
Add These 4 Top-Ranked Liquid Stocks to Strengthen Portfolio
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-11 21:46
流动性水平 - 投资者在选择股票时应考虑流动性水平,这是公司财务健康的一个良好指标[1] - 高流动性水平可能表明公司无法有效利用资产,因此投资者应谨慎[3] - 当前比率、速动比率和现金比率是衡量公司流动性的重要指标,1-3的范围被认为是理想的[4] 资产利用率 - 资产利用率是公司效率的重要衡量标准,高于行业平均水平的公司可以被视为高效[7] 增长潜力 - 公司的增长潜力也是投资考虑的重要因素,增长评分低于或等于B的股票通常表现更好[10] 符合筛选标准的股票 - Meta Platforms, Inc (META)、Deckers Outdoor Corporation (DECK)、Perion Network (PERI)和Carlisle Companies Incorporated (CSL)是符合筛选标准的股票[11][12][13][15] 股票特点 - 这些股票具有良好的增长潜力和高效的资产利用率[8][9]
Why Is Carlisle (CSL) Up 5.5% Since Last Earnings Report?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-08 01:37
Carlisle财报情况 - Carlisle第四季度2023年调整后每股收益为4.17美元,超过了Zacks Consensus Estimate的3.47美元,同比增长6.4%[3] - Carlisle总收入为11.3亿美元,超过了10.8亿美元的共识估计,但同比下降2%,有机收入下降2.3%[4] - Carlisle的建筑材料部门收入同比增长1.9%,达到8.159亿美元,有机收入增长1.7%[5] - Carlisle的天气防护技术部门收入同比下降10.8%,达到3.116亿美元,有机收入下降11.6%[7] - Carlisle的销售成本同比下降10.9%,运营利润同比增长21.1%[8][9] Carlisle财务状况 - Carlisle第四季度末现金及现金等价物为5.767亿美元,长期债务为23亿美元[10] - Carlisle 2023年从运营活动中获得12亿美元现金,向股东支付1.603亿美元股息,回购价值9亿美元的股票[11][12] Carlisle股票情况 - Carlisle的估计已经在过去一个月内呈上升趋势,获得Zacks Rank 1(强烈买入)[13] - Carlisle的综合VGM评分为C,预计未来几个月股票将获得高于平均水平的回报[15][16] Carlisle行业比较 - Carlisle属于Zacks多元化运营行业,过去一个月通用电气(GE)股价上涨15.2%[18] - 通用电气(GE)上一季度营收为185.2亿美元,同比下降15%,每股收益为1.03美元[19] - 通用电气(GE)预计本季度每股收益为0.63美元,同比增长133.3%[20]
Is Carlisle Companies (CSL) Outperforming Other Conglomerates Stocks This Year?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-07 23:46
Carlisle (CSL) - Carlisle (CSL)是Conglomerates部门的一员,目前拥有Zacks Sector Rank排名第2[2] - Carlisle目前拥有Zacks Rank 1 (Strong Buy),分析师对其全年盈利预期持续上调[3] - CSL今年以来的回报率为15.4%,高于同行业平均水平,表现优异[4] Marubeni Corp. - Marubeni Corp.是另一家表现出色的Conglomerates股票,今年以来回报率为9%[4] - Marubeni Corp.当前拥有Zacks Rank 2 (Buy),当前年度的每股收益预期已经上调了7.8%[5] - Carlisle和Marubeni Corp.都属于Diversified Operations行业,目前在Zacks Industry Rank中表现良好[6] 投资建议 - 投资者应继续关注Carlisle和Marubeni Corp.,因为它们可能会继续表现出色[7]