Flowers Foods(FLO) - 2023 Q1 - Earnings Call Transcript
2023-05-19 22:49
Steve Powers Operator Thank you. Our next question comes from the line of Bill Chappell with Truist Securities. Your line is now open. Yes. So, if you recall last year when we implemented pricing, the gaps between brand and private label did widen. Some retailers were holding their retail prices down. And I believe it was late in the year or early this year those gaps started to narrow as the private label retails came back up. We have recently taken some additional branded pricing that goes into effect thi ...
Flowers Foods(FLO) - 2022 Q4 - Annual Report
2023-02-23 00:03
公司运营 - 公司在2022财年继续受益于品牌零售产品的优化销售组合,但面临着原材料和运输成本的显著通胀[9] - 公司实施了价格上涨以缓解持续的成本压力[9] - 公司在2022财年下半年和2023财年初经历了供应链紧缺,影响了原材料和包装材料的采购[9] - 公司通过收购Papa Pita面包店业务来执行战略重点,资金来源包括现金和信用额度[9] - 公司长期目标包括每年增长1%至2%的销售额、每年增长4%至6%的EBITDA、每年增长7%至9%的每股收益[11] - 公司通过数字战略倡议和ERP升级等转型战略来提高数据可见性和效率[13] - 公司的品牌组合包括Nature's Own、Wonder、Tastykake、Dave's Killer Bread和Canyon Bakehouse等知名品牌[15] - Nature's Own是美国最畅销的面包品牌,销售额达14亿美元,DKB是美国最畅销的有机品牌,销售额达9.65亿美元[15] - Canyon Bakehouse是美国最畅销的无麸质面包品牌,销售额达1.59亿美元,Wonder是拥有94%品牌知名度的品牌,销售额达4.84亿美元[16] - 公司通过各种渠道销售产品,包括超市、药店、大型零售商、便利店、食品服务等,并通过广告和营销活动支持品牌[17] - 在 Fiscal 2022 年,公司前十大客户占销售额的 54.5%[18] - Walmart/Sam's Club 是公司最大的客户,占公司销售额的 21.7%[18] - 公司通过直接店内交付和仓库交付系统分发产品[19] - 公司拥有许多商标、专利和许可证[20] - 公司的主要烘焙原料包括面粉、甜味剂、短ening、酵母和水[21] - 公司的业务受到多个联邦政府机构的监管[22] - 美国新鲜和冷冻烘焙产品市场估计为 470 亿美元[23] - 公司在 2022 年拥有约 9,200 名员工[24] - 公司提供竞争力的工资、福利和培训机会[24] 风险因素 - 全球经济状况不确定性增加,可能导致消费者转向更低价值的产品,降低需求[34] - COVID-19疫情对公司业务产生广泛影响,包括销售结构转变、设施关闭、供应链中断等[35] - COVID-19疫情对公司未来业务和财务状况的影响高度不确定,可能导致业绩下滑和流动性问题[36] - DSD分销系统运营中断可能对业绩、财务状况和现金流产生负面影响[37] - 法律诉讼或政府机构不利裁决可能对公司独立分销商模式产生负面影响[38] - 劳动力短缺和员工成本增加可能对公司盈利能力产生不利影响[39] - 未来员工福利计划责任的变化可能对公司运营结果产生影响[40] - 品牌价值维护和提升成本增加可能对收入和盈利能力产生不利影响[41] - 营销投资可能无法成功维持或增加市场份额,影响公司收入和盈利能力[42] - 公司战略执行不力可能对业务产生不利影响,包括收购、新技术部署等方面[43] - 公司IT系统的故障可能会对业务造成影响,包括数据处理错误、销售和客户流失等[48][48] - 升级ERP系统可能会面临困难,需要投入大量人力和财力资源[48][49] - 原材料成本和短缺可能会对利润产生不利影响,需谨慎管理[50] - 竞争激烈可能导致销售额和利润下降[50] - 大客户的损失或转向其他品牌可能会对业务、财务状况或运营结果产生不利影响[55][55] - 政府监管和法规可能对公司的运营和财务状况产生不利影响[56][57] - 气候变化可能对公司业务和运营产生负面影响[59] - 法律复杂性增加可能导致公司卷入诉讼,影响业务[59] 财务状况 - 公司在2022财年的销售额为48.05亿美元,比2021财年增长11%[103] - 公司2022财年的销售成本(不包括折旧和摊销)为25.02亿美元,比2021财年增长15%[103] - 公司2022财年的销售、分销和行政费用为18.51亿美元,占销售额的38.5%[103] - 公司2022财年的净利润为22.83亿美元,比2021财年增长10.8%[103] - Branded Retail销售额在2022财年增长,主要受益于价格上涨和促销效率提高[106] - 其他销售类别在2022财年也有显着增长,主要是通过实施价格上涨来缓解通货膨胀压力[108] - 原材料、供应品、劳动力和其他生产成本占销售额的比例在2022财年显著增加,主要是由于输入成本通货膨胀[109] - 预计2023财年销售将受到价格上涨和Papa Pita收购的积极影响,但可能会受到消费者购买模式变化的影响[105] 资本运营 - 公司的战略包括实施转型战略、向股东支付股息、保持保守的财务状况、进行战略收购和回购普通股[122] - 公司预计转型战略举措将在未来几年需要大量资本投资和支出[124] - 截至2022年12月31日,公司与项目相关的成本约为1.53亿美元[124] - 在2023财年,公司预计ERP系统升级的成本将约为8000万至9000万美元
Flowers Foods(FLO) - 2022 Q4 - Earnings Call Presentation
2023-02-11 01:09
业绩总结 - 2022年第四季度销售额增长10.1%[1] - 调整后的EBITDA增长主要是由于销售额增加[2] - 净利润同比增长23.6%[3] - 2023财年销售预期为52.42亿美元[4] 未来展望 - 财年2023考虑因素包括通货膨胀的缓解、消费者的弹性、成本节约举措的时间、促销环境以及供应链中断和材料的可用性[5] - 长期增长目标包括销售增长率为1-2%、调整后的EBITDA增长率为4-6%、调整后的EPS增长率为7-9%[6] 产品和技术 - Flowers Fresh Packaged Breads和Flowers Commercial Cake的销售额和单位销售量变化[7][8] - Flowers在有机和无麸质类别中的市场份额[9][10] - 2022财年,品牌和自有品牌在新鲜包装面包类别中市场份额分别为76.9%和23.1%[11] 财务数据 - 现金流量中,运营现金流为3.609亿美元[12] - 财年2023,调整后的EBITDA预期为5.13亿至5.43亿美元[13] - EBITDA被定义为利息、税收、折旧和摊销前的收益[14]
Flowers Foods(FLO) - 2022 Q4 - Earnings Call Transcript
2023-02-11 01:09
Flowers Foods, Inc. (NYSE:FLO) Q4 2022 Earnings Conference Call February 10, 2023 8:30 AM ET Company Participants J. T. Rieck - Executive Vice President, Finance and Investor Relations Ryals McMullian - President and Chief Executive Officer Steve Kinsey - Chief Financial Officer Conference Call Participants Bill Chappell - Truist Robert Dickerson - Jefferies Jim Salera - Stephens Connor Rattigan - Consumer Edge Mitchell Pinheiro - Sturdivant Operator Good day and thank you for standing by. Welcome to the Fl ...
Flowers Foods(FLO) - 2022 Q3 - Earnings Call Transcript
2022-11-12 00:56
Flowers Foods, Inc. (NYSE:FLO) Q3 2022 Earnings Conference Call November 11, 2022 8:30 AM ET Company Participants J.T. Rieck - Senior Vice President, Finance and Investor Relations Ryals McMullian - President and Chief Executive Officer Steve Kinsey - Chief Financial Officer Conference Call Participants Bill Chappell - Truist Securities Connor Rattigan - Consumer Edge Mitchell Pinheiro - Sturdivant & Company Stephen Powers - Deutsche Bank Jim Salera - Stephens Operator Good day, and thank you for standing b ...
Flowers Foods(FLO) - 2022 Q3 - Earnings Call Presentation
2022-11-12 00:55
| --- | --- | --- | --- | |----------------------------------------------|-------|-------|-------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | THIRD QUARTER 2022 REVIEW November 10, 2022 | | | | | | | | | REGARDING FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS Statements contained in this presentation and certain other written or oral statements made from time to time by Flowers Foods, Inc. (the "company", "Flowers Foods", "Flowers", "us", "we", or "our") and its representatives that are not historical facts are forward-looking statement ...
Flowers Foods (FLO) Presents At Barclays Global Consumer Staples Conference - Slideshow
2022-09-08 23:44
| --- | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------------------------------------------------------|-------|-------|-------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | BARCLAYS GLOBAL CONSUMER STAPLES CONFERENCE September 8, 2022 | | | | | | | | | REGARDING FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS Statements contained in this presentation and certain other written or oral statements made from time to time by Flowers Foods, Inc. (the "company", "Flowers Foods", "Flowers", "us", "we", or "our") and its representatives that are not historica ...
Flowers Foods(FLO) - 2022 Q2 - Earnings Call Presentation
2022-08-13 01:59
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |---------------------------------------------|-------|-------|-------|-------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | SECOND QUARTER 2022 REVIEW August 11, 2022 | | | | | | | | | | | REGARDING FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS Statements contained in this presentation and certain other written or oral statements made from time to time by Flowers Foods, Inc. (the "company", "Flowers Foods", "Flowers", "us", "we", or "our") and its representatives that are not historical facts are for ...
Flowers Foods(FLO) - 2022 Q2 - Earnings Call Transcript
2022-08-13 01:31
Flowers Foods, Inc. (NYSE:FLO) Q2 2022 Earnings Conference Call August 12, 2022 8:30 AM ET Company Participants J.T. Rieck - Senior Vice President, Finance and Investor Relations Ryals McMullian - President and Chief Executive Officer Steve Kinsey - Chief Financial Officer Conference Call Participants Bill Chappell - Truist Robert Dickerson - Jefferies Connor Rattigan - Consumer Edge Research Steve Powers - Deutsche Bank Mitch Pinheiro - Sturdivant & Company. Operator Good day and welcome to the Flowers Foo ...
Flowers Foods(FLO) - 2022 Q1 - Earnings Call Transcript
2022-05-21 02:07
Flowers Foods, Inc. (NYSE:FLO) Q1 2022 Earnings Conference Call May 20, 2022 8:30 AM ET Company Participants J.T. Rieck - Senior Vice President, Finance and Investor Relations Ryals McMullian - President and Chief Executive Officer Steve Kinsey - Chief Financial Officer Conference Call Participants Ryan Bell - Consumer Edge Research Steve Powers - Deutsche Bank Mitch Pinheiro - Strudivant & Company Ben Bienvenu - Stephens Bill Chappell - Truist Securities Operator Good day, and thank you for standing by. We ...