Rags to Riches: 3 Robotics Stocks That Could Make Early Investors Rich
Investor Place· 2024-06-21 01:35
文章核心观点 - 机器人革命正全面展开,随着人工智能发展,机器人发展势头不减,预计到2032年机器人行业营收将接近1700亿美元,推荐关注UiPath、特斯拉和Medtronic三家公司的股票 [1] 各公司情况 UiPath - 自2021年上市后表现不佳,过去五年股价下跌85%,但更换CEO后有望好转,联合创始人Daniel Dines回归担任CEO [2] - 今年第一季度财报好于预期,每股收益13美分,超过分析师预期的12美分,营收3.35亿美元,同比增长16%,高于华尔街预期的3.33亿美元 [2] 特斯拉 - 进军机器人领域,CEO马斯克称正在开发的人形机器人Optimus可能使公司市值达到25万亿美元,还能帮助公司开启新篇章 [3] - 2021年首次披露开发人形机器人计划,今年发布Optimus折叠衣物视频,马斯克将其比作《星球大战》中的C - 3PO,称其最终能为人类做饭、清洁和进行工厂工作,过去12个月股价下跌34%,当下或是买入时机 [3][4] Medtronic - 是一家医疗技术公司,参与开发前沿机器人辅助手术技术,如微创手术和机器人辅助脊柱手术 [5] - 过去12个月股价下跌10%,财务业绩超华尔街预期,但保守指引影响股价,一些分析师看好该股并称赞其股息,公司连续47年提高股息,季度分红每股70美分,股息收益率3.5% [5]
BetterInvesting™ Magazine Update on Amphastar Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Medtronic PLC
Prnewswire· 2024-06-15 04:30
文章核心观点 - 《BetterInvesting Magazine》编辑咨询和证券审查委员会宣布Amphastar Pharmaceuticals为“待研究股票”、Medtronic为“低估股票”供投资者参考,同时提醒投资者关注基本面并自主决策 [1] 股票选择情况 - 《BetterInvesting Magazine》编辑咨询和证券审查委员会宣布Amphastar Pharmaceuticals Inc.为2024年9月刊“待研究股票”、Medtronic PLC为“低估股票”供投资者信息和教育使用 [1] 行业建议 - 美国全国投资者协会建议寻求长期财富的普通美国人关注基本面并学习盈利 [1] - 《BetterInvesting Magazine》敦促投资者自我教育,使用股票选择指南自行审查分析公司后再做投资决策 [2] 组织介绍 - BetterInvesting是1951年成立的501(c)(3)非营利投资教育组织,也叫美国全国投资者协会,已帮助超500万人学习改善财务状况,提供投资教育和在线股票分析工具,有员工和志愿者教学 [3] 相关资源 - 可阅读https://www.betterinvesting.org/learn-about-investing/investor-education/investing/market-madness-shortselling-short-squeeze回顾GameStop与基本面相关内容 [1] - 非会员可使用《BetterInvesting》在线股票选择和分析工具试用版,查看Amphastar Pharmaceuticals和Medtronic基础数据并评估投资潜力 [1] 组织信息 - 委员会成员有Dan Rutter、Daniel J. Boyle等多位CFA [2] - 可访问www.betterinvesting.org了解BetterInvesting更多信息,也可在LinkedIn和Facebook关注,联系电话877 - 275 - 6242 [3]
Medtronic: Now Is The Time To Buy This Deep Value Dividend Aristocrat
Seeking Alpha· 2024-06-14 19:30
A team of surgeons operate on a patient in the operating room. JohnnyGreig Centering my portfolio around high-quality dividend stocks, I tend to be very much in tune with the get rich slowly mindset. This is because, in my view, the speculation that leads to overnight wealth is unsustainable. The same wealth that was built overnight can be lost just as quickly. That's why I take a long-term, fundamentals-driven investing approach. Before I get into the dividend stock that I'm highlighting today, I just want ...
Got $200? 2 Healthcare Stocks to Buy and Hold Forever.
The Motley Fool· 2024-06-14 18:15
They aren't the flashiest stocks, but they get the job done.Few industries are more essential than healthcare. That makes it an excellent place to look for stocks that can perform well over extended periods since the basic services they offer are unlikely to become obsolete anytime soon.However, that doesn't guarantee success for any individual corporation. Even the healthcare sector changes and evolves in important ways. Only innovative companies can remain relevant over the long run. And some of them can ...
Medtronic: Why I Disagree With The Crowd
Seeking Alpha· 2024-06-14 13:05
JHVEPhoto MDT stock: Buy rating meets insider selling The prevailing sentiment surrounding Medtronic plc (NYSE:MDT) stock is very bullish as you can see from the chart below. The chart shows that both Seeking Alpha writers and Wall Street analysts rate MDT as a buy. To wit, Wall Street analysts have a majority buy rating on MDT, with 11 analysts recommending a strong buy and 5 recommending a buy (out of 33 analysts in the last 90 days). Only 2 analysts recommend selling the stock. Seeking Alpha writers ...
Medtronic plc (MDT) Goldman Sachs 45th Annual Global Healthcare Conference (Transcript)
2024-06-12 06:18
会议主要讨论的核心内容 - 公司在过去几年中的战略重点包括加速创新、提升运营能力、培养以绩效为导向的企业文化 [4][5][6][7][8] - 公司的创新战略是成功之道,因为医疗技术行业正在经历真正的增长,受益于人口老龄化和新技术的推动 [10][11][12][13][14][16] - 公司的核心业务如心脏节律管理和脊柱外科保持健康增长,得益于新技术的应用,如无导线起搏器和导电系统起搏器 [23][24][25][26][27] - 公司的机器人手术业务Hugo即将在美国获批,商业化策略是将其打包纳入公司的整体外科手术产品组合 [28][34][35][39][40] - 公司的心律失常消融业务增长迅猛,新一代PFA技术正在快速取代射频和冷冻消融技术 [45][46][47][48][49] - 公司的肾脏去神经刀术业务正在等待美国医疗保险体系的全面报销政策,这将是推动该业务全球加速的关键 [61][62][63][64] - 公司的TAVR业务在欧洲面临一定的价格竞争,但公司的新一代产品在临床数据上明显优于竞争对手 [65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **David Roman 提问** 公司如何看待GLP-1药物对其业务的影响 [17] **Geoff Martha 回答** GLP-1药物对公司的手术业务有一定影响,但影响有限,公司的糖尿病业务仍在快速增长 [18][19] 问题2 **David Roman 提问** 公司如何看待未来一年的收入增长前景 [20] **Geoff Martha 回答** 公司给出的4%-5%的收入增长指引是保守的,考虑到公司在高增长领域的新产品发布,以及过去几个季度的中单位数增长 [21] 问题3 **David Roman 提问** 公司如何看待未来几年的利润增长前景 [80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90][91][92][93][94] **Geoff Martha 回答** 公司有信心通过提升运营效率、产品组合优化等措施,实现中高单位数的利润增长,并逐步提升毛利率水平
Medtronic chairman and CEO Geoff Martha to speak at Goldman Sachs global healthcare conference
Prnewswire· 2024-06-07 00:50
文章核心观点 - 美敦力是一家全球领先的医疗技术公司,总部位于爱尔兰都柏林 [1] - 美敦力将参加2024年6月11日在纽约举行的第45届高盛全球医疗保健会议 [1][2] - 美敦力董事长兼首席执行官Geoff Martha将在会议上回答有关公司的问题 [2] - 会议的问答环节将通过网络直播的方式提供 [3] 公司概况 - 美敦力是一家全球领先的医疗技术公司,总部位于爱尔兰都柏林 [1] - 公司拥有95,000多名员工,业务遍及150个国家 [4] - 公司的产品和疗法涵盖70种健康状况,包括心脏设备、手术机器人、胰岛素泵、手术工具、患者监测系统等 [4] - 公司的使命是缓解痛苦、恢复健康和延长生命 [4] - 公司致力于提供创新技术,每秒、每小时、每天改善两个人的生活 [4] 财务信息 - 无 行业信息 - 无
Medtronic Raised Its Dividend for a 47th Straight Year, But Here's Why It Isn't a Great Dividend Growth Stock
The Motley Fool· 2024-06-06 20:00
Medtronic is keeping its dividend streak going, but the recent increase isn't likely to be a meaningful one for many dividend investors.Dividend growth stocks can make for excellent long-term investments. Their ongoing rate increases allow investors to generate more in dividend income than if they were to just invest in a stale dividend with no increases, and which inflation chips away at over time.Medical device maker Medtronic (MDT -1.15%) falls into the category of a dividend growth stock. The company, w ...
I'm Buying Dividend Aristocrats With Up To 8.5% Yield
Seeking Alpha· 2024-06-04 20:10
Moussa81 There are many "Buffetisms" out there, and while most are familiar with his saying to "be greedy when others are fearful, and be fearful when others are greedy", I believe a more thoughtful and insightful statement of his is that "the market is designed to transfer wealth from the impatient to the patient." That's because when many growth stocks are trading at what I would consider to be nosebleed valuations, I'm happily buying into value stocks at what I would consider to be a fraction of what the ...
Medtronic announces closing of public offering of €3.0 billion of senior notes
Prnewswire· 2024-06-03 18:57
DUBLIN, June 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Medtronic plc (the "Company") (NYSE: MDT) announced today that its wholly-owned indirect subsidiary, Medtronic, Inc., has closed a registered public offering (the "Offering") of €850,000,000 principal amount of 3.650% senior notes due 2029, €850,000,000 principal amount of 3.875% senior notes due 2036, €600,000,000 principal amount of 4.150% senior notes due 2043, and €700,000,000 principal amount of 4.150% senior notes due 2053 (collectively, the "Notes"). All of Medtro ...