Are You Looking for a Top Momentum Pick? Why Varonis Systems (VRNS) is a Great Choice
ZACKS· 2024-08-20 01:01
Momentum investing is all about the idea of following a stock's recent trend, which can be in either direction. In the 'long' context, investors will essentially be "buying high, but hoping to sell even higher." And for investors following this methodology, taking advantage of trends in a stock's price is key; once a stock establishes a course, it is more than likely to continue moving in that direction. The goal is that once a stock heads down a fixed path, it will lead to timely and profitable trades. Whi ...
Varonis Announces Integrations with SentinelOne and Microsoft Defender for Endpoint
Newsfilter· 2024-08-07 21:00
NEW YORK and LAS VEGAS, Aug. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Black Hat USA 2024 Booth #1250 – Varonis Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:VRNS), a leader in data security, today announced new integrations with SentinelOne and Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. Now, Varonis' Managed Data Detection and Response (MDDR) analysts can stop attacks faster and conduct more conclusive investigations. By integrating with leading EDR providers, Varonis expands its visibility to customers' endpoints. The new integrations provide customer ...
Varonis Announces AI-Powered Data Discovery and Classification
Newsfilter· 2024-08-06 21:00
NEW YORK, Aug. 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Varonis Systems, Inc. (Nasdaq: VRNS), a leader in data security, today announced powerful new AI capabilities that enhance its industry-leading data classification engine. Using novel machine learning techniques, Varonis can automatically discover, understand, and classify customers' unique data better than ever. Without accurate and complete data classification, it's impossible to prioritize risk, remediate exposures, or enforce downstream security controls. With ...
Varonis Announces AI-Powered Data Discovery and Classification
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-06 21:00
NEW YORK, Aug. 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Varonis Systems, Inc. (Nasdaq: VRNS), a leader in data security, today announced powerful new AI capabilities that enhance its industry-leading data classification engine. Using novel machine learning techniques, Varonis can automatically discover, understand, and classify customers' unique data better than ever. Without accurate and complete data classification, it's impossible to prioritize risk, remediate exposures, or enforce downstream security controls. With ...
Varonis Systems (VRNS) is a Great Momentum Stock: Should You Buy?
ZACKS· 2024-08-02 01:00
Momentum investing is all about the idea of following a stock's recent trend, which can be in either direction. In the 'long' context, investors will essentially be "buying high, but hoping to sell even higher." And for investors following this methodology, taking advantage of trends in a stock's price is key; once a stock establishes a course, it is more than likely to continue moving in that direction. The goal is that once a stock heads down a fixed path, it will lead to timely and profitable trades. Whi ...
Varonis Systems: Firing On All Cylinders
Seeking Alpha· 2024-07-31 20:54
Investment overview 2Q24 earnings (announced two days ago) Positive on the VRNS growth outlook The new product, MDDR (managed data detection and response), introduced in 1Q24, should support growth as well. MDDR is a service to monitor and protect critical data on its SaaS platform that has been well received by both prospective and existing customers. Firstly, it helps VRNS accelerate its SaaS transition, as customers will get more discounts on MDDR if they commit to more SaaS licenses. It also drives over ...
Varonis(VRNS) - 2024 Q2 - Quarterly Report
2024-07-31 04:25
公司战略转型和SaaS业务发展 - 公司正在战略性地向SaaS交付模式过渡,预计未来几年内SaaS将成为主要收入来源[146][147][148] - 公司的SaaS收入在2024年上半年同比增长了约10倍[153] - SaaS收入占总ARR的比例已达到36%,预计未来会继续提高[157] - 公司将继续投资于客户支持、成功和MDDR团队,以及支持SaaS交付模式的相关基础设施[166] - 公司正在向SaaS模式转型,预计未来维护及服务收入将持续下降[183] 财务数据和指标 - 公司的年度经常性收入(ARR)在2024年6月30日达到5.842亿美元,同比增长18%[155][156] - 公司的剩余履约义务(RPO)在2024年6月30日达到5.147亿美元,预计会随着向SaaS模式过渡而持续增加[158] - 公司总收入同比增长12.9%,达到1.303亿美元[181] - SaaS收入大幅增长692.2%,达到4,478.5万美元[181] - 总毛利率为82.8%,较上年同期下降2.1个百分点[185] - 研发费用同比下降2.6%,销售及市场费用同比下降0.4%[188,189] - 管理费用同比增长2.3%[189] - 财务收益净额为824.9万美元,同比下降2.6%[194] - 所得税费用为337.1万美元,同比下降54.7%[196] - 公司收入同比增长9.7%,达到2.44亿美元[204] - SaaS收入大幅增长920%,达到7,870万美元[204] - 订阅许可收入占总收入的48.6%,较上年同期下降[205] - 总毛利率为82.1%,较上年同期下降2.2个百分点[208] - 研发、销售及市场营销、一般及行政费用占总收入的比重分别为38.0%、57.8%和17.6%[212] 现金流和资金管理 - 公司现金及现金等价物、短期有价证券和短期存款合计6.27亿美元,预计未来12个月内可满足运营和资本支出需求[222] - 经营活动产生的现金流入为6,840万美元,主要来自于销售回款和递延收入增加[224] - 投资活动产生的现金流出为1.17亿美元,主要用于购买有价证券和资本支出[227] - 筹资活动产生的现金流出为2,680万美元,主要用于支付股票激励相关税费[229] 汇率和利率风险管理 - 公司约三分之一的收入来自非美元计价的货币,主要为欧元和英镑[240] - 公司采取外汇套期保值策略,以减少外汇汇率波动的影响[240,242] - 公司持有6.273亿美元的现金及现金等价物、短期有价证券和短期存款,利率变动对公司影响有限[243] - 公司发行了2.53亿美元的1.25%可转换票据,票面利率固定,不受利率波动影响,但票据价值会受利率变动影响[244,245] - 如果未来公司增加长期债务,将面临利率波动风险[246] 客户和业务情况 - 公司的客户续约率在过去6个月内保持在90%以上[161] - 公司的客户涵盖了多个行业的大中型企业,遍布95个国家[165]
These Analysts Raise Their Forecasts On Varonis Systems Folloiwng Upbeat Results
Benzinga· 2024-07-30 21:20
Varonis Systems VRNS reported better-than-expected second-quarter financial results and raised its FY24 guidance on Monday. Varonis raised its FY24 revenue guidance from $536 million – $546 million to $544 million – $552 million. The company boosted adjusted earnings outlook from 13 cents-16 cents per share to 22 cents-24 cents per share. Varonis Systems shares gained 0.1% to close at $48.49 on Monday. Read Next: Varonis Systems reported quarterly earnings of 5 cents per share which beat the analyst consens ...
Varonis(VRNS) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-07-30 17:52
业绩总结 - Varonis在2024年第二季度的年度重复收入为584.2百万美元,同比增长18%[63] - SaaS年度重复收入占总年度重复收入的比例约为36%[63] - 第二季度年度重复收入贡献率为14.9%[63] - 在第二季度,由于SaaS销售增加,公司的年度收入增长率受到约6%的阻力[66] - 公司在财报电话会议中提到,由于SaaS销售增加,导致运营利润率出现5%的不利影响[77] 未来展望 - 公司发布了2024财年第三季度和全年财务指导,包括ARR、总收入、非GAAP运营利润等数据[78] - 公司的长期目标是建立一个增长明显、盈利和现金流扩张的十亿美元业务[79] 数据相关 - 财务报告附录中提供了关于收入确认的示例,涉及到不同类型的订阅和SaaS产品[80][86][93] - 公司进行了GAAP措施到非GAAP措施的调整,包括运营利润和净收入等方面[99] - 公布了2024财年的自由现金流预测,涉及经营活动现金流和资本支出等[103]
Varonis(VRNS) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-07-30 11:29
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 第二季度总收入为1.303亿美元,同比增长13% [28] - 第二季度非GAAP毛利为1.096亿美元,毛利率为84.1%,同比下降3个百分点 [29] - 第二季度非GAAP营业利润为210万美元,营业利润率为1.6%,同比提升0.8个百分点 [29] - 第二季度非GAAP净利润为680万美元,每股摊薄收益为0.05美元 [31] - 截至6月30日,公司现金、现金等价物和有价证券余额为7.903亿美元 [31] - 上半年经营活动产生的现金流为6840万美元,同比增长60% [31] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - SaaS收入为4480万美元 [28] - 订阅许可收入为6270万美元 [28] - 维护和服务收入为2280万美元,续订率超过90% [28] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 无具体披露 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司推出了联邦风险和授权管理(FedRAMP)In Process认证,这是向联邦政府客户提供SaaS平台的重要一步 [11] - SaaS和MDDR(托管数据检测和响应)产品正在推动新客户增加和现有客户转换 [12] - 公司认为生成式AI将成为推动数据安全需求的重要催化剂 [16][17] - 公司在医疗和房地产行业获得了重要客户 [18][19] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 宏观环境仍然充满挑战,但SaaS和MDDR产品在当前市场中表现良好,推动了积极的业务动力 [27] - 公司有信心在下半年保持良好的势头,并从MDDR、生成式AI以及数据合规监管的趋势中获益 [20] 其他重要信息 - 第二季度ARR达5.842亿美元,同比增长18%,其中SaaS ARR占36% [12] - 上半年自由现金流达6730万美元,同比增长68% [26] - 公司预计2024年全年ARR为6.29-6.35亿美元,同比增长16-17% [33] - 公司预计2024年全年总收入为5.44-5.52亿美元,同比增长9-11% [33] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Saket Kalia提问** 询问公司现有客户向SaaS转换的情况,以及转换后的定价情况 [36] **Yaki Faitelson和Guy Melamed回答** - 现有客户向SaaS转换非常顺利,因为SaaS能提供完全自动化的数据保护成果,大大降低客户的运营成本 [37][38] - 转换后的定价有25%-30%的涨幅,但实际折扣率下降,定价基本保持在该涨幅水平 [38] - 客户在转换到SaaS后,往往会消费更多平台功能,导致交易规模超过定价涨幅 [38] 问题2 **Hamza提问** 询问公司对生成式AI的预期时间节点和对公司业务的影响 [40] **Yaki Faitelson和Guy Melamed回答** - 生成式AI工具一旦普及到企业员工手中,将不可避免地暴露数据安全风险,这正是公司擅长解决的问题 [41][42] - 公司目前尚未在业绩中体现生成式AI的贡献,但正在密切关注其在管道中的影响 [43] 问题3 **Brian Essex提问** 询问公司盈利能力和现金流的可持续性 [45] **Guy Melamed回答** - SaaS销售周期缩短和新客户增长强劲是本季度表现出色的主要因素 [46][47] - 公司未来将继续专注于实现收入增长的同时提升底线和现金流 [46][47]