Is Costco Stock a No-Brainer Buy for 2025?
The Motley Fool· 2025-02-06 16:41
Costco Wholesale (COST 2.06%) has emerged as one of the world's most successful retailers. Its strategy of selling high-quality bulk goods at competitive prices and razor-thin margins has built the company a loyal customer base.However, Costco's focus on offering the lowest possible prices does not necessarily apply to its stock. Thus, investors need to take a closer look at the company and its financials to know whether Costco will be an obvious buy in 2025.Costco's businessFew can argue with the success o ...
Where Will Celsius Holdings Stock Be in 1 Year?
The Motley Fool· 2025-02-06 16:35
The energy drink maker still has a lot to prove.Celsius' (CELH -2.14%) stock closed at its all-time high of $96.11 on March 13, 2024. That represented a stunning 5,310% gain from just four years earlier. At the time, the bulls were dazzled by the energy drink maker's rapid growth, its domestic distribution partnership with PepsiCo, and its international expansion plans.However, Celsius' stock has pulled back nearly 75% since then. The bulls retreated as its growth cooled off, its domestic competitors gained ...
1 Thing You Need to Know About Brookfield Renewable Stock Before You Buy
The Motley Fool· 2025-02-06 16:32
文章核心观点 - 布鲁克菲尔德可再生能源公司是独特的清洁能源投资选择 投资者需了解其业务模式和特点后再决定是否投资 [1] 公司业务 - 公司拥有、运营和建设清洁能源资产 生产并销售电力 大部分资产有长期合同 收入较稳定 [2] - 公司有合伙和公司两种股份类别 代表同一实体 基本属性相同 股息规模一样 因公司类股份需求更多 导致两类股份收益率不同 合伙类股份面向小投资者 公司类股份面向养老基金等不能持有合伙制企业股份的大投资者 两类股份都是布鲁克菲尔德资产管理公司筹集资金的方式 [3] - 布鲁克菲尔德资产管理公司运营布鲁克菲尔德可再生能源公司及其他专注基础设施的公司 购买该公司股份意味着与布鲁克菲尔德资产管理公司共同投资 [4] 公司与公用事业公司区别 - 公司与公用事业公司虽都拥有产生可靠现金流的大型实物资产 但公用事业公司更倾向长期持有资产 而公司资产组合不断变化 会定期买卖资产 [5] - 公司遵循资产管理方式 寻找低价资产买入 提升资产价值后 若价格合适就出售 2024年前九个月 资产出售收益近10亿美元 创资产循环利用记录 [6] - 资产买卖是公司商业模式的核心方面 随着业务规模扩大 资产出售可能增多 加上公司越来越注重从零开始建设资产 未来资产出售可能更活跃 [7] 对投资者的影响 - 投资该公司不能等同于投资公用事业公司 资产买卖可能导致财务业绩波动更大 若投资者不接受积极的投资组合模式 即使股息收益率有吸引力或清洁能源领域机会大 也不应投资该公司 [8]
Youdao to Report Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2024 Financial Results on February 20
Prnewswire· 2025-02-06 16:30
文章核心观点 中国智能学习公司有道宣布将于2025年2月20日美国股市开盘前公布2024年第四季度及全年财报,并将举行财报电话会议 [1] 财报公布信息 - 公司将于2025年2月20日美国股市开盘前公布2024年第四季度及全年财报 [1] 财报电话会议信息 - 财报电话会议将于2025年2月20日美国东部时间上午5点(北京时间下午6点)举行,有道管理层将讨论季度财报并回答问题 [2] - 电话会议拨入号码包括美国(免费)+1 - 888 - 346 - 8982、国际 +1 - 412 - 902 - 4272等,会议ID为6589745 [2] - 电话会议将在公司投资者关系网站http://ir.youdao.com进行直播和存档 [2] 电话会议回放信息 - 电话会议结束一小时后可通过电话回放,回放号码包括美国 +1 - 877 - 344 - 7529、国际 +1 - 412 - 317 - 0088等,回放截止到2025年2月27日,访问代码为6589745 [3] 公司介绍 - 有道是中国拥有行业领先技术的智能学习公司,致力于开发和运用技术为各年龄段用户提供学习内容、应用和解决方案 [4] - 基于有道词典和有道翻译等在线知识工具的 popularity,有道现提供智能设备、STEAM课程、成人和职业课程以及教育数字化解决方案,还开发了各种互动学习应用 [4] - 有道成立于2006年,是中国领先互联网技术公司网易的一部分 [4] 联系方式 - 如需更多信息可访问 [5] - 投资者和媒体咨询在中国可联系Jeffrey Wang(电话 +86 - 10 - 8255 - 8163分机89980,邮箱[email protected])等,在美国可联系Brandi Piacente(电话 +1 - 212 - 481 - 2050,邮箱[email protected]) [6][7]
Better AI Buy Right Now: Nvidia vs Palantir
The Motley Fool· 2025-02-06 16:25
Nvidia (NVDA 5.21%) and Palantir Technologies (PLTR -2.38%) both have been early winners of the artificial intelligence (AI) revolution. Last year, their shares soared in the triple digits. Nvidia advanced 171% for the best performance in the Dow Jones Industrial Average, while Palantir surged 340% for the top performance in the S&P 500. And in 2024, those indexes had just invited Nvidia and Palantir to join, a sign that these companies are among the top players driving the economy.These tech superpowers bo ...
Ally Financial Had a Good Quarter, but Is the Credit Card Sale a Positive or a Negative?
The Motley Fool· 2025-02-06 16:23
Ally Financial (ALLY 0.10%) is a bank. But it isn't your typical bank by any stretch of the imagination, given that it is highly focused on the auto lending space. That focus is increasingly in focus as management executes a business overhaul. This brings up some big news from the fourth-quarter earnings release: the sale of Ally's credit card business.What does Ally Financial do?Ally Financial was created when it was spun off of General Motors. Prior to the 2014 spinoff, it was GM's financing arm. So it sh ...
Why Target Stock Could Be a No-Brainer Buy Right Now
The Motley Fool· 2025-02-06 16:15
文章核心观点 - 尽管当前投资者担忧可自由支配支出疲软使塔吉特股价承压,但鉴于可自由支配支出有回升迹象、塔吉特估值低、基本面稳固且有分红,其股票在当前价格下是值得长期持有的投资选择 [1][2] 经济与市场情况 - 经济处于较稳定状态,仍在增长,股市表现良好,整体前景无需过度担忧,但投资者担心可自由支配支出不强 [1] - 通胀得到一定控制,价格虽未下降但消费者有更多可预测性,潜在关税可能对市场构成新风险,但目前难以判断其影响是长期问题还是谈判策略 [3] 可自由支配支出趋势 - 有迹象显示可自由支配支出正在回升,假设关税不构成长期问题,未来季度可自由支配支出有望增强 [3][4] - 塔吉特2024年假日(11月和12月)支出增长2.8%,可比增长率约为2%,12月客流量连续第八个月同比增长,若趋势持续,未来季度销售可能好于预期 [4][5] 塔吉特估值情况 - 塔吉特股价过去一年未大幅上涨,当前市盈率约为14倍,远低于过去五年平均水平,相比标普500指数成份股平均超25倍的市盈率显得很便宜 [6][7] 塔吉特投资价值 - 塔吉特业务增长乏力,但基本面稳固,仍有盈利和自由现金流,短期内无危险,适合长期持有 [8] - 塔吉特股息收益率为2.9%,是股息之王,有良好的股息增长记录,长期持有可获得稳定收益 [9] - 鉴于今年经济和关税影响不确定,长期持有塔吉特股票可避免因短期波动而卖出,是明智的投资决策 [10]
Could Buying United Airlines Today Set You Up for Life?
The Motley Fool· 2025-02-06 16:14
文章核心观点 - 航空业传统上不是好的投资选择,但这次情况不同,联合航空是不错的中期投资标的 [1][6][13] 航空业传统上不是好投资的原因 - 全球航空业投资资本回报率通常低于加权平均资本成本,难以给股权投资者带来有吸引力的回报,但对债券投资者和航空航天供应商有利 [3] - 航空业是魅力行业,易吸引新进入者和投资者,且常因非盈利原因获得支持 [4] - 行业固定成本高,有明显的繁荣和衰退周期,繁荣时增加运力,衰退时利润率崩溃且难降低成本 [5] 这次情况不同的原因 - 全球航空业在疫情后盈利恢复且持续增长,2019年盈利265亿美元,2024年预计达315亿美元,2025年预计为366亿美元,北美地区贡献最大份额 [7] - 至少在北美,航空业已改变运营方式,2024年达美航空净利润近40亿美元,联合航空紧随其后达35亿美元 [8] - 2025年联合航空运营良好,经济舱旅客青睐旅行体验,高利润的商务旅客回归,跨大西洋旅行需求强劲 [9] - 联合航空和达美航空在第四季度实现可用座位英里收入转正,表明北美航空业在控制不必要运力方面表现理性 [10] - 联合航空和达美航空在多元化收入来源和提供差异化服务方面取得进展,联名信用卡、忠诚度计划和对高端旅客的关注都有成效 [11] 对联合航空投资者的意义 - 尽管行业仍存在不确定性,但联合航空等航空公司运营方式已改变,不应“全仓”投资该股票或行业 [12] - 联合航空和达美航空是极具吸引力的中期投资标的,联合航空估值低于2025年预期收益的8倍,已摆脱或减轻过去的繁荣衰退周期,但市场未充分认可,股票有巨大中期价值 [13]
Dow Rises Over 300 Points As Nvidia Surges: Investor Sentiment Improves, But Greed Index Remains In 'Fear' Zone
Benzinga· 2025-02-06 16:13
The CNN Money Fear and Greed index showed some improvement in the overall market sentiment, while the index remained in the “Fear” zone on Wednesday.U.S. stocks settled higher on Wednesday, with the Dow Jones index gaining more than 300 points during the session.Nvidia Corp. NVDA shares jumped over 5% on Wednesday in sympathy with AMD after reporting better-than-expected fourth-quarter financial results and Google which raised its FY25 capital expenditure guidance. The Walt Disney Co. DIS reported better-th ...
Will Super Micro Computer Soar After Feb. 11?
The Motley Fool· 2025-02-06 16:10
Super Micro Computer (SMCI 7.99%) has delivered both ups and downs to investors over the past year. The maker of servers and workstations has benefited from artificial intelligence (AI) demand as data centers expand and launch upgrades -- and early last year that led to triple-digit revenue growth and outstanding stock performance.The shares surged 188% in the first half of the year, even beating market giant Nvidia. But questions about the company's financial reporting halted the momentum -- a short-seller ...