1 "Magnificent Seven" Stock Investors Should Buy on the Dip Without Hesitation (Hint: It's Not Nvidia)
The Motley Fool· 2025-02-11 10:30
Earnings season is in full swing. Investors will be watching closely for updates on how their companies have been performing. Most of the "Magnificent Seven" group will be providing financial results.Due to their dominance in their respective industries, these tech-forward businesses are probably at the top of many investors' wish lists. The problem, however, is that they usually trade at steep valuations.But right now, you're in luck. Here's one Magnificent Seven stock you should buy on the dip without hes ...
Meta's job cuts surprised some employees who said they weren't low-performers
Business Insider· 2025-02-11 10:28
文章核心观点 Meta最新一轮裁员约4000人,部分年中绩效评级良好员工被裁,公司称裁员旨在淘汰约5%低绩效员工,但部分高绩效层级员工也受影响,引发员工不满和困惑 [1][3][10] 裁员情况 - 公司周一进行最新一轮裁员,约4000名员工被裁 [1] - 裁员源于公司1月发给经理的内部指导,旨在淘汰约5%低绩效员工 [3] - 若仅从低评级员工中无法完成裁员目标,经理可将高绩效层级员工纳入裁员范围 [3] 受影响员工情况 - 8名被裁员工年中绩效评级为“达到或超出预期”,年末被降至“基本符合”而被裁 [2] - 许多员工对被裁感到意外,因相关指导仅告知经理,未向全体员工公布 [4] - 部分员工在Workplace上分享绩效历史,有人称多年表现良好却被降级,有人休完产假回来不久就被裁 [8] 公司战略 - 首席执行官马克·扎克伯格推动精简公司员工队伍,因公司在人工智能和虚拟现实领域投入数十亿美元 [5] - 裁员可能成为年度事件,公司计划定期淘汰低绩效员工,同时加大机器学习工程师招聘力度以开展人工智能工作 [5] 员工反馈 - 员工对公司公开称裁员针对低绩效员工感到不满,认为自己并非低绩效者,担心被贴上“低绩效”标签影响未来就业 [7][9][10] - 部分员工称经理未给出工作有风险的暗示,对评级突然下降且无解释表示困惑 [11][12]
China's equipment upgrade, consumer goods trade-in programs deliver fruitful results in 2024
中国经济网· 2025-02-11 10:25
Equipment upgrades and sales of green products have saved energy equivalent to approximately 28 million tonnes of standard coal, and reduced carbon dioxide emissions by about 73 million tonnes, the commission noted. In 2024, over 37 million consumers purchased more than 62 million eligible home appliances, with total sales reaching 270 billion yuan. Items at the highest level of energy efficiency accounted for over 90 percent of the total sales revenue. BEIJING, Feb. 10 (Xinhua) -- China's large-scale equip ...
Does Warren Buffett Know Something That Wall Street Doesn't? The Billionaire Investor Is Piling Into a High-Yield Stock That Certain Analysts Recommend Selling.
The Motley Fool· 2025-02-11 10:24
Warren Buffett and his team at Berkshire Hathaway are some of if not the best investors ever. That's why it shouldn't surprise investors to learn that Buffett is often a step or two ahead of the broader market. Buffett has always had a knack for largely avoiding recessions or market downturns and making asymmetric investments that seem to work out when given time. He's not immune to mistakes, but after many decades in the business, Buffett and his team of investing lieutenants know what to look for, what wo ...
Bob Iger Just Delivered Fantastic News for Disney Investors
The Motley Fool· 2025-02-11 10:15
文章核心观点 - 迪士尼2025财年第一季度财报超华尔街分析师预期,其直接面向消费者(DTC)的流媒体业务扭亏为盈,战略初见成效,未来有望持续盈利推动股价上涨 [1][2][11] 分组1:2025财年第一季度财报情况 - 营收达247亿美元,同比增长5%,摊薄后每股收益为1.40美元,同比增长35%,均超华尔街分析师预期 [1] 分组2:DTC流媒体业务现状 - 娱乐板块的DTC流媒体业务(包括Disney+和Hulu)运营收入达2.93亿美元,较去年同期亏损1.38亿美元大幅改善,已连续三个季度盈利 [3] - 该业务营收增长9%,主要受有利定价推动,每用户平均收入(ARPU)提高,但Disney+订阅用户基数本季度下降1%,预计第二季度因提价还会下降 [4] 分组3:DTC流媒体业务未来展望 - 管理层预计2025财年娱乐DTC业务运营收入达10亿美元,2026财年运营利润率达10%,与2022财年亏损40亿美元形成巨大反差 [5] 分组4:公司战略举措 - 公司专注大幅削减成本,优先控制内容支出,2025财年内容预算降至230亿美元,略低于去年 [7] 分组5:DTC业务潜力分析 - 以Netflix为参照,迪士尼DTC业务虽难以达到其2025年预计29%的运营利润率,但未来几年达到20%的利润率并非不合理,关键在于获客和提高ARPU能力 [8] 分组6:公司竞争优势 - 今年秋季计划推出ESPN旗舰流媒体应用,可提供包含Disney+、Hulu和ESPN的捆绑套餐,满足家庭各类需求,具有定价权、高用户参与度和低流失率,有望成为全球数亿家庭的选择 [9][10]
ROSEN, NATIONAL INVESTOR COUNSEL, Encourages Caribou Biosciences, Inc. Investors to Secure Counsel Before Important Deadline in Securities Class Action - CRBU
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2025-02-11 10:14
NEW YORK, Feb. 10, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- WHY: Rosen Law Firm, a global investor rights law firm, reminds purchasers of securities of Caribou Biosciences, Inc. (NASDAQ: CRBU) between July 14, 2023 and July 16, 2024, both dates inclusive (the “Class Period”), of the important February 24, 2025 lead plaintiff deadline. SO WHAT: If you purchased Caribou securities during the Class Period you may be entitled to compensation without payment of any out of pocket fees or costs through a contingency fee arrangem ...
Cresud S.A.C.I.F. y A. announces its results for the second quarter of Fiscal Year 2025 ended December 31, 2024
Prnewswire· 2025-02-11 10:13
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina, Feb. 10, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Cresud S.A.C.I.F. y A. (NASDAQ: CRESY, BYMA: CRES), leading Argentine agricultural company, announces today its results for the second quarter of FY 2025 ended December 31, 2024.HIGHLIGHTS The net result for the first half of fiscal year 2025 registered a loss of ARS 64,391 million. This result is mainly explained by the loss due to changes in the fair value of IRSA investment properties. The adjusted EBITDA for the period reached ARS 134,961 million, 1 ...
PayPal Q4 Earnings: FY2025 Focus Shifts To Customer Growth Over Checkout Volume (Rating Upgrade)
Seeking Alpha· 2025-02-11 10:10
I'm specialized in fundamental equity research, global macro strategy, and top-down portfolio construction. I graduated from UCLA with a degree of Business Economics and UMich Ross School of Business with a Master of Accounting. I'm a senior analyst at a multi-strategy hedge fund. In my opinion, HODL can't generate significant alpha or maintain a high Sharpe ratio over the long run. Seeking Alpha requires active management and minimizing opportunity costs. Investors should understand seeking a high positive ...
Where Will Carvana Stock Be in 5 Years?
The Motley Fool· 2025-02-11 10:06
Carvana's (CVNA 1.42%) stock chart resembles a roller coaster. But despite the ridiculous amounts of volatility, the shares have been a huge winner, soaring 187% in the past five years.The business has been getting on better financial footing in recent times, gaining investors' confidence once again. If you missed the ride, you're probably wondering what type of returns are possible.With that being said, where will Carvana stock be in five years?Higher volumeCarvana made a name for itself by completely rede ...
Prediction: Even With DeepSeek's Interruption, Nvidia Will Still Be the First Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stock to Reach a $4 Trillion Valuation. Here's Why.
The Motley Fool· 2025-02-11 10:00
文章核心观点 - 英伟达股价因中国初创公司DeepSeek的出现而下跌,但公司认为抛售反应过度,英伟达有望成为华尔街首支市值达4万亿美元的股票 [1][5] 英伟达股价表现 - 2022年11月30日至2025年1月24日,英伟达股价飙升743%,市值增加近3万亿美元 [2] - DeepSeek出现后,英伟达股价下跌,截至2月4日,市值较之前的3.5万亿美元下降近6000亿美元 [4][6] 竞争对手分析 - 全球市值最高的三家公司为苹果、微软和英伟达,苹果股价上涨依赖iPhone 16成功发布和新AI应用,但公司对苹果新AI能否改变格局存疑 [8][9] - 微软增长机会较大,但股价走向不明,其云计算基础设施Azure竞争激烈,需求趋势难预测,股价可能随Azure表现和AI投资情况波动 [10][11][12] 英伟达有望达4万亿美元市值原因 - 即使DeepSeek实现技术突破,根据杰文斯悖论,AI开发成本降低会使AI基础设施支出增加,英伟达服务需求不会减少反而可能增长 [13][14] - 截至2月4日,英伟达股价需上涨38%才能达4万亿美元市值,若本月财报表现好,股价反弹后仅需上涨14% [15] - 若管理层证明处理器需求强劲,英伟达股价有望创新高,DeepSeek长期来看对英伟达有益 [16]