
ADP(ADP) - 2024 Q2 - Quarterly Report
2024-02-01 00:00
UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 ______________ FORM 10-Q ______________ ☒ QUARTERLY REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the Quarterly Period Ended December 31, 2023 OR ☐ TRANSITION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the Transition Period From to Commission File Number 1-5397 __________________________ AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING, INC. (Exact name of registrant as specified in it ...
ADP (ADP) Q2 Earnings: How Key Metrics Compare to Wall Street Estimates
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-31 23:35
财务表现 - Automatic Data Processing (ADP) 2023年第四季度营收为46.7亿美元,同比增长6.3%[1] - ADP的每股收益为2.13美元,较去年同期的1.96美元有所增长[1] - ADP的营收超出了Zacks Consensus Estimate的0.16%,每股收益也超出了预期的1.43%[2] - ADP在最近报告的季度中表现如何,主要监测和预测的指标包括:[5] - 平均付费PEO工作场所员工数为725,略低于两位分析师的726的平均估计[5] - 客户资金利息收入为2.253亿美元,略低于五位分析师的2.285亿美元的平均估计,同比增长20.4%[6] - PEO收入为15.4亿美元,与四位分析师的15.4亿美元的平均估计持平,同比增长2.8%[7] - 除客户资金利息收入和PEO收入外的其他收入为29亿美元,略高于四位分析师的29亿美元的平均估计,同比增长7.3%[8] - 雇主服务部门收入为31.3亿美元,略高于四位分析师的31.1亿美元的平均估计,同比增长8.1%[9] - PEO服务部门收入为15.5亿美元,与三位分析师的15.5亿美元的平均估计持平,同比增长2.9%[10] - 其他部门收入为-330万美元,略低于两位分析师的-310万美元的平均估计,同比下降21.4%[11] - ADP股票在过去一个月中的回报率为+2.2%,略低于Zacks S&P 500综合指数的+3.3%变化[12] - ADP目前的Zacks排名为3(持有),表明其在短期内可能与整体市场表现一致[13]
ADP® Assist with Generative AI Features Makes HCM Decisions Easy, Smart and Human
Prnewswire· 2024-01-31 22:45
ADP Assist功能介绍 - ADP推出了ADP Assist,这是一款由生成式人工智能(GenAI)驱动的跨平台解决方案,旨在提高人力资本管理(HCM)的效率,为从业者、经理、员工和高管提供数据驱动的见解,简化日常任务[1] - ADP Assist利用ADP的数据和专业知识以及GenAI的力量,简化工作流程,验证工资信息,检查异常情况,帮助解决缺失的税务登记,并通过ADP的合规信息数据集回答问题[2] 数据驱动的决策支持 - ADP的产品和解决方案都以数据为核心,利用行业最大、最深的HCM数据集培训AI,将无与伦比的数据转化为高度可信和可操作的见解,帮助客户做出更明智的决策[2] 广泛涵盖的HR方面 - ADP Assist通过直观、对话式界面提供有价值的和相关的见解,涵盖了HR的各个方面,如工资、时间、人才、福利、招聘、分析、报告和合规[3] 简化报告生成 - ADP Assist使用GenAI大大简化了报告的创建,理解上下文并以易于理解的格式生成深入见解,帮助HR从业者和领导轻松访问ADP深度HCM数据集中的内部、国家和全球劳动力数据[4]
ADP(ADP) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-01-31 22:24
业绩总结 - Q2财务和运营表现强劲,收入增长6%,调整后的稀释每股收益增长9%[5] - Q2财务亮点:总收入4668亿美元,调整后的EBIT 1147亿美元,调整后的稀释每股收益1.96美元[6] - 雇主服务部门Q2财务结果:收入增长8%,ES利润率增加170个基点[7] - PEO服务部门Q2财务结果:收入增长3%,PEO利润率下降50个基点[8] - 财年2024展望:预计总收入将增长6-7%,调整后的EBIT利润率将增加60-70个基点,调整后的稀释每股收益将增长10-12%[9]
Big Earnings Afternoon: Microsoft, Alphabet, Starbucks & More
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-31 08:16
Market performance today was less than stellar, but nothing worth worrying too much about: the S&P 500 was flat all day following yesterday’s close notching its sixth all-time high so far this year, -0.06%. The Dow actually gained +133 points, +0.35%, but it was alone in the green today: the Nasdaq sold off -118 points, -0.76%, while the small-cap Russell 2000 was down a similar -0.71%.December Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS) showed some mixed results earlier today: while job openings rose ba ...
Should You Buy Automatic Data Processing (ADP) Ahead of Earnings?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-30 22:30
ADP财报预测 - Automatic Data Processing, Inc. (ADP)即将发布财报,投资者寻找有望在盈利季节取得成功的股票[1] - ADP近期看到有利的盈利预期修订活动,这通常是盈利超预期的前兆[2] 分析师预估 - 分析师最准确的估算值高于Zacks综合估算,显示他们最近提高了对ADP的估算[3] - Zacks Earnings ESP的正值对于产生正面惊喜和市场表现非常有力[4]
ADP (ADP) Q2 Earnings on the Horizon: Analysts' Insights on Key Performance Measures
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-26 23:21
Wall Street analysts expect Automatic Data Processing (ADP) to post quarterly earnings of $2.10 per share in its upcoming report, which indicates a year-over-year increase of 7.1%. Revenues are expected to be $4.66 billion, up 6.1% from the year-ago quarter.Over the last 30 days, there has been no revision in the consensus EPS estimate for the quarter. This signifies the covering analysts' collective reconsideration of their initial forecasts over the course of this timeframe.Before a company announces its ...
What's in the Offing for Automatic Data's (ADP) Q2 Earnings?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-26 00:16
Automatic Data Processing, Inc. (ADP) is scheduled to release its second-quarter fiscal 2024 results on Jan 31, before market open.ADP has an impressive earnings surprise history, having surpassed the Zacks Consensus Estimate in all the trailing four quarters, the average surprise being 2.6%.Q2’24 ExpectationsThe Zacks Consensus Estimate for the top line is currently pegged at $4.66 billion, up 7% from the year-ago actual figure.The consensus estimate for earnings per share is pegged at $2.1, indicating an ...
Automatic Data Processing (ADP) Reports Next Week: Wall Street Expects Earnings Growth
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-25 00:06
Wall Street expects a year-over-year increase in earnings on higher revenues when Automatic Data Processing (ADP) reports results for the quarter ended December 2023. While this widely-known consensus outlook is important in gauging the company's earnings picture, a powerful factor that could impact its near-term stock price is how the actual results compare to these estimates.The stock might move higher if these key numbers top expectations in the upcoming earnings report, which is expected to be released ...
3 High-Yield Dividend Darlings to Secure Your Income
InvestorPlace· 2024-01-24 23:54
投资策略 - 投资者可以通过积累股息股票并每季度获得更高的支付来实现财务财富[1] - Nvidia(NASDAQ:NVDA)虽然股价一年和五年来有不错的增长,但其股息率仅为0.03%,不适合追求高股息收益的投资者[2] 公司财务表现 - Automatic Data Processing(NASDAQ:ADP)在2024财年第一季度实现了7%的年同比收入增长和10%的净利润增长,公司的指导预计全年收入增长将达到6%-7%[3]