Altria Announces Intent to Sell a Portion of its Investment in Anheuser-Busch InBev
Businesswire· 2024-03-14 04:15
RICHMOND, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Altria Group, Inc. (Altria) (NYSE: MO) today announced its intent to sell a portion of its investment in Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NA (ABI) (NYSE: BUD) (Euronext: ABI) (MEXBOL: ANB) (JSE: ANH) through a global secondary offering (offering) comprised of a public offering of ABI ordinary shares represented by American depositary shares (ADS) in the United States, a public offering of ABI ordinary shares in the United States, a concurrent private placement of ABI ordinary shares i ...
Is It Worth Investing in Anheuser-Busch Inbev (BUD) Based on Wall Street's Bullish Views?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-12 22:31
Investors often turn to recommendations made by Wall Street analysts before making a Buy, Sell, or Hold decision about a stock. While media reports about rating changes by these brokerage-firm employed (or sell-side) analysts often affect a stock's price, do they really matter?Let's take a look at what these Wall Street heavyweights have to say about Anheuser-Busch Inbev (BUD) before we discuss the reliability of brokerage recommendations and how to use them to your advantage.Anheuser-Busch Inbev currently ...
ABInBev(BUD) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-03-11 00:00
外部债务 - 公司的外部债务中有一部分是以非美元货币计价的,包括加拿大元、欧元、人民币和韩元[58] 子公司贡献 - 2023年,公司总收入594亿美元中,26.8%(159亿美元)来自巴西上市子公司Ambev,11.5%(69亿美元)来自亚太上市子公司百威亚太公司[59] 业务风险 - 公司的业务活动和行业面临的风险包括原材料、商品、能源和水的可用性或价格变化,可能对运营结果产生不利影响[62] 品牌声誉 - 公司的声誉对与消费者、分销商、客户和供应商等关键利益相关方的关系至关重要,损害声誉可能对业务、销售、运营结果、现金流、财务状况和证券市场价格产生不利影响[64] 市场风险 - 公司在发展市场面临着汇率贬值、国有化和通货膨胀等风险[72] - 公司在发展中市场的营收中,约63.6%来自于包括中国、巴西、印度等国家的市场[73] 竞争与产品责任 - 公司竞争对手不仅包括酿酒商,还有其他饮料公司,市场竞争激烈,消费者偏好变化可能影响公司的利润[74] - 公司可能面临产品召回或其他相关责任,如果产品存在缺陷或被发现含有污染物[75] 法律与监管风险 - 公司可能受到法律和监管风险的影响,包括产品责任、工作条件、员工健康与安全等方面的风险[76] - 公司在多个国家的运营中面临着高度监管,包括酿造、营销和广告等多个方面[80] 税收影响 - 印度、坦桑尼亚、韩国和南非等国家最近提高了啤酒消费税,可能对公司的收入或利润率产生不利影响[85] 法律法规遵从 - 公司可能会面临新的或修改过的法律法规,违反可能导致重大罚款或声誉损害[82] 全球贸易影响 - 公司在全球范围内经营,可能受到全球贸易变化和关税调整的影响[87] - 公司在古巴经营的合资企业可能会受到美国的经济和贸易制裁的影响[90] 生产与知识产权 - 2023年,Cervecería Bucanero S.A.销售了100万升啤酒,占全球总量的0.2%[91] - 我们的商标和知识产权受到侵权可能会影响我们的竞争力[95] - 我们的未来成功在很大程度上取决于我们保护当前和未来品牌和产品的能力[95] 资产与环境风险 - 我们的商誉总额为1170亿美元,无限期使用的无形资产总额为382亿美元[96] - 气候变化或其他环境问题可能对我们的业务或运营产生负面影响[97] - 我们的可持续发展目标包括2040年实现价值链净零排放[98] 劳资纠纷与信息安全 - 我们的生产可能受到劳资纠纷的影响,可能导致成本增加和生产水平下降[99] - 我们的信息技术系统遭受网络攻击或其他干扰可能损害我们的声誉[101] - 公司的信息系统和数据可能面临未经授权的访问、中断或滥用的风险,可能对业务、运营、现金流或财务状况产生不利影响[102] - 与隐私、网络安全和数据保护相关的法律法规的遵守和变化可能导致重大支出,公司可能需要在安全技术方面进行额外投资[102] - 公司可能因未能遵守个人数据保护法而面临不利的舆论、政府执法行动和/或私人诉讼,从而对业务和运营结果产生负面影响[103] 风险事件影响 - 自然灾害、公共卫生危机和全球大流行等因素可能会对公司的业务和运营结果产生负面影响[104] 人才与股权 - 公司可能面临招聘或留住关键人员的困难,这可能会对财务状况、营业收入和竞争地位产生不利影响[105] - 公司的保险覆盖可能不足以保护免受重大责任的影响[106] 股票市场与股东权益 - 公司的普通股和美国存托股票的市场价格可能会波动,受多种因素影响,其中许多因素超出公司的控制范围[109] - 公司最大股东可能利用其重要利益采取不受其他股东支持的行动,这可能会减少公司股票和ADS的流动性和吸引力[112] - 公司可能无法支付股息,支付股息将取决于多种因素,包括业务前景、现金流需求、财务表现、市场状况和一般经济环境等[114] - 未来股权发行可能会 dilute 当前股东或 ADS 持有的股份[116] - 我们可能会决定提供额外的股权以筹集资本或其他目的[116] - 注册和销售我们的普通股将增加在公开市场上出售的股份数量[116] - ADS 持有人可能无法行使其持有的 ADS 所代表的股份的投票权[118] 公司治理与法律 - 比利时公司法和我们的章程为我们的股东提供了一些特定的权利和保护[120] - 作为“外国私人发行人”,我们在美国豁免了一些证券法规定的规则[122] - 投资者在比利时以外可能很难对我们进行法律诉讼或执行外国判决[123]
Is Doritos stock next to face a Bud Light style boycott?
Finbold· 2024-03-06 22:46
Doritos与Bud Light合作事件 - Doritos西班牙与跨性别影响者Iván González Ranedo的合作结束,引发了批评[2] - Bud Light因与跨性别影响者Dylan Mulvaney的争议合作而遭受了昂贵的抵制[3] - Anheuser-Busch InBev在美国面临Bud Light品牌的抵制,尽管销售额超过预期[4]
BUD Stock Reverses on Lower Bud Light Sales, Is the Bottom In?
MarketBeat· 2024-03-06 20:15
Key PointsAnheuser-Busch stock is down over 4% after mixed earnings reveal it still has a Bud Light problem. However, global revenue came in at an all-time high, which is a reminder that both sides of the boycott have a point.  Analysts are optimistic, but BUD stock will likely have to prove it can boost earnings before it can move higher.  5 stocks we like better than Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NVAnheuser-Busch InBev NYSE: BUD is down about 4.25% a few days after it reported its fourth quarter and full-year 2 ...
What's Next For Anheuser-Busch InBev (BUD) Stock After A 7% Fall This Year Despite Q4 Earnings Beat?
Forbes· 2024-03-06 20:00
This July 21, 2008 photo shows barley growing in front of the Busch Agricultural Research facility ... [+] elevators in Fargo, ND. AFP PHOTO/Karen BLEIER (Photo credit should read KAREN BLEIER/AFP via Getty Images)AFP via Getty ImagesAnheuser-Busch InBev stock (NYSE: BUD) recently reported its Q4 results, with revenues falling short but earnings beating the street estimates. The company reported revenue of $14.5 billion and an adjusted profit of $0.82 per share compared to the consensus estimates of $15.3 b ...
Strong Buy Alert: Analysts Say to Scoop Up These 7 Stocks
InvestorPlace· 2024-03-06 03:41
股市表现 - 股市持续创下新高,特别是半导体和人工智能领域表现强劲[1] 低估股票投资价值 - 有一些被低估的股票仍然具有投资价值,包括Estee Lauder、、Sensata Technologies、Pfizer、Anheuser-Busch InBev、Yum China和Polaris[2] Estee Lauder股价回升 - Estee Lauder在过去两年中遭遇困境,但股价已经开始回升,被认为是29%被低估,有望达到每股210美元[3] JD.com入场点 - JD.com虽然面临经济压力和地缘政治担忧,但营收和盈利能力均有显著增长,目前股价不到未来收益的10倍,是一个很好的入场点[4]
7 Consumer Staples Stocks to Load Up on Amid Market Uncertainty
InvestorPlace· 2024-03-05 07:25
While the market continues to climb a wall of worries, it’s not a bad idea to consider diversifying into consumer staples stocks to  buy. No, the idea here isn’t necessarily to get rich off the ideas (though that would be nice). Instead, it’s to mitigate volatility risks.Sure, a broader downdraft tends to impact all securities. However, certain companies and industries should be able to withstand the pressure better than others. In particular, consumer staples stocks to buy offer a viable platform because o ...
Passive Income Investors Love The 5 Highest Yielding Dividend Kings
24/7 Wall Street· 2024-03-03 23:30
Passive Income Investors Love The 5 Highest Yielding Dividend Kings ptasha / iStock via Getty Images Over the last two years, interest rates have jumped from historical lows of literally 0% to the highest level since 2007 at 5.5%. 30-year FHA Mortgages have jumped from 2.65% in January of 2021 to the current 7.24% rate. During that period, any stock that was the least sensitive to interest rates got hammered, and the damage trail covered several sectors. While it was a tough stretch for shareholders, 2024 ...
Bud Light's Dylan Mulvaney fiasco cost Anheuser-Busch more than $1B in sales last year
New York Post· 2024-03-01 23:37
Bud Light-parent Anheuser-Busch InBev may have lost more than $1 billion in sales because of its ill-fated advertisement featuring transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney.In North America, organic revenue — seen as the best measure of operating performance — nosedived a staggering $1.4 billion in 2023, “primarily due to the volume declined of Bud Light,” according to CNN, citing the brewer’s fourth-quarter earnings report.Global volumes declined 4% in the quarter, though in North America, they fell more than ...